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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. The updates will almost always be "required" if you are more than two versions behind. That is because, with a few exceptions, those versions are no longer supported. See the Supported Viewers wiki page to see what LL is supporting at the moment. The yellow "active viewers" box includes the exceptions, old version that should not (for now) cause a mandatory update. If there is some old but unsupported version that you really, really want to keep using, see the Viewer Parameters wiki page. If you set a custom --channel string on the command line, you can bypass the update check.
  2. ??? This is not how shared media works at all. Yes they can see what URL you are browsing, but the browser runs on your own computer just like any ohter. Authentication information is not there for others to buy stuff on your behalf, or see your dashboard, They would see their own, if they proceeded to log in.
  3. Hi, it might be easiest to keep unrigged accessories as separate attachments. The deal is that rigged attachments don't care what point you attach them to, but any unrigged pieces you link in *do* care. So, you could add a bow to the chest, for example, and you want everything linked, make sure that you attach the whole thing to chest , then position the unrigged prims while they are attached. This is only going to work if you want the unrigged points all attached from the same point. You won't be able to mix body and arm stuff, for example. However, if the wearer decides to attach the dress to another point, the bow position would be mesed up too, so that kind of points back to keepng the unrigged stuff as a separate attachment.
  4. Hi, you can see what you current limits are at https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php You will need to login to the site to see your details. A new avatar can start selling small amounts of L$ after a week, then larger amounts after a month.
  5. All your listings are rated Moderate, for some reason. Make sure that you are logged in, and that you have Moderate set to show in the "Show maturity levels" dropdown up in the search section of the page. Adding -- oh, I see you have "lolita" as a keyword in just about all (or maybe all) your listings, maybe that is what pushes you to Moderate. LL has always been funny about that word when it comes to ratings, they used to block it as a search term altogether! Yes, it's a tough spot to be in when it's the right word for the clothes you make
  6. Hi, you can grab a copy of OpenSim, run that on your own computer, and experiment with terraforming all you like. Sim-on-a-Stick is a popular way to get a local setup running quickly.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Remember that meshes can fail to render even on viewers that fully support it. Slow/failed asset delivery to the viewer, packet loss, plain old bugs that are still out there can all make clothes vanish. Which should become a moot point when we go to Server Side Ava Rendering. Which now raises this question. Why is every assuming that Server Side Rendering is going to take more computer power? Shouldn't it actually take less? That's assuming that everyone is assuming. I have no idea what 's going on with Beta Viewers. The only thing that is changing is how system clothing and skin textures are assembled. It has nothing at all to do with mesh or other attachments, and nothing to do with rendering.
  8. Remember that meshes can fail to render even on viewers that fully support it. Slow/failed asset delivery to the viewer, packet loss, plain old bugs that are still out there can all make clothes vanish.
  9. The files in the SL cache folder can occasionally trigger false positives with virus software. Even if a byte sequence really was a full match for some piece of malware, these files are not in a format that would allow them to actually infect your system. A real copy of the imuler back door would have been inserted into your library folder, where it could have an actual effect. It's a 99.99999% chance that this was only coincidence. The password change probably happened through a different route.
  10. Syle Devin wrote: Ah ok thanks for the info. It doesn't sound like I'll have to worry then. Text based clients wouldn't be able to see the item using the script so it shouldn't be an issue? Right. At best these alternative clients can see and touch prims. Faces or coordinates are a little beyond their current capabilities. If the thing you are building would be useful to, for example, sight impaired people, then you might want to offer some alternative interface, maybe dialogs, if you get that error value. Lots of SL content is so visual that an alternative interface really wouldn't help anyone, so "invalid? well, ignore that touch!" often works too.
  11. At this point all "regular" graphical viewers will handle it fine. People using text-based clients won't be sending the extra coordinate stuff along, so TOUCH_INVALID_FACE is still a possible value.
  12. Kenbro Utu wrote: Here it is. I bet it is tied in with the acquisition of LittleTextPeople. They are working on yet another LL project, watch http://versu.com/ for it.
  13. It's a customization. Lithium ought to be able to help the forum owner get it set up. http://lithosphere.lithium.com/t5/Developers/Format-for-displaying-posts/m-p/43588#M1473
  14. There is a free set of foot alphas here with cutouts to fit lots of different shoes. Very handy to have.
  15. It might be good to note here that recent viewer-development (Snowstorm) and CHUI builds have some issues of their own with object updates. It will be best to run something else while looking for problems on Magnum.
  16. About the only time one would need to have a prim actually follow an avatar around any more, would be for a chat bug. These can be made too small to see even with highlight transparent, you're really stuck with sensors, area searches, and various viewer debug displays to find them at all. lGetObjectDetails got rid if the need for proximity sensors to track targets, and llGetAgentList took away the need to use them for initial acquisition. llSetRegionPos, and predecessors like the WarpPos and PosJump hacks, made it possible to deliver earth shattering kabooms with no warning at all. Remember too that common viewer features make avatar tracking, and dashing or teleporting to them, accessible to anyone.
  17. Is there a way to detect if you have been targeted by a script? Nope.
  18. Objects are easy to find if somebody is looking for them. The situation for security systems rigth now is much better than it was even a few months ago. The llGetAgentList function has made it so that it is very simple to detect anyone on or near your land without elaborate sensors; the shape of the area you want to protect, and the altitude of the avatars, no longer matters. The older sensor based systems worked on spherical samples, and could not look too far past the maximum build height. The sensing prims could move around to cover arbitrary shapes, but not all simultaneously. It was close enough for most purposes, though.
  19. The inventory layout and protocol aren't bad at all, this could definitely be done. The only reason there isn't a thing like it now is that it needs someone who feels like creating it. It would work nicer with a live connection, maybe using libopenmetaverse for the transactions, than offline, mostly because a mass update after a bunch of offline manipulation is begging for trouble. The performance for an interface like that would likely be really bad integrated into a full graphical client, at least until most people's computers have taken one or two more generational leaps.
  20. Hysshia wrote: How do i report him/ her? I never Reported one before,.. It looks like that account is long gone. If you've already passed the information along to the items' real creators, you're already done all you can this time.
  21. You were right to question it, they are ripped.
  22. Ok, those attachments are really on the inworld group notices, no email attachments are sent when you see that. If your incoming messages get capped, or a gorup notice is old, you can open your groups window, go to that group, and there is a list of notices in there. You can still get the attachments, including landmakrs, from there.
  23. Czari Zenovka wrote: Thank you so much, Cerise. I had clicked the blue "Download" button and downloaded what appeared to be a PC Optimizer and PDF Creator. I didn't see the Green Button. :matte-motes-bashful: (In my defense, I just got new glasses today and am trying to get used to them. *Grins*) Clicked the green button and all is working great!! THANK YOU!!! Yuck, sorry that happened to you. I know that web sites need to take on syndicated ads to keep the lights on, but I wish that somebody in the ad chain could clamp down on the fake download button ones.
  24. The more things change... The same march of the clones happened with sculpties, especially with shoes and accessories. Even the system layer clothes out for sale have long been infected with prefabtemplateitis, and a "big" name or high price has bever been a good way to filter out that stuff. It has always been a time consuming hunt to find really original content.
  25. Creed Aldrin wrote: I cant see keywords on Marketplace page and even in page source... Look near the top of the page, for a tag that starts with <meta name="keywords" They are sent in the clear to anyone who views the page.
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