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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Objects can use /me just like you use it in chat. You can use that to get rid of the colon.
  2. kctd1 wrote: In my opinion, demos are ruining marketplace; the low cost merchandise is buried with 1000's of demo results. Can we filter demo out of the search results somehow? thanks...... Sort of. You you want to search for killer robots, you can enter your search as killer robots NOT demo, the NOT has to be in all caps. You can string together more than one, as killer robots NOT demo NOT rusty and so on. Unfortunately, there are several merchants who are on to this, and add spaces and extra characters to "demo" to make them harder to filter out. The one nice thing about this is that it backfires on them; they also hide their junk from people who actually are searching for demos.
  3. Logins are very slow, but they did have some inventory work scheduled for now.
  4. It tends to work out OK. Even annoying people need a little while for stuff to rez before they can cause trouble, so things will work out even if it takes several seconds to get rid of them.
  5. If you really want to send a whole region worth of avatars home at once, it really isn't a bad idea to spread that out a little bit. The region is going to scream bloody murder with that many bundles of assets to pack up nd ship off at once, and it's going to slow down anyway. In other words, some helper scripts to handle the teleports ought to be okay, but a handful will do, not one for every single possible avatar.
  6. I know that LL recently pushed a viewer patch to fix this aong with the CHUI work, so very recent builds don't have this bug. It should work its way to other branches shortly, if it hasn't already. Autopilot is an old SL feature that has been used for several things over the years, it simply makes the avatar try to walk to a particular spot, or at least face it. In the past it was most commonly seen when sitting on objects without programmed sit targets, but that feature was removed a few years ago. It is still used if you right-click on the ground and pick "sit here". Most viewers still have the old "double-click autopilot" feature, introduced in 2006, and the "click-to-walk" feature found in most V3 flavored viewers is that same old mechanism but with a single click. Another time when autopilot comes in is when you select objects, like when inspecing or editing. The system will try to turn your avatar to face that object.
  7. If you want an easy fit and don't want to worry about animation glitches leaving nails that float in the air, you might want to go old school and use the glove style nails. You won't get things like crazy long with these, but they always fit and stay in sync. There are rigged mesh nails that should solve the fit problem pretty well now, but you still have to worry about animaton glitches. There are also complete mesh hands now, some come with a few hand positions, and since the nails are built in, they always match. You do still have the worry about matching the skin tones.
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't know much about media on a prim. I have a couple of prims I made a while back so you could browse a website -- I think I just set something in the texture tab. But the floor of this house doesn't have anything like that, at least my model does not. I guess she could have inadvertantly set that? Yes, if that floor is mod, it would be pretty easy to do. The real fix for an object that shouldn't have media in the first place is to select the floor in the editor, go back to the texture tab, and click the trash can icon at the bottom. This leaves the regular texture intact.
  9. The join.secondlife.com page, like many other parts of SL, is broken and perpetually out of date. These avatars are in the library, as Male Rocker and Male Pirate, and they do show up in the Me>Choose an Avatar menu inside the viewer. They're actually a couple of the better looking starter avatars, too bad they don't get more exposure.
  10. It's a popular keyword, there are multiple shops with Harajuku in the name, and you can see from the photos kids take around that area that they'll experiment with just about anything to show off to their friends. That all adds up to make this an impossibly vague keyword, I'm afraid. You'll need to think of another hook to get your stuff noticed.
  11. Urzul wrote: no the build are grey squear and turn to grey/red the rest is blue (water mabie) and black for edge. on lag meter everything look fine It's a bug. That reddish background is supposed to mean that you have been disconnected from the region, but sometimes it will appear when nothing is wrong. If you're still able to get around and do stuff in world, ignore it.
  12. One thing that can eat lots of CPU cycles is a minimized search page. This is what you get if you teleport somewhere from within search. The scripts they use on that page seem to like to loop a lot. Closing that minimized floater can sometimes make a surprising difference.
  13. Eric Castanea wrote: It would be nice to build/script a little indicater that would display the number of users in world. There is a sample at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:LlGetWorldPopulation
  14. Coby Foden wrote: "I've long heard Residents rightfully complain about our bizarre jumble of aspect ratios. We endeavor to simplify this in the future, so there's less of this..." I wonder when they will simplify this cacophony? :smileytongue: LL did their part, it's long past time for other viewers to catch up.
  15. If you try to rez too many normal prims, you will get a "parcel full" error message. The system will prevent you from going over your limit, so it will be OK. If somehow too much stuff does get there, the simulator will automatcally return prims until you are back inside the limit. Returned items are annoying, but you won't get into trouble with anybody. Temporary objects will take care of themselves that way too. If there is no temp prim room left, new ones will automatically stop rezzing.
  16. The simulator usage number is the one you really care about. You're using temp prims exactly as they were intended, to add transient content, and you don't need to worry much.
  17. They refactored the libraries that do things like fetch textures and inventories so that they don't choke the viewer like they did before. With the viewer unchoked, it would be free to ramp up the rendering work and use more CPU. An SL viewer will try to use as much CPU as it can get to keep frame rates going, so it's possible that a bottleneck was simply opened. There was nothing in that change that could cause hardware failures, if your had a hardware failure then it was on its way out already. Some of the changes in that library aren't actually used yet, they won't kick in until some server changes, not yet released, activate them.
  18. Temp rezzing is a feature that makes prims vanish automatically after about a minute. It's really intended for things like tour vehicles, bullets, falling leaves, example items in a store vendor, etc. If you select them you'll see their prims counted up, but they don't count against the normal prim limits. Some items use this feature to try to keep more objects on the land than it really supports. A script will rez a new, temporary copy of the object every minute or so, in the same place, to create the illusion that they're permanent. Unfortunately sellers don't always say if their items do this, and that's too bad because this setup can lag up a region if overused.
  19. Do you have more than one parcel on that region with the same avatar or group owning it? SL lets all parcels with the same owner share their prim limits, so you can see funny numbers if you don't include them all. Also remember that temp rezzed objects count differently.
  20. The OP is mistaken, quite simply. And your question was really, really silly.
  21. Charolotte Caxton wrote: So, are the new profile pictures smaller, yes or no? Are you asking if 300x300 is bigger than 180x135? Seriously, you are asking that?
  22. Charolotte Caxton wrote: So is this smaller than pre 2010? On viewer 1.23, with the UI size set at default, the profile picture displayed at about 180 x 135 pixels. That is larger than the 75x75 thumbnail in the new profiles, but there was no zoom to 300x300 like on the new system. The underlying texture could be any size supported inside SL. Early viewer 2 used the old system but displayed the profile textures in a square panel. I don't have any early 2.x on this machine to check the pixel count, but i would guess it was around 150x150. (OK, old diocs say it was 100x100)
  23. They are square (1x1). Profile pictures uploaded under the old system can be squished into the square. Different old viewers used different aspect ratios, so the system doesn't try to guess what was intended. Newly uploaded profile pictures, through the web interface, can be an arbitrary ratio, they will be cropped to square for display. Enlarging will show the whole thing. If you click to enlarge a profile picture, it will be shown at 300 x 300. The actual image can be as large as 600x600, if for example you right-click and open in a new tab.
  24. When you get automatic messages in a separate IM window or tab, that comes from a bot, because only avatars can send those. The llInstantMessage and llRegionSayTo messages look like regular chat in most viewers, but they are still private to the avatar you sent them to.
  25. Were your items flagged? Maybe they were moved to a unisex category because you are selling them as unisex items? The keywords say both men and women in the listing you have in your screenshot, maybe this item is blocked from going back to the men's category?
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