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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. I'd ignore it. Server side baking will be breaking Phoenix in a couple months, and it's not getting fixed.
  2. Do you have beacons enabled? The floater for it coulod be minimized somewhere on the SL window. For Firestorm use World>Show More>Beacons to turn that feature on or off. If you have Show Beacons on and "Physical" is checked and "Highlights" is checked, most vehicles will turn bright red like that.
  3. joniveehernandez wrote: Hi guys is there a way we can identify the avatar home? what if I dont want the avatar in my parcel an I used the teleport home function but what if that avatar set that parcel as the home location? Thanks Yes, that problem can happen if the problem avatar is a former tenant. If you can ban that person from the parcel, they can't get there even if it is their home. They will be deposited outside the parcel. If you can ban that person from the region/estate, their home location will be reset, and teleport home will send them to a random hub matching their maturity preference.
  4. Dora Gustafson wrote: Framerate below 10 and crashing in Magnum OpenGL message "Lost connection" That smells likie griffer content, or an experimental build gone bad. There are lots of nasty little objects in circulation that can crash graphics drivers.
  5. Those steps will only work if you moved or deleted the Merchant Outbox in an old viewer in the past, and didn't empty the trash before upgrading. If you emptied the trash back then, the folder is gone, and you'll have to nudge LL to create a new one for you.
  6. Whirly Fizzle wrote: No **bleep** lol I can see why they made that change but it's already irritating after one day on an RC :smileymad: I'm HOPING it will sort of correct itself, and people will start to ask "why am I hiding online status if I'm not really pretending to be offline?"
  7. I sort of expected that one to get annoying. This was a change on the Magnum regions this week -- Fix for 'IM does not respect "allow user to see my online status" flag in friends list' (VWR-786[c]) If a friend does not have 'See my online status' permission, they will now see "User is not online .." message following IM or inventory offer.
  8. I keep old versions of libcrypto and libssl in a folder, and copy them to the lib of any new LL build I install. This gets the outbox working, but it's super annoying. I know that Dolphin had another fix for this ages ago, so what's holding LL up with this? It's been broken, for no good reason, for ages.
  9. All right, there is a workaround, but I'm not sure I'd want to rely on it. If the script calling llSetLinkPrimitiveParams* lives in a mesh prim, PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT changes are silently eaten. If the script is located in a non-mesh prim, it will be propagated.
  10. LauraTarnsman wrote: Is this process "borked" by the LL fear of animation abusers? Yup. It was left working for link sets without any mesh to keep legacy builds from breaking. If there is mesh in there it can be reliably recognized as new work, and bye bye UUID flipping. Is there a workaround? Nope. You can use the same tactic we use for meshes, which is to link in multiple sculpts and flip their alpha values, but of course that's not quite the same.
  11. A mesh prim will return [PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT, NULL_KEY, 5] A constant has not been assigned for this subtype. This is a read only value. Meshes differ from the old sculpted prims in that a UUID cannot be set and keep the object as a mesh.
  12. The people chooser never showed who was online. If you start an im from the actual friends list, online status is there as always.
  13. You were in the right neighborhood, but it's the house next door. InactiveFloaterTransparency adjusts floaters that are in the background. ActiveFloaterTransparency is for one that is in focus. Are you talking about the main CHUI window though, or the toast popup things?
  14. Laetizia Coronet wrote: There's always people you would like to avoid, and being a relative noobie on the forums (despite my 6+ years in SL) I thought the "ignore" button would help. But does it actually do anything? The "Ignore" button on things like dialog boxes is only there because older viewers didn't put close buttons on popups. It really is made to do nothing. Over time some but not all of these promts have grond Mute or Block buttons. Those really can do something, but the effect of muting varies a little between viewers and no viewer succeeds to block every kind of spam yet.
  15. Oh, those. With interactive inventory gives, you won't get any details in that log. The UUID in that column has no special meaning, it's just arbitrarily assigned. Up until a few years ago, those used to be regular incrementing serial numbers; they switched to this format because the old counter was getting close to overflowing.
  16. There are chairs and there are chairs. Sometimes these things are important
  17. Simon Linden made a prototype for this a little while back. Reaching into Second Life with Leap Motion
  18. Yes they are working on it. It's the same problem in Monty Linden's note you can see here.
  19. Teagan Tobias wrote: I think I broke it. I am homeless so my home is a welcome station. As soon as I rezed I x'ed out of all the open windows so I could see to move. Then I clicked on the Chat button nothing happens. So if its not the Chat button, how do you communicate? It can take a ltitle fliping the first time you switch from the old to new interface. Play with Ctrl+T, Ctrl+H, and peek under the Communicate menu. If should settle down once you get it going.
  20. It's going to be different on every machine, but the first time I tried a recent Singularity, I notice the same higher fps too. But things looked a little odd. That's when I noticed that the default graphics settings it uses leave off some of the features the others leave on. Once I flipped the switches and compared apples to apples, it was a dead heat.
  21. Notecards dont do clickable links, but you can drag a landmark into the body of a notecard instead. That landmark has to be full perm, but they almost always are anyway.
  22. Yep. I mean, there is a forula in the viewer that choose the textures that get this treatment, but most people paint with brushes and not calculators. I imagine that some sort of offline utility or plugin could make it quicker to learn if a particular image will have to deal wtih this, but that would only make the annoyances a little quicker to iterate through, no less annoying.
  23. Nothing is really wrong with textures that get this harsh effect now. It's just that the render automatically switches to 1 bit alpha when it sees lots of full transparency now. This helps with the old alpha fighting problem, and can help frame rates too. But, it does make a lot of textures that used to look fine, now look bad. So, "fixing" is really more about adapting to the way things work now. You can trace your edges with a neutral tone if you want to make things work with the 1 bit alpha, or you can tweak the textures to have less full-on transparency so they don't switch over to 1 bit in the first place. It will take trial and error.
  24. For a quick fix on affected textures, it often works to select that prim face in the SL editor and set its overall transparency to 1%. If that doesn't give the desired effect, you may have to go back to the drawing board and clean up the original texture's edges in your graphics editor.
  25. If you are using the LL viewer or most V3-style TPVs, make sure you are getting to your ad under Me>Picks. If you are using the Firestorm viewer, they changed some menu names, so look instead for Avatar>Picks From these, Go to the Classified tab, click the expand arroe in the right for the ad you want to stop, then press the Edit button way at the bottom. You may need to scroll down to see the Auto Renew box. There is also a trash can icon if you want to stop it immediately. If you are usng a V1 style viewer like Singularity or Cool, go to Edit>Profile, click on the Classified tab, and find your ad there. Again the checkbox for renew will be near the bottom.
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