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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: Bree Giffen wrote: I distinctly recall having my IMs and local chat all in the same window before. Wasn't the Emerald viewer like this? That was the last 3rd party viewer before I switched to the Lab's. All I can say is ... just use it... pretty soon the scar tissue will form and you won't notice a thing. You've also been around long enough to remember when the Linden viewer had IMs and chat in the same window, just before V2. I can't remember what that thing was called, but I remember it being tremendously contentious when it was introduced (by Benjamin Linden, if I'm remembering correctly), because they were separate before then, too. Yes, the combined communicate window came in 1.18 along with voice, Then like now, there were some loud objections, but most people didn't care either way. And yes, that "hated" chat interface is the now "beloved" one that has been emulated in Firestorm. Interestingly, Firetorm defaults to the vertical tab layout that was most "hated" and subsequently discarded in the LL voice beta (but revived with CHUI), and also defaults to have chat and IM in the same floater.
  2. Camera constraints may be making the person's camera go bouncy. This is a common problem when moving inside hollow objects, mesh or not.
  3. I see that the zoom link for the image does work, and that reveals the likely trouble. The image is 369x345, and Marketplace wants a minimum size of 512x512, so I would try enlarging first.
  4. Yeah, if the whole sim goes gronk, you won't get much useful out of the rest of the stats. But, if the sim isn't dying from rez/physics stuff, you can expand the script time, one of the graphs shows the plot points.
  5. For now, you have to use a magic box to sell items that are no-copy to you. Direct delivery doesn't work on limited quantity items yet.
  6. It should already be physical, but you may want to alter the shape and add a little more physics boost. If you have played with SL guns, you probably noticed that they often use very long projectiles that look more like spears. This helps them to hit their targets when they've moving fast, to give the physics engine time to detect them. You can do the shape change on the ball, and there will be scripts inside both the bullet and the gun. On the gun, you might alter the initial velocity in the llRezObject call, in the bullet script you might not need to do much except to make sure it doesn't turn itself phantom. I'll drop some more generic weapons on your inventory when I get a chance.
  7. If this is CHAOS Combat System you have, any weapon that shoots physical projectiles should be compatible. Even the library pop gun ought to work, but its bullets might need a little more oomph.
  8. Ilyra Chardin wrote: I think it's the "interception" that's the problem... everyone can look as long as they don't touch *winks* So how..without some form of code, do you think this interception occurs? The basic issue is that the stuff has already left the server at that point. Every graphical viewer downloads all the objects in range, then creates copies of them in local memory, in order to display them. That's fundamental to how the system works. The naughty business really only comes from one more step, and that is to permanently save those downloads.
  9. You can tweak that with Advanced>Set Window Size. Even though there is a menu of recommended sizes, you can type in your own as 9001 x 1000 (totally made up, use the real dimensions!) if your native pixels aren't on the list. Depending on the resolution, OS, etc., this sometimes requires one more relog to make things look right.
  10. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Hmmm... interesting, is there a way to toggle that? Not on the fly. That is probably as much as Runitai could sneak back in, without unraveling a pile of red tape, for committees to decide on interface and all that.
  11. Charolotte Caxton wrote: is there a way to go full screen? (V3) Debug settings, FullScreen to TRUE, relog.
  12. Top Scripts shows a rolling average over time, the statistics window is closer to real time so that you can see the spikes and valleys in the graph.
  13. There is a bug in one LSL function, llTakecontrols, that will break clicking in mouselook if it is called in just the right way: llTakeControls(whatever, FALSE, TRUE). So, try removing all scripted attachments and see if mouselook clicks work again. You can then put them back, one at a time, testing touches each time, until you find the one that interferes.
  14. For the LL viewer (this works on the others too), see the tweaking section of http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At The "freelook" hint is the one that makes your avatar's head follow the mouse around, and disabling that may be all you need. Alternatively, you can give only "idle" a nonzero priority, if you want to cease all head movement, but that extreme can result in a kind of zombie looking avatar.
  15. The avatar has a really funky physics shape, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/File:Avmeshforms.png for samples. You're simply not going to get consistent collisions with those tapers, especially if the projectile isn't that large.
  16. The turning left/right llGetAnimation states were only added to the main OpenSim project in late 2011, it is very possible that some grids are not using those patches yet. You could try a quicky script with a timer, that sends llGetAnimation results to something like llSetText, and see if those states are even happening on the inworldz simulators. default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.2); } timer() { llSetText(llGetAnimation(llGetOwner()), <1.,1.,1.>, 1.); }}
  17. An avatar (maybe a bot, maybe not, doesn't matter in this case) probably dropped it on you. If you get an inventory offer like that and don't specifically decline it, it stays in your inventory. You can miss seeing the offers if they happen while you're in the middle of logging out, your IMs cap, etc.
  18. Thee are some approaches in this old thead. As you guessed, scaling your values will be the key to getting the most usable precision from this. Those examples were for colors that only care about 0 to 1, but the same principle should work.
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: The ability to 'restrict create LM' was in Viewer 1. It was not included in Viewer 2 or after. Whether or not that was intentional I don't know but my belief is that it was an oversight. It was intentional. The old LL source repository is long gone, but there was series of commits for the never-released 1.24 viewer (it morphed into 2.0) explaining that landmark permissions were going away. This was part of the changes that brought in the places floater with landmark and history tabs.
  20. Lori Paramour wrote: Now, I've seen posts and reports about individuals being hacked in SL, but never a SYSTEM WIDE problem. Yes, Second Life has been there. Urgent Security Announcement, September 8 2006.
  21. TDD123 wrote: Development days ( called Genesis ) for Patterns are over, me thinks. The announcement on Steam is a product release. It's out there now officially and has an official trailer (on Steam). Perhaps it's not quite finished yet, but it's being sold and is no longer under 'heavy' development. Even has a price on it .. about 10 USD ( EUR 7,99 ) . You didn't see the page, then. It is clearly labeled on Steam as an "early access game" in giant lettering, and the description begins with "Patterns is still in development and we are actively providing updates in order to flesh out this early experience", going on to still identify this as the "Genesis" version. The $10 price is still the same "Genesis" rate, it will be $20 on real release.
  22. Car/bike/plane crossings on the Magnum boxes went pretty darned well today, even with the kiddies and their griefy toys dragging down a couple of the regions. They weren't perfect (really not expecting perfect to ever happen given what's involved), but back up to the "I can live with this" state of a few months ago. Thanks, all.
  23. It will be good to go through this week's deploy thread. Help is definitely on the way.
  24. I suspect that they may have switched on Patterns purchases on Steam just to help fund development. Features announced six months ago are still nowhere to be seen, so the game is probably becoming a bit more expensive to make than they hoped.
  25. Not exactly, but you can get sort of close. Make sure "Places" is highlighted on the left, if not, then click that. Then in the central results panel, you should have a "sort by" menu with a trafic option. Traffic is a total collected for yesterday, while the people icons come from a more recent sampling, but this sort does still push most of the "busy right now" places closer to the top.
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