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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. The yellow triangles are sprites, not actual 3D objects. It's the same floating icon that is shown for a script error. You can even click on them and get an empty script error floater. It would be nice if viewers could stuff a meaningful error message into that floater.
  2. The $25 thing only applies to limit buys. Market buys don't require a deposit like that.
  3. It looks like the bug might be cured in the 3.5.2 (275653) beta build. At least, I can make it happen at will in viewer-release today, but am not seeing it all on that new build. The patch is tiny too.
  4. Repost from a thread in the server section. This should work for most people. You can try a login in with the old Imprudence viewer. That is available from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory/Imprudence Imprudence uses the old Web libraries that were in viewer 1.23, and such viewers tend to succeed in accepting the ToS when newer viewers don't. Imprudence is not really suitable for really using with Second Life any more (no mesh, etc.), but it will still let you log in for this.
  5. You can try a login in with the old Imprudence viewer. That is available from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory/Imprudence Imprudence uses the old Web libraries that were in viewer 1.23, and such viewers tend to succeed in accepting the ToS when newer viewers don't. Imprudence is not really suitable for really using with Second Life any more (no mesh, etc.), but it will still let you log in for this.
  6. Marigold Devin wrote: Are Linden Lab refusing to fix this problem? No. They have a development viewer that appears to fix it, but as of a few days ago it needed some more stability work before it could be pushed closer to release. They need that patch to take advantage of some server side tweaks they are making, so it's definitely not a low priority for them!
  7. Is the club in a skybox or similar? Those access lines only work up to 50 meters above the ground level. Only explicit avatar bans go all the way up to the max build height.
  8. greek Wingtips wrote: vested intestests You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means. Protip: fanboyism is not a vested interest.
  9. It's RenderVolumeLODFactor - but, it's better to toss out items that don't display well on the default setting and replace them with ones that have decent LOD behavior. No way will everyone bother to fiddle with that, so you;re only "fixing" things for yourself.
  10. If on Firefox or Chrome/Chromium -- Get this, Then this. There are a few additional options here.
  11. Rya Nitely wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Isn't the whole idea of direct delivery supposed to be that it goes to your inventory without any further fussing about it? In many cases a box isn't necessary. That was why it was called Direct Delivery. Not needing to unbox items was supposed to be the main advantage. It is a nice plus that DD made folder delivery possible, but the real reason is that SL Exchange built their delivery system around some very old LSL functionality (XML-RPC, with llEmail as a backup) that did not scale well. "Direct" really means "direct from the marketplace" without scripted prims in between. LSL didn't have alternatives available back then, so SL Exchange tried to make a delivery system from what they could. Delivery failures became commonplace years ago because Magic Box traffic outstripped the ability of the LSL XML-RPC servers to keep up. It actually got to that point 1-2 years before LL bought them out. There were also failure modes on the front end of the magic boxes, where deliveries could be lost through busy mode and capped IMs. SLX boxes had no real in-place update mechanism, so any fix to this would have required that all magic boxes be replaced anyway. LL bit the bullet and decided to get rid of the things.
  12. It's automatic, but it can take the search system a long time to catch up with changes. I see a "rise" group you made that is showing in search with the adult rating now.
  13. Trin1 wrote: Adult isn't an option when creating a group, only mature and PG. Correct. The mature flag is a vestige from the old system. Currently a group gets an adult rating from its name and the words in its charter. If there is a naughty word in there, or one that LL decided belongs to an adult topic, it happens automatically.
  14. Toss a boxed backup copy in the folder, then everyone can be happy.
  15. Some of the usual locations seem to be down right now. I was just able to log in using Ahern as a start location, maybe it will be good for you too.
  16. If they are models you made yourself, you can use the regular SL tutorials to save them, then upload to Second Life. You don't have to export them from the Sims because you have the originals. If you only made texture mods or something like that, then you need EA's models to put them on.
  17. There is a twist, the public performance/display element, that is inherent to Second Life. The architecture also redistributes those models to everyone who sees them. It's far far away from personal use on a home computer.
  18. Technically, yes, it's possible to move Sims assets into standard formats. Legally, you'll need permission from EA and/or mod makers to bring that stuff into Second Life. Keep in mind who is running Linden Lab these days, before assuming nobody will notice. Plus, the imported assets won't necessarily fit the SL avatar so well, so you'd have to rework them anyway.
  19. It is allowed to hand over an avatar's password to another person. The original account owner retains all responsibility for anything that goes wrong. If you "sell" an old avatar and it becomes involved in fraud or other disallowed stuff, expect your own active avatar to vanish along with it.
  20. gridsurvey is not always current, but using third party clients you can check in real time using the exact same functions they do. Yes the classes still exist. No, the numbers are not random. The first digit of the 503, 701 etc. is the server class and it does correspond to a specific type of server hardware. The class 5 servers have 4 core CPUs and thus support 4 regions each, or 16 homesteads. The class 7 and 8 hardware has 8 cores, so there are twice as many regions on a single box. Newer hardware can bring advantages, but in exchange there are twice as many regions contending for the same memory and disk. The main advantage for this arrangement will be for LL, they can charge the same for these newer regions while spending less to run the machines. The server classes are in fact different, but there are not clear enough advantages to sell them that way. Support says what it says because that is the official response.
  21. SLtesterL2 wrote: When is SSB taking affect exactly? Soon™. The official viewer that can handle it is close to release, several third party viewers are ready too. Once there is plenty of access to compatible viewers, they can think about switching the servers over. It's not really going to change anything about lag, this change is really about reliability.
  22. Oh, this thread again. DirectX solves nothing. It's all marketing hype, it and GL are about equal performers.
  23. The support person is right in a way. LL does not use server type as a selling point any more, server capacity is intended to be roughly the same for any region, and the tools they provide do not reveal the server type. There are still internal server classes so LL can identify problems with each server type they buy now. This can be obtained using a third party client. For example, Radegast will show it with the //siminfo command and from this a sim owner could find a class 5, 7 or 8 to claim (6 was an experiment that was ultimately skipped). Some regions actually do behave better on different servers, depending on the kind of content on them. This does not necessarily correspond to CPU type, physical location can make the difference too.
  24. RAWRFoxy wrote: Are there plans to switch to server sided appearance? I thought that's how it worked already, since you don't have to reapply your looks when logging in from another location. Right now, the clothing layers are composited on your own viewer (that's when the glitching happens). Your viewer uploads the baked textures to the local region, and they're stored as temp assets there. Your avatar carries around a pointer to that server, so that when you move elsewhere on the grid, your and other people's viewers know where to fetch those temp textures. If they've expired or that host is down, you get a fresh rebake triggered. On the new system, the compositing will be done on special new servers LL is introducing for that purpose. The viewer's job will be reduced to "I'm wearing this set of clothes, please bake me an avatar from them." and texture fetches will be on a more conventional central system, more like where regular assets go. The first official viewer to support this looks like it could be released as soon as tomorrow. LL already forwarded this code to third party viewer developers, and most of them are ready to go too. The server end is not active yet, because viewers had to come first, but it's going to happen really, really soon.
  25. RAWRFoxy wrote: Edit 3: After a lot of frustrated restarting, rebaking, relogging, and rebridging and her finally being able to see her own avatar, the holes are finally gone and have been for a few minutes. It may have been the cache clearing but just didn't want to entirely fix until she could fully see herself. I'll give it a couple days just to be sure, but it does seem fixed. I'm not sure there was anything else that could have been done, so hopefully that's it. Thank you very much for the help. Yes, sounds like you were seeing the old version of her baked avatar that was still on the server, from before the cache clear, until she had a fully loaded inventory and could rebake for real. This is exactly the kind of trouble that server side appearance will eliminate, so even if it does happene again, you can assure her it won't go on forever.
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