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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. My daughter, who is on the autism spectrum, tells me that words are hard. I frequently agree with her although they are not nearly as hard for me as they are for her. I learn so much from you people from all around the world. Here in my part of New England pop is what the weasel goes and soda is the cold sweet fizzy beverage.
  2. Only 80,000? I don't know if this will make you feel better or not, but I'm not done. I've just made sure that I don't have any folders that contain more than 5,000 objects. I still have quite a few folders named "to be sorted" living at the top of my main categories. Inventory is like laundry, it's never finished.
  3. Muppetization is so last week. I tried a few muppets and never really found one that suited me.
  4. Relaxing after cleaning up my inventory for the first time in years.
  5. My first av wore glasses. They were rose colored. Kali wore them until about 2012. Her partner talked her into taking them off. It's symbolic of something or other that she sees more clearly now than she did back then.
  6. And his trusty VW microbus, Urge. The continuing saga in the footnotes! They made a book out of his story. I really liked it.
  7. Oh! Well I suppose I know the reason now:
  8. The last time someone brought up following, I tried out the following feature and I guess my settings are such that following a person has zero impact for me. I don't see any notifications about the people I followed so I don't know why I bothered to follow. I guess it just makes me declare myself as a fan. So I am clueless about following. I'm sure I must be missing something but I don't know what.
  9. I agree with those that advise you to seek help from a qualified professional rather than looking for answers here in the forums. I've suffered from depression most of my life and lots of anxiety in the past few years. Things I do that help me: Turn off the TV, especially the news. Go for a walk outside somewhere peaceful. Talk with friends (in real life, real time). Take action, Do the next right thing even if it's only making a list of the things you need to do. Don't spend time thinking about things that you have no control over.
  10. So if I don't have more than 5,000 objects in a single folder will they leave my inventory alone?
  11. Quiche is one of my favorite breakfast foods. I used to buy it ready made at the deli but since but after I got out of the hospital and had to change to a low oxalate, low salt diet, I started making my own in order to choose the veggies I can eat. I generally make it about once a week.
  12. I'm longing for a time when our species evolves beyond the mentality of "I got here first so I'm entitled" and "I've got mine so screw you". There is more than enough abundance on this earth for everyone if we'd just learn to share.
  13. I remember going through that! I worked from home before Covid and there were mandatory once a month meetings in the office and I always hated having to get up earlier on the in-house days. I'm so glad I retired and don't have to do that anymore.
  14. It would be much easier to tell you what I do know than to try to describe the things I don't know. I can move and rotate a prim. I can make a gesture. I can modify a script to change the text if it has text. I can unpack a box or pack some objects into a box. I can fly. I can ride most moving objects. I can cam. I can travel by camming and sitting on things that are far away. I can set my cam somewhere and look in other directions. I'm an excellent consumer of things other people create and sell. I can perform all kinds of artistic gymnastics just give me a poseball and watch me dance. I haven't got the patience to be a good role player. I break the third wall too much. I've played with creating stuff but I lack the artistic talent to be any good at it.
  15. It's a day late that I saw this thread and took a peek. Thanks @Madelaine McMasters and everyone else who has a mother or is a mother. I survived mother's day by taking my sister and my daughter out to dinner and a movie. We watched the marvel comics version of an ode to motherhood AKA Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I had a great mom but she's been gone for a while now. I miss her. I'm not so sure I was a good mom, I tried to be, but I feel like I failed. At least I'm not a hamster.
  16. I like free gifts. Some are better than the others. I keep the good ones and delete the junk and I don't say boo about it because I like free gifts.
  17. Seems like the beaches of SL are disappearing for some odd reason.
  18. Aruba looks nice! Sounds like a lovely climate. Alas, I don't think I'm going anywhere.
  19. I left California when I retired. I'm not a big fan of Winter in New England but I really hated the fires in California and it seems like the drought is getting worse and so were the fires there.
  20. I don't think of him. I hate FB and use it rarely. I concluded that he was a jerk when I read about how he started by rating people's looks in college and he has not matured that I can see.
  21. Wrong. It's the right that keeps passing the laws that interfere. Take Texas and their abortion laws for example. Banning books is also interfering as well. Once upon a time the right used to stand for less government but that hasn't been true for at least 50 years or so now.
  22. I don't know that much about twitter. I am not a regular user of the platform. I've read more tweets recently than I did in the previous however many years it's existed. I am naturally suspicious of mega rich people like Elon Musk. He is way too fond of himself and I'm not impressed. It seems to me like Elon Musk just wants to own Twitter to protect his own right to say whatever mean things he wants to say about anyone he doesn't like. Can they shut him down when he owns it? Will he shut anyone else down who criticizes him once he owns it? That's too much power in the hands of one unscrupulous man. When he says he wants to protect "free speech", I don't think he particularly wants to protect anyone else but himself.
  23. My latest blood test results showed a slight improvement in my kidney function. I was at 10% back in December when I was hospitalized. At the end of January I was at 12% and my kidney doctor told me that he didn't think it was going to get any better; that I would probably need dialysis sometime within the next year and to start getting ready for that. Well, my latest results show me at 16%! I've gone up a stage and the world seems a bit brighter to me.
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