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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I've had a few Sakura's. They are fun to decorate but I don't really want to live there. I think I've been happiest in trads or vics.
  2. Well then you and I basically agree. I'm not apolitical by any means. I have participated in many protests. I just don't argue about it, I do things. I don't think I've ever managed to persuade anyone whose opinions differ than mine that I am right so I don't try to do that.
  3. I feel for those of you who feel deep political peeves. I don't. Not that I don't have opinions, I do, but life is way too short to spend time arguing about them. I just kinda fog out and pass over what I don't agree with. Sometimes I get a good laugh though.
  4. Back in the days before mesh bodies, I always thought that Belleza skins had the best body features so it sort of makes sense that they would be good at body making. Sadly I've used Maitreya's body for so long now that I just am just too lazy to learn how to use another one.
  5. One of my alts sat in a camping chair recently. I forget where it was. It didn't give money, it gave an item for camping for one hour. That was the first time I'd seen one in ages.
  6. Yeah, I fell in love with it. It's a keeper.
  7. Decisions, decisions, which view is better? I'm going to have to let one of them go. But which one?
  8. Apparently I started my time in the forums during the height of the bad old days in 2009. It was pretty volatile but I also learned a lot and made some good friends. Then I left for years and years until I came back. It's much nicer now. I still learn a lot and some of my good friends are still here.
  9. I used to own land in Bay City where the prims are doubled. The only thing I didn't like about it was that we weren't allowed to terraform there. I don't remember what I paid for it now (but it was about $45.00 US dollars) but I feel like it was well worth it since I lived there for about ten years and never had to pay tier. I sold it when I retired and I got well over $120,000 lindens for it. Now I live in Bellisseria and really I find it suits me just fine. I doubt I will bother with mainland again.
  10. Trying to control what others can see is just a wee bit too authoritarian for me. Wear BOM underwear if you feel the need and stop worrying about it. Chances are, they are not all looking at you anyway.
  11. Worlds have been disappearing since the internet began. Sure, I miss some of them, but others are better off gone.
  12. I think that maybe he was defending himself against his perception of his own lack of power. I think it was his own lack of trust that made him who he was. He wanted to know what others thought of him and he discussed himself from that third party perspective. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll never know. Maybe it all boils down to narcissism. Who hasn't wished they were a fly on the wall who could listen in unperceived to what others were saying about them?
  13. I love the flowers in the backyard!
  14. He was a complicated person. As it turned out, he was far more complicated than anyone realized. We held a huge memorial for him. At the time we hadn't figured out yet that the missing people were also him. He wrote beautiful vignettes and short stories. He was very creative. We all had to rethink so many conversations we'd had with him. I'm not sorry for having known him, although I was angry mostly with myself for not catching on.
  15. I knew a man once. He made an exquisite avatar, very attractive. I thought he was a friend. He also made clothing. Nothing he considered good enough to sell but he would give me the outfits. He had a long time partnership with another friend of mine. He loved to flirt and was fun to talk to. I flirted with him in local at the club I hosted at as did many others. He seemed like a good guy and his flirtations were never serious because he was really in love with his partner. He had another friend. Rather quiet, didn't talk much to anyone just came and listened. I got involved with him for a time. He was divorced in RL and not happily. Still pined for his wife who had left him for another man. I knew these people for many years in SL. We hung out together. The man died in RL over a year ago. When he died several of his "friends" disappeared too. As it turns out he had a very busy second life in the guise of several avatars, all of whom had simultaneous relationships with other people within the same circle of friends. Nobody knew. The above scenario is not a good reason for having alts. Many people were deeply hurt. It does not automatically follow that a person with alts is pulling something devious off, but the possibility is there.
  16. I'm not real big on policing. When I was a host I was responsible for keeping the peace and I would have to eject people who were disturbing that peace. Eject, ban and write up a notecard for the owners with the details of the event, nothing elaborate, just name and offense that got them ejected. The owners were really great and always backed me. Now that I'm a private citizen once again, I've felt no need to be a vigilante.
  17. Why do the Bellisseria content packs contain only some of the flowers? I like my flower gardens to have lots of flowers, and I prefer to use the ones that I see the moles have placed locally as they match the theme better. But they've only given us a small taste of what they have.
  18. No, I had Shingles last October. This was the vaccination to make sure I don't get them again. 2 doses 6 months apart. The shot itself doesn't hurt more than any other shot but the reaction is a fierce aching plus cold symptoms beginning a few hours later and lasting about 48 hours. I'm all better now thanks!
  19. I have an alt army. I was actually my first alt. My original av made me when she was one month old. I took over as the main av about ten years ago. I've only lost one alt. It was my first male alt and I've lost his password and his email address no longer exists so he's gone for good. Why did I make them all? Well I liked going through the new user experience to see what was different. And I liked having a clean inventory and freebie hunting to see how good I could make a new av look. Then I got hooked into Tiny Empires and suddenly all those alts became useful assets in my quest to become a princess. They were my minions. I made even more of them. I got bored with TE and my minions haven't logged in since. I used to own mainland and had two premium accounts to pay my tier. Then Bellisseria kicked off and I had a brand new reason to use my alts - to find the perfect home. I expect to drop back to just me on the premium account when the time runs out for my 2 alt hoppers. So far I've resisted the urge to go with premium plus but I might change my mind when I see the new 2048 linden home options.
  20. Oh, I had that one once. I didn't keep it either, but I feel bad for it, still looking for it's forever human.
  21. It's possible that my peeve about the peeve thread was an over-reaction. I usually enjoy the nit-picking discourse in the peeve thread and for a long time it was the only thread I followed regularly. In my defense, I had my shingles vaccine shot and it ached fiercely and I probably shouldn't have been sitting at my desk anyway. I saw 5 pages worth of discussions on accents and I knew that I couldn't possible read it all comfortably so I snarked and shut down my computer.
  22. My peeve is about the peeve thread. I skipped a day and came back to over 5 pages worth of peeves. Guess what? People from all over the world sound different to each other. Some think it's funny, some think it's an affront to all that's good and proper about the way they personally speak. Accents are a thing. Can we move on now?
  23. Then I went around to the back and here's the view from the top of the little hill in back
  24. At first, I thought this Vic had nothing much to rave about But then I looked out the front door and
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