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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Lexia Moonstone wrote: The cloud monsters are suppose to stop people from flying, but all so can sometimes detect people if they are fall or jumping off cliffs, it's just something you have to be careful about. Some times I've even been attacked by a cloud for being teleported when I was hit by a rock monster, that's really annoying! Based on what i witnessed today the clouds aren't doing a good job they are supposed to stop people using speed tools too i was singled out by a griefer (it's always me the griefers target) who was using some speed tool that was also spamming a link to circle me and prevent me getting any crystals they kept getting clouded at which point you're supposed to get teleported home and they never did just kept singling me out for a griefing till they managed to get me teleported home
  2. It should be noted where an avatar stands or sits and afks will effect crystal spawning so it could take even longer to get a green or blue crystal i was very lucky today and found two blue and ten green once i got out of the whisper hollow sim that has the most orange crystals (shows as LR22 on the map posted) to go cash out
  3. i didn't discover second life until 2008 i'd heard about it in the media before hand but it didn't really register with me until i read about SL in a couple of magazines where people had met in SL and married in RL so i decided to see what the fuss was about the only real expectation i had of it was being a glorified dating site the laptop i had at the time wasn't exactly cut up to running the viewer so after a few times of logging in seeing nothing i almost gave up on SL forever then the world started to rezz i think i landed in help island and a kind soul gave me some LM's to freebie dungeon and freebie warehouse i didn't know you could earn or needed L$ in game until i found zyngo machines and camping . i did think SL would get like any other game i've played i play it all the time obsessively for several weeks/months then i get bored of it but i had a few romances rented land got partnered etc there was always someone of something to keep me logging in though i don't spend as much time in world any more over 5 years later i'm still here
  4. each piece of land no matter how big it is can only be deeded to one group at a time so all tenants would have to join the same group
  5. you need to deed your land to group any abilities for land you set in the group role only work on deeded land
  6. i was rather relived that my Av logged out the same time i did, i think i'd have been more traumatized if i found out i'd been getting up to all sorts of mischief in my absence :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  7. my first alt was created about 20 days after i first joined because i wanted to see what happened to me after i logged out for some reason i thought my Av remained in world even though i logged out my next alt was created during a period where i would ghost a lot for those that don't know what ghosting is it's where your Av failed to log out properly and it's presence remained inworld preventing you from logging in often a support ticket would eventually get your ghost cleared so you could log in again (thankfully LL cured ghosting) when you could still get last names i went on SLnamewatch.com and found a site where i could create an Av with Ghost as the last name with my Ghost logged in i'd use it to find the ghosted me and help me unghost myself my last alt was created when the usernames came in and i decided to grab my name as just a username before anyone else did
  8. thats great news i don't see the exchange i've almost always used Eldex on the list yet but hopefully they'll be on there soon
  9. Loafers maybe? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HOC-Industries-Easy-Striders-Sculpted-Loafers/311560
  10. just by forcing the TPE's to cease trading will hurt LL with out encouraging people to stop buying or spending L$ inworld. the first time i wanted to by L$ you were given a list of exchanges to buy from basically the TPE list so you could buy in local currency if you wanted i did just that found an exchange i thought was best for me and always used it, the TPE's were also good for people who didn't want to give payment info to LL. now they're gone if former TPE users don't want to use the LindeX they wont thats hurt enough in it's self for more than just LL
  11. so the only place we can buy/sell L$ now is the LindeX? that's awful i've used the same third party exchange for years to buy & sell L$ as i found the rates better than what the LindeX offers. lots of people used the exchanges for the same reason or the fact they offered payment methods LL doesn't take. i'm sure people will be quitting SL if they now have no way of putting money in to SL now the third party exchanges are banned :matte-motes-frown:
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: think of it as a monthly property tax.. thats actually a very good way of putting it in RL (UK) you can own a house outright with the mortgage paid off but you still have to pay council tax or you'll get turfed out of your home
  13. you're not accidentally pressing Ctrl +Q instead of Shift + Q are you when you try to type a capital Q
  14. if you don't use an ad blocker i don't see these external ad's as a problem when me or one of my alts is logged in theres no ad's (so far) if i'm not logged in then there are ad's but i expect that on any site i visit i can't see this damaging LL or SL you see advertising almost everywhere else on the net why not the SL website
  15. you have to try all the portals some work some don't some are slow none of them have their forgetful tendancy any more which i miss
  16. the gift was a misely L$10 but i think that may cover the cost of getting partnered which is a nice gesture if you wanted to partner if you didn't get it you didn't miss out much
  17. i wasn't even aware LL was doing something for valentines it's lucky i logged in yesterday the way i feel these days i'm not always physically up to logging in every day it was a nice surprise to get the L$10 i kinda wish the gift had been a little more generous after all the hype the blog post i just read made about it
  18. LL do change the server mainland sims are on, my home sim of Jieut was in the first wave of sims to go blue steel RC then late last year maybe a bit earlier it went over to being on main channel
  19. Where are you from? England When did you join SL originally? April 2008 What have you mainly spent your time doing in SL in the past? partying going to gigs gaming camping exploring making stuff buying stuff staying at home going to Linden Realms How are you planning to spend your time in SL in 2013? much the same as i currently do exploring making stuff buying stuff hiding out at home playing Linden Realms trying to spend as much time in SL as my currently terrible arthritis will allow me
  20. LL does fix issues with the LR sims if you are in the unofficial support group there is someone in there with concierge level support according to them they have been charged with contacting concierge with all LR issues anyone has i just happened to mention an issue i noticed in group and a few days later it had been fixed by LL staff
  21. second life isn't designed to be used on a tablet you need a computer or laptop to run second life as it's a very graphically demanding and a tablet just doesn't have the same computing power if you check http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory there are some viewers for the ipad but they are text based
  22. something you might like to try that worked for me when mesh refused to load on the latest firestorm is to up your bandwidth once i upped mine from 500kbps to 1000kbps mesh instantly appeared
  23. by default when you click set for sale it reverts to buy object if you want it to act differently you have to change it back to touch
  24. if you don't have shadows enabled on your viewer and the object has a shadow prim you can right click and return the object LL intruduced new code that allows you to return any object encroaching on your land if you do have shadows enabled turn them off or move your skybox higher
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