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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Where are you from? England When did you join SL originally? April 2008 What have you mainly spent your time doing in SL in the past? partying going to gigs gaming camping exploring making stuff buying stuff staying at home going to Linden Realms How are you planning to spend your time in SL in 2013? much the same as i currently do exploring making stuff buying stuff hiding out at home playing Linden Realms trying to spend as much time in SL as my currently terrible arthritis will allow me
  2. LL does fix issues with the LR sims if you are in the unofficial support group there is someone in there with concierge level support according to them they have been charged with contacting concierge with all LR issues anyone has i just happened to mention an issue i noticed in group and a few days later it had been fixed by LL staff
  3. second life isn't designed to be used on a tablet you need a computer or laptop to run second life as it's a very graphically demanding and a tablet just doesn't have the same computing power if you check http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory there are some viewers for the ipad but they are text based
  4. something you might like to try that worked for me when mesh refused to load on the latest firestorm is to up your bandwidth once i upped mine from 500kbps to 1000kbps mesh instantly appeared
  5. by default when you click set for sale it reverts to buy object if you want it to act differently you have to change it back to touch
  6. if you don't have shadows enabled on your viewer and the object has a shadow prim you can right click and return the object LL intruduced new code that allows you to return any object encroaching on your land if you do have shadows enabled turn them off or move your skybox higher
  7. every time you need to reinstall your viewer you should always do a clean reinstall as per amethysts link viewer settings can become corrupt and they still will be with a straight uninstall reinstall
  8. some sellers of animated textures upload a .gif file as part of their listing to give customers a preview of what the animated texture looks like inworld. if you look at the product listing page near the bottom is an option to upload a .gif file
  9. the plus with docs apart from coming with three different styles is you can buy shoe lace and toe cap add ons and you can buy different colours for your boots inworld with out having to spend L$600 a time on individual boots
  10. when you downgrade you loose everything that comes with a premium membership you need to abandon your home or sell/abandon any land first if you decided to become premium again you can get a home again
  11. if you're using ATI/AMD graphics it's a known issue you need to go in prefs > graphics > Hardware settings and disable VBO (vertex buffer objects)
  12. check this list of third party exchanges http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Exchange_(LindeX)&oldid=1159217 at least one of them offers the option of buying L$ via phone call or text message
  13. jackmawer wrote: To be honest, the only reason i ask about this is because of the following post from the archives: "There used to be free apartments for new users. Are there still any around? I see one outfit saying it offers free apartments, a group called Trilegy . I'm surprised to find no mention of this in the forums. (If anyone is interested, http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/14/277396/1.html ) the group trilegy corporation still exists the land doesn't at it's peak there was 3 and a half sims of land you could have an apartment a room in a mansion or your own building the land got cleaned regularly the only reason trilegy free land doesn't exist anymore is because the owner vanished from SL and LL eventually took back the land. if you want land in SL you have to pay i don't know of anyone offering free land anymore
  14. you're not the first person to notice problems in linden realms there have been reports in the unofficial group about portals and sims not working the hud not working and it resetting your crystal count to zero when you grab a crystal or not updating when you do grab one, i think the most recent issue is the blue/green crystal cash outs take your crystals but don't pay you. all this is regardless of which viewer you use
  15. CPU: AMD Athlon II P320 Dual-Core Processor (2094.76 MHz) Memory: 3835 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 not the best of specs but i run on high slightly modified with a lowered DD of 96 and a reduced particle count it will do all the things like shadows ambient occlusion and DoF etc but i seldom use them this snapshot from my feed i took trying out DOF
  16. it's not LL that will stop supporting phoenix it's the Phoenix Firestorm team that is discontinuing support for phoenix as LL are bring out new features that won't work and will make the viewer increasingly difficult to use really there is no point using or trying to backport features in to the viewer when firestorm has a vintage skin that looks exactly like phoenix there is the unlikely possibilty any scripting in your chair uses functions phoenix doesn't support or a bounding box of another item is in the way
  17. second life it's self doesn't provide any blogging tools for it's residents just it's staff so they can communicate news to us but you are welcom to use any blogging site like blogger tumblr livejournal wordpress etc to create a blog about second life
  18. aside from spending time with my lovely family pigging out on chocolate and not having to cook i got - dvd box set of Big Bang Theory (i don't even like the show) - food items from China town in London - cheap piece of jewellery i don't like - coat and a couple of clothing items i got pre-christmas i haven't logged in to SL for a couple of days but i'm pretty certain i got nothing
  19. Jade Glazner wrote: Redgrave has a pair of pants out that she calls Liquid Mesh (LQM), which conform to even more body sliders than mesh usually does (including body fat, leg muscle, knee angle, butt size, etc) and they have the best pants/lower body shape I've seen on the grid. I just wish I could wear my boots with them (sadly they poke through since the ankle is not skin tight). I would keep an eye out in her store though for if she comes out with more of this liquid mesh clothing because the concept is pretty awesome and so far I'm in love with the jeans. i saw those on the marketplace when i saw the description i thought wow so glad i tried a demo though because i was really disappointed judging by the amount of skin not covered by the alpha i had clipping through the waist on them is meant for a twig and my small amount of belly fat was over hanging
  20. premium homes are at most one single open room downstairs and a single open room upstairs. you could go to the effort of creating a seperate room inside a linden home so you can have a bathroom or you can abandon your linden home and get 512sqm so you can put any house of your choosing up to 16x32 on it. the others are right though unless you want a bath suite to do what you'd do in RL get a hot tub you can chill out and have fun with your friends in one
  21. if you're passing by collabor88 Inguene has a nice dress calld Chaud that might fit your shape normally the majority of mesh doesn't fit me with out something poking through but i was pleasently surprized i could fit in the medium size you might find some of the mesh offerings from (fd) (also @ C88) suit your shape
  22. if you are using 7seas when you catch a fish you can either accept it and it will go to inventory or you can decline it, im sure other fishing systemsdo the same if you accept a 7seas fish you can wear the fish give it away or put it in an aquarium fish tank if you fish regularly or have a lot of fish you might find it useful to create a new inventory folder to keep your fishes in so you can find them easily
  23. if you're looking in a merchants store on the marketplace look down the left hand side you'll find everything your looking for
  24. how you put together an outfit can make all the difference i got https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peqe-Kate-GlitterAir/2966604 today from Peqe worn as an outfit on it's own with heels or high leg boots it's quite sexy i put it together with a hobo fur mesh jacket from (fd) @ collabor88 silver trousers from *COCO* F-Wings trainers from 2Real and it turned a sexy outfit in to a casual outfit i also find adding something like trainers or my favourite hoody from *ARAI* can tone down a stripperish outfit for day to day wear
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