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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. Ok, hands up I didn't read through the entire 150 + pages of the previous thread, but surely LL are having to comply with USA law in the gacha removal? If there is ire to direct it would be better aimed at the people who make US law. Necessary disclaimers: It doesn't affect me; I didn't use gachas to sell stuff and I didn't play them either. I don't care if they are here or not, and I have no beef with US law as I don't live there, but there's no point being mad at LL. They're a US based company and they have to comply with the law, move jurisdictions or cease trading. That's all. Have a super day, m'chums on the f'rums xxxxxxx
  2. we see what you did there; and we applaud you for it xxxxxxx
  3. So, I haven't read the whole thread, but mainly what I'm getting is no one is all that bothered. So, excellent, that's all cool.
  4. It's possible (not sure at all) that this is a morphed picture, in which case that shirt/cardigan doesn't exist in sl at all.
  5. LL won't take any action against a violation of a seller's TOS deeming it a resident to resident dispute. However, if you properly file a DMCA then LL will follow the protocols required and take down/remove the offending items pending a counter action, if that happens; some people won't bother defending a DMCA. It's also worth bearing in mind that some items do slip through the DMCA net, so to speak. LL do their best to fully comply, as required in law, but it's always possible some items will stay in various peoples' inventories, none the less. It's not necessary or usual to get a court order as the DMCA is the first resort, but if it's defended LL will restore (again, bit patchy) the items and you'd need to go to court to have them removed permanently.
  6. I think I recall reading that Coca Cola weren't bothered about second life, since obviously we don't actually drink anything here, and it's essentially free advertising!
  7. There are points? We get points? Where can we spend them? Do they make prizes? (obscure British game show reference). This is all new information.
  8. Are you using an ad blocker of any kind? I have had similar issues and disabling the ad blocker worked a treat. good luck.
  9. Would you be creating textures for wall coverings, floors, rugs? Maybe making furniture or deco items? Or would you be putting together other creators items to create a custom look? If the latter there is probably not much business to be had, as most home makers in sl like to do this themselves, and additionally most home decor is no transfer, so you would not be able to sell on whatever look you created. You could possibly create notecards listing the products you would suggest, but whether this is a service people would pay for is doubtful. Also, most up to date builds incorporate custom textures and variations with provided maps for people to make their own. Simple seamless textures are next to useless without the maps/photoshop files. If you are skilled in meshing, perhaps you could create a few pieces of furniture and see how they sell. It's a fairly crowded field though.
  10. Not from notices, but you can from in world vendors. Most groups don't send gifts via group notices for this very reason.
  11. I just won't buy fish in sl at all - never mind poorly rendered, you can't even get it properly filleted
  12. I have no idea which 'bumper' (what's a bumper exactly, anyway?!) gives warnings, but truly, do people care about being virtually bumped? I mean, come on, it takes forever to rezz in some places so yeah, you get bumped. It can't hurt or damage you, so who gives a fig?
  13. Mesh clothing has to be rigged to the bones of the avatar or mesh body. The weights for each body are different, although some are similar to others. You'll need to get the specific information from each body creator.
  14. He's SO stupid, SO wilfully ignorant - it's just astonishing to watch. And astonishing that this is so hilariously funny to anyone who has to share a continent with that doofus. Extraordinary that people - the not as stupid ones - must look at this and say to themselves, yeah, he's dreadful, he's a racist, an abuser, a moron and dumb as a box of rocks, but at least he doesn't want us to have clean air and health care and homes. Think how awful THAT would be. To be so hate filled that you're eager to suffer horribly just so long as the ones you hate suffer too. Very strange.
  15. Not my country, I'm in the UK. My only point was that it is sickening to see someone for whom the US IS their country, laugh at intelligent and well reasoned posts because their political fave has talked utter gibbering nonsense about it and they have to agree because, I dunno, hate? stupidity? they really like orange things? The fires being out of control and dangerous to humans is almost entirely die to human activity and over population and greed. Fire's natural enough, but the degree to which these have grown and the negative impact on us, not so much.
  16. Thank you, Luna; also, how, exactly, is this a post to 'haha' at? How, ffs? Your country is on fire; it isn't funny. (that last NOT aimed at Luna, obviously)
  17. The most recent Maitreya version has resizeable (sp?) feet. If the shape you have been using has feet set to zero - pretty standard in sl - the feet of the latest body will be too small for your maitreya shoes. You can fix this by setting your foot size to 25 (more or less). Future shoes for maitreya may well adjust to the foot size slider in shapes, but the vast majority currently do not. If your shape is no modify you really need to get a better shape. Fortunately the shapes that come with mesh heads are pretty well always modifiable, so you can adjust the body to suit your style. I always copy across my body sliders first thing with every new head as the body shape is never very close to personal preference.
  18. Pixie worries about many things, but strangely not this.....
  19. Although a snowberry would be different again, and maybe quite yummy xxx
  20. Hmmm, ok, well, gosh, thoughts. Firstly I'm not sure you're supposed to advertise here. Secondly, I did try the demo. I think you will have an issue with not using the SL UV mapping. By not doing this you make it impossible for any mainstream skin makers to support you, unless they are willing to make skins just for your UV map. It also means that customers who would like to use the skins they already have cannot. Further, no applier clothing will work, so again, you would need creators to make appliers exclusively for your UV, and customers will need to re buy their favourite applier lingerie, stockings, socks, tees, leggings/jeggings. It's a lot. And thirdly, sorry, I think the hands look very strange. I'll review the demo on marketplace.
  21. Yeah - back when sculpties were a thing we had small attachments like cuffs, lower legs for pants and so on, but it was really always a bodge of sorts. A jacket, for example, had to be 5 pieces, with a body, upper arms and lower arms, and each piece had a large surrounding invisiprim (pre alphas) and even then as soon as you moved beyond a very sedate walk or stand anim it could look awful.
  22. Wall o' text incoming; I couldn't find a way to link. It was a small thing, but it showed the innate kindliness of people and a willingness to help. Not perfect, of course not, but something rare in those times; seeing all people as equally worthy and equally human. No Sugar For Me - why many Cornish people refused to take sugar in their tea! by the late Reverend Julyan Drew* with minor updates (late Minister of the Newlyn Trinity Methodist Chapel) The Reverend Julyan Drew explains why a protest campaign more than 200 years ago means that many people in Cornwall refuse to take sugar in their tea. 1835 saw the final abolition of the slavery in the last part of the then British Empire - Mauritius. One of the key figures in the abolitionist movement was John Wesley, who was one of the founders of Methodism. The Methodist Church was and still is very strong in Cornwall. It was almost the established church here in Cornwall. Most of us who were reared here, were taught not to have sugar in our tea because Mr Wesley said that we shouldn't as a protest against the slave trade. Many slaves were used in sugar production and Mr Wesley thought that a boycott of sugar by devout Methodists would be a good way of showing disapproval of a trade which he despised. It's thought that in those days most people would normally have taken sugar in their tea so that refusing it was more unusual than it might be today. It was, perhaps, one of the earliest examples of people power. Of course, we Methodists had a particularly Cornish way of being involved in that boycott, we said that there was an exception when we had a pasty. Wesley became interested in slavery when he went to, what was then the British colony of Georgia in America, in 1736. There he saw slavery around him and saw the conditions in which the slaves lived and worked, and how they were treated. On the long sea voyage back to England he taught a young black man how to read and write. It's thought that the young man was probably a slave. It was around 40 years after his trip to Georgia that the abolitionist movement was starting to take off. Wesley's own experience of slavery in Georgia was still on his mind. So he set about writing his pamphlet called 'Thoughts upon slavery'. It contained a very careful and considered approach to the issue. He set out, for everybody to read, the conditions in which the slaves were kept and worked. Here is an excerpt from 'Thoughts Upon Slavery' by John Wesley "When the vessels arrive at their destined port, the Ne****es are again exposed naked to the eyes of all that flock together, and the examination of their purchasers. Then they are separated to the plantations of their several masters, to see each other no more. Here you may see mothers hanging over their daughters, bedewing their naked breasts with tears, and daughters clinging to their parents, till the whipper soon obliges them to part. And what can be more wretched than the condition they then enter upon? Banished from their country, from their friends and relations for ever, from every comfort of life, they are reduced to a state scarce anyway preferable to that of beasts of burden. The time they work in the West Indies, is from day-break to noon, and from two o'clock till dark; during which time, they are attended by overseers, who, if they think them dilatory, or think anything not so well done as it should be, whip them most unmercifully, so that you may see their bodies long after wealed and scarred usually from the shoulders to the waist. Did the Creator intend that the noblest creatures in the visible world should live such a life as this?" Although it was a carefully set out piece of work, the pamphlet was not without emotion. It was very clear that Wesley considered the slave trade utterly immoral and inhuman, and not something that anyone who called himself a man could be involved in. Another excerpt from 'Thoughts Upon Slavery' by John Wesley "Are you a man? Then you should have an human heart. But have you indeed? What is your heart made of? Is there no such principle as Compassion there? Do you never feel another's pain? Have you no Sympathy? No sense of human woe? No pity for the miserable? When you saw the flowing eyes, the heaving breasts, or the bleeding sides and tortured limbs of your fellow-creatures, was you a stone, or a brute? Did you look upon them with the eyes of a tiger? When you squeezed the agonizing creatures down in the ship, or when you threw their poor mangled remains into the sea, had you no relenting? Did not one tear drop from your eye, one sigh escape from your breast? Do you feel no relenting now? If you do not, you must go on, till the measure of your iniquities is full. Then will the Great GOD deal with You, as you have dealt with them, and require all their blood at your hands." Wesley made his views on slavery known in his sermons and speeches as well as in writing. He wasn’t afraid to carry his message to the heart of the slave trade in ports like Liverpool and Bristol. One on occasion in Bristol, Wesley was preaching to a large gathering which descended into uproar and violence. It’s thought that the slavers sent people into the crowd to disrupt the meeting. It was more than 200 year ago that early people power helped bring an end to slavery. So it's remarkable that many members of my congregation and other Methodists across Cornwall, and around the country, still refuse sugar in their tea 'on account of Mr Wesley'. *The Reverend Julyan Drew died of cancer aged 64 years on 25th July, 2019. A bard of the Cornish Gorseth, he had three children and six grandchildren, served as Superintendent of the West Penwith Methodist Circuit and for 20 years, as Minister of various West Cornwall Chapels. Chaplain of the Penlee lifeboat, he also served as Chaplain to the Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, Penzance town council and had been chair of numerous local bodies, including the YMCA, The Newlyn Fish Industry Forum and the 3 Villages Project.
  23. I remember doing a similar exercise during foster carer training. To see one's unearned privilege lain out clearly should be (it was for me) a very sobering moment.
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