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  1. Thanks aht1981. That sounds great, although I was hoping to just have the YouTube homepage stay on the media face of my TV object constantly, ready to use whenever I want, for playing YouTube videos. I was looking on the marketplace and I've just bought this, which I believe will do what I want and more: Second Life Marketplace - [.Shuggles.] TV Script
  2. Sorry, that was misinformation. It hasn't solved the problem. After a while it still resets to no media.
  3. I cleared my cache recently and that seems to have solved the problem. If anyone else has this then that's why. Cheers. Darren
  4. Thanks Lindavk. Yeah. Perhaps that's why LL haven't bothered developing VR for SL anymore. I'd imagine a lot of stuff in SL is too fiddly for VR anyway, like building for example.
  5. Ah! I had no idea. Does that suggest the Meta Quest 2 and/or 3 would also work in this way I wonder. Thanks. Darren
  6. I'm just wondering why this happens as it's quite inconvenient. I made a simple TV and applied the default media texture from "about land" to one face with YouTube as the homepage, but it keeps getting removed by itself. If anyone knows how to maintain the media texture on one face of an object (maybe with a script) I'd much appreciate the info. Cheers. Darren
  7. Ah, I see. Thanks again for the info Tessa. Darren
  8. I'm planning on getting a Meta Quest 3 VR headset in the near future and was wondering if it'd work in SL. I searched on Google but it kept coming up with results about the Oculus Quest. If anyone knows I'd much appreciate the info. Cheers. Darren
  9. Thanks Tessa for the info. I'll look into it now. Edit: I looked at the TVs suggested and others on the MP, but it seems none of them do what I wanted, at least not properly. What a shame. I remember back in the day as it were, about 10-15 years ago when this was easy to do. I clearly recall watching YT on TV, when me and my partner at the time were both controlling it and the media was completely shared, albeit with a slight delay between us maybe. I've no idea why this feature has been removed in SL and what the problem is in having it available.
  10. I made a simple TV just for using YouTube and it all works great, but when someone else (or my alt in a second instance of Firestorm) watches the TV, they've just got independent access to the TV and therefore can't see or hear what I'm playing. This has probably been asked many many times before but I wasn't sure exactly what to search for and I'm a complete scripting novice. I found a shared media (kiosk mode) script on the marketplace and I've added it to the contents of my TV object. I've edited it accordingly and this is what I have now: string URLlink = "https://www.youtube.com"; default{state_entry(){llSetPrimMediaParams(0,[PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY,TRUE,PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL,URLlink,PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL,URLlink,PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_INTERACT,PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE,PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL,PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE,PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS,1152,PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS,2048,PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS,1]);}} This script is running in my TV object but nothing different is happening to before. After editing the script it said it was successfully compiled when I saved it and the little box, top-right of the script window was green. Can someone please tell me what part of the script I need to change? Thanks. Darren Edit: I've just changed the 0 in the script to a 1 after where it says llSetPrimMediaParams and that seems to have activated the script, because now the address bar has been removed like it's supposed to, just leaving the browser controls, but unfortunately apart from that it still isn't shared media.
  11. Thanks so much Soracha. It actually works! I've only tried it with my main + alt so far but I'm guessing it's gonna be fine. This is useful to know Qie. Thanks for that.
  12. When I tried using Kosmi on the TV I made it worked ok with my main and my alt simultaneously, but when I tried it with my main and a friend of mine it didn't work for her at all. While I was watching a video her's was just continually loading/buffering and there's nothing wrong with her internet connection because other things work fine. I tried an actual Kosmi TV I found on the MP but of course it didn't work properly either. Several years ago I clearly remember watching a TV in SL that was owned by another friend of mine with her and she had it on YT. Both she and I were able to use the TV but if she was using it and I tried to use it for example a message would appear saying that she's using the TV at the moment and would I like to take control. It was obviously the same vice versa. Also when she was using the TV I could see what she was doing on it and vice versa. It was properly shared media and although it probably wasn't in good sync it was still very adequate. Whatever happened to this sort of thing in SL? It seems to be a thing of the past now. Edit: There was just one instance of the TV session for all, rather than one for each person if you know what I mean. So it was like it would be in RL: When someone changes a TV channel it's changed for whoever else is watching it too.
  13. Thanks Sam1. This sounds like exactly what I need. I've added it to my marketplace favourites. The TV I made myself thanks to Istelathis which uses Kosmi is good but I'm still slightly distracted by the full screen icons. I tried using Discord but got in a muddle with it and gave up quite quickly. I haven't bought the HiVid TV yet simply because it says the YouTube app on it is coming soon.
  14. Thanks so much. I used Kosmi and it works great in SL for me too. The only thing is there's a few icons at the edges of the screen in full screen mode but that's just me being fussy. I love it. Thanks Orwar. I'll try that as well. Darren
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