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Zanara Zenovka

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Everything posted by Zanara Zenovka

  1. Hmm - I can't find anything in writing now but I do remember that a couple of years ago it was conventional wisdom that such things had to be placed on a non-search parcel, and that this descended from advice from some Linden - ? Jack (sorry not much help - I realise that's all a bit nebulous). There definitely were instances of lucky chairs being removed from searchable land as a violation, eg http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussions/Lucky-Money-Chairs-banned-or-LL-smoking-something-again/td-p/207637 Can't find anything relevant in the TOS at all now, not even a mention of camping there any more - guess it's worth saving a printout now and then
  2. You could have a static url from a shortening service redirect to any inworld object set up to receive http.
  3. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the fact that it's a TOS violation to have those things on a parcel that's set to show in search.
  4. Depends what time of day you buy - between 1 and 5am be prepared to wait 30 min to 2 hours (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4260 - altho the chance of failure doesn't seem any greater. The rest of the time it's only a few minutes. Check your transactions for double purchases though - I'm still seeing a few of those atm.
  5. Faye Feldragonne wrote: Once I was selling very nicely done T shirts, 2 for 10 Lindens. Ok, so I get a complaint that she wanted them in both layers, jacket and shirt. Then she preached to me that "better designers" offered both. Grrr. I made her the shirt layer, but for 10 Lindens they were a steal at the jacket layer. I believe, honestly, that some customers just don't realize the time involved in the design and implementing process. Like this lady who wants to "help" me as if she's any idea the complexity of making boots in SL. Look I don't mean to pick on you here - but this is a perfect example. (1) Jacket is not a logical layer for a t-shirt - people might want to wear it with...a jacket? (2) Yes, better designers, or at least successful ones, do give people layer options (3) It doesn't matter how much something costs, if a buyer finds something unusable - whether 10, 1000 or 0 linden - it's still unusable, and they make a mental note not to buy from you again. It's never a steal if it's worthless to you. There should be no "grrr" here - it's good feedback, and stuff you need to pay attention to if you ever want to get anywhere in business. Sure, give yourself a "how dare they?" moment if you must, then suck it up and make the extra layers in everything in future. It's hardly much more work and your products will be more sellable for it.
  6. You didn't say whether you were online or off at the time of purchase. Also check you haven't muted any magic boxes (easy to do and muting is done by object name name)
  7. Where do you find the stats reports and figures for top 100 MP merchants?
  8. I have to agree with Morgaine here. Every bad review is a chance to learn something, even if on the odd occasion that 'something' may be "yes, there are nutcases out there" or "i seem to have a vindictive competitor who feels threatened". I get the odd one-star review from out of the blue, and apart from the above situations, it can usually be sorted out after contacting the person politely and fixing a misunderstanding or explaining how something works. I find if i can work out what they're trying to do (because I sell scripted tools, people are buying them for some particular purpose) and advise them on their options, we can work it out. After talking to people, I've also had one-star reviews generate custom jobs or good ideas for extra features. I take customer feedback seriously because it helps me make better things better. My products are full of features and are easy to use not just because I design that way, but because I have a particularly vocal subsection of a loyal customer base who have no qualms in contacting me and saying " i like your new x, but to be really useful to me I want it to do x, y, and is there any way you can get rid of the z?" I also sometimes do surveys on new products and the feedback is invaluable, and at times leads to a new version with enhanced features, and also tends to generate some great quotes from happy customers which is always nice. But you do hear complaints and requests that you would never know about unless you'd asked. People aren't always comfortable talking to a creator one-on-one, or they want to get something off their chest *now*, and without reviews we wouldn't get that feedback at all, and instead some buyers would just circulate complaints that we never hear about.
  9. That's very strange, and considering that the routine always takes the object name, seems almost impossible that it could just suddenly grab the description instead. Another lateral idea - could there actually be two prims rezzed in the same location, with different names, or something weird like that?
  10. Go to the magic box status page (linked from your merchant pages here but it's on the old xstreet site) and delete the old box. If you just delete a box before the website removes the items inside from its records it still thinks they're there. It takes a couple of days for it to actually remove dead boxes, and will even try to deliver from them in the meantime. Yes, it's daft.
  11. Any sales between 1-5am are consistently delayed by 1-2 hours. Feel free to vent your dismay here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4260
  12. Excel (or the Open Office version). Download CSVs, paste them straight in, do what you want with them.
  13. Those who want to see adult can enable it and it sticks. Search even warns you that you can see more if you increase your maturity level. It's really not that hard.
  14. Charlotte Bartlett wrote: I can't answer for sure, but I recently did a mass SURL update to mine. They did "seem" to lose ranking for about 24 hours then ranking seemed to even out again. I got on front page again on the same property that was there previously. Not a scientific answer from my side somebody else may know Yeah same behaviour as I've seen. it's retarded.
  15. You've got a good range in both quality and quantity, so as suggested, it's just a matter of getting it in front of people (I think your photos look fine btw - you've got a good brand consistency and relevant style - maybe some could be brighter and more eyecatching (bit hard with so much black) but there are better uses of your time atm). Speciality malls are a good start - there are quite a few black-wearing subcultures you can tap into. Make sure you track your sales and put out a collision-based visitor detector to see how many are actually making it into the store. Don't pay too much rent until it proves worthy. I'd also suggest getting into some of the discount groups and hunts for the exposure. Sixty Linden Weekends are the biggest - not sure if they're taking on new stores atm - you can get merchant info in their office in the Heavenly Treasures sim. Lots of others around. You've got a big enough range to make that fairly painless - just set a couple of things for 60L, 55L whichever for a weekend, and your stuff is different enough to stand out a bit and get some attention. That gets a lot of people through your shop. It's also a good way to test diff types of products and see what proves popular. As do hunts - check out slhunts.wordpress.com The big ones can get 1000 people through your shop over a few weeks, and while most zap in and out grab the prize, and many don't even unpack it, you do get the odd sales, return visits and referrals, and again it's just more eyes on your stuff. Aim to have one or 2 running all the time. Next is to make sure you've got a subscription mail list of some sort going, and encourage all these visitors to join up and ultimately convert to customers. This is your biggest marketing tool in SL. (Also SL groups but you'll get more willing to join a mail list.) Also check out the marketing reading room in my inworld store - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Uzume/36/128/1800/ - there's links there to some of the really good online articles I've found that particularly relate to SL business - how to define your business, plan marketing that suits your biz, build customer relations, etc. TL: DR: Make good stuff, get it in front of people, get good referrals, keep them coming back for more. You've got the first part, now for step two.
  16. Woot! Glad it worked. Delaynie - check you've got the last version Magic Box 3.0.11 If they're still not showing up try another sim (you should have boxes on at least 2 sims anyway). If the 2nd sim works, put in a ticket about sim 1.
  17. Go to the magic box status page (linked from your merchant pages here but it's on the old xstreet site) and delete any old boxes. Ghost boxes there can really stuff things up, cos the MP still tries to deliver through them. And if you've been rezzing and deleting, you've probably created a ton of them (they hang around way longer than they should). There can also be comms issues on particular sims (iirc a restart fixes) - was the other place you tried on a diff sim?
  18. Yes there are the inherent problems of llGiveInventory() delivery at the user end, and issues of web-inworld communication, but these pale in comparision to the SLM database problems that are becoming apparent. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4260 (1-2 hour delivery delay between midnight and 5am - regular as clockwork) has been identified for close on two months now, with a brief acknowledgement from LL but still no signs of resolution, and today that same behaviour has stretched out to 3-4 hours. It's not all about the poor, much maligned magic boxes - they deliver reasonably well, when they're actually told to, but if it takes hours for them to receive that instruction ... There are clearly some design issues with the way that the freeware Spree RoR package has been implemented, and so far no evidence that there's anyone willing/able/authorised to dig deeper into the source code and optimise things at a lower level, and that this is also why we're just seeing updates of the odd cosmetic changes at interface level (inventory sorting and display) and not the more useful functional features we've been screaming for (notification on review/failed sale, meaningful reporting). My biggest fear is that some of the reported scaling issues of RoR may be at play, which doesn't bode well for the future, if we can't even make it through a busy Christmas eve shopping night unscathed. At this point a bottleneck due to poor design would be a welcome diagnosis, since that, at least, is ultimately fixable.
  19. I'd just like the broken things fixed first. Chelsea Malibu wrote: 1. A delivery validation Script - when a buyer rezes the item, it sends back a message telling you where and when they rezzed their purchase. Already exists https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ArtiZan-Business-Script-Message-Notify-on-Rez/2867796
  20. Some of the field character limits have always been a bit weird. I've found that in the listing description at times too - it says you have 50 spare then when you try to save it says you're over (but, annoyingly, never how far over, so it's just hit and miss deleting things until it works). Just another thing that's been broken since the SLM launch that we've seen no move towards fixing.
  21. Just find out which brand of vendor they use - there are several newer efficient ones that only use one script.
  22. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: Hello Lasher, This is why we recommend that the seller reply to the review with their own comments. The Product Listing Review Team will then be able to see the reply from the seller directly. This will also provide information to potential buyers and others who will see the review before the Product Listing Review Team has an oppotunity to address the report on the review. Hello CommerceTeam Linden This is why we recommend automatically notifying merchants when a review has been left.
  23. It's not the scripts themselves, it's the rezzing. To maintain the illusion of a rezzed object, temp rezzers repeatedly rez (and delete) the whole object every minute or so, which is a lot of stress on a region.
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