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  1. I went to XstreetSL and you were right. I had around 8 ghost boxes. It seems to be working now that I deleted them all and reset the one I have out. Thnk you so much <3
  2. Alright, my magic box was working perfectly until my partner forgot to pay the rent on the land we were living on and it got sent back to me. After we rebaught the land and I put my box back out it started to have 'Delivery failed's on 95 - 98% of my items sold. It's been like this for two days and I've tried the following to fix it. 1. Reset the box, 2. Rezz a new box out and reput all my items in that one, 3. Resynced the magic box a couple of times, 4. unlisting all my items and relisting them, 4. Moved the box to a family member's house 5. Rebought the magic box and put all my items into that one It's becoming a little stressing because none of my cutomers are getting their items. Thankfully, it doesnt pay me when it fails to deliver or I'd be in a bigger mess. =x Please can somebody help me resolve this issue? Or is this something I need to ask LL.
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