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Zanara Zenovka

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Everything posted by Zanara Zenovka

  1. 1000 is ridiculously cheap for custom work. Remember, owner of a 4096 is paying L$3750 in tier a month. Have you thought about creating/selling garden prefabs? Anyone can buy plants, but not anyone can arrange them as well as you (or has the time or eye for it). If you have enough original creations or if the perms/TOS of the items you're using allow it... Make them mod/copy and work out ways to make them modular so people can customise as needed. (And reuse every texture you can to make them fast rezzing.) Something like a 30x30 (50x50, whatever - work out popular land sizes) "garden skybox" might find a market, esp with the pet keeping crowd.
  2. Wow - do they have the same object name or are there any other similarities you can find?
  3. You know that relevance is affected heavily by what's sold in the last few days? (yes, daft, i know) So it does bounce round a lot.
  4. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Zanara Zenovka wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote: I know some SL Residents dont care if Viewer Tagging and Color Tagging were to go but that does not dismiss that others find it valuable. Zanara stated earlier that she is happy to see it go. I said no such thing. Learn to read or stop making things up, whichever deficiency accounts for your constant fabrications. And right from the horse's mouth in this thread of you being happy to see a menace go away (menace to you but likely not to others).... Toysoldier Thor wrote: Actually it that they are braking Viewer Tags this week. online status is in the next couple weeks but he wasnt sure. Just as well - those high-speed viewer tags racing all over the grid are a serious menace! WOW. Just...Wow... OK, lets spell it out for the back of the bus... Your typo: "braking" (ie, to slow down vs "breaking") Derived puns: "high-speed", "racing all over" + Hyperbole: "serious menace" = Absurdity: "...high-speed viewer tags racing all over the grid are a serious menace!" ie, It's a joke, Joyce. Sometimes the fail is so epic, it's an achievement in itself.
  5. I'd start with the retail value of your materials plus a decent RL hourly rate for your time and work down from there. Get a good sense of exactly how long it takes you to do something, and what it would cost the buyer if they were to purchase all the materials themselves. Your work is beautiful and your product is a luxury item, so there's no reason to undervalue. So get a sense of what it's worth first, then you can negotiate, taking into consideration other value that the job may have for you (exposure, referrals, opportunities for sale, how much you want to do it and how good it will look in your showreel). In a perfect world, you shouldn't have to discount for any of these things, but until you're established there are obvious tradeoffs. Pam's idea about selling is great - a negotiating point could be that you, for example, get a small shop on the sim, in exchange for a discount. There's nothing wrong with asking for what you're worth - if 2 out of 3 people in SL say it's too much, but the 3rd buys, then you're probably on the right track. (And one week's work at your real hourly rate is better than 3 weeks at 1/3 of your rate, unless you really really want to do the build for other reasons.) But do beware the people who say "oh you'll sell a ton of these" when trying to convince you to do very specific custom work for them for next to nothing. And never give them copy/trans versions of your plants etc. When you quote, make sure to itemise exactly what people are getting (make a list - you'll be surprised how much there is), and be clear about your terms (% deposit, timeline, etc). Knowing exactly what's involved is part of being professional.
  6. Check that your magic boxes are version 3.0.11. Update if necessary. Follow the box status link from your merchant page to the old xstreet. Ignore the warning and insist on logging in anyway. Check the boxes listed there at the bottom of the page (ignore mention of unlisted products, etc - the rest of the site is dead) Most commonly you will find some ghost boxes there that have not been deleted. They mess things up. If you do, delete those. See if that helps. If not, remove all the boxes from the list there then reset them inworld to register them again. Then synch etc. That fixes things in the majority of cases but if not get a sim restart.
  7. LOL Yes i probably got carried away in a brief fit of idealism there. There was talk of an SLX/Xstreet vendor years back. Vague memories of talk of a joint effort with Hippo? (very vague...) I figure if LL wanted to do a vendor system they would have by now. I thought their reason was perhaps related to that "never get involved in resident-resident transaction disputes" rule, or that the support involved might be excessive.
  8. I've been thinking about this a lot this week and I totally agree with the need for LL staffers to gain more familiarity with the world, as you know, but even so it would take them years of full time SLing to approach the deep and specialised knowledge that experienced merchants and creators have in their area of expertise. I really think there needs to be a way of formalising user input much earlier in the process, so we don't keep getting into these adversarial situations which are stressful and time-consuming for both sides. Now I'm really not sure how this could best be achieved. You could have certain users acting as consultants in their areas of expertise, but that would lead to accusations of cronyism and the genuine possiblity of people pushing their own agendas. It also raises the question of appropriate compensation for the time commitment involved. Perhaps, using this specific issue as an example, there could have been a call for feedback or an open-ended survey put out: Which scripts use llRequestAgentData(k, AGENT_ONLINE)? How is it currently implemented? Whose status is being checked? What are the applications? What sort of businesses/groups/users use it? What would break without it? Basically all the info Oz called for in the Jira, but done instead as in information-gathering exercise, long before any decisions are made. And you'd just have to design the questions and structure in a way that will get useful, detailed feedback, and not rants and raves. Or maybe once a week a creator could do a show and tell as an educational things for commerce/LL staffers. "This is what I do. These are the tools I use to do it. These are the issues I struggle with. These are the things that could make my life easier." Could actually be quite interesting and eye-opening and help build bridges towards understanding on both sides.
  9. Great point about picking the right problems to solve. Darrius Gothly wrote: The problem is that items are delivered and signaled by the same device that sends IMs .. and that device is prone to capping and planned failure which means the whole methodology is prone to failure too. Yes the fact that everything is treated the same is also an issue; ideally it would be great to choose yourself what happens to each type of delivery. Also, at first it might seem great to get rid of capping altogether, but after experiencing the absence of capping in Inworldz, I'd hate to see it go completely. I find that if I haven't logged in there for a while there are so many notices, etc, that I just log off and log in again to clear them (having already read IMs offline).
  10. Darrius Gothly wrote: How I responded to their survey: To the question "Can the behavior of RI be changed to meet with approval", I answered: Yes Under the explanation, I wrote something to this effect: Firstly the RI list of items should always be sorted by date/time of arrival with the most recent items at the top. Purchases from the Marketplace (and any future online or offline delivery mechanisms for that matter) should deliver to the RI Folder. The purpoase of the RI folder thus being as a place where objects coming from sources that can be triggered by the user while offline must always go only to RI. For all other sources such as llGiveInventory and llGiveInventoryList, offers from other users and other sources that may be triggered when a user is either online or offline then RI will only receive these objects when the user is offline. While online the objects will trigger the typical accept or deny dialog. If given while the user is offline then they will be placed in RI and await disposition by the user at next login. For sources that can only occur while the user is online, such as take, take copy and similar, RI should never be used. When an object is contained in RI then the user can right-click on it and either Accept or Deny. If denied then it will vanish as though it was denied at the normal dialog. If accepted then it will be moved into the existing inventory folder tree as if it was accepted now. In short, RI becomes only a temporary stash folder for stuff that can and does come in while the user is offline. Rather than be dependent on IMs to trigger the Accept or Deny dialog, RI accepts everything when the user is offline and then the user can choose later to accept or deny as desired. Nice. Sorting absolutely. llGiveInventoryList really shouldn't matter for offline since it only works reliably for same-sim transfers and should only be used in local presence (eg touch) events anyway. I like the idea of the offline storage + accept/deny, but I'd also worry about the volume of status check calls if every inventory transfer becomes subject to that test (unless you can tie it in with a pre-existing check - maybe that could happen after capping is identified, since there'd already be some flag for that i assume). And we still haven't even touched upon the spam/griefing filters that will be necessary if offline inv offers are auto-accepted. There are so many unknown sequelae at present and it's really going to need thorough testing, which is going to be a challenge because you can't get the necessary numbers on Aditi, and it doesn't seem well suited to RC release testing (imagine if your inventory behaved differently depending which region you're in?).
  11. Well after five days of Jiradramz, it seems like the changes to llRequestAgentData are on hold for the moment. Time for a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down... Oz Linden commented on SVC-4823: ------------------------------ -- Thank you for the excellent descriptions of problems with this proposed change. We have decided to defer any change to llRequestAgentData until the important issues raised here have been addressed, especially those regarding delivery to off line users. It is very likely that any scripted object using this method to query agent presence will need to be updated when we do make changes, but we will make every effort to provide ample notice and to ensure that reasonable methods to solve the use cases described here are available. Interested users are encouraged to Watch this issue and the LSL Scripting Forum for updates. Note that usage of llRequestAgentData or any other mechanism to circumvent privacy protections as a viewer component is still prohibited by the Policy on Third Party Viewers. [ https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4823?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=313055#comment-313055 ]
  12. Yeah it's not very smart marketing to annoy your customers, esp if you're trying to build a long-term relationship. Ilyra Chardin wrote: The funny thing is, the ones that have spammed me the most, in general, are the ones that I only bought one item from (and I didn't like it.) Interesting that you should say that - I find my response to notices definitely depends on the quality. I read a lot of them - as well as my subscribed lists, i'm also in groups like "What's New SL", and i also encourage my customers to add me to their lists, cos I'm interested in what they're doing, so I do get quite a lot. I look at nearly everything I get, and it seems like the ones with bad copy or photos also 'feel' more like spam. Whereas, conversely, I'm also in Pamela's (above) list, and although the chances of me ever buying a kitchen or house are next to none, I read her notices every week cos the quality is great and the photos are just nice to look at. Relevance is an issue too - if you're actually interested in something it doesn't seem like spam, which is where smarter target marketing comes in (starting with restricting mail to those who've requested it). I've very occasionally sent notices to all owners of a certain product, to notify them of a new product that's designed as an addition or improvement to what they already have, and those are well received (and there's usually some sort of discount structure involved). In fact I think more people would be annoyed if they didn't hear about it, but this only works because I've put a lot of effort into knowing what my customers do and their business needs.
  13. I get them from the merchants whose lists I've subscribed to. I joined cos I like their stuff, and yes I open them, read them, and sometimes TP to buy/look. I send the same to my list when I have news stuff/specials and people turn up to buy. So yes they do work in these instances. Question should prolly be: Why are you getting all these notices you don't want?
  14. Sure Faye - it's been posted all over the forums already, and i posted a summary and key transcripts here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Info-on-online-status-changes/td-p/1400415 What Talarus and I are referring to is the proposed change to the script function llRequestAgentData(k,AGENT_ONLINE); the viewer change is comparatively trivial.
  15. Talarus Luan wrote: If LL continues down this path, one of the side-effects of this change will be that things like Multigadgets and Mystitools (hell, even viewers) will be augmented with scanners that will upload the presence information to a third-party server where it can be publicly queried, almost completely negating it. Yes. And at an increased cost of processor and bandwidth. And it would also give location information, the one thing stalkers are really after. Then to fight that, you have to remove not just sensor, but collision, touch_start/end, llGetObjectDetails, money, llAvatarOnSitTarget - anything that returns an avatar UUID... And then you've pretty much destroyed SL.
  16. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Zanara I didn't mean to respond to your post but to Ellie. Your response is spot on. Oh no worries - didn't take it that way - I usually just reply to the last post anyway unless i'm quoting
  17. Toysoldier Thor wrote: I know some SL Residents dont care if Viewer Tagging and Color Tagging were to go but that does not dismiss that others find it valuable. Zanara stated earlier that she is happy to see it go. I said no such thing. Learn to read or stop making things up, whichever deficiency accounts for your constant fabrications.
  18. how do they look before you upload them? that's the first thing to check. then what format are you using, what resolution, etc
  19. Maybe you should listen to it again. As I posted in my transcripts 3 days ago - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Info-on-online-status-changes/td-p/1400415 - he said: "It will go through the normal release process, so it will get broken on one or more release channels first, and then eventually it will roll out to the rest of the grid." He couldn't name a date, but said that it would be not less than two weeks at the very least. And he posted nearly a day ago that they're now reviewing it further. Probably best to not confuse the issue more than necessary.
  20. Toysoldier Thor wrote: You clearly have no level of usderstanding just how many products and services use true online status to run store, clubs, staffing, support, distribution of products and updates,etc. etc. And then for Oz to announce it on Friday and tell the TPV's that they will break it 5 days later when Oz and LL had clearly no clue of the impacts to their decision. [,,,] But they will be impacted when their inworld products that rely upon True Online stop woking this week. Where are you getting "5 days" and "this week" from? Do you have a reference source for that? Audio said there would be nothing earlier than 2 weeks, at the minimum, and then it would follow the normal RC channel progression, and none of Oz's subsequent posts that I've seen have said anything about it being sooner.
  21. Yeah it's pretty hard for a number to just change to another number like that - I'd be excluding every other possiblity first. GL!
  22. I've regularly had for sale items set themselves back to not for sale, but I've never seen one change prices. Is there any chance you could have another prim vendor in your region set for that price, something left behind from building? Like maybe a second copy behind the first, or in another location? You could use a prim hunting gadget to search your shop by object name maybe?
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