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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. "Add" and "Wear" are the same thing. Both will attach the object to your avatar. "Wear" will detach the other objects that are currently attached to the same attachment-point as the new attachment you're about to wear. "Add" will simply add the new attachment to your avatar, without detaching any existing stuff on the same attachment-point. If you want to be safe, always add everything.
  2. Retopologizing means to basically "remake the model" with new, simpler, more efficient topology or vertex layout. The reason why your file size is so big is because there is a lot of data in your sculpt. The vast majority of it is unnecessary, especially if you're planning to bring it into SL.
  3. Retopologize the model.
  4. It's a 3D chatroom, not that different from the "hangout sims" of SL. There's a search for places to go to, which are basically miniature sims filled with poseballs that you click on to "move there," which means your avatar will be at that specific spot doing that specific spot's animation. Disclaimer: I speak with experience from 10 years ago, but I don't imagine it has revolutionized itself.
  5. IMVU doesn't have "walking around" or free movement of any kind. It's literally Poseball: The Game Minus the sexy part.
  6. They meant MB, not Mb. Regardless, if your object takes up 20% of that on it's own, that's never a good thing. Other things exists in the world, and unfortunately they're not much more conservative than you. As for the tutorials you're watching, they're for actual renders, as in static content (images/video). They're not for real-time rendering, such as games. And while it's true that modern games do use high resolution textures, they are used either sparingly with alternative low-res versions, or with specific intent. (Texture atlasses especially.) Second life is neither modern nor does it handle texture memory well. You have to take into consideration the context of the tutorials you're watching. General modeling tutorials don't teach you how to make good game assets.
  7. I am too, I'm not sure what to point you towards as most of my knowledge comes from intuition after having observed vectors for years in SL. I'm very math-dumb and barely know any proper vector math, let alone trigonometry, or quaternions specifically. For me, it mostly boils down to: X = forward, Z = up. vector * rotation = the vector now exists in that coordinate space. If the vector was pointing forward, it still does, even if the numbers are different. vector / rotation = the vector has been removed from that coordinate space. If the vector was pointing forward, Y and Z will be zero. rotation * rotation = combines them clockwise. rotation / rotation = combines them counter-clockwise. Those assumptions get me where I need to be, 95% of the time.
  8. The only real difference for physical movement is that instead of using step_distance as an offset to move into with llSetPos (or similar), you'd use step_distance as the new force/velocity vector. step_distance would essentially become force_strength, which you'd give to llSetVelocity (or similar). But if the target is physical as well, its rotation may not be the direction it's moving in. What are you trying to do exactly? What's the context?
  9. Are we talking about physical or nonphysical movement? If it's just nonphysical movement and you want to move in the direction of the green object, it's pretty simple. Get the target's rotation. (target_rot) Figure out how much you want to move. (step_distance) Create a vector whose X (forward) length is your step_distance. Rotate that vector by target_rot, so it will match its direction. Move from llGetPos() to that offset. Or in code: key target = "d65f8e9b-6ede-41ec-f8f4-d57e3aba901f"; rotation target_rot = llList2Rot(llGetObjectDetails(target, (list)OBJECT_ROT), 0); float step_distance = 0.1; vector offset = <step_distance,0,0> * target_rot; llSetPos(llGetPos() + offset);
  10. Let's assume the absolute worst hypothetical for a second; This group primarily wanted Tilia. LL wouldn't sell only Tilia to them and insisted to be acquired instead. The group has little interest in SL and doesn't care what happens to it. How would we react and why would that change anything? Obvious disclaimer: I don't think this is what's going on. But yeah, why do we care, besides general interest?
  11. Maybe I'm unpacking this sentence wrong, but what exactly do you mean? If we are in a simulation, that does not necessarily mean that the reality that contains ours is also a simulation. We could be just one level deep, the first experiment in the original reality. Bit of a tangent, but the same thing applies to the "are we alone in the universe" question. While mathematically unlikely, there has to be a "first species" to leave their planet. We could be that first, or among the firsts before exponential expansion has happened.
  12. Or 90*DEG_TO_RAD for us mere mortals. The build tools panel displays everything in degrees, not radians.
  13. Aren't the Altamura bodies fullperm or at least modify? You could easily set the textures to BOM with the viewer's build-tools if that's the case.
  14. It's not so much that "Apple controls everything," but rather that someone generally needs to take the first step before others are more inclined to follow. It can't be someone small like a single game dev studio. It needs to be someone higher up that can actually influence what others do. If you're not one of the big platforms, it's your choice whether to support ancient tech or not. But if you want your software to run on Macs, you have to look beyond old OpenGL. And when you're doing that, you might as well use the new development for other platforms as well, not just Apple's. This doesn't apply to just OpenGL and the changes won't be instant, but there can't be change until someone steps beyond OpenGL.
  15. If the problem was UV bleeding, we'd see something different or rather a more pronounced/pixelated "edge." What's happening in the screenshot is SL's rendering engine splitting the lighting calculations because of the UV edge. The shadows should appear smooth, without those sharp clean edges.
  16. Or "free" or "gift" or "kemono" or whatever else.
  17. With a block list that long and growing, I'm surprised social isolation is an issue for you.
  18. The cost calculations seem to be done by LLs servers without a public API, so the answer would be no.
  19. To try and put it simply: Your TV is your web browser in the viewer. Only you can see it, just like your real browser. Only the address of the page is shared with other people, not the content. It's not possible to fix it.
  20. As long as the object's root is within the sim, the rest of it can exist "outside" of the sim. So you just create a mesh object up to 64x64x64 in scale, link it to a prim, and move the prim right up to a sim edge. Avatars can be moved up to a couple thousand meters outside of sim borders this way.
  21. I don't have Lelutka and it's been months since I've touched Genus, so I can't give specific advice, but make sure you're not wearing any head alphas that make your eyes invisible. Without seeing your avatar/worn outfit, it's tough to guess exactly.
  22. Those are a system layer for changing the texture on your system avatar's eyes. If you want to use them with a mesh head, that's exactly what BOM (Bakes On Mesh) was made for. It'll be very easy to keep using them.
  23. The "owner only" limitation was part of the initial feature request, it does not seem to be something LL decided to add in to make it safer than intended. I wish I was able to find the initial suggestion on the JIRA, if that's even possible, but we have the official wiki history to reference. If you go all the way down to the first entry, on 4th of Feb 2007, you'll see that even then it says: "Agent must be the script owner or on script owner's land." The function was not released until 24th of July 2012. Fair point. I don't like or dislike your opinion, I'm interested in the how and why of what you think, since you're the most active one arguing against lifting the "owner only" restriction, or at least the implicit permissions while on the owner's land. You still haven't addressed the issue of why LL shouldn't allow the legitimate use of llTeleportAgent on others without an Experience. Nobody wants to allow griefing. Griefing will still be against the rules. Griefing can already be done through an Experience, but it doesn't seem to be happening.
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