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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. But to be fair, having all sims exist in one location (as they do now) is already the "worst case scenario" for anyone not in the US or even just on the wrong side of the US. Having the option to have sims physically located in Europe (for example) for a European sim owner, is not worse than what we have now. Somebody said earlier that "someone will always lose," which is true, but I think the actual sim owner should be responsible for that decision when possible.
  2. If you need an actual group-invite being offered to the customer, you're going to need a bot. Scripts can't send group invites. If the group is open so that anyone can join without an invite, you could send a link to the group profile through a chat message. llOwnerSay("Join the group: secondlife:///app/group/" + group_uuid + "/inspect"); The customer will see the group's name in their chat window, and when they click it, the group's profile window will pop up.
  3. The first thing that came to my mind would be to divide 360 degrees by the number of puzzle pieces, which will give you an even angle between each piece on the circle. Each piece would then be assigned a unique number, which will be used to calculate the final angle they'll use to position themselves on the circle. For example, if there are 4 pieces: angle = 360 / 4 = 90 (or TWO_PI / 4 when dealing with radian angles) 1st piece = 2 * angle = 180 2nd piece = 4 * angle = 360 3rd piece = 3 * angle = 270 4th piece = 1 * angle = 90 But making sure each piece gets a unique number is pretty complicated when each piece is responsible for its own position. To make things simple, I would do the circle-calculations (or piece-number assignment) from the board, since it's a more centralized place that can keep track of which numbers have already been used (shuffled list, for example). You would then have to send a chat message to each individual piece to let them know where they should go.
  4. Having personally only scratched the surface with programming with Vulkan, I would not say it "won't be that hard to convert to." Overall design aside, it's totally different from OpenGL in terms of how you have to implement stuff. OpenGL does so much for you automatically that you have to do explicitly in Vulkan. There's absolutely no way to just swap from one to the other, it requires a complete rewrite of how literally everything is handled.
  5. You've sort of got it, you just mixed something up. In your HUD script, you're correctly using llRegionSayTo, to send a message to your attachments on channel 100. But then, you're enabling PRIM_POINT_LIGHT in the HUD itself, which won't work since HUDs cannot emit light. Meanwhile, your glowstick script isn't really doing anything. It's listening to messages and simply repeating them back to you. The glowstick script should check which message it received and enable PRIM_POINT_LIGHT instead of the HUD. default //Glowstick Object { state_entry() { llListen(100,"Glow Stick HUD","",""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id) != llGetOwner()) return; else if (message == "ON Button Connected") { llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <0.2, 0.8, 0.8>, 1.0, 10, 0.75 ]); } else if (message == "OFF Button Connected") { llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, <0.2, 0.8, 0.8>, 1.0, 10, 0.75 ]); } } } I think it's also important to point out that you should do your best at keeping the indentation consistent, so you can easily see where the curly-brace pairs are. It's much harder to find mistakes when they're all over the place or not indented at all.
  6. This would work for any number of puzzle pieces as long as they are all identically named, placing them in random positions on a circle with a random horizonal rotation per piece. integer prim_count = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer prim = 1; while (++prim <= prim_count) { if (llGetLinkName(prim) == "piece") { float circle_radius = 1.0; float circle_height = 0.1; float position_angle = llFrand(TWO_PI); vector piece_position = <circle_radius,0,circle_height> * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,position_angle>); float rotation_angle = llFrand(TWO_PI); rotation piece_rotation = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,rotation_angle>); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(prim, [ PRIM_POS_LOCAL, piece_position, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, piece_rotation ]); } } The "board" is sized <1.0, 1.0, 0.1> and the pieces are sized <0.1, 0.1, 0.1> but the script doesn't depend on those sizes. I'm noting them for reference. The uncontrolled randomness means that some pieces will sometimes be placed on top of each other, and that sometimes the script will create "clumps" where most pieces will go. If you want an evenly spaced circle, or multiple circles at different distances from the board, it's not super complicated and I can help with that.
  7. All are valid possibilities too. Goes to show that things are not usually down to just one simple thing.
  8. I did, and I still don't understand why you chose to preface everything you said by claiming that clearing your cache could make things worse. The things you said after that didn't explain it, which is why I'm asking.
  9. How? This seems like one of those few things that might actually be helped with a cache purge.
  10. I don't recall if "cloud go faster" is something LL said, but it was definitely speculation and an observable thing us users were seeing, particularly with region crossing. The unfortunate reality is that we can't know exactly what things are affected and how, since we're not privy to that information. Some things are better (region crossing), some things are worse (marketplace delivery), and some things are correlated but not caused by "the cloud." Websearch being worse or different is probably not caused by the uplift, because the uplift was specifically the sims moving over to AWS, all of the websites (MP and search) was already there for years, I believe. The reason it changed was probably because of the "code cleanup" LL made during the move.
  11. I obviously agree that there are reasons to keep things no-modify, I said as much. I don't think any of the sellers are malicious either. Some of them are just following license agreements. Some of them are avoiding customer support. Some of them are ignorant and think no-modify will "protect" them. Some of them think their vision is literal perfection and must not be violated. Some have other reasons. I think most of these reasons are bad, but not all.
  12. There are a significant number of things you can do to a mesh object, even if the mesh itself can't be edited (or even resized/repositioned as with rigged items). Frustration caused by different expectations is not anti-consumer, and taking away the possibility of editing an object because "you can't edit it anyway" is just wrong and false.
  13. Bots can touch objects (just as your viewer can tell the sim "I have touched this object"), and dialogs are just glorified chat messages. When you type stuff into a text box and confirm it, your viewer will actually send a regular chat message on that text box channel. This also means that the viewer/bot will know what channel the message is supposed to go into, so they don't have to type anything into the actual text box, they can "bypass" it by just chatting on the correct channel.
  14. The catalog is the only place to get things in IMVU, while products in SL are uploaded outside of the Marketplace, and often shared outside of it too. You can't say SL has "just 3," and it isn't. Search for WWG1WGA and you get 10 more results. Almost half of those 25 products on IMVU are also not related to Q Anon, they're just posters of someone with the same name and were added in 2011 judging by the reviews. The ratio has quickly climbed to 13:16, not including things we literally can't search for in SL. How much worse does it need to get before you're going to disavow Second Life as "not an option for you?" Where's your line?
  15. To answer the question, this is how you make a tattoo for one arm or leg: Create a new layer from New Clothes > New Universal Wear it and edit it Scroll down to the Left Arm/Leg slot If you want your tattoo to be in the left arm/leg, put it in that slot. If you want your tattoo to be in the right arm/leg, put it in the Upper/Lower slot instead.
  16. IMVU is all about user-created content, same as SL. SL has Q Anon stuff as well, even on the Marketplace. Are you saying you should quit SL or your brain isn't working? 🤔
  17. A bot can do anything a regular user can do, at least in theory. Second Life is open-source and doesn't have any kind of "anti-cheat" or "anti-bot" systems built into the viewer nor the sim. If the viewer knows how to present you with a menu with buttons (or questions in chat), the bot is able to read those buttons (or chat). Your best preventative method might be to present the questions/choices as textures. It's unlikely that there exist any bots that come with OCR. I think bots are generally blind in general, they don't need a graphical view of the world to interact with it. Or if you really want to make things difficult, you could use prim media to display a webpage with the trivia questions/choices on it.
  18. I understand that dealing with people like this is frustrating/annoying, but why not just ignore them? Selling on Marketplace doesn't obligate you into customer service. I believe no-modify is mostly an anti-consumer choice. Obviously, not everything can stay modifiable (generally when the product is part of a bigger ecosystem), but taking away the ability to modify your product from all of your users because of the aggressive dummies seems at least as extreme. And personally, I would write the script in such a way that it wasn't so fragile (no offense meant here) that replacing the wheels would break it. Scripts can account for that, and you can include a notecard with instructions on how to replace the wheels. For example: "The wheels must be named [some pattern the script recognizes]." Even if your wheels need their individual scripts, you said your product is Copy. That means the scripts can be copied into the new wheels by the owner.
  19. That's right, I do know personally the type of system you use, because I've rented from you. My snarky comment is not to say that CasperTech doesn't have a script in every box. It does, you're correct. My snarky comment is to say that the rental system you yourself use does, just the same as CasperTech, have a script in every box. You were implying that CasperTech was more laggy because it needed a script in every box, but clearly they are the same on that aspect. I absolutely agree that competition is good.
  20. Not for scripts there isn't. Edit: You're right, I didn't read your previous post in full so I missed the context. My bad.
  21. If nothing else, make sure the audio file is mono, not stereo.
  22. You've just explained the system you currently use.
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