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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Where do you get the impression that anyone in this thread thinks: Repeatedly teleporting an avatar around to try and remove control from them is not griefing. This function will only be used appropriately. All uses of this function will be justified. It's been acknowledged time and time again that of course there can and will be some griefing. No one has argued otherwise. You need to formally request permission even just to animate yourself, even if the script is attached to your avatar. This alone doesn't establish much, since most permissions are granted implicitly. Saying "the function should work like this because this is how it works now" is circular thinking. You can do whatever you want in SL as long as it doesn't go against LL's policies. If LL doesn't explicitly say you can't do it, it's up to us to make the decision. This means that you can do on your land as you wish, but you still cannot intentionally grief your visitors as that is against LL's policies. It's also been reiterated multiple times over the years by various Lindens in more casual discussions that this is the case. To rephrase what I said, the Terms and Conditions (3.4.) say: If we look beyond the limited scope of how scripts technically work, or the specific wording of the policies, land owners really do have the final say on what happens on their land in practice. Land owners can and do discriminate against the people in their land. Land owners can and do invent completely nonsensical rules for their land. Linden Lab will not step in to moderate the content or behavior of land owners. If you've ever complained about someone's land, most people will respond with "just leave." Anyway, I find this mindset of "people might do bad things with it" really troubling and self-limiting, but also easily defeated by its logical extreme. We should toootally disable llInstantMessage since I can't imagine many uses for it besides cross-grid spamming and that is the experience I literally have. (Auto-subscribers anyone?) We should never teach people how hacking or cyber security works because that might breed more hackers. We should ban knives because their only purpose is to cut, which is to inflict damage.
  2. I see value (which I didn't before) in both ways after Kyrah made a point I agreed with and now I'm exploring your counter-opinion. My "cherry picked" posts were specifically quoted to show that "let's get rid of permissions" is not all I have said. You accuse me without nuance. Like I said, I have no stake on the outcome. Change or no change, permission or no permission, I'm fine with all of it because I am able to consider opposing opinions. I don't think you should vilify me for that. I'm reminded by avatar freezing. This is one the tools officially available to land owners. Were you aware of this, and what's your opinion on it? Does this violate the visitor's rights?
  3. It's an interesting/entertaining discussion. I like debating opinions in general, it doesn't even need to be scripting related. If you go back to page one and follow the things I've said, I've been very conservative about how this function should work, if it were to change. Are these opinions (which I still hold) that radical?
  4. I have already given examples of situations where teleporting without explicit permission (including Experiences) greatly benefits creators in creating products and systems for willing participants. I think you're the one too focused on the potential downsides and ignoring all the upsides or the downsides of not having a way for a single script to seamlessly handle teleportation of multiple avatars. I guess we'll be at an impasse on that. I have no stake in this feature. LL could remove llTeleportAgent completely and I would not care beyond the principle of creativity. I've literally never used this function and I don't have any plans to, because the things I like to make don't need it. I also don't like your argument that some things are just "naturally expected." Things should be justified, the word "moral" keeps coming to mind but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for. You should be able to explain what your opinion of "I can eject you from my home" is based on, and likewise you should be able to explain what your opinion of "I can't move you to another spot in my home" is based on. Why does the right of another person become more important in one situation but not both? It's a rhetorical question.
  5. How exactly do you justify llTeleportAgentHome when you say things like "permission must be granted explicitly regardless of how badly it's desired?" I desire you off my land, but the same "no consent" argument applies there too. The more I've thought about Kyrah's point, I don't see much (negative) difference between what we have and what we could have. Any malicious use of llTeleportAgent on the owner's land would have the same outcome. You'd have to teleport home, which is where you'd end up today. It would obviously mean that scripts could only use llTeleportAgent to move avatars within the current parcel, to prevent the most significant abuse (intentional or not) such as ping-ponging or the slow cross-region teleports.
  6. You fly over the parcel at 4000 meters, or cross a bit of the corner at ground level, and a script teleports you into the lobby of a skybox. Or a more malicious example: while (TRUE) { llTeleportAgent(agent, "", trap, ZERO_VECTOR); }
  7. What kind of movement do you mean? Instant position change as with llSetRegionPos wouldn't make it easier for a user to escape a parcel that has a script repeatedly teleporting them to the same spot (or all over that parcel). Physical movement as with llMoveToTarget has issue with taking its time (movement is noticable) and can be blocked by obstacles. Besides, I'm fairly sure intra-sim teleports are handled "better" than cross-sim ones, but obviously I have no real evidence to show for it.
  8. It shouldn't be hard or even content-breaking to change llTeleportAgent to behave the same way as llTeleportAgentHome, since the latter doesn't generate any permission events. That said, I still think this is not a good idea. You can't spam llTeleportAgentHome on someone, since the result of the first teleport will generally mean the agent no longer exists on the land. If llTeleportAgent behaved the same way, you could "catch" people into your land whether intentionally or not. Perhaps a throttle could be added or something. Would it be awesome as a scripter? Yes. Would it be awesome as a user? Probably not. As much as I dislike Experiences as a scripter AND user, that's one area where I think Experiences are a better way to handle teleporting.
  9. Not really a good way to think about it. Stretch that 512px texture on a sphere that covers half of your screen height. You're not seeing the full texture. The more surface area a model has, the less texture you'll potentially see from a given angle. That said, SL looks just fine with textures limited to 512. I've had that option on for over a year.
  10. Stopping animations and releasing permissions are two very different things. That stop command (if the script has it) won't prevent the script from restarting the animations at will, even if it never does so. A script can only have permission from one avatar at a time; more than that, and you need multiple scripts or to swap between the avatars with separate requests. There used to be a way to properly release permissions entirely, but LL broke it. (2007, Acknowledged, Unresolved)
  11. Imagine unironically suggesting a feature that helps the griefers to spy and abuse you. That's about on the level of what I'd expect from Facebook.
  12. Scripts lose all permissions on reset. That's the only way for a script to totally release all permissions.
  13. From the other thread, a link to a JIRA issue created in 2009. "Awaiting Review"
  14. From the sounds of it, the script has simply request permission to animate the avatar, and was granted it. Scripts hold that permission forever (without RLV) until restarted, and "revoke permissions" doesn't work.
  15. Report them for abuse and don't be in the same sim as them.
  16. I can confirm that the couple people on my lists don't have their calling cards changed. Not sure when exactly they changed their names.
  17. If you've already got the rotation part right, then the position should be much simpler to implement. These two seem pretty promising as far as examples go: Implementing the spherical movement: https://youtu.be/TpYCd8yBa3Q Demonstrating approximate values with cubic curves: https://digerati-illuminatus.blogspot.com/2008/05/approximating-semicircle-with-cubic.html Your problem will be to decide which way to move about the sphere. Do you go "over" or "under" the sphere? What happens when A is below B or B below A? I might come back with code later, but no guarantees.
  18. I want to broadcast this globally in all languages.
  19. What I want in general is a "mute this thread" button since no matter how much I try to ignore a thread, it and its content keeps showing up in the Unread Content page.
  20. Am I understanding correctly that given the two points A and B, the interpolated object should move in a smooth arc between those points, as if moving along the surface of a sphere (those diameter is the distance between A and B)? And the object's rotation would be interpolated with quaternion slerp?
  21. No offence but you don't know that for sure. Even if LL says that, it doesn't necessarily make it true. You find that cynical? I see it as being business savvy enough to not change a product that is producing money. It takes a cynic to know a cynic is all I'm saying.
  22. That's kind of the opposite of how it works. Once a certain amount of people have registered a specific last name, it is retired. But your first statement is kind of correct, in a cynical way. Once LL has "made enough money," new names will be released.
  23. Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Restrict maximum texture resolution to 512px (requires restart) Max Texture quality level: 3, 4, or 5 (affects newly loaded textures) This is what quality 5 looks like: This won't get rid of the performance cost of loading new textures, your FPS will still drop significantly during. Something to consider: Even if you find the rare optimized custom sim build, the people in it can still lag you to high heavens. When you're limited on memory, the texture quality is a very small price to pay.
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