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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Only one of the links is a 2yo thread, but half of the posts in it are from this year. And sadly no, it's basically impossible to return Marketplace to the state it was before. The update was massive, the search engine went from version 2.3 (released 6 years ago) to 8.4. I can say from professional and personal experience that trying to downgrade or undo something like that just isn't happening in reality because there are too many connected things. It's much easier to kick LL into improving what we have now.
  2. Oh, if you're talking about the single-store view, there's a huge threads about that among others. It's been discussed a lot here. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/496874-marketplace-broken-again/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/464422-marketplace-is-failing-to-update-relevance-sort/ There's also been several official blog posts from Linden Lab about what happened, why, and what's coming. Here's a timeline: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/12829-we’re-improving-marketplace-search/ https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/12885-updates-to-marketplace-search/ https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/13127-what-the-heck-happened-to-my-marketplace-store/ https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/13345-marketplace-spring-cleaning/ https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/13486-infrastructure-upgrades-and-temporary-downtime-on-second-life-marketplace/
  3. Out of curiosity, could I have a copy of that calling card for some investigation?
  4. Relevance is basically "best match," not necessarily the latest or greatest. Note how each of those products have the exact phrase "japanese temple," though not all of the results do (like if you sorted by Newest First). If you only want mesh japanese temples, add the word "mesh" to your search. If you only want new stuff, sort by Newest First.
  5. Before LL moved to Amazon Web Services, multiple sims ran on the same server, so the server's memory usage was affected by more than just your sim. Now that all sims are on AWS... it's a bit more of a mystery, unless somebody has some cool background infrastructure knowledge about AWS. Having less stuff (avatars, attachments, objects, physical objects, scripts, etc.) on your sim will reduce its memory usage, but I know that's not super useful advice.
  6. I would also like to know if there really are vendors that are able to show a "L$0" pay price. Do you happen to know any by name? It doesn't seem possible with llSetPayPrice, and I'm going to update the wiki with that detail unless somebody knows a trick. Edit: Well, I guess one trick is to set the "default price" parameter to 0, which sets that value to the text box of the "Pay" window and allows you to click the Pay button. I'm assuming you mean the 4 preset price buttons though.
  7. You: "Look guys, I was intentionally being a butt and directly caused someone to leave because they didn't want to put up with me. I hope they learned their lesson." Forum: "You were kind of a butt, you know." You: "I can't believe these people won't blame Linden Lab for this. Linden Lab should close my thread."
  8. If you used commas to separate your values instead, llCSV2List is much easier to use. I would only recommend the parser if your data must contain commas, or if your input comes from something you can't control. 🙂 (Or I guess if it has some specific format, like time...) But, since you asked about llParseString2List, here's an example: string description = "7:12:31"; list data = llParseString2List(description, [":"], []); llOwnerSay((string)data); // ["7", "12", "31"] The first list is for "separators", which are used to split the string into different list elements. So the left and right side of ":" become a list element. The second list is for "spacers", which not only split the string into different list elements, but also become list elements themselves. string description = "7:12:31"; list data = llParseString2List(description, [], [":"]); llOwnerSay((string)data); // ["7", ":", "12", ":", "31"]
  9. I think that's the best cursor I've seen in the past 20 years! And yeah, Rasterscan probably has the right idea. If you put something in the contents of your object, those contents have to be transferrable as well, otherwise you can't transfer/sell the main object either. The same applies to unpackers.
  10. Works for me, and those numbers are well above any minimum required values. Your issue is somewhere else in your script. The caveats also mention that the real minimum frametime should be 0.13333 (so 6 sim-frames) instead of "over 0.10000". Also, about the reason why KFM works the way it does:
  11. Like @Quistess Alpha mentioned, KFM does not require the Convex Hull shape type. The object just has to be under the LI system, basic prims won't work on their own (which is a bit of a weird quirk to deal with, but nothing new for SL unfortunately). Here's a video of a concave mesh using KFM, which I made for another thread.
  12. The benefit of mobile clients (such as Speedlight) is that you could run them in the browser without having to install anything. You get a quick, light-weight viewer that can be used on any desktop computer, even ones with poor hardware (laptop/chromebook) or ones where you don't want to or can't install a full viewer.
  13. Just get a new copy of your bodies. The Legacy bodies are no-modify, so there's nothing you can do to fix crashed scripts. And as a general suggestion - always make a new copy of any product before using it in your outfit. That way it won't be as much of a hassle.
  14. This can be somewhat verified by BonnieBots. Maitreya Lara was seen 9305 times today (7407 for version 5.3) Legacy was seen 2055 times (1568 for version 1.6) Legacy Perky was seen 814 times (647 for version 1.6) And by Legacy I mean their basic female body, the most popular from their store.
  15. The "Styles" tab uses Media On A Prim. It's used to store your appliers, so you can re-apply the applier from your HUD instead of having to find/attach the other creator's applier again. This will stop working if they take away the server. The "please actually wear the body" message doesn't require an external server, that check can be done with just LSL.
  16. It doesn't seem like store sorting has been fixed yet. None of my stores are even close to being in order.
  17. If you use an adblocker, you can use that to hide the likes given to a post. Out of sight, out of mind.
  18. I have this issue in Firestorm 6.6.8 but only when I have "Highlight Transparent" enabled and only on rigged mesh. The alpha sorting breaks in a very distinct manner, it's not quite the same as what we're used to seeing.
  19. The only big issue you might run into is old and/or badly scripted systems which rely on avatar names specifically, instead of the unique UUID each avatar has. I'm confident that there aren't many of those around anymore.
  20. The 20 second delay is always there, but out-of-SL emails are additionally throttled to 500 emails per hour, per account. (So you can't get around that throttle by using multiple scripts, but you can within SL.)
  21. Email has some reliability problems (mentioned in the wiki page), another option (which Animats mentioned) is URL/HTTP requests. Speaking of... Even if you had three objects and they all knew each others UUIDs and/or URLs, they are not static or reliable. A couple years ago I went down a deep rabbithole of trying to create a "network" of objects across several regions, where each object ("node") in each region kept track of every other object in the network. If a new node wanted to join the network, it only needs to announce itself to any node, which would cause its URL to propagate to every other node, and in turn it would gain a record of every other node as well. That seemed really promising. You had reliable cross-region communication as long as you had a node there. It didn't matter if a node changes its URL, it can update the rest of the network with the new URL. It didn't matter if multiple regions went offline during rolling restarts, the remaining regions would keep the network alive (even if only a single node survives), and all the other nodes would always be recovered after the regions came back online. The unavoidable problem happens if the grid goes offline, or all nodes go offline at once by some bad luck. At that point you would have to setup the network by hand again, having to visit every node to share at least one URL with them so they can rejoin. Too much work for not enough utility.
  22. The biggest improvement to my SL experience has been... Discord bots. For example, the group "Builder's Brewery" has an official bot relaying messages between the SL group chat and Discord. This means I don't have to be online to read back on what's been talked about in the group. This is to say... "persistence of social interaction" has become the most important thing for me. It really sucks that you miss out on literally everything that happens in-world unless you're actively logged in right there and then. Speedlight is good at that, since it can keep the avatar online (and able to receive group messages) even when my device is off. And of course as a scripter, being able to update/run scripts is a very important feature. I also really want better tools for managing the avatar's inventory... I know Catznip has some progress in that area, but it's been a while.
  23. That's what I'm thinking. Can you copy a land-scope experience to another region, so that it has the same UUID and shares key/value pairs? Is long-distance communication possible that way? I thought that's how Experiences always worked -- I've just never been able to test it myself due to no access. Does @Lucia Nightfire happen to know/confirm?
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