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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Absolutely true, but at the same time, many of them are made to be very simple to use. For example, with uBlock, you can literally just right-click the placeholder and it can correctly guess exactly what to hide. 3 clicks total. (And as a bonus, you immediately get rid of most ads!)
  2. You can use an adblocker to hide them. For example, if using uBlock Origin: ##.ipsType_light.ipsComment_ignored.ipsComment
  3. Make your text Convert to mesh Beautify faces Tris to Quads Cleanup ...by hand, by manually selecting and deleting/merging things off ...using modifiers or tools like Limited Dissolve (especially sharp edges), two seconds of work: ??? Solidify Double-check Export
  4. I understand this, it was a rhetorical question. If that's the point they're making, I completely reject it because of its hypocrisy.
  5. Please explain the difference between "you can't use my culture" and "you can't use any other culture." Why do you think it should be considered okay to use one culture but not another?
  6. Nothing on your iPad (or any other device) needs to be updated when a website gets updated. More than likely the "style sheet" LL has for your iPad's resolution is just missing some things, so it'd be a bug they have to fix.
  7. This has been a thing for years, I've been using it ever since I started posting.
  8. An "Experience" is, essentially, just a little shortcut for the permission system. Scripts must normally be granted permission to do something, in specific cases. With an Experience, scripts are always automatically granted those permissions. Having an Experience doesn't make your job easier when it comes to actually developing scripts, such as auto-attach HUDs and their functions, because an Experience itself can't make the avatar (or object) do anything. Everything is done with regular scripts with special permissions. All of the things you've listed can be done without an Experience. Forcing an avatar to sit on an object could be done with the Experience-specific SitOnLink function. It's not a script, it's just one line in a script. The when/where/how is something you'd have to do on your own. Auto-attach HUDs use the AttachToAvatar and AttachToAvatarTemp functions.
  9. Your body looks as if it's set to fullbright. Make sure you've not enabled that feature from your HUD or otherwise. What body are you using? You can easily check for fullbright by setting your time of day to midnight. If your body is still bright, that's your problem.
  10. This doesn't really make sense. Scripts can set other scripts to running as long as both scripts exist in the same object. But if all scripts in that object have stopped... there's no script that can enable any others. To add some magic button onto the viewer which can force scripts to start or restart is a security risk that can be used to break and bypass existing content. The only solution we should consider is fixing the bug causing this... whatever that is. If you're able to reproduce it, file a bug report in the Jira. Until then, we endure unless LL stumbles upon a fix.
  11. No, alt-camming will "detach" the camera from the avatar (and by extension, from any parameters set for the avatar's camera view), so it's expected behavior that you cannot control it.
  12. The most practical solution might be a simple warning system, which sends a message to the tenant and the owner. That way you can deal with the "transgressions" as they happen. Also keep in mind that rezzing things only for a short time (for example, avatar attachments for editing) might be falsely detected, so you might not want to have a fixed number of warnings.
  13. Yes, it's the same for arms. The "two" arms in the below template are actually the upper/under-side of the same arm. BOM allows you to override the left hand the same way as the left leg.
  14. Does "beautifully realized" mean yet another 500-750K triangles or do we finally hit the one-million mark?
  15. I think we've all misunderstood because of the language-barrier. After re-reading the original post a couple times, I think the key part of the question is: "...emits a dialogue as if it were its owner" As in, the object has simply renamed itself. This can be done with llSetObjectName, and the name of the owner can be fetched with either llKey2Name or llRequestAgentData.
  16. Get a list of all avatars in the sim with llGetAgentList. Send a message to each of them with llRegionSayTo and llDialog without buttons.
  17. The first thing that comes to my mind is the exploit that was called out pretty much as soon as BOM came into testing, which is that it makes ripping BOM textures easy without a malicious viewer. That could explain at least the HUD part. I disagree with this "fix" though, I hope Firestorm doesn't pull that line.
  18. New users on the forum have limited post counts. We recently had a really big problem with spammers, so this is implemented. There's a little hand icon under the profile picture in your post. Once that goes away, you won't be limited.
  19. It's hard to say. I can talk to someone multiple times because we hang around the same place, but not be interested in having them contact me when I'm not there. That's the same attitude I have IRL, with me being super sociable with everyone at work/school, but have no interest in bringing that outside of those circles. (I have work friends, school friends, SL friends, etc. with little overlap.) Besides, it's literally called a "contact list" so being on it doesn't make us friends. The distinction is that I have a lot of people on my list who I have no interest in having a casual conversation with, not because I don't like them, but because they're there for other reasons like business/collab or whatever else.
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