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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Actually, the InWorld Employment forum. 😏
  2. Wait till they are older and you can get to know them again as adults. My kids are in their 40s now, both successful and independent in their own way. They are smart professionals and good parents -- the sort of people I would like to know as friends even if we weren't related. They have lived away from me longer than they were under my roof. It pleases me no end to see what they have made of themselves. You'll get there too, I'm sure.
  3. Merry Christmas to one and all! Every year brings its own adventures. I hope that we can each say that there were things we were thankful for this year, and that we found moments among the adventures to experience joy. May you enter 2024 with hope and may you find peace and enjoy the company of people close to you. Rolig
  4. Actually, there some practical logic in calling it "gas," considering the trend toward offering both fuel and food in one spot ( a gas station and a SubWay or PapaJohn pizza). It gives new meaning to the old phrase, "eat here and get gas".
  5. This is one area where I don't think there's a reliable "standard" term. It's common in the US, Canada, and the UK to see some combination of fuel pumps, repair services, and travel goods on any random street corner. What you call it, though, depends on which component dominates it. I get gas (petrol) at a local "gas station" that has a good repair shop but no conveniences other than a pop machine and a toilet. A block away is a "thrift store" or "convenience store" that is mostly a tiny grocery with a couple of gas pumps outside and no mechanics at all. Then there's a true "garage" downtown that doesn't sell fuel at all (and I doubt has more conveniences than a candy machine) but has four service bays where they can take your car apart completely and put it back together. When I drive across the country, I find a gleeful mix of these types. Often people just call them by the owner's name ("Gordie's") or the chain that supplies it ("Kwik Trip" or "Sinclair"), without bothering to figure out whether there's a generic name for it. EDIT: Oh, I forgot the other common component: a car wash. We have a brand new Kwik Trip nearby that has a car wash that's bigger than the main convenience store and its 8 fuel pumps (but no mechanical service whatever). It's being called "the new Kwik Trip" or "the car wash".
  6. So many questions! It's hard to offer more than a generic response. I'm sure you can learn to script, but this concept is well beyond what you can do as a beginner. You're best off hiring someone to do it for you. Copy this outline into a notecard and then post in the InWorld Employment forum to attract a scripter to work with you. The notecard will give the scripter a rough idea of what you expect, and s/he'll be able to quote you a price. I can't guess what that price might be, because it will depend on how much time the scripter expects to take as well as how complex the script ends up. Meanwhile, if you are serious about wanting to learn how to script, I suggest starting with a tutorial and then study the collection of short example scripts in each page of the LSL wiki to get a feel for how they work.
  7. "Garage" has a second, related, meaning in some contexts. Although it is usually an enclosed place for parking a car, it can also be a spot for temporarily "parking" anything. For example, glassworkers keep small decorative elements hot in a small kiln ( a "garage") while they are creating a larger object that they will be attached to. I've heard of other special garages over the years. I suspect that Garnet was using the term metaphorically, though.
  8. And I was just about to post .... I bet you scripted the rezzer yourself, right? 😎 I've had the same experience.
  9. That's wonderful, Garnet! I followed around and sampled some of their other posts. They're all great. Here's another..
  10. Fantastic! I assume you're talking about the third script. At its start, see the line that says integer AUTO_START = TRUE; // Optionally FALSE only if using CONTROLLERS. ? Set it to FALSE and see what happens. I'm too tired to check, but that looks like the answer. Sometimes when you're dealing with someone else's script you just have to tinker. Try something. If it works, great. If not, move on to plan B. Whatever that is. You always have the original so you can start over again if necessary.
  11. It's not really too hard, since you already have the previous scripts. It would be a good learning exercise. We don't provide custom scripts in this forum and would not offer to modify a script that you got from somewhere else, so I have given you the support I can. If you can't make the modifications yourself, I'd suggest posting a note in the InWorld Employment forum to attract a scripter who might be willing to do the work for you for a fee.
  12. You'll have to rewrite each script, replacing whatever event currently triggers the effects (touch_start or link_message) with an appropriate changed event.
  13. In each case, use a changed event and trigger it with if (change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Changed
  14. See Maestro Linden's comment in that BUG Jira. He verified the bug and has found that you can suppress the collision sound with a non-empty sound, played at zero volume: llCollisionSound("900bdb8a-a208-1c9b-c08e-c67016bf3069", 1.0);
  15. Yes, if you are working with an Experience. If you aren't, then you have to let your "giver" rez the box and then expect the recipient to give it permission to attach. You can request permission on rez. I'd suggest putting a timer in its script to kill it if the recipient doesn't claim it soon (or maybe just make it temp_on_rez). Otherwise, your giver might end up cluttering the area.
  16. When you look at the OPTIONS tab in About Land, does the Teleport Routing menu in the lower right corner of the page say Anywhere, like this one does? If not, then you have a defined Landing Point that will override your own decision to use some other spot for a "home" position . You can remove the Landing Point by clicking the Clear button or by opening the Teleport Routing menu button and selecting Anywhere. I know that I already gave you this advice earlier but I may not have been as clear about it as I meant to.
  17. I'm sorry. I do not understand. What links are broken? Where are you entering your name and password? Who says that they are incorrect? And how is this problem related to the "home" position that you have been asking about?
  18. If you want to alert Linden Lab to a problem like this, the way to do it is with a Support Case >> https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/home It's probably worth mentioning that although being a Premium member does bring some "perks", including the option of having a Linden Home, there's no guarantee about where you land. That's not a "perk".
  19. When you select the Set Home To Here option in the World menu, your viewer will set "home" to the spot where you are standing at the moment (assuming that you are in a place that allows you to set home -- like your own property -- of course). So, if you want to set "home" to a specific spot on your parcel, stand there before you select that option. If that's not working for you, open the About Land panel and look in the Options tab. If you have set a Landing Point there, it may be overriding your "home" position. Just click the Clear button to unset it. For future reference, this is a resident-to-resident forum. Lindens may occasionally read things here, but it's rare and they will almost never respond. The replies you get here are from other residents.
  20. It's just upside down. Can't you just rotate it by PI/2?
  21. To be sure that you understand what Rowan is asking ..... $L sales using the Market Sell option do go through instantly, because you are selling directly at whatever the current asking price on the market is at the moment. If you have chosen the Limit Sell option, though, you are waiting for some other SL resident(s) to accept the terms of your sale. If you asked for a sale price that is too high, you'll have to wait until all offers at a lower price have gone through before someone will be desperate enough to meet your terms. It could take days, or weeks, or forever....
  22. Exactly what Rowan said. Every item in SL, including parcels of land, can only be owned by one account. If you have created a group, you can deed your region to the group and then designate your husband as a co-owner of the group. That will mean that you and he will have the same rights to set access privileges, change the music stream, rez and remove objects, and so on. The region itself will still remain under your name as the one who must pay the monthly fees to LL, but in all other relevant ways, the two of you will share responsibilities and privileges there. Whenever the subject of group management comes up, we have to be sure to mention that a co-owner of a group has all the same abilities as the original owner. Most importantly, neither one of you can kick the other one out. If your partnership should dissolve, you'll have to trust each your co-owner to leave voluntarily. This can get tricky if the two of you have major problems, because either one can take or sell group objects and mess up the other one. Sort of like Real Life, actually. EDIT: That's why Rowan suggested using the Estate Manager role instead of suggesting co-ownership, BTW. 😉
  23. I've had trouble with things rezzing oddly today too. In my case, they have rezzed with perms messed up so I can't copy full perm objects. If I restart the region, everything is fine. Till an hour later. SL is weird today.
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