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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Quite true. I am not vegetarian -- I have chicken, turkey or fish at least once a week -- but I favor meals that are more veggie based. Some of my favorite recipes are from diabetic cookbooks (no, I'm not diabetic either), vegetarian ones, or collections that are full of Indian, African and Mediterranean meals that contain very little meat and are generally low salt. You can develop a very well-balanced diet if you are adventurous.
  2. The LSL function llGiveInventoryList lets you send a recipient a collection of items (objects, notecards, textures ... ) from the object's inventory, all included in a list in the script. You may create as many lists as you like, so it should be easy to write a script that refers to several sets of inventory items at different times, depending on which set a user calls from a llDialog menu. Take a look at examples in the LSL wiki for llGiveInventoryList and llDialog.
  3. I think it's a bit odd to evaluate any food by asking how well it mimics something else. Good vegan food shouldn't be good because it tastes "just like real chicken". We wouldn't say that about Japanese food, for example ("This sushi is great! It tastes just like hamburger!"). I've had plenty of meatless Moroccan, Indian, and Chinese dishes that are tasty not because they are "meat alternatives" but because they are delicious, nutritious meals.
  4. And there's the best answer. SL is already good at what it does, and there are plenty of other places to go on line -- places that have experience and the infrastructure to go that route -- if you really want dating. It would be a waste of LL's time and talent to head off into the weeds of on-line dating.
  5. It's not the viewer. It's the SL servers. As the message says, you are already logged in to SL so you can't log in a second time on the same account. Usually it's easy to fix that problem (yeah, just log out), but apparently the SL servers won't let go of you. Since you can't see any open viewer -- you've done a really careful job of looking! -- the only way to fix it is to ask LL for help. If you are a Premium member, use Live Chat. Otherwise, submit a Support Case. Explain the issue just as you have here and ask them to log you out.
  6. That's not a good bet. You are trying to guess which of two limits is most likely to give you trouble here. On the one hand, llGetAgentList has a detection limit of 100 avatars. On the other hand, llSensor has a limit of 16. Most regions will never have anywhere near 100 avatars in them, but it's quite possible to have 50 or more, especially in a Linden-sponsored area like SLB or Stop and Shop. When you have that many people, llGetAgentList will still work, but chances are pretty high that there will be at least 16 people close enough to overwhelm llSensor. In general, llSensor is most appropriate for detecting people relatively nearby in a sparsely populated region. Otherwise, use llGetAgentList and filter the results.
  7. It was 20:20 GMT, actually. And it was a nationwide test of the emergency broadcast system. Broadcast radio does that sort of thing once a month or so, but this time they also did it by mobile phone too, and it was supposed to be more or less simultaneous across the U.S. In fact, though, I heard it on my phone at 20:20 and then heard it again on National Public Radio less than a minute later, and then heard it again from my regional affiliate of NPR another minute after that. We have been fully tested.
  8. I imagine that there's more to the story (not that I really want to hear it ...). After all, I'm sure that Putin thinks deeply at times, but I'd have no qualms about trashing him, personally.
  9. The basic idea of how to make a dialog box that lists selections by number (as Wulfie suggested earlier and you were asking about) is in
  10. actually, in over 15 years I've not met one single person who was looking for this. It really depends on where you hang out and what you do. As others have said, if you wanna date people and find a RL partner, put that in your profile. I agree completely. I've never known anyone who came to SL looking for a significant other. I have known several couples in SL who are married in RL, and I do know someone who married a person she met in SL. (Neither of them was here for dating and neither expected to find a significant other, but they belonged to the same in-world group for a few years.) I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who come to find a spouse, but they'd have to be really lucky. This would be a lousy place to look.
  11. Peruse the LSL Scripting Library for scripts that do exactly that. There are several.
  12. Take a look at the Knowledge Base: How can I withdraw USD credit from my account balance? You may choose to credit your US dollar balance to a PayPal or Skrill account. This is known as a process credit request, because you are requesting to process credit from the Second Life system to your real-world account. Depending on which option you choose, you may be subject to fees and minimum withdrawal amounts. So, you may not credit your USD balance to your bank account or credit card, or any other entity. Your choices are PayPal or Skrill.
  13. If you open your dashboard at secondlife.com and then look at the Account >> Billing Information page, you should see this: If you already have a verified PayPal account, go ahead and click the Add a PayPal Account link to add it. If your PayPal account isn't verified by PayPal yet, go to their web site and verify it there first. Then come back to this page and add the account.
  14. Double check to be sure that you are trying to add a verified PayPal account as the payout method. The word "verified" in this context means "verified by PayPal". The idea is that because electronic transfers are very fast, it's always possible for a transfer to screw up if there isn't a clear path between the sender and the ultimate receiver of funds. To prevent that, Tilia asks PayPal to certify that they know where your cash will be coming from (that is, a bank account or a credit card) if you are buying L$. It's less important if you are trying to transfer credit out of SL, but as far as Tilia and PayPal are concerned "verified" means "verified for transfers both ways". Anyway, check to be sure that you have followed PayPal's instructions (on their web site) to complete the process.
  15. That's true. However, when a texture is uploaded to SL, the system modifies its aspect ratio automatically by setting X and Y pixel values to the closest power of two below whatever the original had. So, a 256 x 256 image will be uploaded as a JPEG2000 256 x 256, but so will a 300 x 256 image. A 250 x 256 image will be uploaded as a 128 x 256 image. I'm not sure whether the note in the Description field will ever tell you what the original pixel dimensions were.
  16. SL has moles, who are not furry little rodents but Linden Lab employees (not exactly Lindens, but on the same team). They make things that show up on public land in places like Bellisseria and in games like Linden Homes. They spend more time in world than most Lindens do and they tend to travel in packs, so they are a little easier to spot. They are friendly but they usually don't like to be disturbed while they are working.
  17. Take a look at llGetLinkPrimitiveParams in the wiki. It's returning three variables, indeed, but they are not all vectors. They are (1) the TRUE/FALSE toggle that tells you whether the set target is activated, (2) the position vector for the seat, and (3) the rotation associated with it. EDIT: What Qie said ^^
  18. Yes, it IS me feeling hurt. It sounds like you have three choices, none of which is easy: 1. Don't be quite so "weird". 2. Try finding friends who are just as "weird" as you are. 3. Get comfortable with your "weirdness" and stop worrying about what other people think. I will not begin to guess which choice is best, especially since they are all painful in one way or another. Still, they beat being peeved forever. That's my pop psychoanalysis for the day.
  19. Oh, I understand what you mean now. It sounds like the "someone" being hurt is you, not the other person. Hence the peeve. That's what was confusing me.
  20. I don't understand. Why is that a peeve? I mean, if someone chooses to just "fit in" for whatever reason, why should that bother you?
  21. I'm sorry. What's the question? If you are suggesting a new feature, the way to do it is to submit a JIRA report and tag it as a new feature request.
  22. My point is, they should actually HAVE a history, and have an inworld life. I can't comment on relationships in another country, because I don't live there, or are a part of the culture. I doubt seriously that there are many people here in the forums who do not have an in-world history. The regulars here have been SL residents for many years -- many of us for 15 years or more. You may question whether a person spends as much time in world today as they do in the forums, but that's a bit of a red herring. Our history of in-world activity varies, of course. It is common for folks to take a vacation every once in a while, and sometimes those vacations last for a few years. Look around and see how many of us have stepped away from SL for a while and then come back. We take a break when RL interests demand our attention, when in-world challenges become too intense, and sometimes just because we feel like stepping back to take a breath. We each bring a collective experience of long-term participation in SL here and in world. That's what counts, not how many hours a week we are in world at the moment.
  23. There can be any number of reasons. People bring very different experiences here and they have very different histories with SL. I think it's presumptuous to decide that any resident's personal appreciation of SL disqualifies them from being part of the forum conversation or makes them less worthy of respect.
  24. There are also cool dressing rooms at the Welcome HUB (and a lot of other things too, including mentors who can answer questions for you or point you to places to find them).
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