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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I'm not a techie but I can tell you as with many goofy stuff in SL it's more than just one factor to blame. Let's say it's a conspiracy from LL and your ISP. :matte-motes-agape: The DJ's stream stream lags more the more people are listening. So the fuller the club the more blackouts and skips you'll suffer. Also it could be your own connection. Are you on wireless? Shame on you. :matte-motes-angry: DJs should give out the URL to their streams so you can listen off-world from your iTunes or other media players. That's always less laggy.
  2. Scam . Visa deals in US dollars, not L$ Not totally true. VISA deals in any RL currency, I pay my premium fees and tiers with it, in €. What for anyone would use a CC in SL escapes me.
  3. Not that I know of. And I don't really know what that would be good for anyways. What I did: I gave my avie her own email addy (she has a much richer social life than me) and when I changed my account data at a later point I changed also my email over to her. So all things SL go to Orca Flotta's email, not to the boring housewife's that is her RL avie.
  4. Oooooh, had the same! Some time last year my super expensive bed was just gone one morning when I logged in. I thought it disappeared in a sim restart. My parcel is on a sim that is part of a LL dummy test ground,;we used to get the newest server updates, sometimes twice a day ... My second thought was that maybe the the creator of that bed used stolen content and was reported and their stuff taken down. No idea. I don't care much since I'm like so over that whole sex thing in SL.
  5. Hi Zak, you wrote it yourself: "my budget is low". So if your budget is low why don't you go for a desktop PC? Most people I know who use laptops are using their machines at home on a desk for 99% of the time anyway. At least I did. And the little time we actually spend on the road, do we really need to log into SL? I will go on a 5 week overseas travel soon and will not take any computer with me. This is a good opportunity to "break the habit" and get rid ofr my SL addiction (well, I guess I'll take my subnotebook with me, which isn't up to running SL but will enable me to check emails and surf a little.) A desktop will give you much better performace at a much lower price. And once you have a desktop computer you can always upgrade it piece by piece and save money again. My personal tip: have a machine made for you. Many websites give you the option to "build" your dream machine, so you can have the parts that you want and leave out all the unnecessary stuf. Or ask the guys your local computer store to assemble a computer for you. That's what I did anyway. And since I got that desktop my SL became so much better!
  6. Wasn't the Beanstalk the first build in SL ever?
  7. Yes, it happens. When you play the gesture a second time you'll see hear the sound will come much faster.
  8. Aren't you the same guy who asked what a viewer is and where to find the search in another thread? Here's a good tip, worth at least 500 L ... and I give it to you for FREE: Learn how SL works and how to use it. Explore the grid, get a hobby, do fun stuff. You soon will see you don't really need any money to have a satisfying SL experience. Okay, here's the real answer, the one easy to grasp for you: nobody will give you 500 l just like that. SL is like RL in that regard. You gotta work for the money. But you don't have any skills so nobody will give you a job.
  9. 1) Age verification won't help with griefing. Idiots are idiots, no matter how old. 2) Of course LL won't do nothing to solve your dispute with that roleplayer. Everybody knows they stay out of interpersonal disputes. And that is good, since your prob sounds like a word against word case. She says, he says, what's LL to do with that? 3) EVE online is a game, SL is a virtual world. You're comparing apples with pears. 4) Asset servers work quite fine lately. SL did a lot to improve the infrastructure, and it shows. My personal crash/lag rate is much lower than in recent years. Of course we all would love to see more oomph in their servers and/or less sims per server, but at least they are working on better system architecture now.
  10. no no no i ment a member of second life --------------------------------------------- You mean no Premium member? In that case you can't really own land, only rent. Try Serena Estates as they have reasonable prices, lots of managers to help in case of problems, and give most owner rights to the customer. Including terraforming and reselling! Land sizes range from 4080 up to whole sims, both homesteads and full sims, residential and commercial use.
  11. LittleMe: Sorrysorrysorry, I didn't know your method. Well, I'm a OCD packrat and keep NCs and LMs for like eternity. I only delete LMs when I TP to a store only to find out it has moved or closed. Grifffin: yes, just like LittleMe I just noticed it now. Riviera's screenshot is of her Recent tab, which I clean out almost immediately after receiving any stuff.
  12. Riviera, this is a forum, we are users just like you, hi and hello. Your inventory looks very unorganized, you know that? One clever way to make the main folders stand out is by making your own folders stand out even more. Let me tell you what I did: I made folders for stuff I use often, CLOTHES (in which I created subfolders for Ballgowns, Jeans, Business, Leisure, Victorian/Steampunk, Tops, Shoes (with subfolders for Boots, Heels, Sneakers, Sandals, Skates), Leathers, Bikinis, Sailing gear), VEHICLES (with subfolders for Bikes, Planes, Helis, Airships), BODY SHOP (Hairs, Skins, Shapes, AOs, Poses), SAILING (Boats, Nav tools, Timer, Maps & Charts, Buoys, ARCHITURE (Houses, Buildings, Internal Design, Furniture, Garden, Plants) and some more folders. When I buy new stuff I sort it away into the corresponding folder immediately! That way my inventory always looks tidy and clean and the LL created main folders are pretty much visible because they aren't as visibe as my own folders.Even after more than 5 years in SL my inventory index fits on one screen height. And please don't be fooled by fools claiming they don't use the main folders. They must be terribly unactive residents. For example my Notecards folder must be the biggest folder in my entire inventory. Of course I made subfolders for different categories in there as well. Even started packing notecards in boxes now, as well as other stuff. That way I keep the invent on a little over 30k items, since years.
  13. But yeahh.. Like do i report it or something? Or just let it be? Nobody likes snitches, Carl
  14. I know a guy who owns some apartment buildings ... I have never seen any of those rented out. Even total n00bs refuse to rent apartments for various reasons. Not only the lack of privacy but also the fact that you can't even change the radio or media in an apartment. Everything stacked up is on the same parcel and therefore shares audio and media streams. Add to that the fugly, unappealing sight of apartment blocks in general and see your investment going down the drain. Land is cheap as never before, we have an abundance of land in SL and less and less residents. There is simply no need to stack people up on top of each other.
  15. Well not been very tech savvy i'm a bit concerned about having one built. So I've been looking at mac's. ----------------------------------- 2 errors in judgement (and 1 in grammar) in that short statement :matte-motes-nerdy: I'm a woman, didn't know **bleep** about computers when I started SL, but we learn, we clue up, we think about the tools for our little virttual hobby. Why are you concerned about having a machine built for you? I didn't advice you on building it yourself, did I? The guys at the hardware store know their **bleep**, so they won't build you something that doesn't work. Just ask them what they think is best and let them give you a quote. They will telll you what they think is best and why. Compare it with what you get from brand manufacturers (particularly Apple) and you'll see that you indeed save some money respectively get something better for the same money. To have it built shouldn't cost you more than, say, 20 €/25 US$. And you'll know you have all the parts carefullly assembled by knowingly hands, not some oppressed chinese/taiwanese sweat shop worker. You'll end up with a wondrful machine inside and out since you chose a box that you like, not something Apple or Acer or Dell or HP think looks flashy. And the plural of mac is macs not mac's. :matte-motes-evil: BTW, the Mac in your description looks a bit weakish, on the lower end for use in a demanding realm like SL. i5 proci is nice, 4 GB RAM isn't that great. (go for 8 GB 1333). Can't say much about the graphics card, is prolly on the lower end of the specs as well. Your local computer shop will sell you something much better for much less money. And you don't need to dabble with that stupid MacOS. Why anybody does it is beyond me anyway. You get Linux Ubuntu or Mint for free ... and they are almost the same as MacOS. If you're not up to "learning" a new OS let your computer guys sell you a Win7/64 bit, which you will get as a PC builder version ... and save some dough again. Garey. Garey, Garey, Garey ... what are you, man or mouse?
  16. If you don't like reading lots of posts just go to your local computer store and ask them to build a machine for you: - needs the bestest available graphic card. No SLI! - needs lots of RAM - processor doesn't matter much Having your dream machine built for you will also save you a lot of money you usually gotta pay for useless crap that comes with prefab computers.
  17. There's a similar discussion going on over at NWN. Of course that boxy old computer doodad isn't as sexy as your tablets and smartphones and isn't the hottest seller anymore. BUT (notice that big but?) SL isn't Facebook, SL isn't a social network, SL uses gaming technology! And to play games and see them in good resolution you need a good big old screen and a sound system and some powerful parts like gpu and cpu and lots of RAM. Only since my much too expensive lappy broke and I settled for a much cheaper yet much more powerful desktop, SL is really giving me joy. If I want to repair my car I need a set of good tools for the job. If I want to play reasonably in SL I need a set of good tools for that that as well. I wouldn't mow my lawn with a nail clipper, so why would I play SL on a smartphone? That's the facts. What everybody decides to make of those facts is an individual decision. Maybe most will say "Naaaaw, feck it!" and say goodbye to their PC and SL or maybe some smart ppl will say "Yes! Me want!" and stick with their big box and SL. Maybe ppl will clue up and notice they only need a mobile computer (or a tablet or a smartphone) 1% of the time and for the measly rest of 99% their machine willl just sit on a desk. And to be honest I prefer a 24" screen, a comfy sized keyboard/mouse and well-sounding hifi speakers on my desk and a powerful and indestructible and easy to upgrade heavy machine below the desk. For vacations I can still use a laptop, but I'll use it only then. And all those mobile users, well, let them go, let them disappear and play facebook. SL is a virtual world, one of the most complicated things in computing. SL isn't for everyone, SL isn't mainstream. In fact it's far from mainstream. If 99% of the computer using population thinks SLers are freaks and file us in the gamer corner ... pffft, so be it!
  18. I got different results everytime I do the test: CUTE NICE SEXY EVIL AWOL **bleep** ROFL
  19. Right now it seems like Nvidia have the edge over ATI, once again. Their newest and bestest card (forgot the number, 690GTX?) is the fastest thing ever but costs you an arm and a leg. While ATI/AMD cards are perfectly usable for a lot less dough. I guess as long as you get a top of the line card both makes are very well capable of runnning SL on ultra. Limiting factor will be your conection's data throughput rather than your chipset. Go wireless or be on a less than optimal link and you can forget about the milliseconds your hardware is faster than other hardware. If you have the choice ... go the trusted Nvidia way. If not ... just say pffft and enjoy SL on ATI's best.
  20. Talking about incomprehensible language velyucheniyaand notzapuskaetsya?
  21. Yes yes yes! LL hates us and has therefore figured out new ways for us to do our SL business offline so we'll never need to log into "our" world. LL succeeds in making their own product an unnecesary burden but fortunately gives us many tools that allow us to avoid actually logging into SL. Why am I so sad about this?
  22. Thanks 16. I thought Henri wasn't active anymore but will check out his stuff. GREAT, just great!!!
  23. Yeah, my Asus is a bit older now as well, was running some sort of ATI card but died recently anyway. I don't really dare using just any V1 viewers. Aren't they all windlight enabled by now? And that would downright killl our little travel machine. It's not much more powerful than any of those stupid netbooks, and so far I guess nobody was able to run any viewer satisfactory on a netbook. And let's not forget, I need that dream viewer of mine to run under Linux!!!
  24. Your espert opinion is needed! Let me tell you my problem first: For 99.99% of the time I'm using a desktop computer to log into SL but for travels I of course use a laptop. Recently my "good" Asus lappy died on me and now all I have on disposal for mobile use would be my husbands outdated 1st gen dual core lappy with onle 1 GB of RAM and Intel integrated graphics, on which he runs Ubuntu now and refuses to ever go back to Windows. He won't even compromise on a dual boot system. Back in 2007, when I started SL I was running windows on this machine and the Intel graphics were kinda good enough to show the pre-windlight world. So here's my problem: I'm looking for a real lightweight (fast) viewer that - doesn't need many system resources - runs under Linux Is that still possible or don't I have any chance to play SL without a dedicated GPU? Thank you
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