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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. The GeForce 9 series are still capable cards, I suspect your viewer might be leaky. Please clear your cache and then try again. Also maybe you should update the driver.
  2. Tried "harajuku"? LOL Ann, I started my SL with the official SL harajuku n00b avatar. That was in 2007 tho, obviously before the republicans took over the lab. Oh, she was so cute with her underdeveloped body and the neon blue system hair. A real cutie and probably the perfect rape victim. I have no clue if they are still offering female starter avies like that.
  3. I only have one avatar that needs to pay tier right now. The others are currently only owning their free 512s. OMG! You have more than 1 premium account??? Here's what you do: - create a group - invite all your alts into that group - have them each deed their 512s to that group Now you can buy a mighty huge parcel for that group (don't forget the 10% bonus).And the best is you can absolutely trust all members of your group :matte-motes-nerdy:
  4. Hi, sorry to burst your bubble but ... 1) no, you don't need to earn Lindens. Nobody needs. There is actually no real need for any money at all. 2) you said yourself you're new to SL so I assume you don't have any SL specific skills. So what do you think you could do worthy for anybody to pay you for it? 3) "what better way than to advertise." Right. So why don't you? Advertise your skills, your online available times, your references. Oh right, I forgot, you don't have any reference apart from being a noob. That wasn't a very convincing ad. 4) making money in SL isn't as easy as it once was. Still you can make some money buy building and selling products, dealing in land, working at a club or whor... uh, providing escort services. My advice: go and have fun, explore, do some RP or follow your hobby. Once you know the ropes you'll know what you're good at and what might earn you some Lindens. Old wisdom says: People who come into SL with the goal to make money will inevitably fail.
  5. That is what LL sorely needs right now. A leader. A leader tells his followers what to do. Uh ... oh ... well. Another huge enterprise tried that already long ago, and it didn't end too well for them. It was in 1933 and the name of that company was Germany. German term for Leader is Führer. So you all know what I'm getting at. :catsurprised: Ok, now we all know a company is not a democracy but a boss should keep his employees happy. Happy chicken lay more and better eggs.
  6. Oh my, big fat poroblem now How can I ever verify to any group that I'm indeed a lesbian communist bunny vampire spoiled millionaire not politically correct brat goddess that is giving the bestest blowjobs ever and is wanted by the CIA for terrorist activities? It's all true. I'm also the legitimate lovechild of Mahatma Gandi and Mother Theresa. And you just gotta believe me!!! Cause it' is the truth, cross my heart and hope to die. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. For clarification: all NE corners in Blake are rezzable. Apart from that it isn't any different than any other LL owned public land/water in so far as autoreturn kicks in after a certain time. Standing up from a moving vehicle (why o why does anyone want to do such a stupid thing?) ends the ride! No matter if car, bike, airplane or boat. In the moment a vehicle is stopped/left autoreturn will kick in. For sailing one should always chose the smallest number of prims possible. It will also give you a better survival chance at sim crossings. For onboard living facilities: as long as you sit on a ball or sitting target your boat is save as well. But as soon as you lift your butt the autoreturn clock starts ticking again (and this is sometimes very very short). Particularly if your boat was rezzed in the sim since quite a while you might not get the announced 5 minutes or whatever the time is set to. So in order to make real use of the living quarters you need to have the boat on your own land or some land with generous autoreturn times.
  8. +1 Had the same problem just earlier today. Deleted rotation script from the contents to no avail. Reset all scripts, still rotating. Set scrips to not running, still no joy. Fortunately in my case it was a dancefloor, just 1 prim, so I could quickly redo it and now all is fine. Still very strange isn't it?
  9. While I think it has been "unofficially" stated that LL wishes they hadn't open-sourced SL, having the different choices available really is a great enhancement to Second Life. Even worse ... or better. If LL hadn't open sourced SL most of us wouldn't be in SL anymore! 2.1 was a showstopper, period.
  10. Hi Theo ^^ The SL Sailing Academy has closed down just recently but there are now several "Come Sail With Us" resource centers on mainland continents. These centers offer some free boats and self paced lessons. Also most yacht clubs are offering sailing lessons. I don't have the schedule handy right now but can tell you that TrYC has lessons every Thursday at 2pm. Please contact Hannelore Ballinger or Charlz Price for personal face to face tutoring. To learn more about sailing in SL in general please visit the portal http://slsailing.co/. It links you to various clubs, forum, events, calendar ...
  11. Yes, classic bun-out syndrome. Now, dealing with babies and toddlers tends to burn people out, so no surprise there neither. Good tip from Marigold, just get off for some days, reformat your brainbox ... but never, never ever, ask yourself why you're doing what you do in SL! Right now it seems it's more addiction than actual fun that has you logging in. Get out! And once you're back do some of the usual SL stuff (in other words, not your usual SL stuff), explore, go dancing, shop for the most sexy dresses. Spoil your avie. Buy a luxury yacht and sail the SL oceans, get a Harley and ride the SL highways, make a lot of snapshots, visit art exhibitions. Spend time outside your usual SL routine. And once you're ready to go back to work just do less of it. Get rid of the self-imposed pressure. Forget due dates and deadlines for there really are none.
  12. It's not enough to just have a group but you need the specific rights to be defined in your role. If you are partners why doesn't she make you an officer in that group? I don't understand that "not enough credits" stuff. Let's say you both own each a 4096 parcel, then you're both allowed to deed those 4096 sqm to the group. Anyway, much more clever would be to buy both lands not as person but for the group. You can then even get rid of the subdivision and turn it into into one 8192 parcel. Owner would be the group. There can only be one group owner tho. Cool thing is that you get 10% bonus land from LL, so you can aquire 819 sqm additionally without paying more tier.
  13. The best viewer is simply the one running best on your specific hardware and connection type. But much more it depends on how you use it! That's why you hear so many contrary opinions about all the viewers. That said the best for me right now is Phoenix 1691. Shows mesh quite fine and gives me the Phoenix GUI that I grew so accustomed to. No crashes and ok-ish fps is a given with any Phoenix I ever used. I was on Firestorm 27000 for about a week or so. Loved it for the tweakable FUI and Phoenix-ish appearance ... BUT I just can't get my head wrapped around the weird logic of the V2/3 communication stuff. Group notices and IMs showing as a small symbol in the upper right hand corner ... what were they thinking? Lately I have to wait for hours for reply by other users who are clearly shown as online. Sometimes I don't receive anything at all. Most of the time they tell me they just missed my message becase they didn't see it. I guess that's a showstopper. Communication is 99% of what we do in SL; everybody knows that but LL. Most other viewers I tried were either too V2-ish or didn't deliver all the goodies I get from Phoenix and FS. I guess Phoenix is still the most feature rich viewer ever. Features I don't wanna miss anymore. So my vote goes to the Bird.
  14. /me wonders why you guys don't save the installation files. But apart from that there are some older viewers, like 1600, still available from the http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=downloads
  15. Most of us spawn from a very long tradition of first and last name; I know my family did this for probably multiple thousand years. For me it's a riddle why we should deviate from that system. I am Orca Flotta, a resident of Second LIfe. Friends and foes call me ㋡rcs, that's why I made it my display name. But I don't like the lab using this intimate form of corresponding with me. Hey, I'm a paying customer and on a strictly business orientated relationship with them. Anyway, who cares what Rod likes or dislikes, geting rid of family names was a very bad idea in the first place, he admitted to it ... and now we're expecting LL to bring back the legacy system. Pronto. 'nuff said
  16. Naaaja, soziale Kompetenz hast du hier bisher auch nicht bewiesen. Hab meine Zeit mit Lesen und Schreiben verbracht. :smileyhappy:
  17. Groups are NOT attached to any land! A group can hold land by group members deeding their land to the group. So if your group wants to move to greener pastures it's super easy. Just have all group member undeed their share and sell their old parcels (or do whatever with them). Then you move to new land and deed that one to the group. Finito.
  18. In both cases it seems like a connectivity problem: - Scarlet's friend is obviously on a very slow connection (try speedtest.net to find out) so he doesn't upload his data in a timely fashion to be visible for others. - same for the other poster. Your data isn't handled quickly enough for a TP, this results in a time-out and subsequently log-off. To make it clear: SL isn't facebook or just any social website, we're riding the tip of the hitec wave here. We're on the very forefront of a totally new and geeky thing: Virtual Worlds. It won't work if you try to connect to SL on less then mediocre hardware and internet connection.
  19. How to be a good resident ... in the eyes of our dear host company LL - become premium NOW! Don't ask, don't expect anything. Just DO IT! - do a lot of shopping ... on marketplace that is. Avoid inworld merchants like the plague. They are eating away LL's profit - don't move ... EVER! You're just fine where you are, preferably in the Linden home they give you so gratiously for free. Every TP just puts strain on our precious outdated, underpowered servers and infrastructure - buy a lot of land. Buy every mainland parcel you can get your greedy hands on. Add a bunch of homesteads to your portfolio. Help LL to make more money - try not to get ripped of by shady business people. Because if you are ripped off LL won't help you - yell HOOOO! all the time to show how much fun you have and how happy you are
  20. seine Deutschkenntnisse werden ihm dabei wohl kaum im Wege stehen. Sollten sie aber. in den späten 70ern offenbar auf gutes Benehmen nicht besonders viel Wert gelegt wurde. Doch, wurde schon, und ich kann mich auch durchaus benehmen. Sozialkompetenz ist aber ein Erfahrungswert, nichts was man aus der Schule umsonst mitnehmen kann wie z.B. Lesen und Schreiben.
  21. I use Blogger exclusively. Ya, I know, evil google and all that, but it's more convenient if you just need a blog and no CMS or other website like stuff. Never used any social stuff like facetwitter and so.
  22. Ein Bürokaufmann der "im Schreiben nicht so gut" ist. :smileysurprised: Was ist bloß verkehrt bei euch jungen Leuten? Wenn du in den späten 70ern, frühen 80ern, dich als Azubi im kaufmännischen Bereich bewerben wolltest, musstest du deine eigene Muttersprache einfach draufhaben. Punkt! Keine Entschuldigung, keine weitere Erklärung notwendig. Warum sollte irgend jemand für so 'nen Hansel arbeiten wollen?
  23. A word about Alienware: TOO EXPENSIVE! Oh crap, that was 2 words :smileyfrustrated: But honest now, Alienware are only living from their good name they made for that brand in the past. You'll find other lappies with better specs for far less money. And 11" screen? You can't be serious.
  24. Interesting questions. 1. What role do virtually constructed worlds and/or avatars play in your daily life? After 5 years still spending a lot of time in SL, so it plays a big role in my life. 2. Is it important that your avatar and/or environment resemble the real world? Why or why not? Absolutely not. In a VW I can represent anything I'd like to be and sometimes I use the opportunity. Mostly playing as a human of my own gender tho; only younger and better looking. 3. In what ways do you identify physically, visually, or otherwise with your virtual world/avatar? My avie IS ME! Just a better version of myself. 4. How do you interact with other individuals in the virtual world? I'm definately more outgoing, open and loud, but apart from that still believing in my own values. 5. How are these relationships different and similar to those in the real world? Relationships are shallower, period. 6. Do you feel the same sense of responsibility, loyalty, or obligation to other individuals in the virtual world as you would in the real world? Hard to answer since most of us don't have the same responsibility, loyalty and obligations in SL as we have in RL. Apart from that, YES, if I say (or type LOL) anything I stick to it. If I tell you I'll be in that sim at that event at that time I'll do my best to meet that appointment. If I pronise you that I willl finish this or that notecard, build or whatever by this and that time I mean it and do it. 7. Granted that you are physically in front of a screen, what does it mean to be "face to face" with another individual in virtual reality? Huh? I am physically in front of a screen alright. But my avie isn't. She's in world and face to face with other avies. That concept is called immersion and for me the most important aspect of virtual worlds. When I'm logged in I am Orca Flotta. That's easy since I'm not presented by a tiny, a child avatar, a different gender, a robot or a monster. 8. How does your participation in or construction of a virtual world satisfy your real world needs? It doesn't. My real world needs are food and sleep, both of which I don't get in SL. One of my RL wants is being member of a virtual world. I fancy being in SL, so it satisfies my RL wants but not my needs.
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