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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Apart from what you all said about laptops in general I only have one advice for the OP: STAY THE FRACK AWAY FROM ASUS!!!! Ever wondered why Asus machines are so cheap? They are cheap and poorly made. My own Asus laptop had ok-ish specs and was running SL ok-ish ... for around 3 months ... Then it started to overheat, even after numerous cleanings by myself and the Asus repair center. At least I had a very clean machine, inside and out. Then the keys started flying off the badly made keyboard. SPROINNNG! Also the letters rubbed off the keys so I couldn't see actually what I was typing. Then some USB ports stopped working. Then the DVD writer broke. Then I had a nice desktop built for me and am happy ever since. As it turned out I'm using my computer 99.9% from home, so no need for a laptop. And when I travel I can still fall back on my Asus lappy and experience bad computing again.
  2. zacly! Neither your objects nor your avie's shape change on their own. Obviously you played on your shape in Appearance editor. Or did you try a demo shape from a shape shop? Demos often have superr huuuge hands and feet and are - as you observed correctly - no mod. That's no issue but intention by the shape makers so you won't actually use their free demos in world. Female shoes are usually made to fit slider size 0 feet, everything bigger will make your feet stick out.
  3. But, but Orca threw a spit ball at me in finger painting class!!! Did not! :smileyfrustrated: /me pouts, stomps her size 0 feet and runs out of the classroom as tears are welling up behind her thick glasses
  4. What about the voice bugged with 1.23 ? What about media on prims ? Voice isn't communication, it's blabbering. Never used it, don't even have a microphone on my computer. Media on prims? I heard about it but couodn't figure it out in 5 minutes so it's dead fior me. Works only with new viewers anyway so I can't use it for quite a while anyway. Firestorm has a V2 look and feel not a V3 look and feel , even with the last update with v3 choice . They have started to integrate some V3 code only since this month . Yes, exactly. the 24880 or what's it called. I can make it so it looks almost like Phoenix but still sucks in huge parts. It s wrong to think than you will have better FPS with elder viewers. When for instance you check this blog who has compared many viewers , and trying to have the same situation, you can see that the viewers based v1.23 ( phoenix for instance ) are really slower than the newer viewers Oh, I know that blog. But my experience is different from that. Best FPS in combination with a usable GUI I got from Phoenix 1185. So , explain me how you can loose IMs when you hear a little sound easily recognizable Sound? Don't tell me you have silly SL sounds on? I expect my computer to be quiet so I shut down everything and listen to rocking iTunes. The radar 1.23 ? There were no radar in 1.23 . You make the confusion with other viewers No, you are confused. I stated that I haven't used any LL viewer since 1.17.3 or so. Only tested some for short periods. I was refering to Phoenix radar. A function clearly possible with V1 technology but ignored by LL. Notecards work exactly the same . They are items from servers I don't care where they come from. Doesn't everything in SL come from a server? Anyway, when someone sends me a NC I expect to get clearly notified about that event. In a popup box and/or in chat. That's what I meant with communication. With V3 , you can have your friendlist in a window , open your communication window and having the two windows not overlapped . Yes, that's exactly my horror scenario having more than 1 window open on screen at any time is exactly the filter I was talking about earlier. A filter between me, my avie and the world. I want it all in one window! As small as possible, one click and it's gone. Is it a pain ? The final user is interested by the content, the functionnality , not by the technology Yes, it's a huge pain. Puts a huge stress on my weak and slow and bandswith starved connection too. Once I'm logged into SL I never open any other applications, like browsers and **bleep**. There is a time for everything but no time for everything at once. I don't know how you got to that technology thing. I guess being derefered to an external server just to look at some boring profile is much more hitec than just doing it inworld. The interest to follow someone , is to be able to read his feed who he publishes. The interest to be followed , is to publish some comments , some links , some pictures ( YOU DON T PAY THE UPLOAD OF PICTURES ), your location in your feed to the people who follow you . If only I knew what a feed is I'd probably be impressed. Do we need that feed in SL? Does it make me crash less, speed up sim crossings, render the worldmap any faster, will it avoid TP into nirvana? Not? Then I don't have no use for that stuff. Personnaly i see 10 l$ saved of my pocket . Not a lot of , but after several months of sl , it counts , and i see a big interest in this I don't see a difference. When I save a pic to invent I have to pay 10 bucks, if I save it to HD I pay zilch. And my profile pic I only change every few weeks or so, so the 10L isn't that problematic. Only that I don't know in what format I need to crop it these days: 3:4 like in the old profile or squared like in the new? "Will we soon have to click some "Like" boxes?" Where is the problem ? No problem really. It's just a hilarious thought to think about all the facetwitters in SL now. If people want to "follow" "feeds" it's good and fine I guess. But what has it to do with SL??? "Good FPS, meshes, outfits and less crashes are no functions, they are the core basics in a viewer." Excuse me , but as user , i dont care if i should name this "function" or "core" . I care about the final result . That 's all . The meshes don t exist with viewer 1.23 The outfits don t exist with viewer 1.23 The physics don t exist with viewer 1.23 The tatoos don t exist with viewer 1.23 the alpha mask don t exist with viewer 1.23 5 types of thing in my inventory that i can t see with viewer 1.23 All these things I see perfectly fine with Phoenix 1.6.1600. And that one is kinda 1.23 based isn't it? Just that those TPV guys made it more clever than LL was able to do. And same like you I also care about the final result. But seeing stuff isn't a result in my eyes, seeing stuff should just work. Functionality is what enables me to do my "job" in SL, to live an active lifestyle. And everything from V2 on up stands in my way. LL are purposely dumbing down their viewers, TPV are trying to empower us as much as possible. "Tools are functions. And Phoenix/FS traditionally have much more of those than LL." But phoenix is not viewer 1.23 Are you ready to delete all the tools of phoenix to come back in the viewer 1.23 ? No! Never! That's why I wonder so much why you're trying to advocate LL's **bleep** here so much. "Also most of the stuff you get with modern LL viewers was first introduced by some or the other TPV." But viewer 1.23 is not TPV AGAIN: I never used 1.23!!! But I know my beloved Phoenix is based on 1.2xxxx . Just a lot better. "When you come from a long history of using Emerald and other TPV it feels just bad to switch back to LL. Is like visiting a ghetto." Big words ... Have you lived in a ghetto ? This sentence is nearly an offense . I have lived in as much a ghetto as you can get in northern Europe; that means the poorer working class quarters of town. And since we moved to South Africa I've seen some real ghettos (townships and informal settlements they are called here). The gov'ment is treating them with the same disregard as LL is treating their own viewers. That's why people want to get out of there. Just like most LL customers are using TPVs rather than the lab's own products. I have never said i wouldn t like your car . I have said you can compare a car ( 10000 $ ) and a viewer (free ) And to change a viewer has no cost , to change a car has a cost . To keep an old car can be understood because it has a cost My argument exactly! Since viewers come for free I don't see a reason why I should stick with the old car (LL) and don't switch to a better model (Phoenix/FS). "but unfortunately the viewer as made by LL isn't as nice as the various TPVs." Viewer 1.23 is nicer than TPV ? No. I stated exactly the contrary in my above sentence. TPVs are mostly much nicer than 1.23, V2, V3 or whatever LL has made or is actually doing. A word about your Phoenix OT: I know Phoenix is based on Greenlife, which was based on Emerald, which was based on Snowglobe which was based on ... blah blah blah. It's all an evolution. And Phoenix is a driving force in that evolution. When you claim Phoenix hasn't changed or developed since years it's wrong. They always had more funcdtions than LL viewers, and they continue to do so. More stability and better fps as well. Of course I know Phoenix is stil based on V1 technology but they made the best of implementing as much V2 and V3 stuff into it as possible. I know it can't go on forever, that's why I slowly try to adjust myself to V3 viewers. Let's switch over to FS. FS is a step ahead of the LL V3 too, I guess. I haven't really used it much but it looks somehow more sympathetic than LL. Feels better, feels almost as nice as Phoenix. But let s do a comparison witan another TPV viewer What have been the improvements in one year of Kisten ( the viewer doesn t exist anymore for pesrsonal reasons )? A lot of . He was alone . But he didn t need to update the viewer , he has just needed to pull a branch from the official vieweer and to apply his own changes . He had more time to be creative. Yes, I know what Lee has done and why he stopped. He went the wrong way tho. He used the official V2 viewers which rendered his viewer kinda unusabe for me. Beleive me I tried various of his viewers and was always impressed yb the stability and the possibilities ... but, alas, the GUI just bugs me to no end. So I stayed away. I'm a middle aged woman, not very flexible, not very good with computers and rather a creature of habit these days. I'm not on facetwitter, I don't have an iPad or even a cellphone. So all that new stuff doesn't matter to me. And now they wanna force me to adjust my good old viewer to all the modern stuff just for a bunch of noobs? The phoenix team were several . But the phoenix team was too busy to try to update phoenix , that they couldn t offer to you , as user , new tools. They have never been able to be creative and to offer you new tools because they were too busy to update some 1.23 code Yes, that's the way to go! Evolve instead of reinventing the wheel. And while they were busy updating the old code they still managed to roll out stuff that is advanced over the original LL stuff. Kudos! But not to worry, I know exactly that Phoenix 1600 (which is running just fine and unbugggy for me) will be the last Phoenix. That's why I downloaded FS already and will have a look at Niran's Exodus. Since I know that Niran was updating Kirsten's Viewer since a long time I'm a bit weary tho.
  5. I would prefer a more experienced user as they would have a better understanding of Second Life as a whole. My point exactly. Many of us older, experienced, users are also specialists. Idiots savant if you so want. I for example, am a race sailor. Therefor I know a lot about vehicle use, lag, crappy servers, crashes of all sort and how to avoid them. Can't tell you much about what's going on in any RP sims, what clubs are hip right now and where to get the bestest fashion. Like most oldbies you'll never find me at any infohub or any other LL stuff. I'm never at higly sexualized Zindra or having any sexual activities (which seems to be what SL is most famous for), and I don't go out much. So if you wanna get an interview partner with an idea of what's going on in SL right now, a more newbish resident would maybe be the better choice.
  6. Joshua, one interview? One only? You know how many millions of SL accounts are active right now? You know how many people are logged in at any time of the day? Can you imagine that most of us have totally different views about what SL is? How differently everybody is using SL? Many are just hanging out, chatting with friends, some are just clubbing and shopping, many are exploring, some are RPing, some do online games and sports, many are building, some of them made it a business, some are using SL for educational purposes, some are doing art, music, machinima ... the list goes on. And let's not forget that not all SLers are on the same level of knowing stuff about SL. Sometimes you meet 6 years and older players who don't even know the mainland continents, you meet people who never tried to stream media, you meet super special freaks who know a lot about one aspect of SL but are completely ignorant about the rest. People who never leave their home sim and spend the whole day with building, people who are in SL for years but never know where they are, since they only TP from one place to another and get lost in the same building. So I hardly think one interview partner will give you a good overview about SL. Or any worhwile insight at all.
  7. Sounds like a connection issue. Was therea lot of snow, rain or any bad weather lately in your area? Humidity often has bad influence on the ADSL wires. Do a speed- and ping test, check with your ISP. Lower the bandwith in preferences, lower the graphics settings, switch that stupid voice crap and media streaming OFF. Don't run any internet applications while you're logged into SL. Hm, runnning out of ideas now. :matte-motes-bored:
  8. Orca: Some people learn by repetition. Meh, it's a help forum, right? Repetition is good and fine ... in an aural environment. In a forum with written content it's rather rude and disrespectful to ignore what others have written. Particularly if it was answers to your questions, and the authors have spent time and knowledge to answer you to the best of their abilities. And no, this is not a help forum, this is the General Discussion Forum in the People Forum.
  9. Miranda, Peggy: When I talk about tasks I don't mean kiddie**bleep** like changing an outfit. In my case you may even add one more mouseclick to that task since I keep my outfits in various subfolders. With tasks I mean communication. Heck, in a VW that's what we do 90% of the time isn't it? And please excuse me for confusing V2 and V3, I guess V3 with it's modability is far better than V2. Heck, I even gave it a try, with LL viewer and Firestorm (which is a V3). Didn't like it so far. FPS got worse, and despite their best efforts they still carry all the negative parts of V2/V3. I missed lots of important group notices and IMs since they only show in a small box thing on the lower (or was it upper?) right hand side of the screen instead of in the chat flow on my screen, where they belong. A technically better versed friend just had FS running for 3 mths, I thought I'd lost her to the dark side already. A few days ago she told me she's back with Phoenix since the new GUI made her life less comfortable. I don't know how you are spending your time in SL, bored much? I just don't have the time to look around for messages and notes, I don't have the time to fix a viewer makers GUI by modding it to my taste. V1 generation viewers were pretty much perfect for me. Super layout. They didn't look like websites. The new viewers are confusing. Where's my radar, where are the notecards I was supposed the be getting, why is the friendslist not in communication box where it belongs? Why am I being sent into the internet just for watching some profile? What is a effing folllower? Why should I follow anyone? Or why should they follow me? Will we soon have to click some "Like" boxes? Why had they squeeze my profile pic into square format in the new profile thing? As I mentioned I just don't have/take the time to test anything in detail. I install always the newest stuff I can get my clumsy fingers on, play with it for give or take 5 - 10 mins, decide it's not for me and switch back to stuff I know. In some cases it''s probably my own incapability to understand and use the new stuff, in other cases it's just necessary. LL V3 fresh out the box gave me the worst FPS ever. I consider anything below 20 FPS catastrophic! I'm not an epileptic but low FPS makes me nervous. Swoosh, baibai! GUI looked promising tho. Anyway, I have stuffz to do and need a viewer that enables me and not one that holds me back or forces me to spend time with it. Of course in 2007 we had much more crashes than nowadays. I never argued that. What has it to do with viewers? And I don't consider most of the points you made as functionality. Good FPS, meshes, outfits and less crashes are no functions, they are the core basics in a viewer. Tools are functions. And Phoenix/FS traditionally have much more of those than LL. Also most of the stuff you get with modern LL viewers was first introduced by some or the other TPV. When you come from a long history of using Emerald and other TPV it feels just bad to switch back to LL. Is like visiting a ghetto. And yes, contrary to my car I don't have to pay for any viewer. I'm rather fond of Mercedes Benz btw. My own one is from 1982 and still drives like a dream. But I guess you wouldn't like it since it's outdated and I can do so much more stuff with the newer models. But that's not the point since all viewers are free, but unfortunately the viewer as made by LL isn't as nice as the various TPVs. As some ppl already mentioned in other places: LL should maybe just stop making viewers and instead hire the Phoenix guys or Kirsten or Niran or Lance or any of the other TPV developers. Maybe I am not fair, probably wrong with some of my gripes ... but still I am the customer, I have the choice, I chose the best for what I need. And that I just don't get from LL. On my desktop you find 4 currently installed viewers: Phoenix, Firestorm, LL and the InWorldz viewer (LOL). I play around with LL and FS quite often but when I really need to do stuffz and not fussing around I always fall back onto Phoenix. And, Peggy, I'm 100% woman and around this planet since quite a while, thank you very much.
  10. Now tell me why I should make a better viewer? There are more than enough better viewers around already. Also, please imagine, you buy a new car: after a while it starts to rust, the energy efficiency is worse than your old car's, it breaks down every few miles. And when you complain about it you're told you have no right to complain as long as you can't builld a better car. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? What would you do in that case? Don't buy from that particular manufacturer again! See, that's exactly what 85% of SL customers do. Of course I don't have a clue. I don't need a clue. I'm the effing customer!!! I know what I want, I know what I need, and I know where to get it. The last official LL viewer I ever used was 1.17.3 or somesuch. When I got hinted on Nicholaz patch to solve my problems I installed that one. That was some time mid 2007 or so. Remember the first Nicholaz wasn't even a full viewer? You had to replace some files in the original viewer for Nicholaz files and voila, all your problems were solved. Better FPS, less crashes, all super. That was the firs time it dawned on me that LL aren't that great and almighty as we always thought.
  11. You just made a statement of "fact". Now back it up. Especially that part about low work ethics. LOL funny question. How shoud one back up such a statement? Oh, quite easy: It was based on my dealings with LL and by looking at what they do and analyzing every of their moves. For example: some Linden removed a buoy from a Linden protected waterway, heaven knows why. Since we need that marker in some racecourses I asked him to rerezz at the location. I gave him the exact sim name and the coords. A few days later he told me the buoy is there and what my problem is. Turned out he was in a wrong sim with a similar name. So he came over to the correct sim and rerezzed the buoy. Thank you. Like 2 weeks later he sends a comment to my closed support ticket and tells me again the buoy is there and was rezzed on that and that day. So I needed to remind him again that I know and that I was there when he rezzed it and thx very much again. Talk about badly organized. Look at their land management, look at all their policies, look at their ongoing problem with lag and sim crossings and underperforming servers, look at voice and other completely unnecessary crap nobody needs or asked for. I don't know anybody using voice, do you? Look at all the small inventions with questionable value and look at the bad shape the grid is in, after years and years of complaints and huge muckups. Look at the life chat team, only operating at normal US westcoast offfice hours. LL is sposedly an internet company, a server host. They operate a 24/7 business for fecks sake! But you can't reach anybody after hours or during lunch time = bad work ethics. Bad business atitude.
  12. Peggy, I guess the OP didn't ask for 1.23 because their hardware isn't up to the task; it's for the same reason why most of SL customers are prefering TPVs over the LL viewer. It's because the new LL viewers just suck! They give you less functionality paired with the worst imaginable interface. Every task needs much more clicks now, communication is all over the place, too much stuff is outsourced into external servers, like the profile, all that twitterface **bleep**. It is as if they put another filter between you and your avie in world. The immersion effect is doggone since V2. I wouldn't touch any of the V2 and V3 viewers with a 6ft pole! They are made by the :matte-motes-evil:
  13. Try Phoenix or other 3rd party viewers that are based on V1. They always were and still are way better than LL's original offering. And Firestorm, although a V3, can even be tweaked to almost the cool functionality and look and feel of the old V1 viewers. LL's viewers are like everything else they give us: made by ppl without any inworld experience and very low work ethics. Just crap.
  14. You are new, like brandnew? Please check if your hardware and connection are able to run SL at all. SL might not look like a very advanced "game" but needs very very good hardware and a stable internet connnection to run properly. So if you're trying to run SL on a laptop without dedicated graphics, a netbook, a tablet or even a run of the mill desktop - forget about it!
  15. It's really LL's fault. I hear the noobs these days are just "born" into the world, just like PLOPP, here ya go! When I was new we were first rezzed on orientation island where we had a number of simple tasks to absolve before we could go on. Like walking, flying, TPing a distance, "touching" stuff with our magic rays and other stuff. So, after 10 minutes in SL I knew what a prim is.
  16. Taking into account the OPs obvious problems with reading (asking what an AO is a few posts after it was spelled out, and calling a sandbox a sandlot) I guess I know now what s/he meant with "rebirth": maybe someone has asked him/her to "rebake" since he/she didn't render completely.
  17. What about Heterocea, the little mainland to the North of Sansara? It's not called the Atoll Continent for no reason. Has a terribly managed and badly overbuilt lagoon in the middle. Always when I go there I think "paradise lost". :smileysad: Why are LL first doing some super nice terraforming and then sellling all the water lots to people who don't have any use for it? Could've been so nice.
  18. Hey Val and Luc. Get a room, you two! :smileywink:
  19. If you can't even remember their names they are obviously not of great value for you. So let them die in peace.
  20. My Second LIfe, I mean my personal SL, not the LL service/product, happens on the grid, in world. My avie doesn't really exist once she's logged off. I have no interest in this dashboard thingie and never used it to date. It's probably intended for the short term visitors, the "facetwitters" as we oldbies call 'em. Whole day connected to the net, but only 5 minutes in SL.
  21. You don't make no sense. You have no time to research SL while you're trying to write your dissertation about SL??? All questions in your survey are missing the point, they don't really touch most of us. Also you'll get many very diverse answers, so many different opinions and ways people are handling things in SL you won't be any wiser after reviewing the results. Okay, I'll try to elaborate in the survey ...
  22. Yes, sounds like our old friend, the rubberbanding, has you in its firm grip. Watch where it happens, mid sim or on borders. Check your connection on speedtest.net You're on wifi? PLUG IN DAMMIT!!!! Open the statistics bar (ctrl shift 1) and watch the numbers: FPS, Bandwith, Time Dilation, Packet Loss, Ping ... These tell you a lot about the quality of the SL region you're in. Huge shopping malls tend to be much more laggy than empty regions, like some public oceans. It also could be your weakish hardware, bad GPU. Or too many scripts on your avie. Often it's a combination of all these factors.
  23. Hey, isn't that your own language you're slaughtering so badly here? Now I know why it's often said that ESLers have a language barrier: It's the other way round! You naturals often so totally misunderestimate us because we try to speak and type in English to the best of our abilities. But you aren't able to comprehend it! :matte-motes-evil:
  24. Is it safe to assume the OP isn't a SL resident? Those questions are all more or less missing the point. Or in fact various points. 1) in SL we're not strolling along high street, window shopping like in RL 2) the majority of residents shops off-world in Marketplace 3) even in-world we're using the search or we already know where to find something we're looking for 4) in SL we're shopping much more purposely and goal oriented than in RL. We're going to the store that sells what we need. TP in there, doing our purchase and TP out again 5) RL companies always have a hard time in SL and giving up sooner or later. Physical and virtual goods are just to different in nature. And before we buy badly made RL certified products we rather go with superbly created purely fictional brands In other words I'd rather buy a pair of really well-made Odidos sneakers than mediocre quality official Adidas 6) when I go into a RL store of a SL brand it's probably just out of curiosity and to compare the physical to the virtual product 7) in SL my needs, my shopping habits, my taste and my clothing style are vastly different from RL. Just because I own a bunch of motorcycles, luxury yachts and houses, spaceships and evening gowns in SL doesn't mean I buy many of those goods in RL My name is Orca Flotta and I finished the questionaire nevertheless :matte-motes-evil-invert:
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