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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Italy, France, and Romania, Germany, I am not racist No, of course not, since the original population of those countries are all caucasians, as you are most probably too. Even if you weren't it wouldn't be racist. Biologically the human race doesn't have enough differences to split it into different races anyway. So what does it make you? A xenophobe is what they call people like you, I guess. And that's not a biological but a psychological term. :smileytongue:
  2. Chris, if it's true that you're on a laptop then you must consider that the mobile version of your GPU is much (much!) weaker than its desktop namesake. I've already destroyed a rather expensive Asus lappy due to overheating. Here some protips to avoid a terrible death of your hardware: - open the machine and vacuum it out every 3 months - use it on a cooling pad, not ever on your lap or, even worse, in bed on a soft matress - make sure there is a steady airflow around the lappy, don't block the air ducts - if you're keeping it on a desk as you should do anyways, make sure it's not a wooden desktop. At least put a tile under the lappy, or the suggested cooling stand - do not blame the problems on the viewer. Blame it on SL's best treat, the ability to render your own, non-optimized, textures. We all can build stuff in SL, which is great, but comes with the cost of having a lot of amateurish builds.
  3. 1. Is it possible to create a successful brand in Second Life today? Yes of course if you define making profits far below the RL minimal wages a success. 2. What do you think makes a brand successful in a virtual world? If it fulfils the needs and wants of SL residents. 3. Have you ever visited islands in Second Life created by brands such as IBM, American Apparel or Coca-Cola? IBM, but ony since their sandbox was nice and quiet. Oh, and Gibson, just to grab some freebie guitars. 4. Can you describe your experience in these brand environments? Nice and quiet 5. Do you think your experience of a brand in Second LIfe effects your opinion of that brand in real life? Nope.
  4. Hm, Harley Davidson should be ok. Since the RL company is spelled Harley-Davidson they can hardly complain about you trying to cash in on their name. On the other hand using RL brand names is loathsome, isn't it? Totallly uncreative and un-SLish. What about playing a bit around with the brand, like Hardly Rideable, Horribly Dated, Howdy Stranger, Harvey Dent?
  5. I'll be spending the day without SL but at the beach and lateron watching some cheesy movies and ordering sushi ... and maybe get some flowers and gifties. Why? Tomorrow's our 15th weddding anniversary. :smileyvery-happy: .... oh phuk, I'm oooold :smileysad:
  6. I've seen Campbell Tomato soup cans in SL, if that answers your question. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Azurean, no offense, but with your low level of knowledge I'd suggest waiting before you go premium. Discover the world, learn your ways around SL, learn all the little tricks and tools, stay homeless for the time beeing. I spent over 4 years in SL, even selling land for a while, before I considered for the first time that I need/want a place of my own. And I never had a lack of phukbuddies. Life's too short, particularly in SL, to waste the time sitting around at home. Besides SLex isn't as great as many ppl think it is, not even the most fancy (and fantasy killing) anims won't help with it. Ok, to your questions: as premium member you have the choice between ... - either a Linden home, that sits with many many more equal houses on a ghetto-like continent and is good for almost nothing. Look in worldmap and see how empty these areas are. That's because ppl only go there to get dressed, not to live there. Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of the barrel. - or buy your own parcel of 512 m² (117 prims), and pay no tier on it. Well, in that case your house is not included in the 117 prims but you can buy your land wherever you want. As a premium you're not restricted to 512 m² but may purchase as much land as you can afford. The initial 512 will always stay tier free the rest will cost you. Anyhoo, you find all the answers to your questions on the LL website where it's all explained in detail.
  8. Your MiniMac is the lowest of the low machines, hardly able to run SL, if at all. Try Singularity viewer, which is very lightweight and a fast renderer.
  9. Amethyst, you know as well as everybody else that strip/dance clubs are never making any money, are not sposed to create a profit. They are either vehicles to lure more avies into the region or passion projects. So considering the fact that a club is only costing money, why not leave the tips of employees untouched too? These are just penny amounts, no reason bothering over them anyway. And it's good for the atmosphere and peace in the club as well.
  10. Gabby wrote: I should have thought about logging in with the official viewer rather than Firestorm. No. The viewer doesn't matter here, the group info box is the same in every viewer. If possible at all you'll find even more info in FS than in official viewer. I found all those info boxes to be exactly the same in LL, Phoenix, FS and Singularity.
  11. And there I was thinking foolishly that AnnMarie was an alt of Ann, particularly that I see now some robot cars made by another AnnMarie with a different last name. Most of those cars look like they were originally made by Arcadia Asylum anyway. And I say that Rod Humble can't be bothered because I see the direction in which he drives the company. Yes yes, I admit they fixed the rendering and made V3 almost as nice as a TPV but still I guess he's on his own agenda. Didn't know they started hiring again, sorry.
  12. One good use for pathfinding would be in Ann Otoole's robot cars that cause so much grief on mainland roads. But since nobody likes or rides them anyway why bother? I couldn't think of any other reason. Yeah, Rod Humble abuses his position, his employing company, the labour of his underlings and LL's funds (they receive from us) to develop his private obsession. It's like we SL residents are financing the kickstarter for his own company. He can't be bothered with running the daily business of SL. Wrong guy at the helm of LL.
  13. Okay, gotta deliver some feedback: WOW! I mean really WOW! Why didn't I try Singularity sooner? For an old inflexible **bleep** like me Singularity with it's V1.23 GUI was like coming home to the land of the sane again. Everything was right where I expected it to be, pretty unclustered screen and just the right amount of customizability. But even better is Singularity's performance, FPS went way up, everything renders much faster and my avie seems more bouncy too. Super responsive and everything. My connection is slow and has high latency so I was used to wait a little when I hit the forward arrow before my avie started to walk. Not anymore. And I could up my usual DD of 128 to 256 meters and still have higher framerate than before. I'm over he moon with this viewer.
  14. Thx Jade and Princess, I forgot to mention in my post that I intend to use this viewer as an action viewer for sailing races and biking, and for laptop when we're travelling. So I don't care much about attachment points since I even wear less attachments than usual. As long as I have my V1 look and feel I'm a happy bunny. :smileyvery-happy:
  15. I was always a fangirl of Phoenix/Firestorm and loved it's rich features and stability. That said I wouldn't mind a "lighter" viewer which renders stuff faster. In Phoenix/FS I always feel a bit bloated, particularly since my connection isn't the best. So right now I'm downloading Singularity but would like to know your opinions about it before I install it. Good/bad? Fast? GUI? Features? Thx for talking me into/out of it. :matte-motes-kiss:
  16. A full list of what I do in SL: I'm a professionally trained stunt avie I'm a total **bleep** I'm a mediocre race sailor I'm a yacht club manager I'm a blogger I'm never satisfied after almost 6 years in here I'm still considering myself a n00b on so many levels I was a land manager I was a stripper I'm dreaming about the socialist revolution I'm going to start ... some day maybe my personality, physique, gender and race are the same RL and SL ... just a bit enhanced I'm never bored I'm slow and always tired
  17. Talking about SL? Sorry, don't have a garden, just some random palm trees and grasses ... but I do have a shed, a boat shed in which I live.
  18. Jagdish, theer are several public rezz spots all over the grid. Usualy on intersections and junctions of Linden Routes, also in Blake Sea the NE corners of sims are rezzable. Or try one of the many many airports in SL, which suits your vehicle much better anyway. Oh, for airship I recommend looking for a rez area in Caledon estate, which is steampunkish/victorian.
  19. Hazey, how about you stop asking questions in forum and log into SL instead? Experience it and write from 1st hand experience. You must know everyone here in the forum has different background, different interests, different amount of knowledge ... and this forum represents only a very small fraction of SL residents. Still you'll get a lot of different answers, which might still be totally untypical for a fair description of SL.
  20. Oh my, not that I have any land but avaiable for you but with such few info given you can't expect anybody to help you. Are you premium? What do you want? Rent or buy? How many prims/sqm? You know that land right now is cheap, cheaper, the cheapest ever. You can find lots of abandoned parcels which the guvnor sells off for 1l/sqm. Often renting in estates is even cheaper.
  21. I was a fangirl Nicholaz in 2007, since a good friend introduced me to it. Remember the days whne you couldn't istall it but all you got was some files you had to replace in your LL/SL viewer? It was faster and fancier than LL production viewers. That was when I decided to never go back to LL viewers. Also lateron I used to use Snowglobe or what it was called. Then it was Emerald for a short while. And then the Phoenix, which was the greatest viewer of all times, couldn't have been happier. And then the apocalypse hit SL very hard: V2 was a disaster! No way to put it politely. It was fugly and totally missed its purpose. It was as if someone added a second screen between me and SL. So much clicking to get the most basic tasks done, absolutely unacceptable. And all the outsourcing of stuff into the web. Terrible! I'm on SL not on FB. If I wanted to join a sovial network I'd be on FB but I don't so I won't. Maybe it's true, I don't have the necessary brainpower to adjust to modern technology very fast, and I'm stubborn and inflexible but V2 was hate at first sight for me. Well, slowly I saw the mighty Phoenix userbase fizzle away and more and more treaters leaving the comfort zone of Phoenix and joining the V2 and V2-like TPV camp. Like FS for instance. I tried it as welI but always gave up after half an hour or so. Always when I needed to get stuff done I was on Phoenix and stayed with Phoenix. Proud and lonesome. Until a couple weeks ago Phoenix became unbearable, so I finally caved in and switched to FS. I just use it with the Phoenix interface so I have the illusion to be still on a V1 viewer. I still get angry about a lot of stuff in FS. What are all those little boxes stealing my screen space, with those IMs and notices in them? Why don't they just show up llike they always did? IMs in local chat and notices as notices on my screen. Stupid clunky chunky piece of uselessness. But otoh FS framerate is much higher and rendering is much faster than it ever was on Phoenix. I stick with it for now until someone comes up with a viable alternative, lightweight, fast, stable, full of added goodness and with as less stuff as possible going on on screen.
  22. I can't remember. As soon as I finished my exams at orientation island I opened the worldmap and typed "amsterdam" into the TP box. It was the only sim I knew since I read about it in some magazine. Swoosh ... and off I went. As soon as I landed in Amsterdam my future job wish was clear: become a whore of the streetworking variety. Needless to say as a stupid n00b I had no chance of a successful carreer. So I hit the freebie stores and went on relaxing on IoL.
  23. - don't be a douche - SL is spelled Second Life, not Sex Life - don't ever become a vampire, they suck - never call SL a game, shows only you're a natural douche - never complain about being bored, it just shows you're a boring person - take your RL hobby into SL, you'll never be bored again (except your hobby are computergames and stamp collecting) - get away from the welcome zones and similar hangouts as fast as possible, or stay permanently bottom of the barrel - use your fuxxing brain, it's not so hard - dancing and partying and clubbing are no worthwile activities, neither is shopping. Do something creative - SL is no dating service - don't ask questions that you can easily figure out yourself - don't beg for money, don't be a douche - don't ever be shy! There's no reason for it - SL only knows one authority, LL; and the private sim/parcel owners if you go there - be aware - be reasonable - act responsible, don't be a douche - respect or hate, don't be indifferent - don't be a troll, control yourself and don't be a douche - don't look for friends, join groups and have hundreds of instant friends and foes - don't be a douche
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