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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Yo wrote: I'm not in SL to talk to other people but end up chatting a lot. And that's it exactly! When I started SL I wasn't particularly interested in other players but in this virtual world as such. I was following my own interests. But I kept an open mind and was friendly enough (I hope) so I never had to offer friendship to anyone. I guess I had 10 people in my list after 2 or 3 days. I just followed my own interests and joined the SL groups and activities for those. When you are in a group/community friends will appear automatically. I never actively looked for friendship but still the friends are just flowing in on me. Nowadays I keep my f-list down to around 200 ppl (I sometimes clean out avies I haven't spoken to in a while). Of course only a handful of them are real friends, most are just aquaintances and allies who happen to share the same hobby. Nicolina wrote: Today I logged on SL, hoping to meet a few new people. Nooooo, that's wrong! Never do that! Log on to do your "thing", to get some work done, to build, to organize, to explore, to "collect stamps" Sometimes I even log in with an alt to get some "me time" and can go shopping or scouting without getting bombed with IM and notecards and group notices and **bleep**. If you don't have and interests or hobbies other than "meeting people" of course you're about to fail. Why should I meet such a boring person?
  2. Welcome to the brave new world of SL, djmxz. Some items require you to keep the mouse buttton pressed for 2 seconds in order to get the menu. Were you wearing the goggles when you tried it? Edit them (right click the goggles, choose edit from the pie menu), go to contens tab and see if there actually is a script in it. How old are those goggles? Over the years many items just stopped working in SL. This is due to changes to the server code. Contact the creator of the goggles and ask them what's up with their product. Oh, and one more thing: although we can and do play in SL it is not a game! It's a virtual world, a platform to do whatever you please. SL as such has no obective, no goal, no level up, no rules aside from the TOS. We are residents not players. So by definition it can't be a game.
  3. If you got an invitation only group I guess the members of your group will be nice enough to tidy up after themselves. And then just hope for the best. Anyway, if you see your sandbox isn't used by anyone just do a general return. Or ... just make a jira :matte-motes-nerdy:
  4. Yes, contact the previous owner and tell him about what happened ... and give him the transaction number from your account so they know your claim is legit. Then they can resell it to you for 0 L. I guess the messup did happen during the restart, as the sim was set back to a previous restoring point or sumsuch.
  5. I just received 1000 bucks from a friend (for sexual services LOL). The bug doesn't seem to influence him
  6. You shouldn't party and get drunk but wave your red flag and fight for worker's rights. Besides, you Americanos got it all wrong and mixed up: Labour Day is sposed to be on May 1!
  7. Why don't they just use a real forum software? LIke Simple Machines® Forum (SMF) for example.
  8. falling out of focus, getting blurry, not completely rezzing ... is mostly due to bad internet connection. Not much you can do about it other than complaining with your ISP, not using wifi, shutting down all other internet activities while you're on SL. To me it mostly happens when my hubby is downloading torrents or youtubing at the same time when I'm logged into SL. So make sure you're not sharing your connection with other ppl in your household.
  9. Jeanne is right I guess. I'm not going out often, only for live music ... ofcourse I tip for that. I attend like 2 weekly private parties and tip the DJs like 200 and sometimes 100 more if they play some quirky or favourite tune. On the rare occasion of parties at my café I tip a bit more ... but then usually the DJs are putting their tips forwards into my venue tipjar. BTW, all DJs I usually deal with are into the music, not the money. So they would stream anyway, no matter how much they get back in monetary revenue.
  10. Oh, I forgot to mention you can also just derender the missile on your screen. It'll be still there but you won't be able to see it anymore.
  11. If the root prim of Missile 1 is on the next parcel (which it obviously is) you can't do nothing. All you can do is asking them nicely to remove the missile or push your skybox to another height.
  12. CPU doesn't matter. Any halfway modern CPU will run SL without any problems. GPU is a different topic altogether. Only the best will do! With Nvidia never choose anything not carrying the GTX badge. GT simply doesn't cut it. I'm still happpy with my outdated GTX260, but not on ultra. Nowadays I'd go for a GTX 670 or what's the new thing? If you want ultra performance you must be prepared to pay ultra money for it!
  13. Because, intelligently used, orbs are a bazillion times better than ban lines. I have an orb with a 10m range that includes my bed, the only thing on my property that can be used for something I'd just as soon not log in and find happening. (My login point is in my bedroom). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Dillon, I get the picture :smileywink: That's good and maybe even wise use of orb. And as Triple and you have pointed out orbs are thousand times better than banlines. Still I don't see the need for any sort of security. My land is open, it must be since I have a public marina there and my café. My sexbed I keep mobile, in an airship which I rezz somewhere else if and when needed. Out of sight, out of mind, ya know? I know most people are more homely and cocooning in but then, what do they care about their "private" stuff once they are logged off?
  14. Yeah, owning mainland is the main reason for me. I'd never rent from another resident and I'd never live on an unconnected island. I didn't think for a split second about chosing a Linden home but put my free 512 into my total land buying capacity. The live chat is a nice bonus, although mostly they don't understand my specific problem and just give me some links to unrelated articles in the SL wiki. The stipend is cool! That alone almost pays for the annual premium fees. Premium = Happy me
  15. And again the most important question should be WHY??? Why does anyone want to spend money on protecting "their" land ... and from what? Orbs are focking annoying. If I wanted to be sent home I'd use the TP home, don't need no help with that, thankyouverymuch. You're not travelling/exploring SL very often, do ya? Else you'd know how badly those orbs are slayering mainland into a unusable patchwork.Just imagine you just spent 2 hours or more navigating your way from point A to point B when suddenly ... "GTFO of here, this land is MINEMINEMINE!!!" Free roads for free citizens!!!
  16. RL: 46 SL: 2000+ days, that's like 5 1/2 years or so Avie appearance: eternal 21 y/o beach bum bimbo with the wisdom and world wearyness of a 13 y/o socialist revolutionary
  17. # I know it's old now but what LL should really do is lowering land prices. Make owning land more accesible for everyone. Conventional wisdom says that ownership makes more loyal clients. When I'm a homeless drifter on a basic account I'll leave SL in a heartbeat; once I own a nice parcel I'll think twice about leaving. # Invest in more and better hardware. # Set new residents not jus somewhere in the world, into an infohub where they immediately encounter some of the worst characters of SL. But rez them at an orientation place, where they have to do some basic stuff (walking, running, flying, touching stuff, editing, camming etc.) before they gain access to the world. # LL should stop trying to provide entertainment!!!! One of the simple facts of SL, and one every new resident needs to grasp (or gtfo), is that SL is not a ready-made entertainment area. You must be able to entertain yourself in order to really enjoy it. Remember Your World - Your Imagination!
  18. I can buy l$ from third parties, but I cannot make payments to this site due to their policy. Excuse me but that is bull. I was a basic for many years but always had payment info on file. Just buy your l$ from LL, they will happily sell them to you. And there are many public sandboxes as well. Only difference from the premium boxes is taht the public ones are often attacked by griefers.
  19. I read Rod's reply now repeatedly since he first scribbled it down. And always have to shake my head over this hogwash. Spoken like a true CEO: many words completely missing the topic, sneaking around the pudding but never touching it. And then, shifting the blame in direction of the residents. The roundtable didn't come up with a solution? WTF? The roundtable didn't implement the one-name stuff. The roundtable doesn't have any obligation towards LL to help them solve their home-made problems. The roundtable was a discussion here in the forum I suppose, so it's made up from users/clients. What developer relies on the clients by figuring out ways out of their own mess? That's just so lame. LL should have done it before coming up with the new system. Then they would've learned that we don't want it, that it's crappy, that it's a nogo, that they could've saved a lot of manpower by implementing it.
  20. SL is just like RL: I see all the fancy stuff but I can't build my dream house and my dream car myself. Although I guess I'm a great artist I just can't figure it out. And I don't have a enough money to purchase it all. So I have a love/hate relationship with my real life and only log in every couple of months. :smileyvery-happy:
  21. I'm already disappointed by the experience I get from a fairly powerful laptop. Playing SL on some tablet is still a far way off ... and only to get a below par performance? No, thank you, but no. And all the compromises only to connect to SL for 5 minutes on the subway ride to offfice? I can't even think about playing SL if I don't have at least 2 or 3 hours time to kill. Besides I think those tablets are a hype. They will die out soon. As soon as people find out they can't do much with them anyway. Tablets are for consumers, not for active virtual world residents.
  22. But of course that's Nautilus, **bleep**. As a Nautilian myself I should know. :matte-motes-nerdy: * edit: obviously the forum software doesn't like my to abbreviate your name, LOL Nautilus is a mainland continent, not only that stupid and overpriced ancient island in between Blake Sea and Bingo Strait.
  23. @Orca - most SL DJ's don't have streams with enough listener space to be able to let people listen in outside of the club. Unless they have one that holds three times the expected listeners where they DJ, its foolish of them to allow others to listen in outside of their location and expect to maintain quality. That is why most of them won't give out their URL so you can listen outside of SL or at your SL home. Uh ok, got it. I know some friends of mine are doing it for our cruising club. They set up and stream already while we're still sailing. That way we are in the right mood once we reach the destination. But, yes, it's a group thing and nobobody outside that group knows about the url. So the number of listeners stays the same.
  24. Sounds just as logical as someone who says "i'll drive through a red light if no car comes"...? But ... but, well, I do that. Let's say it's 5am and I crave a funky McD's burger after a long night in SL, I drive slowly up to the crossroads and when noone comes I just step on the pedal and go :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: But I won't make a stink if some police officer catches me.
  25. If anybody actually feels the need to have a beauty OP on themself in public they should at least be considerate enough to simply type "gth xxxxx" in their chat line and get out of the way. xxxx being the desired height
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