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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. As Hugsy already wrote, the parcel is privately owned so it's the owner's responsibility to delete/return the schmutz. On the other hand it's privately owned and so not of anyone's concern. And best is to just not look at it closely. Why can't these moral police people not stop digging in the dirt???
  2. Exactly Qie, yesterday was such a day with almost unplayable lag for me. My ISP just migrated to another network and since then the service is awful. Couldn't even move, packet loss of up to 300% (how they do that?), latency through the roof, being a friggin cloud all the time ... but my fps was very very good. :smileysurprised:
  3. Have a looksie at the ASUS GeForce GTX 660 Ti DirectCU II TOP. Review here: http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/asus_geforce_gtx_660_ti_directcu_top_review,1.html According to the guru ... it's a gem!
  4. According to the tests and reviews I quickly glanced over your Dell isn't able to run any 3D games. And the form factor tells me it's a mini PC so there's not much space for additional graphic cards or a more powerful PSU. So all in all this is what people call a mum and dad computer. :smileyindifferent: Protip: since the Dell seems to run ok, give it to a family member or sell it off and get yourself decent hardware. I don't know what country you're from but in most Western nations there are shop sites where you can assemble a computer to your needs, have it built for you and get it by mailorder (if nothing else helps, you could even use Dell, although with a much lesser freedom of choice). What I did; I went to a local store in my hometown and ordered the machine directly from them. That was fun as I went with the guy through the shelfs of parts and he told me what he would use and we could discuss every single part. Then I left for a bit of shopping, came back 2 or 3 hours later and could collect my finished PC. Saved a lot of money since I didn't have to pay for unneeded crap, like cameras, card readers, mics and such stuff. Didn't need the OS either so saved even more. Now I have a PC that runs like a champ since 3 years and when I feel I need to upgrade anything I can just put it in. Next year I guess I'll buy a new GPU, which will take me all of 5 minutes to stick it into the slot. And know what? I'm a woman, well in my 40s and the most unnerdy girl ever. But computers are more or less like LEGO, so everybody can build their dream machine.
  5. Yes, Qwalyphi, first making us all curious and stuff ... and then just shutting up isn't very nice ya know. Now how am I sposed to find a good nights rest???
  6. Tsagu, Lindens are rarely, if ever, reading these forums. You better file an AR if you want to have something done about the griefer. Oh, and I guess you better not mention the name of realhitman - AKA - JeFF Winchester here since it's against TOS. :smileywink: If you can't report due to lag, wait until your connection becomes better or do it with an alt. BTW, if you mean with modding an avie changing appearance you can do that everywhere. Even in a crowded club or shopping mall.
  7. I could draw you some visual boxes, SLtester, but that's not an option here on the forum. Regular sizes of SL plots are: 512 m² = 32 x 16m = 1/128 sim = 117 prims 1024 = 32 x 32 = 1/64 sim = 234 2048 = 64 x 32 = 1/32 sim = 468 4096 = 64 x 64 = 1/16 sim = 936 8192 = 128 x 64 = 1/8 sim = 1872 16384 = 128 x 128 = 1/4 sim = 3744 32768 = 256 x 128 = 1/2 sim = 7488 656536 = 256 x 256 = 1 sim = 15000 Note that on homesteads the amount of prims is only 1/4 of that on a fulll sim. Of course you can find many odd shaped and sized parcels, depending how the former owner did cut them. When you're out scouting for land, please make property lines visible so you have an exact outline of the parcel in question. It also shows up when you click on the ground or into About Land.
  8. LOL, too funny how people are always falling for marketing crap. These new kind of Ultra(expensive)books are just not up for a power demanding application like SL. Just look at the form factor, they are much too thin to put in any decent hardware/cooling. Power/Ultrabooks are nice but they are made for completely different applications: office, multimedia, light gaming. SL might not look like much but it needs the best available gaming hardware. Ever seen a hardcore gamer using a silly thing like a power/ultra book? No. They have their reasons for using the chunky heavy duty stuff. 2 years ago I ditched my fancy gaming specs Asus lappy and had a desktop system built for half the price. Now I'm having a much better experience on SL, no overheating, no system crashes.
  9. Hm, according to your job description and the humble size of the whole operation (2-3 sims) it would be fair to get maybe the 1st week of rent paid to you, then the following weeks for the landlord. Not much labour - not much pay. Simple as that.
  10. Yeah, as the message suggests, best check your network. Do speed and ping tests, run a traceroute. It surely has something to do with your connection not performing sufficiently for SL, which is a bandwith hogging monster of an application.
  11. Generally Alienware are grossly overpriced and not worth the money. Specifically the laptops are not as bad as their desktop brethren and with their fancy design hard to resist. I call it the Apple factor, LOL. So basically your Alienware lappy will run SL just fine, probably very good. There's nothing wrong with it, but you must understand that you'll have a much better experience on SL with a desktop pc in the same price range or even cheaper. To make SL run better (on any kind of machine): - plug in! Don't go wireless. - don't overdo the graphics settings. High is fine, yes, shift all sliders to maximum by any means. But stay away from shadows for daily use, use shadows and DOF only for making photos.
  12. Yes, exactly Madeleine, that was the best definition of what's going on in my head when reading anything: a undistinctive, barely there, voice. I read everything, forum posts, novels, blog entries with some kind of melody and speach pattern ... but it's not that of an actor or any person but my own. And never in dialect or slang. I'm happy if I get the intonation of the weird english language correctly. But I won't even add any dialect to something I read in german.
  13. My decision is made: I'll stick with Win7 until it's not supported any longer. And then I'm gonna delete Win forever and wave a friendly goodbye (actually flippin' the bird) to Mr Gates and swing to Linux (Mint or Ubuntu). Win7 is a great system, runs very well on my hardware and as a creature of habit I gotta admit I'm so used to it by now, almost addicted. My hubby already uses an older Ubuntu version exclusively; he misses nothing and is happy about how fast and snappy it runs on his old lappy with the GNOME GUI . Should be a hoot on my more powerful desktop. And it looks good, more sexy than anything MS or Apple have come up with yet. Although the Ubuntu community is in danger of falling into the Win/Apple trap with their newest GUIs like Unitiy and stuff. Looks cool but slows your system down. So what about Win8? With its touchable tiles it only makes sense on a tablet. Nobody wants to reach out across the desk and smeer their fatty fingers over the screen. And who in their right minds would wanna use an awkward and seriously underpowered tablet for an application like SL??? And mouse? Haha, they claim everything will be like it always was ... but some powerusers are already reporting that's not the case entirely.
  14. It's definately your connection. Please run a speedtest to SF or Dallas ... and a ping test too. SL is a bandwith hogging monster and you really need a decently fast and stable connection to get any smooth experience. That's why most users won't even use wireless if they can avoid it. And that's in the States! But you're connecting from the other side of the earth, so go figure. Your latency is probably even worse than mine (I'm connecting for South Africa) and your speed will suffer big time as well. Do a Tracert to some American server and look at the result. I bet you'll faint when you see it. Sorry to say it but there's not much LL or anybody can do about it. It's just the basic physics of overseas networking that makes it so bad.
  15. Heck, Perrie, your head must be a noisy place. I wouldn't wanna be in there. As for me, my disregard for other beeings goes so far, I don't even check who the poster is when reading the forum. I only care about the content of a certain post. And that's it. No voices, no nothing, just content. What I hear when internetting is music. iTunes keeps me well entertained and my feet tapping. Same when I'm inworld, I mostly have SL sounds off, no voice, no ambient, no gestures. It would just distract me from the music.
  16. still cant find it -------------------------- Here it is, simply copy/pasted from the MP: **STYLECARD: Skin - Al Vulo - Sally - Peach Porcelain Eyes - Insufferable Dastard - Shine v2 Dark Brown Hair - Magika - No longer Available(Sorry :-/) Tattoo - Hebenon Vial - Girl with the dragon tattoo Tank - Legal Insanity Shirt - Public Enemy - Jack Plaid Shirt Panties - OnyxWear - Super Low Panties Boots - Death Row Designs - Lazy Boots v3.0 Piercings - (I made - Not for sale) (This should go without saying these are not included but I had many requests for a stylecard to go with the shape!) Included; Jaci Shape [Copy Only] 2 Physics(Normal/Subtle)[Copy/Trans] 4 Eyebrow Shapers[Copy/Trans] Landmarks
  17. Old wisdom says: bored people are boring people. This might sound harsh but have a look at the OP, shall we: I have been clubbing.....dancing....trying new things...and Im bored D: So he/she found 2 different words for the same activity (which isn't even an activity since the dancemachine works autonomously) ... ... and he/she tried "new things" without giving any further hints to what these new things might haven been. So the OP did dance in SL. No wonder he/she is bored. Because dancing is the most stupid, effortless and eventless activity one can do in SL. Please don't get me wrong, I love to watch my doll wiggle her @$$, I attend 2 weekly parties ... after I did something else before that. In my case it's sailing with the Leeward Cruising Club, so they are aftercruise parties. It's like apréz ski parties on winter vacation. First you gotta find your way to the destination, then party coz you survived. You gotta earn your right to party So, dear bored OP, find something else, less boring to do. What I suggest is take your RL hobby into SL. Okay, that isn't easy if your hobby is something like stamp collecting, scratch booking, gaming and other such lame stuff. But how about buying a car or a motorbike, plane, boat, airship ... and go exploring with those. And make a lot of photos and blog them. Yeah, start a blog! It's like therapy, keeps your mind and your fingers busy.
  18. THE PERFECT BEER Hardware Requirements: Fridge (Bosch) Beer Bottle (included) Bottle opener (fire lighter, screw driver, desk corner or bottle opener) Software Requirements: Beer (many German brands will do, strictly no American or Dutch crap) Integration: 1) take Beer (in bottle) out of fridge 2) don't shake 3) pop bottle open with bottle opener 4) drink 5) say "aaaaw"
  19. Expecting the Chinese Gov't to make sense is to me about as plausible as my expecting my U.S. Representatives to make sense. ---------------------------------- Yes, right, nowadays hardly any gov'ment makes sense anymore. But China is somehow special coz it's in a development from pseudo-communism to a western-democratic empire kinda state. It's a wild west atmosphere there, almost like in Russia. So if you have some money you are free to do almost anything you can dream of. I still have no idea if they are blocking SL or not. Anyway, there's the language barrier which makes it almost impossible for Chinese ppl to really interact with us westerners.
  20. A own viewer wouldn't make any sense since they would still see and hear all the stuff that we hear and see. I don't know if they blocked SL altogether but some years ago the People's Republic came up with their own SL clone, HiPiHi. Dunno if it ever caught on or not. About censorship ... well, it's bad in parts but not as bad as in the west for other stuff. Chinese ppl are now very open to the world so a blocking of something as shallow and mindless as SL would hardly make any sense.
  21. @ Nyll: I'm not in favor of a giant super continent, you must've misunderstood me there. One continent gives not enough coastal/beach property. But I'm in favor of a continguent world where I can go everywhere without TP. Look at the thousands of private islands out there in the void, it's terrible. If some hermit wants their own private paradise and total privacy let 'em pay throught their nose. The rest can be connected to the continents, if not by land then by 'real' ocean. I don't even know why people are calling SL a virtual world for it is by all means nothing but a collection of many many microworlds.
  22. Hi Nyll, I haven't read any Iain Banks yet (I hear his style is somehow 'out there' and the German translation sucks) so I dunno if my suggestions are helpful or meeting your style. But lately I love these authors: Richard K. Morgan: his 3 novels around the character Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon, Woken Furies, Broken Angels) are a fantabulous mix of sci-fi and hard-boiled crime stories. Very well written, brutal, laconic, intelligent, socio-critic. In his universe people can re-sleeve into other bodies once their old body dies, so they are basically immortal if their 'stacks' aren't destroyed. I've just re-read them and still love them to bits. So what basically is like cheapo film-noir settings turns out to be a very intelligent read. Dan Simmons: Don't be fooled by the fact that Simmons is a buddy of Steven King, since he writes much better and more intelligent than KIng could ever do. His style is more quiet, unexcited, observing and slow. I love all his books but particularly Olympos, Ilium and Hyperion. China Miéville: Now that is an interesting new talent. Miéville's taking the scene by storm. His Perdido Street Station is set in a universe where aliens and magic are existing together with human steampunk technology. Fascinating. I read Morgan and Miéville in English original version and was blown away by their style. Simmons' German translator did a good job too, I believe.
  23. @ Nuhai: dream on, dreamer. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: As nifty as your suggestions do sound I don't believe any company would do it. Even if they were working on a non-profit scale they still would've to feed 250 families and need sustainable income to have some funds for new hardware. Anyway, what I would do is (in no particular order) ... 1) fix sim crossings 2) get rid of laggy voice crap 3) connect the continents with at least some narrow channels/corridors. Say 2 sims wide, 1 by road, 1 as waterway 4) reduce the numbers of sims on a server 5) test new server code in a special area, don't roll it out in a checkerboard manner 6) get rid of the marketplace, make it a search directory only. Collect 10% of every commercial monetary transaction anyway, call it VAT 7) get rid of Linden homes 8) stop developing of unrelated stuff like games and **bleep** 9) make all the grid adult or better, just get rid of the age verification stuff. Just don't accept new members without payment method 10) lower tier rates fundamentally 11) smallest parcel size would be 4096 m² 12) after a test period of 3 mth make it mandatory premium. That goes for alts as well 13) don't allow banlines and security orbs on mainland 14) try to connect as many private regions as possible to mainland 15) have a continuing theme for landscape/terraforming and weather conditions 16) have a general wind that is consistant throughout the whole world 17) put a working functional infrastructure of rezzable waterways, roads, railroads, airports, airship docks, spaceship docks, marinas and harbours in place 18) put a 1 sim wide protected ocean ring around every continent 19) get rid of all the n00b hangouts/orientation islands. Instead have every new resident rezz in an orientation area first where they have to absolve a number of basic tasks and maybe even some basic building stuff and a test about their knowledge (multiple choice), that they have to pass before they are allowed to transition to the main grid 20) bring back last names 21) put sandboxes and testing grounds in a special area 22) close the grid once a week for serious maintenance
  24. Harl, you're very good, love the quirky style. I had a little gallery with some successful exhibitions at my OrCafé for a while. But it bored me and became too much stress, so I decided to retire my café (temporary) and put my private home there instead. Anyway, if I were in your shoes I'd join some art groups and see all the announced exhibitions, visit them and contact the gallery owner. I'd say for a single exhibit you need at least 10 - 15 photos, less for a group exhibit. Another option would be to just open your own gallery. For pics you don't need many prims so a humble 512 m² parcel (117 prims) is big enough. If you're a premium member you don't need to pay tier for a 512. Then announce your exhibit in the art groups. And let your friends know about it, so they can tell their friends to tell their friends and so forth ... word of mouth is still the best multiplier in SL.
  25. /me gets on her Harley, turns throttle to full and honks. "MEEP! MEEP! Oldbie coming thru! Make room! Get outta my way, n00b! Oldbie coming thru!!!" Sorry for that, couldn't refuse. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: Anyway, there is another solution for Nicolette ... wait for it, it's coming now: Buy some Lindens and get the decent stuff. Oh, I know now everybody's going like "Freebies are such good quality these days, there is no need for her to buy anything ... blah blah blah ..." And yes, you are right about that. BUT is it reallly worth all the trouble and time just to save the equivalent of 50 cent? I mean come on now, peepels, you know how cheap stuffz are in SL and you're always shouting to protect our poor inworld economy and our poor merchants.
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