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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. That must've been the most confused/confusing OP I ever had the misfortune of reading. Just clue up on the 3 permissions that are possible with any objects in SL: mod, copy, trans. Yes, it's really just 3. Then check your uniform and find out which criteria are met. If it's NO COPY/TRANS just give it back. If it's COPY/NO TRANS you can't give it back so tell your ex-boss to kiss your sexy behind.
  2. Oooh that's old news. My hubby, who suffers from MS, did hippotherapy in the early 90s but lost interest pretty soon. He's just not a horse guy. :smileyindifferent:
  3. Sandboxes come cheaper by the dozen, Ms Shy, so get yourself a nice family pack of sandboxes and try them all out. Or ... just in case you're a sandbox junkie and don't want any interference by griefers and other lowlifes, consider going premium and enjoy some of the nice and almost always empty premium sandboxes.
  4. Well, we all know what a resource hungry beast SL is so why not just use your common sense when logging in SL? 1) close all other applications! 2) get rid of laptops and older desktops! 3) SL might not look like much but still only the bestest gamer hardware will serve you here! 4) maintain your system! Defraggle your HD, clean your registry, keep your drivers up to date! 5) didn't I say since years that voice is crap? 6) check your setttings! Do you really need 512 DD in a crowded club or shopping mall? Must you push the bandwith slider to higher than 500? That all sounds like wasting away precious resources.
  5. Pretty adorable system you got there, Aizen, so let's look at something else to blame the fps on. 1) Yes, your FPS depends pretty much on the sim performance as already posted. ctrl shift 1 is your friend 2) What's your drawing distance? If you have it up to 512 or even higher all the time you'll see a significant drop in fps. Let's not forget that with doubling the DD your computer has to process 4 times the amount of data. 3) Keep your driver updated. Nvidia are always busy making them better. You can join their mailing list so you'll be notified as soon as there's a new driver available for your graphics card. 4) Your viewer!!! I just had to say byebye to my beloved Phoenix and switch to Firestorm in order to view 'web on prim' and noticed a much better fps rate right out of the box. It also renders much cripser but that's not the issue here 5) Last but not least take a look at your connection. I know my system is capable of much better fps but my connection sucks badly. Particularly when connecting to some exotic country like the US westcoast (it's where the Lindens are) my latency and data throughput becomes very poor. So I try to keep my dd to modest levels. 128 - 256 for activities out in the open, like sailing on open SL ocean, 64 when shopping or clubbing. Conduct a speedtest (to SF and to Dallas) and see if your ISP delivers what they promise and make you pay for. 6) Apart from that I find a fps around 20 is plenty good enough for smooth movements, fps 10 is still good when just standing around and chatting. 7) That picture, is that in Kingdom of Sand?
  6. 1) No! Haha, the USB sticks will run SL just fine ... but for a price! Those USB thingies are meant for emailing and light browsing. Most come with a 5GB full speed flatrate, which means after you used up 5 GB of data your speed will be throttled to unusuable sluggishness for the rest of the month. My daily usage of SL is between 300 - 600 MB, which means after a few days I already would need to top up to get speedy connection again. For that reason I was never happy with my sticks so when we're travelling I rather stay away from SL for a few weeks if I can't get a decent adsl or cable connection. 2) lowering the graphics only makes sense on bad hardware, like laptops without dedicated gpu. I assume you're using a laptop since you're travelling right now. If your lappy is a "gamer" reducing the graphics resolution doesn't really make sense since most of the rendering work is done by your gpu anyway. SL will send you all the data in your draw distance, regardless of your gpu rendering it or not. What will help you for sure is lowering your draw distance! Remember: 1/2 DD is 1/4 stuff to render. Try it out and see which setting gives you the best fps.
  7. Yes, exactly Mora. I made those sweeping generalizations fully aware of the fact and of the kind of responses I would generate. That's why I also wrote some people have prejudices. I belong to a subculture myself but try to stay open minded about the rest of SL. I shop at the same stores like you, I go to the same concerts and visit the same sims ... if I find the time. But I know for a fact that many are stuck in their towers. Very rarely are those ivory towers though.
  8. By definition SL is not a game. The reasoning behind it is well known and besides we have much better terms to define SL. Bleeehblablubb, that discussion isn't helpful in this thread and Fastrez is supposed to learn about SL and eventually make up his own mind about the game/vw question. I agree with what some others wrote already: - you can never wite an informed article about SL without experiencing it for yourself. There are millions of accounts in SL and no matter how many interviews you conduct you will always only scratch the surface. - just TP around in world, visit all the mainland continents, sail the seas, walk along the roads, explore the more interesting sims (as long as we still have some), talk to people face to face, travel with them, hang with them, share their experience. And still every individual encounter can never be more than a snapshot, a tiny window into a tiny aspect and part of the world of SL. - there are many ways to live your life in SL. Some have nothing to do with each other and don't know **bleep** about what the others are doing. A roleplayer who spent 5+ years as a slave of Gor doesn't know anything about the music or art scene of SL, a landlord knows a lot about business strategies but might have never heard about the latest fashion trend, the typical fashionista won't even know where on the grid she is since she never opened her worldmap, tthe happy family roleplayers are as clueless in SL as they are in RL, tinies are mostly silly but clever, vampires suck, escorts suck better, furries are perverts, some people have prejudices, others are naiive, some people are intelligent, more people are stupid, most people are fair, a quite huge group are mean ... and the list goes on ... All in all I guess your assignment is problematic and I don't wanna walk in your shoes. What you try to achieve is similar to an honest portrayal of life on planet earth. Still, if you have any questions, just contact me inworld, and when I'm not too busy I'll respond. No, wait, that didn't sound right. I'm often busy and can't respond right away. But I'll respond eventually. :smileywink:
  9. Leyst, you don't need to be premium if you're renting land from an estate. That's the beauty of it and the sole reason for existence of private estates. Anyway, if you're looking for a private estate with a lot of navigable waterways then have a look at Costa Rica sims or, even much better, the Fruit Islands/Eden/North Sea estates. Anyway, with the amount of prims you wanna rezz there you'll pay out of your butt, since those estates are charging super high prices in the first place and for your prims you need a mighty huge parcel. But why looking for water lots if your "boat" won't even sail?
  10. You should also consider conducting a speed test. Often our ISPs are downright liars about what they provide us with. Permanent blurryness often is a sign for weak data throughput. Bad weather outside? Snow and rain have a bad influence on your adsl lines. In that case a cleared cache won't help you much. Did you do any changes to your graphic card's settings? Is your driver up to date?
  11. Usually the start/end zones of Linden Routes have a rez area, also intersections and crossroads. Public protected waterways may have rezz zones as well. I.e. in Blake Sea and Bingo Strait you find all NE corners to be rezzable. Protip: get Triple Peccable's wonderful hud from the marketplace. It's kinda must have for every explorer/vehiclist in SL.
  12. Ya, ok, Vista wasn't a bad system. It was ok once you got rid of all the glitz and glamour (that's btw what I do on Win 7 as well) and made it look basically like a reduced XP. My windows still look like 3.1. Vista ran very stable but had some annoying stuff going on. All those question about if I want to do this and that action ... and if I'm really positively sure about it ... and if I have the admin rights for this system and all that crap. It's my frakking machine, my OS, dammit! LOL. When I click on something I want it to happen. Like NOW! Win7 is a bit more relaxed about all that. And faster in my experience. And has less memory leaks, which was the weakest point about Vista. I'm doing most my computing stuff on Linux Mint these days anyway, more or less only running SL on Windows. Don't ask me why
  13. Troo dat, he could install any system on his machine. BUT ... usually all systems with i3, i5, i7 procis ship with Win 7. And if he built the compi himself then why should he install crappy Vista?
  14. Leander wrote: OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) So, Peggy, how did you get the idea he might stilll be on Vista? The fact alone that he's on a i3 proci would rule Vista out. And afaik Win7 is only on SP 1, so he's kinda up to date. A bit more oomph in the RAM department couldn't do any harm but for the rest his machine is perfectly capable of running SL in a satisfactory manner. Yes, of course his connection could be troubled, a speedtest and pingtest would help to establish any probs on that side. My guess is tho that it's a typical LL blunder, now that they are rolling out the pathfinding crap. I noticed much worse performance of the grid myself lately.
  15. Perrie, greetings to Mars (or wherever you're from)! Most motorcycles these days are on the ACS (or sumsuch) script, which you can tweak in settings with a menu. I always tune mine to a very unresponsive steering and start by going in 1st gear. I only shift up on long stretches of road once I'm gotten used to my bike. Often I see the more speedy types passing me on race bikes but since I'm an explorer rather than a racer I don't care. Farewell my speedy friends. Godspeed. Expensive doesn't equal good or better. My favourite bikes are like 400 or 500 Lindenbucks, no need to pay thousands for a MLCC. BUR Classic Motorcycles and Dirty Garage are very nice for not much money. Always keep the minimap open and watch for sim borders. Slow down there for a smooth transition. A good smooth Linden mainland road to start is the one in the northern parts of Nautilus (the continent, not the island). Not too many bends and curves, nice blacktop asphalt, a good road to check out everything. Some time ago I bloggered about it. See the url in my sig.
  16. First step to solve all your problems in SL: get rid of that goddamn phookin MAC!!!
  17. I fail to see the problem. Here's what I do to get exactly the result I want to achieve: - just drop the rez faux box somewhere on your parcel - click the box - a blue menu box appears - click on rezz and see the build unfold itself right in front of you - now rightclick the rez faux box and choose EDIT from the pie menu - in edit push the box around with POSITION ... the house will follow - if you want to turn the house so it faces another direction use ROTATE - do that until you're happy with the position and all parts are in place at the X, Y, Z coords where you want it - now click SAVE or STORE in the blue menu - delete the rez faux box or take it back in invent - finished This might take a while to get it right but there is not much that you can do wrong. If the result is like totrally messed up just click the DEREZZ button and try again. Often houses rezz kinda broken when the rezz faux box is too close to the ground, so don't neglect the height coordinate Z. Hint: keep the house aligned with the X and Y coordinates, 0, 90, 180, 270°. House should face either north, east, south or west. Avoid any complicated angles. This makes it much easier to place furniture and hang pics on the wall. Oh, and after you're done make a note of the final coords of the rezz faux box so you can easily rebuild the house at exactly the same spot. This in case you delete it accidentally. Happened to me more than just once. :smileysad:
  18. They are annoyingly funny. For my bloggy I often ride the mainland roads with motorcycles, and sure as hell this will happen: as soon as I stop the ride to take a snapshot or a slurl, one of Mrs. Otoole's vehicles will sneak up behind me and ruin my photo. Apart from that I witnessed a lot of unsightly, illogical behaviour from them. Ice cream trucks sailing the oceans, tanks and taxis stuck in hillsides, whole scrap yards full of her vehicles. And what purpose do they serve apart from wasting server capacity? We all know how underpowered the grid is, so why stress those poor little servesr even more with useless bull**bleep**?
  19. People using voice haven't really understood Second Life! There, I said it.
  20. Yes, that was one of the most stupid moves by LL (besides the fact that V2 was stupid anyway), to switch the pic ratios. As if it wasn't bad enough before. Why they can't just stick to standard size ratios (1:1, 4:3, 16:9) remains a mystery to me. BTW, as long as you stick to the ratios you don't have to live with those puny pixel allotments as given. I mostly double the pixels. I.e. when it says 400:300 I use 800:600, 1200:800 or whatever I can crop off the pic. The result won't appear weird but gives you much better quality.
  21. True dat, Amethyst. But I guess he knows what a premium is and the consquences. Mentioning it is just adding to the heap of useless facts that add to his confuzzlement. Fact s when you are premium you don't pay for LH or 512.
  22. I did not know you had left the blake sea, as lucinda you were one of the first people i met there when i went to watch my first race and was not a very good encounter. Boudicca, I never left the Blake Sea because I was never really there. I once rented a 1/4 sim from Nber and Mark for like 2 months until I was broke. Later I became Premium and could buy my own land ... and I made sure it's not close to Blake. As for sailing, as a race director at TrYC in Triumphal (west of Nautilus City), I'm mostly sailing in my own races, in our neighborhood sims of Dunai and Bingo Strait. I never enjoyed racing in Blake and know it mostly from sailing through when we're on a cruise, Aprt from that you won't find me there. I don't feel much sympathy for any of the involved parties in this ongoing conflict between the BSG and the warship skippers. Nevertheless, you're right about keeping them apart. It's a shame but technologically the only feasable solution. I don't know how much space your warships need to maneuver and battle but I do know that sail race courses often span the whole Blake Sea and often far beyond. And when you're racing the nerves are highly strung ... and when then suddenly a grey wall appears in front of you, an impenetrable and immobile wall, that stalls and maybe even crashes you ... YOU GET FECKN ANGRY!!!
  23. Guys, you're just confusing the poor OPmore and more. Hey djmxz, here's some facts for you to consider: - If you are a premium member you can have EITHER a Linden Home OR a buy a 512 m² mainland parcel and pay no monthly fee (tier). - Every bit more of land you buy will bring you onto a higher level. 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and so forth are the payment levels. - You can buy land by simpoly clicking the ground and chose buy fromm the pie menu ... but I'd always prefer to go via the menu, and first check all the land info. How big is the parcel, how many prims do you get, is there a covenant on the land, can you terraform ... - If you aren'r a premium member you can't buy land. Full stop. - You can however however rent land from a landlord. Often you need to "buy" the land from them first, which is a bit of a misnomer. - Anyway, if owner or renter, you must pay your monthly fee. In that regard SL is like RL. LL want you to pay your "taxes", your landlord wants his "rent".
  24. Now I will help you with some info, many of the people you dislike are veterans, it is not about killing is about living the life they use to live and should be rewarded for as they let us sleep safely in our beds, Thank you very much much for conforming my prejudices. I always felt save without an army standing watcn at my bed. I never believed in that fable of "the russians are coming" since they never had any reason nor the will to invade western Europe. And let me tell you while Americans played duck and cover German and other European politicians tried to build good relationships with the east and made some good business. Reconsiliation is much better than building more and more missiles and ships and whatnots. I'm not going to reward any veterans, neither of your country nor mine. They chose the job or were drafted, they choose the lifestyle, they did their time and now it's over. They get their pension from the pension insurance. There's the reward for the useless job they were doing. if you don't like combat then you should have asked the lindens to move the combat sims, No, I shouldn't! I have no business and no interest in Blake, I'm not part of the group, I don't live there. Neither the pirates nor the warships ever got in my way. Heck, I hardly ever sail in Blake anyway, it's the most boring sea in SL.. And btw, didn't I just propagate mutual respect, so why should I go against the pirates/warships? but the local sim owner makes a lot of money renting to pirates, you failed to mention that, the prejudice you show for the worlds veterans is appalling. Yes, the sim owners are making money from renting the sims out to the pirates. That's landlord business, and doesn't touch the subject at hand, so why should I menton that? I don't have much sympathy for them neither. But please don't say I failed to mention anything. I just diregard the landlodr business as utterly uninteresting and redundant. At least I'm not the one touching 2 different subjects in one and the same sentence. Honestly, I find it the worlds veterans more appaling. No matter if they from the East, West, from Africa or Persia But this is RL, and doesn't touch the subject of this discussion. Neither does the motive for anyone to follow certain interests in SL. There is nothing wrong or sick about people wishing to stage historical battles, as the pirates do a lot and I noticed your ex sails about with cannons and enjoys combat in the pirate sims. There is everything wrong with the staging and reenactment of historical battles. It's sick and makes me wanna puke. And what my ex does or doesn't do is not of my concern, much less of yours. I make fun of her all the time when I see her firing the little pixel cannons. And I don't think she actually gets involved in sea battles with her highly unrealistic pirate boats. Her interest is in scripting. And for that she needs to test the weapons, doesn't she? BTW, the terminology of "staging historical battles" is a bit far fetched when you see what they are really doing in SL. It's just shoot'em up on the lowest level. Kiddie stuff really.
  25. - Yes, it's correct that the Blake Sea (BS) has a special history and a reason for its existence. - Yes, there is a SAILING FIRST policy in the BS. Sailing as in sailing with sails, not driving any vessel. So was the intention of LL when they made the BS. - LL even asked the sailors (particularly MarkTwain White of the United Sailing Sims and Starboards Yacht Club) and his Blake Sea Group (BSG) to act as admin/sheriff/janitor on their behalf. But the ultimate authority is with LL. Their word is the law. - There is a part of Blake Sea set aside as battle zone. These are some sims in the south-eastern part of BS, mainly used by the pirates community. - On the other hand BS is still public protected water, open for all SL residents. Also LL and BSG often have clashing interests. This is bad planning by LL since it's bound to lead to conflicts of authority. They gave the BS to the sailing community as a compensation for the sailing land owners lossses during the open sim scandal of 08. And now they're trying to wiggle their way out of the responsibility. - I hate battleships, I hate everything with weapons and warfare, I don't like the mindset of people playing with weapons and killing others ... blah blah blah, you know the sermon, so I won't bore you with it any further. That said I fully support and protect the rights of the battleship groups since some BSG officers are trying to take away the battleship's rights as SL residents. They have the right to rezz whatever in BS, as long as they know the rules and behave cautiously. - SL sailors are known to be pompous asses with an ellitist mindset and zero tolerance for other residents. - Battleship skippers and pirates are known to be stupid clueless pubertary basement dwelling teenagers with a thrive to killkillkill and no regard nor respect for others. Right? How about some mutual respect and fairness and some fecking tolerance? That goes for both sides!!! Know the rules, behave accordingly, try to got out of others way, don't confront them.
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