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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Actually there is no problem for age verification. That is not true. Getting age verified is indeed a problem for non-US customers.
  2. if a boat's description says it doesn't attach parts to your body then it doesn't and you are free to move around the boat. Correct. The max prim number for vehicles is 32. So everything with a higher primcount consists of a drivable base and one or even more wearable attachments = higher risk in sim crossings ... and no possibility to walk around on deck. Well, walking around isn't an option once the boat is moving anyway and most attachment boats allow you to stand up once you're moored or there is a second (static) version in the pack. But again, in the interest of better sailing experience and higher chance of survival most old salts recommend fairly small ridable boats without a lot of gimmicks. Particularly when exploring and you gotta navigate on small Linden protected waterways between banlines you don't want a mega yacht anyway. Sansara is such an example. Still the bestest terraformed continent, and rather interesting to sail, it has a lot of builds and banlines. Same goes for Heterocera and Geogeot and unfortunately Corsica as well. Even the decidedly maritime continent Nautilus is a regular pita and kinda impossible to explore. The inside that is, the east coast is sailable all the way up from Blake to Corsica, the western shore is navigable for quite a good way as well.
  3. Oh I forgot to mention SL is not the most reliable and stable environment for the use of vehicles of any kind. Sticky, gluey water, disappearing roads, bad bad lag, borked sim crossings ... every SL pilot, car driver bike rider and sailor can tell you about the horrors that usually occur when trying to move a vehicle over a longer distance. Needless to say that carrying 4 passengers and having a cabin with lots of gimmicks is a bit counterproductive in that regard. When you earnestly try to sail and reach your destination, the best solution is to do it alone. Also prim and script down. Get rid of all AOs, dancemachines, hug thingies, also of all unnecessary prims. Wear clothes and hair without those pesky resizer prims. If needed derender some stuff, dial your graphics down ... generally be as light as even possible. This not just gives you an advantage in races but also a better chance of survival when cruising/exploring. And get a banline hud, it is worth its price in gold!
  4. So could any of you dedicated sailors out there recommend a great sailing yacht to buy? Price is no object, it would need to seat min 4 passengers including me, gimmicks and gadgets a plus and be copy/mod. Actually, Sy, there are a handful of very good boatwrights in SL. But to recommend one great yachts is kinda impossible since it all depends on your taste, your planned usage etc. Trudeau Classic Yachts are wonderfully built and the new scripts are fantastic. Also Jacqueline manages to give each of her boats a bit of its own character so not all are feeling the same. WildWind Yachts makes very fast modern boats, often modelled after RL race boats. No wooden oldtimers to be found at this japanese boatyard. And they are easy to sail and good sim xers. Balduin Aabye Yacht Design has 2 nicely done sailing yachts out, the Bolero and the Cotton Blossom. They both are upgraded to a newer Bwind version now. Still easy to sail if you got the basic knowledge. Same goes for Quest boats by Qyv Inshan. She (not a he, Amethyst) modded the Bwind script and made it fully WWC compatible incl windshadow, current and wave effects. My favourite boats for racing now. Also can anybody advise me of any popular yachting/sailing groups, good voyages to do, good rez points etc...? Blake Sea (all BS sims are starting with Blake Sea in the name) All sims in Blake have a rezzable NE corner. Dire Strait (sims around Ahab's Haunt) Bingo Strait (sims west of Nautilus Island) All Bingo sims have a rezzable NE corner as well. Sea Of Fables, Mare Secundus, L-shaped Sea, Bay City (all in Sansara) The continent of Gaeta V is, apart from some bottlenecks, easily circumnavigable and has a corridor to Corsica, which in turn has 2 corridors to Nautilus. As for groups there are several yacht clubs in SL, but for the beginning I'd suggest becoming member of the SL Sailing Association (SLSA) as the roof organisation for all the territorial clubs. SLSA mostly serves as a spam group to announce all the races and other events. But what I really recommend strongly, if you're not intending to start racing, is joining the Leeward Cruising Club (LCC) a growing band of intrepid explorers and party people. We have 2 weekly cruises starting from diferent locations and going to different destinations, where we have nice aftercruise parties. The cruises are carefully scouted and mapped out and make it possible for us to sail the coolest places all over the grid ... without too much of danger and stress.
  5. Oh geeze, that's central Nautilus, not even waterfront, no beach, no protected ocean or Linden road nearby. It's that kind of ghetto where the guv'nor sells abandoned parcels for 1L/m². BIG OUCHY
  6. Danicah, just rezz it and look in edit for the creator and then in his picks for the shop. Oh, it was on your old account? Hmmm, stupid. Then log in with your old account. Rinse and repeat. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  7. hi, guten tag ich bin neu hier in SL kannst du mir etwas helfen mich hier zurecht zu finden? ----------------------------------------------- Au weia. Mensch, neu sein heißt doch nicht auch gleichzeitig völlig verblödet zu sein, oder? Das deutschsprachige Subforum findest du ein Stückchen weiter unten. Nun ist das hier keine richtige Forumsoftware sondern Blog, aber trotzdem, so schwer ist das doch alles nicht. Ist das dein erster Tag im Internet? And my congratz on surviving 3 years in SL, Aurelia!!
  8. I appreciate all the help, I wasn't aware that by only paying $25 directly to LL per month that I wouldn't own my sim. There was no mention of that ------------------------------------------------------------ 25 US$/mth pays the tier for up to 4096 m² of land, 1/16 sim. Of course there was no mention of the simple fact that it isn't enough for a sim, it's common knowledge and the tier fees for different land sizes are clearly stated on the SL website. I wonder how you bought the land. You just clicked the buy button and never looked at the size and prims you get for your money? And you never wondered why there were other ppl living in the same sim and didn't pay you any rent or moved out after you purchased it? Your case honestly sounds a bit fishy. There's too many uncleared questions. Still, you're a premium. So just contact live chat and ask them to restart the region, or better try to find out what causes the lag and what kind of lag it is in the first place. Might be client side lag, and in that case a sim restart or even a new server version won't help you at all.
  9. Botham Fidor asked: it baffles me why they should be fighting an activist campaign in SL where nobody knows your real gender! --------------------------------------------------------- It doesn't matter Botham. There are enough males playing females in SL. I know some (and think I figured out some of them). And as soon as they are wearing their female avatar they are treated as females and encounter the treatment by males. So many of them turning into feminists pretty quickly, or at least they are becoming a bit more aware of the underlying sociological problems we women are facing in everyday life. Anyway, as I said it doesn't really matter what sex a person is. Feminism is a fight for equality, against opression. So everybody supporting that fights is a feminist, no matter if boy or girl.
  10. When I have spare time (in SL that is) I do: - go shopping - visit friends - go sailing (although that mostly is my primary "job" in SL anyway) - go exploring - change stuff on my land - log out and do whatever ppl are doing in RL - sometimes I visit some or the other forum and type wise and intelligent comments
  11. I don't read books when I'm in world. Have enough to do with reading all the notecards I get daily. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  12. There is a difference between avatar and account. Of course my account is Orca Flotta, and I have a few alt accounts for tests and for when Orca is ghosted somewhere. But even that account can be different avatars. I can be a tiny, a furry, a robot and whatnot ... just that they are all Orca Flotta. Slate, try wearing another skin, or make a character test, wear the noob outfit from your outfits folder and then rebuild yourself from grround up. There are various ways to get your old self back.
  13. I'm often being called a queen, which is always a compliment and a sign of huge respect. Right? Like Drama Queen, Socialist Queen, Spamming Queen ...
  14. Yes, I found community and am proud member of my communitie(s). But in world. I would never call random people on some discussion forum or comments section in blogs my community. I also think that SL in itself has grown so much and splitted into several communities and individuals who are sharing completely different interests and goals that I no longer would call the whole residentship of SL my community. Let's see what we have here: Vampires - not my community Gamers - not my community Sexers - not my community Goreans - not my community Giant Snail racers - not my community Roleplayers - not my community(s) Families - not my community Lesbians - not my community Clubbers - not my community Fashionistas - not my community Tinies - not my community Bikers - not my community Sailors - my community :matte-motes-inlove: That doesn't mean that people of all the other communities can't be my friends or part of the sailing community. As it is with communities/circles, they can and do overlap.
  15. Orca: If you are going to be so negative in general, you don't need to be here (or anywhere else for that matter). Your assertions concerning Linden Lab as well as your interpretations of other's comments are so far off the mark as to be on another world. Of course I don't need to be here. In fact nobody does. But we want to be here ... well, at least I want to be here. If LL don't want me as a paying customer they should ban my (sexy) ass. But it's a business between me and LL and not of anyone's concern. And when my interpretations of other's comments are far off the mark what about their interpretations of my comments? Is it a new sport for the masses now, 'Misunderstand Orca'? And negative in general, where did you get that from? Of course I lost some of my happy-go-lucky-whoohooo-don't-give-a-flying-funk attitude over the years. Not as far as becoming really bitter (well, with some people but not with the lab) and negative. But let's say I opened my eyes and became a bit more analytical and realistic. LR for example is a testing ground and an example of what can be done with SL (eventually). Quite franly, in my five years within Second Life ... the lack of innovation has made me bitter in a different way. Yes, that's how I understood it as well, a testing ground for new tools. Now they are using it as a gimmick to lure people into their world. I dunno why you think something is wrong with me because I find this strategy questionable at best. Is maybe cultural differences but I'm not used to being lured into anything with false pretentions and then only after joining finding out it's not what I wanted. Should some of these LR functions make it into the clients and usable code, I myself MAY actually get back into building and be a bit more social. See, that's great. LL makes the tools, you gotta use them. That's how it was always supposed to be. Your ideas, comments and posts here certainly have shown you to be jaded in more than just attitude ... A true poty. As I already stated, according to my dictionary jaded means tired, exhausted, fed up. A state of mind caused by external impact. I can't see that in connection with my attitude. Maybe cultural differences make us interpret stuff differently as well. And sorry, the term poty couldn't be found on my translation website.
  16. Quite recently I posted that, when people join SL, there's nothing for them to actually do, And that is ok I guess. LL are not a game manufacturer, they are not responsible for our entertainment, and I prefer they stay out of our way. Maybe I'm biased since I've never used my computer for anything else but typing stories and occasionally surfing the interwebz. And apart from the occasional round of solitaire I never played any games neither. So when I first heard about this new hype thing called virtual worlds and joined SL I knew it wasn't a game. Heck, that is the reason why I joined! I didn't have any idea of what to do in Second Life but I knew it was gonna be exciting. And it indeed was. I travelled, I had sex, I had discussions, I made friends, I made enemies, I made some money as a dancer in clubs, I made even more money as an estate manager, all was fine and dandy. Then I found out about sailing in SL. Loved sailing in RL and always thought those boats in SL are just those boring point and steer vehicles like cars and motorcycles. So when I found out it's actually more like a real simulation I found my new hobby and knew what I can do in SL. But know what I never did in SL? I never played any games or prefabricated RPs, re-enacting movies or other people's fantasies. And never, never ever, was I bored in SL. Bored people are boring people. I just entertained myself and didn't need big brother LL to give me any ideas. And that's what I loved the most about SL: LL's refusal to get involved with the residents. They are providers, nothing more, nothing less. @ Venus: How do you "make your SL" by playing Realms? That is as much "making" as playing solitaire. Our world is still called Second Life, not Second Rank Gamers Life.
  17. Actually Orca, I'd rather take those awful, horrible, clueless noobs who come in with high expectations and a sense of excitement, than your jaded views any day of the week. I'd steer them away from folks with your attitude and show them what SL can do for them. You can sit on your back porch shouting at the kids to get off your lawn all you like. We won't bother you. Oh, we're now dragging the thread down onto personal level, yes? Yawn :matte-motes-not-even: But since I can't help myself and am always so friendly trying to feed the trolls I looked up the term jaded in my dictionary. Translates there as tired, matte, dull, exhausted. Right, after nearly 5 years in SL it meets my recent state of mind. Not my views tho, for this would be a wrong interpretation on your side. So all your following assumptions are wrong as well. I have an attitude, for sure, but I didn't show it in this thread. In fact those discussions are not my most favourite pastime, and I just responded to the OP for the factual error. And I don't have anything against noobs neither. What I don't like is the way our new residents are guided (steered, indoctrinated) by LL into a certain direction. In fact it's not me calling them stupid, it's LL, if you look at it closer. LL doesn't believe in the imagination and sense of ownership of it's own customer base so they gladly do the job for them (us). As a mattter of fact LL's slogan should be: OUR WORLD (you're welcome as long as you behave in the way we imagined and have laid out for you), OUR IMAGINATION (you play our game and follow our destination guide)
  18. You're right, I still can't build very nicely, and I can't script at all. Nevertheless am I trying to add some social content to the world. But where did you sense any hostility in my post? And of course LL is allowed to do whatever they fancy. But it's contradicting exactly that slogan they obviosuly brought back just now. In the beginning they would fight anybody telling them to do something in world and be ceative by their own. Now SL is turning from the old LEGO (here are some bricks, now create anything you like) to the new LEGO (here are exactly the parts you need to build the racecar as pictured on the box). All I'm saying is I very much prefered the old LEGO. I understand LL needs more customers. And I'm happy for every new resident joining in. My reasoning is not about people I personally approve or disapprove of (regarding that SL would be empty and I had the whole world to myself). It's about how LL are guiding them into SL with false promises. "It's your world, your imagination. Now what you wanna do is become a premium, get one of the houses we made for you and play our newest game we made for you and use our newest viewer which we stripped of all the functionality but made it super easy to move your nicely premade noob avie with just a mouseclick. Oh, and also we cleverly hid the worldmap so you won't be bothered with too much info and can stay a happy ignorant bunny for years to come."
  19. Hey hey peeps, sorry for my bad knowledge of the english language but I guess I've done well enough not to be so completely misunderstood. I didn't blame the game in itself, it might be fun. I didn't blame LL for making and showcasing it. As they say themself it's just supposed to show the possibilities of the new building tools. But you can't honestly refuse to see how diametrical opposed it is to the lab's original policy to just provide the servers,and the code. As someone suggested, yes, I'd prefer they let us loose in a "grey world" (which in fact isn't grey at all, but green and blue). So we've gotta use our own imagination to build this world. And to answer another question, yes, I don't mind doing my thing just for myself and my niche. Join in or leave it be ... meh. I dodn't get the point of that "my world, my imagination" argument. So it's now terribly egoistical to take LL by their initial slogan? If there hadn't been any ppl who did exactly that we'd all still be running around naked with the old mesh hair and bad noob skins, we'd had no houses, no vehicles, no dance clubs, no RP, no pretty sims, no nothing. And what was "whinny" in my post? I noticed a logical error in the OP and pointed it out is all I did. The best was the last one: what makes you think I should get into any seasonal spirit? I'm not a christian but try my best to stay in my usual silly spirit all year long. It's hard to get any wintery feelings at all when you're living in the southern hemisphere. Sorry but it's best beach weather here. So this all falls under my general criticism of SL turning from a world of makers to a consumers market, from a niche market for virtual world geeks into a facebookish mainstream application. And LL proactively (and understandable from a business pov) is a driving force in the dumbing down and neglecting of it's very own and very original product. Linden Homes and V2 are just examples of how they try to lower the hurdles for new customers by making the life of all the older residents more miserable.
  20. The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination. Next question: do we want/need any noobs in SL which don't find anything more useful to do with their time then playing a primitive game? Yes, LL needs them to populate SL, to spend money, to pay premium fees, to buy land and pay tiers ... but are those "consumers" any good pioneer material? Do they contribute to the development of this new world? Do they create physical or social content? Do they make SL better for you and for me?
  21. Ok, I just read the whole thread ... and I'm confuzzled as well. But apart from some LL policies you should rather think about a practical solution for the problem. Here's my idea, maybe a stupid one, but just an idea: Make a group. Or maybe better, let your friend make the group. Invite your friend to the group (or join his) and make him co-owner and responsible for tier payments. Maybe make a contract with him (RL) in which he confirms that he's paying the 295 US$ from now on. Deed the sim to the group. This should be a workable solution for until LL finally works out the problem.
  22. Oh, that's new to me.AFAIK most landlords accept tier payments to be made in L$. If you can't find any try Serena Estates, I know their payboxes accept L$.
  23. They can afford a computer They can afford a internet connection They obviously can afford a home from where they are connecting to SL Do they need my money?
  24. SL sailing community is very vigorous and active. Witness the post above me. Unfortunately they're a little too geeked out (again witness the post above me - kinda so hardcore that its intimidating to join). But there's a scene out there - but it could be larger, and maybe things like this boat can help bridge that gap. Oh, please believe me, I'm one of the most ungeeky sailors, I don't build and I can'r script neither. As you see in another answer it was stated that I wasn't correct in my assumptions. Of course I know you can use up to 256 prims for a vehicle, if you wear part of it. But who wants to carry around so many prims? In 2007 I used to sail bald to save on prims. Fortunately the servercode became better over the years and it's not the prims killing us anymore. Nowadays it's the impact of scripts. And most sailors are like me. We just wanna have our races and care about sailing, not about SL technicalities. But after you crashed for the umpteenth time during a race or cruise you begin to wonder and start asking questions. And then slowly you clue up and you find out why you are crashing. And then you try to avoid the crashy situations. I think that's just normal human behaviour and far from hardcore geekyness. This is SL, a virtual world, where you need to be a litle bit of a nerd in the first place if you wanna survive. So to a certain point we're all geeks in here.
  25. Some points about sailing in SL. - No, the LL gift will not harm the market. Most SL sailors want better stuff and are prepared to pay for well-built and well-scripted boats. - The LL gift boat isn't very well made and powered by a rather crude script. In the SL sailing community we're looking to make SL a real saling simulation, not just something that looks cute. We use "real" wind to power our boats, we're recreating real physical sailing. We are using our boats for quite long cruises and explorations, and for racing on a quite high level as well. Did you know there are ranking lists and even world cup events being held in SL? - As recent tests have shown mesh isn't reallly the next big thing. Not for vehicles. At least not in the way as implemented by LL. The weight of most mesh builds is disconcerningly high, even higher than with sculptie builds, more in the region of oldschool prim builds. A friend showed my a mesh hull she just made; just the basic hull, no rig, no cockpit, no instruments, nothing. As a sculptie it would've been exactly 1 prim. Her mesh hull weighs in at the prim equivalent of 11 :smileysurprised: As you might now the prim limit for rideable vehicles is 32, so wasting 11 already on the hull is disheartening when there is stilll so much more to add to the boat to make it a real sailer. - Yes, the gift boat will hopefully get more residents interested in the world of boating. And once they are clued up a little and had their negative experiences (sinking, flying, crashing at sim borders, getting tossed over board, getting stuck in melasse water, getting stuck in banlines, hitting full parcels, hitting no script parcels etc) and are still interested, they will toss that LL boat into the garbage and get something better. - With more questions, for a list of sailing resource centers, freebie boats, commercial boatwrights, sailing schools, yacht clubs, rezz zones, websites, blogs and so on please contact me inworld. And please DON'T ask me about powerboats! They are just too boring.
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