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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Sanitrix, you already know which sim you want to go: Omega Point. SL sims aren't that huge, just a mere 256 x 256 meters. So just tp in anywhere and open you eyes and look around. Or, when you open the worldmap and type in Omega point you click on different points in that sim. After clicking it shows the coords, so you just set the beacon close to it and TP. Oh, you already know the coords? Even better, just walk or fly to that point. The upper menu bar, in good viewers there's always your coords being shown, so you just walk and see the numbers passing by and look if they are changing in the right direction. If not, just turn around and go back. A sense of place isn't rocket science.
  2. You can EITHER take a Linden home OR buy a 512 m² parcel, not both. The 512 won't get assigned to you by LL, you gotta find and buy a parcel by yourself. It won't take the tier from your stipend. Your Linden home or your first 512 m² are TIER FREE. If you don't have a use for a 512 parcel yourself, why don't you just contribute it to a friend or a group you like? With your deed you might enable your fave RP or your bestest buddy to buy more land.
  3. Ja, sieht aus wie ein DSL Problem. Stelle deine Bandwith auf 500 (reicht völlig). Und mach mal nen Speedtest (www.speedtest.net), das zeigt dir an wie viel Bandbreite du wirklich kriegst. Deine alte Wohnung war wahrscheinlich dichter am nächsten Multiplexer als die Neue, das kann zu Leistungseinbrüchen führen. DSL 2000 ist ohnehin nicht so prall; ruf deinen ISP an und frag ob sie dich nicht beschleunigen können. Des weiteren solltest du keine anderen Anwendungen laufen haben, wenn du in SL bist: also keine Downloads, Torrents, Webradio, Fernsehen oder sonstige Browserbenutzung. SL ist sehr anspruchsvoll und saugt wie doof und braucht soviel Leistung wie nur eben möglich.
  4. A quick fix would be to ... Don't put the lappy on a wooden or textile surface. An old spare tile (kitchen, bathroom) underneath the lappy helps a bit to keep it coool and clean. Even better, put a cooling stand underneath your lappy, you know these things with build-in fan. Try to have as much air as possible underneath and around the machine. Using a laptop on your lap or in bed is actually the worst position. Don't use compresssed air from a spray can, it'll just blow the dust around inside the machine. Use a vacuum cleaner on full power to suck the dust out of the machine. Try to dismantle the lappy as far as possible, unscrew all that is unscrewable before applying the vacuum. Be careful to not break any seals and void your warranty. Best solution would be to bring it into service and have a professional cleaning.
  5. Yeah, I'm with the Bad Girl crowd, afaik the first full mocap AO ever, not too "bad", not too antsy, tweakable. And best of all it's not silly or spectacular cartoonish but keeps to natural movement.
  6. Arrehn wrote: a very high framerate I had a very good fps with the beta and the release as well. Actually the release's fps was the best I'd ever seen in any viewer. 70-90 fps, I could even pull up the DD to 256 from my usual 128 and still had magnificent fps. Only problem was my avie was a foggy red cloud. Once I had fixed my avie and she was appearing in all her beautyfullyness ... oh noes, the framerate dropped. Dropped so low SL became unplayable. So I played with graphics settings again, got rid of some eyecandy and dropped the DD again. Alas, it didn't help. FPS never went faster than 7-9 frames. :smileysad: Must I go back to the beta viewer again? Or make my life easy and stick with Phoenix? It's still the best viewer for my way to work and who needs that mesh crap anyway?
  7. Shouldn't that be "Veni"? In case we're still talking about Venus it would be Venusi, Venusii or Venusae ... my latin is rather rusty these days, aka not existing. What I just see, and has escaped our attention completely: The posts's title Re: Why did I got this??? I'm a ESLer so you don't have to believe me but from what I have learned the did already indicates we're talking about the past, so after a did a sentence is to be continued in present tense. So it shoud be Why did I get this??? Get it?
  8. German police? Are you really that daft? LL are a company based in the United States of America, which is a bit outside off German jurisdiction. Remember that big dipper in between Europe and America ... Atlantic ocean or what it's called?
  9. aaaw thankies \o/ kisskiss \o/
  10. Bunny, the smallest lots availabe to buy are 16 m² (sqm), that's 4x4 meters. Not square foot but meters btw. Anyway, with that out of the way, here's a golden pro tip for you: search for Blake Sea in worldmap. You'll find a lot of sims starting with that name, they all together rmake up the navigable Linden protected ocean of Blake Sea. In every North/East corner of those sims you'll find a rezz zone. So if you don't mind getting a bit wet while unpacking your boxes I would really suggest to make use of places like that.
  11. Today I finally gave in, installed the release FS and gave it a real go (only did some occasional tests with betas before). And it was great! Epic FPS! \o/ I could even pull up my DD from 128 to 256 and still had very good FPS. Only one thing really bugged me; my avie was a puff of red smoke So I fixed my avie and she finally rendered in all her glory. \o/ YAY! \o/ Shortly after that fix I noticed a drastic decline of FPS. So much so I had to pull back the DD and still was lagging down to an almost unplayable level. FPS of 3 is causing serious headache, I can tell you. So from tomorrow on it's back to the good old Phoenix 1185. Who needs mesh anyway? (But that is another topic for another thread).
  12. Funki, you know that you always have your initial 512 m² tier free. So you can buy a 4708 m² parcel and will still be charged "only" 25 US$.
  13. Madchester "rock" and the mentioned bands were actually a genre known as "rave" which sadly later mutated into "techno" by leaving out all the cool stuff and only hanging on to the rhythm and the silly whistles and huge clocks dangling from the necks of those "musicians". Oasis don't fall in that genre. Just because they are from Manchester. doesn't make them a rave band.
  14. I won't reply to the answers to my first response here; some of your arguments I accept, others I don't. Finito. I don't have skype, I'm not member of any social network, I don't use messengers or whatever comunications tools are out there. I don't have a cellphone and I rarely use the landline phone. Like every 2 weeks my mom calls me ... and after that I'm having quite enough chitchat for the next 2 weeks. I just don't like to talk, at least not in english. Usually I let my hubby do all the talking when we're out shoping and stuff. I don't like to listen to other ppl talking and need all my brain to figure out what the heck they are trying to say. It all distracts me from the SL experience too much. And worst of all I can't listen to music while voicing. Also voice is a bandwith hog, and I'm connecting from South Africa, paying lots of money for each GB. Last point: call me oldfashioned but I still prefer reading a book over watching movies. We have a TV in the house but it's collecting dust. Apart from my hubby watching cricket and rugby matches sometimes it's never on.
  15. What nerve by the OP. That question/argument sounded like all the fashion kids with their talking devises are the norm now and all the people who still use the most prominent feature of their computers, the keyboard, are total freaks and outsiders. I have a fairly new desktop system custom built for SL. Contrary to my laptop it doesn't have neither cam nor mic. I saved those useless expenses. And why? I guess Immy said it best: because I don't want to! Telephones are for talking, computers are for typing. Not that I feel it necessary to defend my way of using a computer but I would just feel too silly to wear a headset and talking into the screen to some pixelated toons. Also I always have music running in background, it relaxes me, makes my toes wiggle and helps me keeping focused. Actually I mostly have all computer sounds turned off. SL for me is quiet. And silence. Besides that I don't have a problem reading and comprehending the english language in written form but understanding it when spoken by some cockneys, welsh, scots or texans is incredibly hard. Also spoken conversation is prone for errors and misunderstandings. When you type something out I expect you have spent some time and effort in structuring your text and making your statement comprehensible. Yes, you can talk in voice but for a decent conversation you need the good old text.
  16. It is most definately the USB stick. They NEVER come even close to their advertised speed. It depends also on the sort of buiding you're in, i.e. concrete walls are super bad. And how far away from the nearest tower are you? These things are intended to give you internet access when travelling, not as a permanent solution for at home. Also the bandwith usually is very expensive and they throtttle your speed after 5 GB of usage already, depending on ISP. Second limiting factor is the laptop graphics. You know it's only a GT540M. For SL you should use GTX series cards since not even those are nowhere near as capable as their desktop namesakes. The 4GB video RAM, I can't believe it. That is taken from the RAM, not dedicated. Completely different ballgame. Your GPU might even have no RAM at all!
  17. Hi Noelia, this does indeed sound like a connectivity problem. Are you positively sure your internet works ok? You know SL is a bandwith hog and needs decidedly more ooomph than for just browing some websites. So please conduct some speedtests to servers in Dallas, San Francisco or wherever the SL allocations are these days. Still ok? Did your ISP maybe block the ports to SL? Is your RL location maybe experiencing some trouble? Cable theft, congested exchange, network problems with your ISP? Then check your computer. First time you try to run SL from that specific machine? GPU strong enough to run SL? Are you plugged in or using wireless? All those factors can successfully block you from logging in.
  18. We might take a look back into SL's history here: Homestead sims were originally named Open Sims by LL, and they were intended to serve as additional sims for owners who already had a full sim. They were never meant for shops, clubs or even rentals, but for the sim owner to add a park or a lake or something with only small usage of scripts and very little traffic. What we see nowadays happening with the homesteads is in fact "abuse", as Jack Linden (remember him?) called it. The result was a steep increase in tier fees but unfortunately not a technical solution to get rid of the lag problem. A problem all we abusers had created.
  19. I'm a huge fan of travelling, in RL and SL as well. Of course I use the tp to get to some shops, particularly when they are on another mainland continent or so unconnected sims. Of course since theer is no other way to get to them. But I love to just walk (yes, walk, not drive since it always crashes me) along Linden roads. I go on those walkabouts when I'm bored, which rarely every happens. But my favourite way of travelling is by boat. I have lots of sailing yachts which I use to explore all the SL waterways. For me the travel is more important than the destination. And even when I'm just TPing around I always (yes, always) open the worldmap for a quick peek, in order to find out where I am.
  20. That is true for desktop GPUs. But in laptops even namesake cards are much less powerful. So if you want to play SL on a laptop, and enjoy some eyecandy and still have decent FPS, you should always aim for the best you can afford. Calculate for paying twice the price to get comparable results like in a desktop system. And you'll still have to take overheating problems and less mobility (due to more weight and less battery life) into account. Even the most fancy gaming laptop will always be a compromise.
  21. may I suggest that * Linden Lab deletes all the different * subforums and instead puts it all in * one? *** As I am very * tired of * having to switch to different * subforae all the * time
  22. .... on the other hand that AMD Phenom II x6 1100T is pure overkill! SL can't handle 6 cores. That processor won't do any harm but itt won't be of any use either. So, here's my suggestion: Take a proci with less cores but higher frequency, and use the saved money to invest into a 570 or 580 gpu.
  23. No worries there, Eleseren, every nVidia card with a GTX will run SL just fine. I'm myself of a 260, that's 2 generations older than yours and still works great even in ultra mode, apart from shadows. I gues your brandnew 560 will do even that trick.
  24. okay, some points to clear up: Second Life Coast Guard, SLCG are no moles, and aren't affiliated with the LDPW or LL at all. They are all paying customers like you and me who care about safety on public and private waters. A "RP" group if you so want, but a very well organized, disciplined, good, useful group. Also caring about free traffic on public waterways is the Open Seas Project, OSP. Get more info and material from the honoured Indigo Mertel. Please join and support! Triple Peccable's fancy HUD is one of the most useful tools for all vehiclists, particularly sailors. As soon as you leave the safe haven of Blake Sea and connected estates (SLNE, SC, USS) it becomes a neccesity. Saved my life already a dozen times. Shameless plug: you can purchase the HUD in the clubhouse of Triumphal Yacht Club (Triumphal sim), beyond other places.
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