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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Not here, the water was too fast, even the slow one. But for 50 L it was a good price. I can always use some of the rocks and the plants was good. I went to Skye to look at their water, and I am glad I did. I did not like it at all, and I could not find any controller so I could test other waters. Spending 899 L on a set where all I need is one larger piece. And where I hated the water that was rezzed out. I could gamble on that I would fall in love with another of the water colors/settings, but no. Not unless I have seen it.
  2. Thank you, I take several pictures of the same angle, in different lights, so it is hard for me to pick one. This house have excellent textures, so it is wonderful to decorate. It is so many LI that I have to let the attic be empty. But I have 1 Li curtains for the windows there. I wish Apple (Is it a man or a female?) makes more houses. I would love a farmhouse/smaller house with +/- 200 Li. I like 3 or 4 other designers, but the Apple Fall textures are special. I do not like Scarlet Creative so much... some of their small builds are lovely, but not like Apple. And Onsu are good for newer looking homes, but all their houses have a big footprint for a 32 m wide plot. Well, not one, but that is too small for me.
  3. Posting as I edit. These are the last ones for now. It's bedtime for me.
  4. I could fill up with post after post and picture after picture. It is not easy to pick. The house itself is so decorative and has so decorative textures that it looks fantastic even empty. I have selected walls and added a little tint to them, like the wall behind the fireplace and the kitchen walls.
  5. I have been working on a Mainland plot. I have itched to set up the Hardwick Manor from Apple Fall, but the house has 345 Li. I needed something bigger than a small plot. The draw distance is over 200 here, I show Applewood City on purpose. It is a living Mainland city. I think it works well, like a RL manor has sold its grounds to a developer. The garden wall is from Domineaux and fits the house. I am so tempted to pay up and get Skye water, but it annoys me so much that I have to buy the whole pack, just to get water here. I am not content with this water....
  6. You could look at group owned land in the same region. They are often looking for small, 200 m parcels since they can have bought a 2048 m, but the group can hold 2048 x 10%. It is hard to find parcels that includes the group bonus. I agree with @Mollymews, make one regular shaped parcel of 512 and three small ones from the leftovers. No one will live on the small ones, but they buy it to add to their land impact. This only works if the buyer live in the same sim/region as the tiny plots. I had 2048 m in a region and suddenly I saw some tiny, weird plots that I bought as soon as I saw them.
  7. If they are rigged for feet of mesh avatars, they do not adjust at all. There are 1 brand, Legacy, where the the shoes grow larger as you edit the foot bigger. Another brand, Maitreya is starting with this, but that will go slow. If you have an avatar without mesh feet, you will have problems adjusting any shoes unless you find older shoes, at least older than 2015. Those can have resizer scripts or be edited manually, as Alwin said. You can see if you have a mesh avatar if the feet have real toes and toenails instead of a flat paddle.
  8. Not funny, I was exited to spend time in SL. I can log in, but editing and rezzing is barely working some minutes and then I am logged off. Well, it is a book instead... Or maybe a movie. Do you know if this is ruining Netflix and Dplay too?
  9. Crashed (But that was because I set my draw distance high in a beautiful region, and forgot I had it so high when I was teleporting out.) But logged in without problems again.
  10. You're so patient! 🏆 I would feel annoyed after sending LL a picture of my (ugly) self and it still did not work....
  11. It is several creators that sell palm trees with Alpha Masking already in place. The textures on them look better than if we change the textures to Alpha Masking ourselves.
  12. Yes! I remember that ride! So cool if a tour in Bellisseria could go by air, then down to a railroad and follow that, then a boat back to start. With change between vehicles. I believe some parts of the railroad is not so close to houses as the roads are. That would be great marketing, but it would be even more demand for Bellisseria homes...
  13. That is a good point. It is a lot of water regions in Bellisseria. Would it be the same with a balloon ride that is out over the water? When you live in a houseboat or have a house by the sea. How close is too close?
  14. @Talligurl, do you use Ultra with Draw distance 256? I crash when I push the "save to" button on the identical setting as I had in the previous They are: The slider pushed all the way to the right, to "Ultra". Draw distance reduced. LOD increased to 4. Sun, moon and projectors on, but no Depth of field. I call that taking pictures with my graphics set to Ultra.
  15. I like rez on demand, as I already said. But on the other side: People have to know that they can rez, what rez is, where to find it. Have not many discovered pods "by accident"? A pod goes by, it is something that moves in static Second Life, so it is noticed. Next time, maybe they try to click on it and they suddenly sit there. And the pod take them on a ride, so they learn: "These things take me around so I can see new places". I think I would prefer both rez on demand and automatic ones. That delete themselves after the round. The automatic pods should not be rezzed often. 4 in an hour?
  16. I like rez on demand, as I already said. But on the other side: People have to know that they can rez, what rez is, where to find it. Have not many discovered pods "by accident"? A pod goes by, it is something that moves in static Second Life, so it is noticed. Next time, maybe they try to click on it and they suddenly sit there. And the pod take them on a ride, so they learn: "These things take me around so I can see new places". I think I would prefer both rez on demand and automatic ones. That delete themselves after the round. The automatic pods should not be rezzed often. 4 in an hour?
  17. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/preferences_display_tab Presets: Three buttons which allow you to save, load or delete graphics settings presets. To create a preset, set your graphics settings as you like. Click “Save” and give the preset a name. To load a preset that you have created, click “Load” and choose the preset to load. To delete one, click “Delete” and choose the preset to delete. The presets can be accessed either from Preferences → Graphics → General or from the presets button in the upper right of the viewer, near the media and sound controls. With this, I can set the draw distance where I wish, LOD where I wish, and the other adjustments, and save it. Mostly, I have no problems using a Photo setting to explore, rez furniture and such things, if I forget to change down from Photos. That is the same with version Some places it can happen to be very laggy, and I remember that I am still having that setting on. It is when I open the snapshot window and press "save" that I crash.
  18. I was not going to buy a Genus head, but I was very happy to get the free version that 2 alts are using now. I am sure there will be a lot of people flocking to Genus to buy a head, if/when they open again. Personally I would not, because I am happy with the LeLutka head I have, and heads are things I do not buy several times a year. Unless it is something totally different from the Genus heads they had before closing. I did not like them enough for buying... So I don't know why you should switch... others will happily shop there. Another thing that puzzles me, is the trust in Genus. It is still lots of new releases for Genus only. I wonder if how long that will last. One year, in hope that Genus will return? 6 months?
  19. Rez on demand sounds good. And better looking pods. I would like Hot air balloon rezzers.There could be tour routes that follows the coast, 50 m out and 50 m up from the water level? Or is that too low, would it feel like spying? That was why I think the balloons should not fly over houses or houseboats. Only over water.
  20. That should not apply to changing to another version of Firestorm? I mean, I have pre-made settings for photos, I never just push the slider to Ultra. I have named the presets "Event" "Normal" "Photos" and some more. Where "Event" is the lowest and so it goes up. When I load a preset and chose one of the Photo presets, it always comes up draw distance 72 for Photos1 and 48 for Photos2. Never depth of field. And it is not crashing one of 2 times either. It is literally every time, and always on the 1st picture. Of course I crashed some times before, it could be after zooming in and out and rotating the camera between pictures.
  21. @Jaywalker19, read @Lewis Luminospost again. I agree that this is their problem, not yours.
  22. My guess is that you have a non-human avatar that need the default skeleton to bend and stretch. You need to post more detailed about what you have bought, and preferably a screenshot. The majority of posters here have ordinary human mesh avatars, and I am not sure if we can help you. But many have great knowledge about all kind of avatars, so try to come with more info. If you don't get help here, go where you bought it, see if it is a group joiner and ask in group chat about this. And send a notecard to the creator if it is no group or the group is inactive. I am logging off soon, so I will not be here for hours. And if you have anything else than a human avatar, I would probably not be able to help.
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