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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. I am just so sad, why not use any new avatars?? ANY avatar in modern mesh look 100% better than that old rabbit avatar. PsiCorp, Tooth and Claw, mesh apparel, attachments. Every time Second Life is included somewhere it is old, outdated content. I read some story about SL, but was only teleporting around to drab regions.
  2. The shading around the nose makes me say it is a system head.
  3. I do not enjoy the changes in Seraphim either. I still use it, but it is not the same. It is also 90% clothes and avatar components in every event. I miss a Home and Garden page for only that, and not nails and lingerie. Vehicles could be included, since they can be parked on land. I am also annoyed because sales are so hard to see in Seraphim. And when I have noticed them, two day sales are advertised in two weeks, what is that good for?! I have already missed them and they ended 5 days ago... ☹️
  4. The area around the eyes look better. Or is it a skin change? I can not see you changed much with the small chin and the very low mouth.
  5. I will just add that all the mesh bodies I have used has a toggle all on/all off button, so you do not have to fill in the holes bit by bit. I do not remember if Legacy has it.
  6. I have joined the group for Happy Weekend sales to get their updated sales notecard. The Flickr group post most of it, but it miss some. In this sale, it is something for homes and interiors every time, even if it is mostly fashion. Maybe the best thing on offer this weekend is the Kazza set. I have that already, but maybe I want this too, just for the new colors. And the original set was no modify, so annoying. (It is HUGE for avatars that's 6 feet and under.) The plant is not to my taste, so I would prefer to delete it. Kazza is one of the stores that has had no modify items, then modify, no modify, back and forth. It appears that they have seen reason and sell only modify now, I hope!
  7. Harsh truth, but it is a lot of asian shapes to buy. I think starting with a premade shape and tweak it a bit, would be the best.
  8. I agree that this is most likely the reason. It has been some massive spam attacks in the past.
  9. Have you seen the hard shading on many skins? It is like painted on push-up effect. I can set my boobs to the lowest a body can take without deforming, and it is still painted UU on my chest.
  10. Use Izzie's "small breast" tattoo layers (And appliers) that matches all possible skins. Can also be tinted. I bought the Perky breast add-on from Maitreya, but the included breast tattoos are so good, that I can wear only them. I did actually not need the add-on, if I keep boob size under 50. Perfect match with Glam Affair skins.
  11. Stealthic has great curly hair. But only long hair. L'Etre&Doux has also some nice curls. It is the same, long hair, long hair long long hair. This hair is maybe short enough? It is difficult to find just that Molly Ringwald length.
  12. I'm happy it was removed.😃 But you say that prices are lowered on attractive mainland parcels. Why, since I thought land was more sought after now? Can you send me a LM to one of the "Mainland isles" in a PM? I am curious, you know.
  13. Store credit is one reason that makes me shop inworld. Or the store don't sell on the MP. Or it is cheaper inworld. That was 3 reasons. Edit: I forgot about seeing a build or furniture inworld. But I often shop at the MP anyway. For the reason of safety - feels safer to have it in the MP history and getting a redelivery from there. Shopping on the MP has a big benefit, I am told I have already bought that, so I don't make double purchases. I did that in the inworld Fancy Decor sale last weekend.... 😒 And I don't like lag and searching for things in stores. But area search helps me a lot there.
  14. I don't. It is just luck if I remember some of the name and can search for it in the inventory. 82 358 items now, and as late as 2 months ago I deleted at least 6000 items. If I did not purge thousands evey year, I am sure I would have had a half million now. I go to sales, I buy a lot of cheap stuff on the Marketplace, I pick up every gift at events (Even if I don't open them all.) And demos. I don't always remember to delete demos after I tried them. Or I want to think about it, and the demos are forgotten. Plus unpacker scripts, landmarks, thank-you notes... I am a slob.
  15. Speaking about Gacha exchange, I played the Schultz Bros kitchen gacha SO MUCH, omygod, I am sure I spent thousand(s). And I simply could not get the fridge cabinets, even if that's a common. I finally found it used on the MP. I got all the other parts changed to copy/mod/no transfer, because Schultz Bros also let us exchange parts in original containers. Now I remember I have it, maybe I put up that kitchen. 😇 TY I will see what I am missing. I hope it is allowed for opened parts too. Other stores has the policy that it must be in an original pack.
  16. My first home was in Evallen or Ewallen, not sure about the spelling. I think these first release homes lasted 1-2 days because so few people knew about them. I had both a house and a houseboat in Ewallen, on an alt. I was very exited, and said several times in the forum that Bellisseria was for ever, and I would keep the locations for ever... 🤣 I had to eat crow on that. I found out that the massive amount of houseboats in Ewallen caused lag, and I also found out that a boat in the middle of the row was not so attractive anymore. But I was so exited about my first home. When my houseboat alt abandoned his boat in Ewallen, he got a plot in Humansville, and I thought it was jackpot. This was an abandon, the summer after the first release in April. I was also going to stay the rest of my avatar life in Humansville... and so on. I also said never Mainland again. You know what comes next... I was wrong. I am like a politician. 😩 I have both a Trad and a Houseboat in Bellisseria, at least one will be abandoned, because I will try a Stilt home. I have learnt a lesson, and will not say a place is for ever home again. I may keep a Bellisseria place just in case. I have tried an amazing Victorian, a great Log Home... I have made people happy about the places I have abandoned, for sure.
  17. Partly yes. For an avatar, the shape is just a part, and in my opinion, not the most important part. The demo will show a very different result, and the demo seller can not give out the information with the demo. A demo is always good, I agree with that. The reviews in also an indication, another shape has as many as 19 reviews, and the two negative ones gives me a strong feeling that they do not understand they must buy all the things in the stylecard to look the same. So people who are not happy, in the most cases they misunderstand what a shape with stylecard is. It has to be followed in every detail to get the same result. That is my opinion on this topic. For a plain shape without a stylecard, it is another thing.
  18. I remember @Pussycat Catnaphad a long and very good post about 0 second, teleport home orbs. But she is using them in a very specific way. I am sure she will clear up, if I post wrong about what I remember. She has a skybox for private activity. She put this skybox inside another, much larger box and has 0 second, teleport home as soon as avatars enter the outside box. Because they have to do it on purpose, aviators that innocently fly and explore will see the huge box from a distance. So they go inside because they want to see what 2 green dots do there. Pushing them out would mean that they hoover outside and zoom in. She will not have them hanging around. It is that "Set avatars inside this parcel invisible" but maybe people want to be social and interact with others on the ground. Plus that avatars who really want to snope, is it no reason to let them hang around on her own, private land and satisfy their curiosity.
  19. I don't mind gachas as long as it's wearables. I send my alts the doubles. But things like kitchen gachas are a problem for me. I played the ChiMia kitchen gacha a lot, and now it is released as a fatpack. I saw that it was for sale myself, but now I must pay fatpack price for the missing one part I could not win. I can look for it on the Marketplace, it may be cheaper than the fatpack. Trompe Loeil houses are a great idea, I buy their Collabor 88 releases just to detach stuffs like kitchens and lamps. I am using the Bellamy Cottage kitchen now. But I am looking for a modular one. Take the kitchen out from the build is easy enough. But it can't be changed.
  20. I need some inspiration. I have used the Hive farmhouse kitchen, the other Hive kitchen, Roost homes kitchens, Consignment kitchen.... Has it been some new kitchens this fall? I saw a 3000 L kitchen, but that was too stiff a price... quite Li heavy also.
  21. Akeruka has a special price now. But I am not sure how long the 2000 L offer lasts. Nice chin and jawline on this one. It looks like your chin with the classic look. Make the mouth a bit wider, the lips a bit thinner, add a beard, and there you are, in updated version. It is StrayDog that made the head skin, it matches flawlessly with Stray Dog's body skins. All LeLutkas heads are 3990 until further notice. Go for the Evolution heads, it is made quite a lot of skins for them already. They also have fewer triangles because they do not have those onion layers. StrayDog is the obvious place to start. StrayDog's BOM skins for Catwa look well on the Akeruka head too.
  22. Are you using the included shape? If not, your eye depth should always be 50, and it is recommended to use the included eyes. Maybe this eyelid issue is caused by too deep or too shallow eye depth. Just my guess. It is a Catwa users group inworld that's very active and they answer all kind of problems. You can try joining it for faster help: Catwa head friends group. And also, the CSR of Catwa post here frequently, @Skell Dagger.
  23. You noticed Catwa added 900 L to the price of 5000 L? I have bought 7 Catwa heads on my various avatars, but I am considering stopping now. Before, the safe male head was Catwa because there was not any competition. Creators made skin for Catwa, period. Now there are lots of great LeLutka Evo male skins to buy.
  24. Catwa becomes like Meshbody in that the price is something I have to think twice about. With Meshbody, I landed on "no", with Catwa? Still "maybe".
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