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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Yes, what.... For me, it all depends upon if the prims for land match what Premium costs. I could pay for Flickr Pro instead and begin to post how my avatar looks. I am close to the 1000 free images we can have. I don't need Premium Plus for that. I posted lots of looks in 2014 - 15, all I do now is move trees and furniture. In the years I was basic, I used to rent land a month or two when I had the desire to set up a house. And then I left the estate, and could have a break from SL. Having a break from SL now, feels like I am paying for a service I don't use. If we got more land without tier, much of the abandoned land would be bought up. ☺️ The bright side is that I am not afraid to abandon homes in Bellisseria now. Or is it that I am feeling so lackluster that I can't care? I kept thinking about a parcel I gave up in January for 6 months. I would not bother to take it back now if I got a 100% safe way to take it back. That was very interesting! If a certain landlord is still in SL when/if I cancel my Premium, maybe I will move back to renting from him... the very cheap landlord you found. I have been feeling awful in September. Things pile up on me in RL, both on the physical and mental plan. Patience, I do not know her. But maybe I can be aquainted with her?
  2. I am glad to hear it is not just me. I know I am in a bit down in RL. I always question my use of money in SL when I feel it is stagnating. I can always drop my alt's Premiums and buy Premium again when the Stilts are coming. I am holding back, because I have good locations. But I see how great locations some people score all the time in the Beautiful abandons thread. I just need patience if I will go back to Bellisseria. It is not like all residents of Bellisseria keep their prime locations for ever. I was Basic for what, more than 10 years? It was only the increase to 1024 tier-free land that made me pay for Premium. The increase in price for Premium must be paid back with more prims.
  3. What the title says. I have said before that I am going to stay in Bellisseria for ever. I think the honeymoon period is over, and a divorce is looming in the distance. I have used all the types of homes and all the add-ons. It is nothing new. I have cheated on Bellisseria with other land. I feel no remorse for the 2 Bellisseria homes I have, because I pay for every ounce of land I have in SL. But I am tempted to break free from at least one. Because the day has a fixed amount of hours and I can't use time everywhere. So pay for what I do not use is annoying me. I really need something new to stay Premium..... I need more prims as a reason to be Premium. I think the 351 is just crumbs. Why does LL keep all that abandoned land and pay for servers to run it, while paying members live on a minimum of prims?
  4. You do not mention a budget, if you have one. Revoul can be suited for you. They have Monday sales on a skin, different ones each time. This is only a head skin, body skins sold separately. It is still a good deal. So you missed this week's sale. But here are the Flickr, if that looks good for you, go there and demo some. https://www.flickr.com/photos/revoul/with/50395007276/
  5. Are you not super happy to finally get rid of that plant? I did a happy dance. I picked the lightest color on the chairs too.
  6. What a lovely post to wake up and find. ❤️ The windlight setting is so tranquil. I hope you will post more.
  7. If it is any comfort, my land out of Bellisseria gives me 1100 prims to play with, and I still run out of prims. I think both you and I would fill up a huge prim count fast! 😁
  8. And by the way, you have not activated BoM on the Signature body either. How can I tell? Because you are still wearing an alpha layer for the body. I wonder, why ask when you do not try the suggestions you get? It is bloody unsatisfying to see that you ignore it. My reply was the first. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So take off the alpha layer, the one on top of the list you are wearing. You will see the body under is poking through the mesh body. Then wear the Signature HUD, click on the cogwheel and then click "Activate Bakes on mesh". Confirm that yes, you will activate Bakes on Mesh in the pop-up box that appears. If you ignore to do this, you can not use items like tattoos that has the pink dragon symbol (tattoo layer) on the body. Now, add one of the Joe skin medium [LeLutka] with a pink dragon symbol. If you want a beard, add one that says it is with beard. Add the hairbase you will demo, also with that pink symbol. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have red eyes after you did these steps, or do the eyes look funny, like you have 4 eyes? Buy the free pack of alpha layers that I linked to in the first post. Add the one named Mayfly - Eyes Alpha Mask. It should now be the only alpha layer you have on. Are your eyes invisible? On the Lelutka HUD, choose the eye icon (number 3 from the top) and select one of the eye colors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After my grumpy start on this post, I will give you two thumbs up for including the pictures with what you are wearing. 👍🙂 I would not be able to find any suggestions for you without them.
  9. If you had followed my instructions, you would have read that you must first wear the skin, then add one of the tattoos with a pink dragon symbol from the folder "Joe skin medium [LeLutka]." After that, add one of the tattoo hairbase demos with a pink dragon symbol. You can add up to 62 or 64 such layers if you want. You are not using anyone in the last picture.
  10. I think I know why. You are trying to use a BoM hairbase, but you have used an applier for skin. An applier is what we call the box symbols, that attach to the screen, and you click to apply the skin. This applied skin works as a barrier, nothing with the "dragon" pink symbol (like the hairbase) will be visible. The head itself is not compatible with the hairbase with the box symbol, that attach to the screen. So the hairbase applier does not work, because the head is a new line that does not take it. The pink dragon (tattoo layer) does not work because you have applied a skin that work as a barrier. Take a look in the folders for the head skin and body skin. Is it only box symbols there, or is it skin symbols and pink tattoo layers symbols? The skin symbol is looking like the symbol for "Ashton", that is the skin for one of the starter avatars. Then do this: Take off the alpha layer. If you want to keep your eyes as they are, try to find an alpha layer only for eyes. It should only say eyes, nothing about head or body. If you don't have it, get these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mayfly-Luminous-Extra-Eye-Alpha-Masks/6575262 You need to activate BoM on your Signature body (It is Signature?). It is the cogwheel in the HUD. Find and click "Activate Bakes on Mesh". Find the skin folder you bought for Signature. Wear the skin. Maybe the folder does not have a skin, instead it has a pink tattoo symbol. That is ok. If it is made for a body, it will cover the body. Then open the folder with the skin for the Skyler head. My guess is that it has pink tattoo layers. Add a tattoo layer. The head skin will cover the hairbase tattoo, because it is worn over it. You can click the wrench symbol in the window of what you are wearing to edit the layers up and down. But with so few layers, it is often easier and faster to take off the hairbase and add it again. Then it is on top. Use "Add" instead of "Wear" when you work with multiple layers. Wear replaces the layer you have on, but Add adds it over the layers you have on.
  11. You can detach the head and the body. Plus the clothes. If you are seeing your default avatar then, no alpha parts missing, then you add the head and the body again. You look normal, no double body or head? Then you are ready and have BoM set up correctly and working. But have you clicked the "x" where it says CLEAR? I am not sure if that's important or not, but it must be something. Maybe I am crazy, but should the skin look like that? We think the shine is off when the sliders is pushed to the left, but are we sure? If you have clicked on one of the faces, you may have added something that can only be removed by clearing the layer, not pulling sliders. I am just speculating here. Maybe I must get a demo of that head.
  12. Hmm, when all other options is used up, I notice that your head look very sweaty. Added gloss/shine does funny stuff with textures. In the HUD, is it a tab for the skin (looks like a head, abowe lashes and eyes) that say "Materials"? Try to find it and press "clear". That removes the gloss and shine.
  13. The abowe was a rental with modest landscaping, but there is another type of full immersive landscaping. Only the website tells the renter how many prims that is allowed. The example under is rented out with 600 free prims to use. This is where it is confusing. The number of prims the renter can use, is not stated in the notecard they can get from the rental box. The landcaping details and the building can not be removed or altered. It could be a sign by the rental box, that it is only 600 prims. But I could not see it. Parcel land capacity - parcel land impact does not count here. The renter may think he/she get 1406 prims. https://puddlechurch.net/rentals
  14. I have "bought" land from private estates, and they do not care much about the land impact. The land forms they use, like terrain, trees and flowers, can be twice or triple the landscaping details I have. 400 sounds like over the top. But what you see is what you get. The only way to check this, is to look under "about land" and "Objects" before you buy. Parcel land capacity is what the parcel holds. Parcel land impact is what's already rezzed on the land. Here we see 129 + 26 = total 155. There are only 1129 of 1284 prims left.
  15. If what you see on the screen is beautiful for you, go for it. I must be honest and say that it is not what I would call Asian or healthy, it looks very starved. But it is not my avatar, and I can not tell you what you should look like. I do not think I can come with more advice, this thread tells me that we see things (shapes) very differently.
  16. I think I know what's the problem. If you have on the built in skins in the body, it is overriding the BoM skin. Go to this post and follow the steps. I think you said that you unpacked a HUD, it is set to the built in skins by default, so you must activate BoM again in the new HUD.
  17. If you are concerned, the new Maitreya bodies (the ones you demo, the demo are always updated) have fewer triangles because it comes without any onion layers when you wear it. Onion layers is where we used to apply tattoos and other effects like lingerie before we got Bakes on Mesh. Bodies that still comes with 3 onion layers, like Belleza, are in reality wearing 3 identical copies of the body, making it 4 bodies in total. Or you can say Russian dolls, but the different size is so close that you can not see they are there. To use the Maitreya onion layers, you have to add them, meaning that you have a lower complexity if you do not need them. Slink, the Redux versions, do not use onion layers too. But you run into the problem of content there as well. The Hourglass version of Slink is the best supported of the two bodies, but you have that larger breast and butt issue, since it is made with a hourglass figure in mind. A fun little thing, Maitreya and Slink have 5 feet options. The Kitten (Kitty, low) heel in between flat and medium, and Slink has a pointe (ballet) feet and Maitreya has a super high? I do not remember. I have bought some shoes and sandals with Kitten heels that are totally adorable. Examples: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145014053@N06/49812274541/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/kashvii_equal/50130899966/ It is bad of me to talk down Belleza, but they are slow with their updates. If you are waiting for them to add more options, you may have to wait. They have been the last to update new things in the past.
  18. Where did you buy your head skin? It looks very nice. Go back to the store and look for the matching body skin. It will give you no neck seam or a 99% perfect neck seam. The included skins with the Legacy is very nice, but they are not matching with head skins because of the shading and veins. You need a body skin for Legacy, that has BoM included. BoM head skin + BoM body skin from the same store = match.
  19. I just select Apparel and type in Belleza Freya as search words. Or Belleza Venus, Belleza Isis. Using only Belleza would not give any indication of how many it is of each, and what body that is rising or dropping in popularity. It is not fool proof. Some designers write "Belleza, all sizes" but I hope it's not so many that does it. If you have favorite stores for mesh clothes, simply check if they sell for the body you prefer. Big stores like Blueberry, Scandalize and Addams does not make Venus sizes anymore. I checked their newest releases, it is Freya and Isis. If you do not like these stores, look in the stores you usually buy from. If you aren't a big shopper, and do not care about buying the newest releases, you can find the Venus sizes if you go in the mainstore or the Marketplace stores and look in earlier releases. No one can say that a particular mesh body is going to be the most supported in the future. We can only buy what we like and maybe replace it with another when we want something else. Many people have more than 1 body. With BoM, changing between bodies is as easy as taking off one body, adding the other. Your skin/tattoos/birthmarks and other layers show up on the other body, no need to hunt for appliers.
  20. It is a problem, since SL has young avatars, comically old avatars like the sweet little lady, and hags. A realistic older lady with grace and style is very hard to find. Use a skin and layer all kinds of wrinkles and facial lines. Pick up demos from Izzie's. You can use all that says something with "BoM" or "System layers included". https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/40543 To layer many different effects, activate BoM (bakes on mesh) on the head. It is on the Cosmetics page, small text over on the right side, next to the nose on the illustration. Use "Squiggly pink" symbols from the Izzie packs, not boxes, and add them to your avatar. For this, you need a skin that is also made for BoM. I suggest: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Xiaohua-Asian-Skin-BOM-DEMO/18816580 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/alaskametro3-May-face-skin-in-Tone-3-Omega-applier-HUDClassicBakes-on-mesh-TESTER/15945265 The lips does not look like you want, but an added lipstick from another brand may be what you need. Lips can be edited from super pout. It is often the easiest part. For eyebrows, you can edit them on the symbol that looks like a brown swim cap. It is the old default hair, that's only used for eyebrow adjustment these days. Low placed eyebrows is popular in SL, lifting them up should be possible, I am not sure hard arches can be flattened. Most skins comes with a browless version so you can use white or grey brows on an added layer. Look for something without a pronounced arch and raise them. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Eyebrows-Genus-JuliaAirSoftArch-DEMO/19948726
  21. Did you demo? I am not a Belleza user. So I have not paid that much attention, only that some creators does not include all of them. I think it was Freya that is included in most of the packs I have seen in latest events. A Marketplace search confirm that Freya has most content. Belleza Freya under apparel, MP: 313197 Maitreya under apparel, MP: 977202 Do not base your pick on pictures. I am a bit worried if you google images without trying demos. Standard sizes does not matter at all. But Freya is more voluptuous. Still, a thinner shape can increase in thickness. Bodies respond well to the sliders, love handles, thickness, muscle, breast and butt.
  22. Amount of content made matters, creators make most clothing for the most popular bodies. Try to look in the stores you prefer. Do they include that Belleza body you prefer? Creators tend to stop making content for Venus and Isis, and only make for Freya, Slink Hourglass, Meshbody Classic, and, of course, Maitreya. Then there are some that sell for the small chested versions of Maitreya and Meshbody. Called Petite and Perky. They are not so easy to find. I tend to recommend Maitreya for first time users, since it is the "safe" choice. But you are not new, you know your style and your favorite stores. But find out if the body you pick, can give you the wardrobe you want. There are some free bodies that is supposed to fit Maitreya clothing. I have found them too much hassle, instead I buy the Maitreya itself. It is not that expensive, compared to the time I save. They often need more demo'ing and more work with alpha cuts and alpha layers. It is lots of tutorials on "Bakes on Mesh" - BoM. I will try to say it as short as I can, BoM let you wear your favorite layer-based classic outfits, skins and tattoos. It is very handy, you can keep the face you have on a mesh body and use a skin that's not for sale anymore, tattoos that is not updated to appliers, freckles layers you alredy have, and underwear that does not poke through mesh clothing. It is also handy for leggings under long sweaters and in high boots. Other layer based clothing has I found out does not look good enough anymore.
  23. It has not been easy to take pictures lately, but I try to post some I am almost happy with. For the first image: Instead of stairs or a ramp down, I am using a tunnell. You can see the opening to the left. It comes up in front of the statue.
  24. The on/off for the Butterfly and Firefly is in the menu when you sit in a chair. I could see both. It was worth buying for me, even if I have the original set. It has bothered me enormously that the original set was no modify. Finally, finally I got rid of that plant! I lost the fireflies, but that is a small loss. Maybe I try to place the script in something else. And I could shrink the chairs a bit, so they do not look so strange. After I linked off the plant, plant shadow and butterfly, the set is 4 Li.
  25. ❤️ @seeno29 I had bookmarked a site named just the same a few years ago, LovetodecoratesL. Then suddenly, the site disappeared. Maybe this is it starting over?
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