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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. I also got a "female" gift, a makeup/skincare fridge and a stack of books. I first saw these in (rl)skincare videos from hot and humid climates. It looks very cool with the door open. In RL that would let the heat in, but in SL we do not have that problem, heh.
  2. Wait. Are you saying that FPS can go down if I use Firestorm's AO? 😲
  3. Explaining it step by step via posts may work, but first I think you should contact the land manager and tell that this prim is disturbing your view. If you see water under you, you are at sea level, that is called "land build". Sky build is high up in the air. Ask to be moved to a sky build where you can not see the neighbor. I think this will help you faster. There are inworld classes about land management and building, but the simple is often best, contact the manager. If you do not know how to contact them, find their name, look in their profile. It says if they will be contacted by IM or notecard. You have paid for their service, if they fail to help you find a solution, they lose a customer.
  4. I have seen "sand pancakes" before. I do not know why someone want to live on one either, but I won't judge. It is enough of them around, that someone must want them.
  5. I would say that you should contact the one you bought land from and ask that the barrier is removed. If he refuses, or does not respond, move to another place. When you "buy" on private land, you does not really buy the land. You pay rent to the land owner every week. So the land owner is missing income if he does not help you. You say no one is living on the other side of the wall? Maybe the landlord himself put the barrier there and have textured it with a pretty texture on the other side. If so, that is very strange behavior. If he will separate the properties, he must do it the same on both sides.
  6. Yes, you buy it. Prices vary from very cheap to expensive. You will see that many AO's are marked "Bento". Unless you buy a mesh avatar, you do not need Bento. The Marketplace is where you find many AO's or Animation Overrides. If you are on a budget, I link you to a lovely blogpost that explain step for step how to make your AO for 2 L. https://ryanschultz.com/2020/04/12/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-how-to-make-your-own-bento-animation-override-for-only-l2-step-by-step/ This title says "Bento Animation Override" but Bento does not do anything for a default avatar. Nothing with "Bento" in the name does anything for default avatars. "Bento" is a new set of bones that, among other things, can animate every finger separate. Bento animations animates your fingers. For an avatar that is not set up for Bento, the animations work on rest of the avatar, but not with the finger part. So you can use the tutorial over, and it works just fine on you. If you are in the market to spend money, come back and ask for more expensive options.
  7. This is a very old tutorial I made where I make walls with prims, upload them to my computer and join them in Blender so they become one object that's 1 Li when uploaded. But to make an accent wall, a fond wall, you only need one prim, stretch it to fit the wall, and texture it.
  8. I am old in SL, so I am so used to the default camera. I have tried to change the camera angle at least three times the last years. It feels so wrong to walk around without the default camera angle after I used it over 10 years. So I change back to default. Perhaps the solution for me would me to move it just 10 cm instead of the radical change everybody suggests. Using that setting some months, move it 10 cm again. Is there a quick way to load different camera placements? Firestorm let me load different graphic settings, so I have saved default, photos and sales. I change graphics up and down in quality by pressing load, select one setting and then ok. Is it possible to save camera location the same way, without entering Debug settings every time?
  9. It cost me as much as 1 L. 👍 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/lightwood-wallpaper-22/18354232 I have also started to upload free images, like those over the bed, from Unisplash.com. The page looks very legit, so I am sure I can do it without breaking rules.
  10. I stole the idea of a wall in Wallover from the Marketplace. I stole the idea about the fireplace also, so I don't get all decoration ideas just from myself. Prettier than mine too? Cost only 20 L. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BHD-Linden-Houseboat-Wallower-Interior-Walls/17519450 The bath looked better than I thought when I was done.
  11. Ahhh... do you click on the tattoo icon in your inventory and "wear" it? Wear replaces the last worn layer. "Add" adds the new layer. It is always best to use "add" instead of "wear". I have been annoyed with LL, because they let both "Add" and "Wear" be options. To add to the confusion, skin creators also start to use the default tattoo layer for BOM skins. They do not have to use the default skin, but tattoo layers. 😲 All avatars must wear a default system skin, and it can only be one of this. "Add" does not work on it. Because the system will not allow an avatar to have more that one skin. Only "wear" works here. But avatars can layer "skins" that is using the tattoo system layer. In this case, we must stack them correctly. The base skin is on by default, but that does not have to be the BOM skin you bought. The skin creator can use a tattoo layer for the body skin, and another tattoo layer for the face. They must be on the bottom of your stack. You can only see it on the symbol, that is a squiggly pink one in Firestorm. The best thing to pinpoint the problem, is if you take a screenshot of your open inventory with the "Appearance" window open. Post it here. The appearance window is best, because it show the order you have your layers. To open it, rightclick your avatar and "Edit outfit". In this appearance window, there is a wrench icon. You can click it, and then hoover your cursor over, or click the layer. You should now see an arrow up and an arrow down. Click on these to send the layers up or down. You can have a whole stack of the layers with a pink symbol. You will see on the names what is your "literally" tattoos and if the skin creator is using a tattoo system layer for skin instead. The system layers is also used for skin effects like moles, freckles and tight clothes like lingerie. It is a BUG in SL itself, when we go into appearance, the lower part of the body or another part of the body can get "messed up". I do not have a better word for it... your body can look like it has stripes or layers can not show up. This effect occur in appearance mode only. The best thing is to stack the layers as you believe is correct, then go out of appearance and see if you look correct. I know it is annoying as heck. 😢
  12. A good one for newbies, but also for those who say: Mesh does not look like me, I want to keep my skin. This head takes skin better than many others. So it can be something for men who can afford full priced heads and bodies too. No HUD for the face is a bonus. No hard learning curve. The lashes is really hard to ignore. I am not sure if I could use this because of them, if I had only 10 L to spend. PS: Top left and bottom right is using Aeros Arrow brows, and all are using age liners from Izzie's.
  13. I do not doubt that you are right, but she asked if it was any way and I replied to that. I did not say that LL would do it.
  14. This one: https://blog.zoha-islands.com/ and I believe @Leora Jacobusis renting a place from an estate that has a blog. @Sakura Sandsrented a place too, maybe it has a land page.
  15. The door frame and the wall would need to be phantom over the door. I can not see that option in the house controller. You could always ask @Patch Lindenif they will upgrade the LHomes to fit so tall avatars... if not, all your friend can do is to zoom in and sit on furniture.
  16. The Vespertine kitchen looks very well there. It is sad that the creator did not make a modular version of it, or at least a mirrored version. I had to buy that lemonade pitcher too. ❤️
  17. Is that the new pool LH Verne add-on? I have tried it for a Traditional too, and it worked really well. I had to make an edge, but that is not so difficult.
  18. All my avatars already have mesh bodies, so I have not picked up this one. It looks really better with the Hermony skin that @Gage Wireflyis showing us. It appears that the head can take pre-mesh skins well, a plus for the men who want to keep their old look. The downside is that the good pre-mesh skins can be pulled from the market already. I looked up Hermony, and they do not sell it on the MP. The creator of this avatar appear to be responding, so those who are eager to use this avatar can ask nice for the lip layer to be removable...? The benefit of a mesh avatar, expensive or not, is that it can use Bento animations. No more stiff face and the few hands animations we had before. They are really ugly. I could see this avatar fixed up a bit, and sold as a low cost alternative. Men does not have any low cost avatars either. The Roth body... I should say that I found that head very, very jagged. I say no more.
  19. Following up with my alts Traditional. I will keep this one, I think, and abandon the other when Stilt homes are released. This is the largest room downstairs in Winchester with a wall. I edited the door off an add - on I had bought. I check if Jubran has textures for sale, if I remember. The blue/white on the floor was only 1 L. Jubran sell the new textures for 1 L a week or so, before they set it to full price. The white tiles behind the laundry furniture is 0 from ProMaterials. I decided the accent color before I won the hairdryer from a Second Spaces gacha, that was pure coincidence and the last thing I added.
  20. You could join GenusProject group in SL. It is "always" someone in the group, and they are very helpful. You get help fast, and maybe it is easier to sort out the issue in SL itself.
  21. I must have fun with this place before I abandon it. 😉 I have problems selecting pictures, even if I show only 2 rooms. I could not stop myself from showing 2 different angles. Even as I edited these, I added more. A tray of utensils and hanging kitchen towels. I have 13 Li left. This is because I set in the double doors in the door opening and closed off that room. (By the hat stand) The doors is edited off a LH Victorian door set. They work without having a frame, so it is no problem to set them in even if we can't link to the Linden Home. The add - on I showed previously have bath, bedroom and living room. So I do not need another bedroom. I could pull out some low li furniture, but I prefer to have a few Li left over for attaching beverages, books and other things from furniture.
  22. I better pick up this one before someone files a DMCA against it. You never know these days.
  23. Those who do not like the ears they have on their head, should join Access update group and watch for Pumec ears in the Happy weekend sales. They are in that sale, not every weekend, but often. I do not know if they have fantasy ears, all I have seen are human ears.
  24. I agree that it does not look so attractive. The best free bodies is still TMP/ The Meshbody's free body. I disagree with much of the brand's business, but that body is hot, hot, hot...also BoM... and an alpha HUD to use where there is no alpha layer. But compared to the default avatar, this is better!
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