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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. I am fortunate/not fortunate that my diagnoses keep me home because I can't go out. The money I could spend on beer with friends can be used on SL. So should I be envied because I can hunt houses? Some would say so.
  2. I am a bit puzzled why a model will not upload. It looks normal in blender. Face orientation look correct. I have uploaded same as these before. I have saved this as Collada. I choose export - collada and save as .dae. When I see it in upload window, it is invisible. But I can calculate weights and fee, add physics from file, calculate weights and fee again, and upload. I upload it as a coalesced object (this is new, it is usually uploaded as a single one) and dragged it to ground. I paid for it. It was invisible, I could not see it in highlight transparent either. What did I do wrong? Upload of previous .dae I had for another project, work normally.
  3. I have most fun decorating, when that is done it sit there.... As I said, I don't feel guilty about having it, but I can do something else instead. Strange that I was so exited about Victorians. Now I have no Victorians.
  4. Hi. you already get one reply, I just want to say that float height is what we all struggle with. Yours is very good there, I would not notice that if I met you. Absolutely not.
  5. Lifesaver!! ❤️ My head hurts from all the search I have done on the MP. Why did I not find it?! I could swear that I used just those search words.... Sometimes I can't understand myself.
  6. A late reply, but the website has a users manual: https://www.signature-sl.fr/manual
  7. In the "Bellisserians show off..." thread, it was posted a screen or fence of something that looks like bamboo stalks. It was last year. I bought it, and used it a few times, but I can't find it again. Not on the Marketplace either. I don't know what wood it is made of, I tried to search for bamboo screen and bamboo fence. It is behind the string lights on the right side. Help.... I really want to use it again...
  8. Am I the only one who thought the title was: "Leaving all virtual sins"? 😆 It fits...
  9. If your shopping HUD is offered in a blue pop-up window, I would close it without reading. Those pop-up windows are so annoying. Most of all the "welcome to my store" then comes the offer of a landmark, join the group and all that. I am sure many like me do the same. I almost never come to a store without an idea of what to buy. I have seen it in a blog, on Flickr, I have zoomed into a property and seen something I like and inspected it to find the creator. So I can type in the name. I don't have to type in the whole. If something is named like "*^¨GS^¨* Natalie over-knee velvet boots" I can type in Natalie and hit search. Unless every product in your store is named Natalie, I find it. The demo, the velvet boots in single colors, the fatpack. All listed nice in the search window. Open area search and type in a few letters makes me feel active, I am doing something. While waiting for a teleport board or information sign to rez, makes me annoyed because I must stand there passive. I do not like to accept a shopping HUD, add it and wait for it to go from grey to load, then find out what sector I want to go to. That is following instructions and it irks me. I don't want to be told how to shop. Those weekly sales have started to use HUDs. One in particular send a message that I shall teleport to the office and get a HUD. I am like "What? Go...". I must have been there and tried it once, and now I have to block that sender. Because no way am I going to get there and grab a HUD without knowing I want something of what they offer. Groups where I can choose between a notecard or a HUD is better. The best is those who have a page with a gallery of what's this weekends offer, and I can teleport there direct. Easy and effective.
  10. If you decided to use a forced landing point and a teleport board: Sometimes I walk a step aside from the landing point and look for a teleport board. When that rez after the landscaping objects, the furniture and the decor, what size of texture have you used? It can not work correct if I see the tree 100 m away, before the board 5 m right in front of me? After experiencing this several places, I decided to not bother standing and waiting like an idiot for a teleport board to (maybe) rez. I can not use a viewer without area search again. I use it always when shopping. Someone talked about the experience of walking real word malls or Ikea, to tempt you to buy more. I do not think it works the same way in SL, unless you find a very patient person that has the time to let an event rez. In SL, it is like walking in Ikea with grey dust sheets covering all around you, then more and more of the sheets are pulled away the longer you stand there and wait. I understand it is 2 kind of shoppers in SL, those who want to stroll around, look at everything and pick up demos, and then those who will in, shop and out again before the dust has landed. But allowing us to shop fast and efficient does not limit those who want to look around and spend a lot of time there.
  11. I agree with@AdminGirl. No need to buy the clothes at all. One hour? More than enough time to accessorize and take pictures to post on Flickr, the blog or any other place. Two hours? A whole evening in SL for many. Long enough to attend a concert, a dance, a date. Many people in SL wear an outfit 1-3 times. Even if the demo can't be worn more than once, taking a few demos would mean 0 need to buy it. 15 minutes is considerate. Asking for hours is like demanding you can rent the outfit for free. True, 5 minutes is not enough for me if it is lots of HUDs and color combinations to try. Not giving a warning in chat, that the Demo will expire, is stupid because as others said.... oops. 😲
  12. I am pleased. I think I and the AI agrees.
  13. Well, what I do is to set up a warning on my phone 1 week before the account will be renewed. But as a safety net, I also change premium plan from yearly to monthly. In case my phone is lost or something else happens, it is a month and not a year withdrawn. I agree that they could have read the ticket better, and instead reply that your land and Premium benefits will be cancelled immediately, confirm that you want this. They must have missed the "next year" part. That would have been excellent service. What you got was the standard bored person that has a list over what to do."The ticket say she will not renew, my instructions has no option for stop renewal when it expires. My only instruction is to cancel now." Done the job, next ticket.
  14. Many put a pergola on the top, or an add-on that is basically a box with some windows. Or a helicopter. Or fills the water with palm trees. Big palm trees. This "house" add on is better looking than some boxy add-ons, IMHO. I would live next to this one instead of a clump of huge sculpted palms. I don't think it is something for me - I like the add-on I already have. It is big, but I can't say anything, I like big add-ons on the Traditionals I have had. It looks more massive than it is, because the boat parcel is only 16 m wide and house parcels are 32 x 32.
  15. Even if it is not a class in session, helpful people hang around in places like Caledon Oxbridge, Builders Brewery and NCI. Builders Brewery is more building oriented for those who will make stuff from scratch. http://www.buildersbrewery.com/calendar/index.php NCI and Caledon Oxbridge has varied classes: http://www.nci-sl.info/blog/about-nci/ NCI Class Schedule: http://nci-sl.info/education/Schedule.pdf And Caledon Oxbridges Class Schedule. http://www.caledonoxbridge.org/class_schedule.php
  16. The shallow water is a curse! I hope they can made it a bit deeper when they make the stilt house regions.
  17. If it is the brand I believe it is, only those who bought full priced stuff get the gifts. I tried too register alts, and got nothing. The members list must be washed and those that never made a purchase, exuded.
  18. The best boats are in Sirens Rock. No, I don't live there. But they are really, really good. And Pegleg Channel. I don't live there either... 😢 But I see the lighthouse in Fourze from my boat. I am obsessed with lighthouses. I hope LL makes lighthouses in the new Stilt homes regions.
  19. I bought their Shearling boots in 2010, and when they were updated to mesh, I sent @Onyx LeShelle a note and asked if I could get them updated? It was a much too old purchase to be in the redelivery kiosk. And guess what, I got a mesh pair delivered. That's class. ❤️🏆 Maitreya still sell shoes, boots and clothes, but it is only couple new releases in a year.
  20. I was not super happy with my boats either. But when I got a boat in the end of a line with free water to the right and a Linden boathouse, I stayed. I also have a great view to a lighthouse. But most boats feel boxed in. Just after this I paid an alt into Premium, it was my birthday after all, so why not. She landed a great Trad by the sea. So I got lucky twice. But I have abandoned so many homes I don't like. You just have to spin and spin. What does it say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince?
  21. It is lots of small, cheap parcels. If you can buy them cheap, you can set up attractive skyboxes and rent them out. You can also put in a ticket to LL and ask to buy Abandoned land. I believe LL will do this, but not for a lot of small parcels all over the grid. You should scout for a larger part of land, without too many eyesores around. When you have this large part of land, you can terraform and place out small rentals on ground in an attractive landscape. Use low Li landscaping parts on the rest of the land. Or try to have both ground rentals and skybox rentals, see what people are interested in. Any option you choose, you must be prepared to cover tier yourself, because it is not likely you will have it all rented out. It is many who already rent out. You would need to make your places look better than the others. You must have them rented out all the time, to get even with tier. I doubt you can earn money on it, have fun doing it is the best you can hope for.
  22. Do you use one of these apps? https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2019/01/30/2019-mobile-apps-for-second-life/
  23. If you can not log into Second Life, you can not abandon your home. You must log in to SL. There are Apps like Lumiya. I do not know if they can be used for abandoning your home. Tell us what you have. You need help from one who can walk you through abandoning. You must be logged in to Second Life and be able to do more that chat. If you can see tabs like "World" in an app, try to find "General" and "Abandon my home". If you still are registered as a house (or Mainland) owner, you can not cancel your Premium. The system is made like this. It is no other options. Your ideas about "cancel premium wait a week to get a new house" is wrong. You can pick a new home after you abandon the one you have. You can repeat this 5 times every day until you find a home you like. It is no need to cancel and start over. When you abandon the house you do not want, go back to the page and select a home again.
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