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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Marigold Devin wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: If my own real derriere is indicative of a larger trend, simply joining SL causes unwanted caboose expansion in RL. It took more effort than I wanted to expend to remedy the sit-uation. Ooof. Reminds me of my old typing pool days where we went through a phase of bottom clenching ten times on the hour every hour. I've never heard it called "bottom clenching" before. And at once per hour, how did you get any work done?
  2. Coby Foden wrote: Etalia Cristole wrote: ... but this new giant ass trend is terrible. This reminds me of a place: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Sconset/46/219/25 I wonder what on earth is going on there? :smileysurprised: At first visit I thought it was some one time occasion/competition, competing on: • Who can make the tallest avatar • Who can make the biggest butt • Who can make the biggest boobs • Who can make the most disproportionate avatar But no, not a one time occasion! I have checked that place a few times again. Same thing has been going on every single time. Hmm... :matte-motes-oh-rly: :smileyvery-happy: If my own real derriere is indicative of a larger trend, simply joining SL causes unwanted caboose expansion in RL. It took more effort than I wanted to expend to remedy the sit-uation. Ooof.
  3. Sassy Romano wrote: Yeah I know you're just having a bit of fun but copyright is implicit. Yep, it's Trade/Service marks that are registered. So, I could steal your Trademarks. I could also steal your identity! ;-).
  4. Sassy Romano wrote: Just to add one rather pedantic note here as it's something that grates. It's not copyright theft. Theft is the act of taking and carrying away property with the intention of permanently depriving the original owner of the possession. Copyright is infringed, not stolen! :matte-motes-nerdy: Oh yeah?! What if I crack into www.copyright.gov and fiddle with the database so it shows me as the owner of all the copyrights you filed? Hmm? ;-).
  5. Hi Juliana, If you received L$ from a stranger, it's possible the funds were obtained fraudulently and LL is investigating. Your account will be releaseed in a few days. Do submit a support case, so you can learn the reason for the hold and what, if anything, you can do about it. Good luck!
  6. Hi MadamZGaudery, Here are two example scripts that invite people to groups by obtaining the group key via llGetObjectDetails() on the prim containing the script... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Group_invitation The prim must be rezzed while the owner has the desired group tag activated. The code line of interest to you, if you don't want the rest of what those scripts do, would be something like... string groupKey = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), ([OBJECT_GROUP])), 0); Good luck!
  7. Sassy Romano wrote: If SL is making you unhappy, don't be in SL. Which is different than closing the account. I closed my first SL account to decrease the chances I'd come back. Oops. (Though I did win a bet with Brenda Connolly by staying away five weeks. She bet I couldn't stay away three.) Last year I gave up drinking diet soda and switched back to drinking my tap water. I keep some soda in the pantry just to tempt myself. I'm perverse that way. And "twisted" you? Mmm hmm. ;-).
  8. And I'm with CheriColette, keep your account. Last week I threw out a power cord from a radio that broke in 1989. Today my boarder, who's been packing for college, came asking for a replacement cord for his coffee maker. He melted the original on his pizza oven. Dammit.
  9. You're doing nothing wrong. There are two reasons hair seems to take the scenic route during teleports. 1) Hair can be terribly graphically intensive. My simple do has 250 or so sculptie prims in it. That's more geometric complexity than my SL lighthouse and all its furnishings. 2) There is piece of viewer magic called the "interest list" which lists all the stuff your viewer thinks should be visible to you. For some reason, things that are pretty important, like the walls of my house or my left pant's cuff, go missing from the list, and as Ariel says, I must then right-click where the missing thing should be to remind the viewer that I really am interested in that thing being on my interest list. If this is the only annoyance SL is throwing at you, you're living a charmed existence. ;-).
  10. Stone Campese wrote: I just think that it's arbitrary and BS that a game that I could play this morning is suddenly aganst the law. It's not suddenly against the law, it's LL suddenly complying with existing law. However, on the first day any law comes into existence, it's sudden, isn't it? Is there some other way to introduce a law? Like making gambling illegal for just an hour a day for the first month, then two and so on? But you just know someone will say "I think it's arbitrary and BS that a game that I could play at 10AM is suddenly only legal before 9AM." Imagine my surprise last night when I was waiting at a stop light and it suddenly turned green. You'd think they could warn people that's gonna happen so we don't get honked at while searching for the clutch pedal! ;-).
  11. You had to go and ruin a perfectly good fantasy by pointing out that the engineer has to go running to the accountant for money? You're an Evil Loon, Rolig.
  12. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Good morning, Hippie! All those branches I dropped yesterday seemed so tiny lying there on the ground after I leaned over the platform to see them fall. Something happened to them overnight. Now they're so big, and there are so many of them, I'll need help hauling them all away. Damned branches, it's like they grow on trees. Happy Friday, Kids!!! HA! They grew. Funny thoses branches. BTW. Are you going to shake up the eggheads at MIT on your trip? Peace! I am. I've got a couple friends there, right across the bridge from my boarder. I've invited them over for dinner at his apartment.
  13. Number five is the one who holds the payment information. She's been wearing the same clothes for more than six years and got bounced from sim to sim as they shut down, until she ended up somewhere that broke the viewer and I had to move her to Fermi. When I run out of money, I run crying to her, hopefully faster than Snugs, who is always trying to have me written out of the will. The two that were created to annoy others are BillThePirate, who's sole purpose is to foil Rolig's attempts to create a low lag failed scan for use as a time. She looks for "BillThePirate" to be within 0.1m. The other is RootBeerDrinkingLampShade, who was created to annoy LepreKhaun in exactly the same way.
  14. Hi Maritza, I've not heard of a snapshot induced black screen, but black screens in general have been the result of graphics card driver problems. Check for driver updates for your computer and, if they're avaiable, install them. NVIDIA drivers are available here... http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx And AMD/ATI drivers are available here... http://support.amd.com/en-us/download Good luck!
  15. Hi Mssr's Farspire. There is no way to have multiple avatars on the same account. What's wrong with second and third accounts? I have five altogether now (the supposed limit), two of them to annoy my friends and one to annoy me. You can change your skin/shape/clothing as often as you wish, but your display name can change only once a week. It's easy to see why that woudln't suit you. So, you're stuck with having multiple accounts, and filling each one's inventory with whatever's appropriate to that personality.
  16. As others have said, it's what YOU think that matters. Not what WE think. Of course many of us have been here a long time and know more about what's possible than you do, so your question has merit. Here's how I looked two days after joining SL... I didn't look much better than that a month later. You're way ahead of me! Here's how I look today. Still not much better, but better... Do you notice any similarity between my early look and yours? Syo picked up on this as well. We both look like we just kissed a powdered sugar donut. But don't worry about it. Some of us are a little wary of newbies that look "too good to be noob". We either suspect you're an old timer, sneaking back in after being banned for doing something naughty, or that you're an exceptionally fast learner with magnificent taste, to be avoided because you challenge our self confidence. ;-).
  17. Poltergeist Azarov wrote: Thanks I was wondering if I was following the right way. Since mathematics are complicated to me. You're doing fine so far! float mph = llVecMag(llGetVel())*2.2369; Is about as concise as you'll get. ETA: Because I'm feeling chatty this morning, I'll give you more explanation for what's happening in the math than you ever wanted. Vehicles, whether in RL or SL, move in three dimensions: up/down, left/right (east/west) and forward/reverse(north south). But the speedometer has only one needle. So, what is that needle showing? It's reporting the rate of rotation of the driven wheels. And those wheels don't know anything about whether they're going forward/reverse, up/down or left/right. They don't even know if they're moving the car (that's not important for this discussion, but is fun if you drive like a madwoman). They just know how fast they're turning. Now, imagine you are driving up a very steep spiral mountain road to the summit, which is three miles above the base. Your speedometer reads 60mph (Slow down! Are you crazy?). After one hour of driving up that mountain. You look at your GPS screen and see you've gone only 10 miles. How the hell did that happen? Part of the answer is obvious. The road was spiral, so we spent a lot of time driving in circles. You could drive on a roundabout all day and get nowhere (something Parhelion Palou and I recently discussed, and want to try). And, your GPS system, though fully capable of measuring your speed and position in three dimensions, reports your location on a 2D map, because that's how we make maps. We understand that the GPS ignored all our spiraling, but we don't think about the three miles of elevation it also ignored. In SL, there is no single needle speedometer that just watches wheel revolution. And no 2D map that ignore elevation. We have only a full GPS system with three needles, and that is llGetVel(). GetVel() reports back something like "you're going north at 10mps, east at 10mph and up at 10mph". We have to do some trigonometry to squish those three velocities into one. Trigonometry is challenging for many of us, and that's why LL provided llVecMag().
  18. Poltergeist Azarov wrote: I wrote that one earlier even if I am not sure yet. So far, as I realized, only way to get object speed is llVecMag(llGetVel()) as float in Meters Per Second. And 1 m/s is equal to 2.2369mph. ( source) Finally my solution is to calculate object speed as MPH: float ms=llVecMag(llGetVel()); llOwnerSay((string)(2.2369*mps)); Anything wrong? That looks good to me. llGetVel() returns a 3D vector, and llVecMag() extracts the directionless magnitude from the three axes of the vector. Though I do think there's a typo in your code. float mps = llVecMag(llGetVel()); llOwnerSay((string)(2.2369*mps)); I've marked the fixed variable in red. Good luck!
  19. Hi Charlotte, You'll get your L$1000 signup bonus in 45 days, and your first L$300 stipend next Tuesday. Here's where that's all described... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477 Have fun!
  20. Good morning, Hippie! All those branches I dropped yesterday seemed so tiny lying there on the ground after I leaned over the platform to see them fall. Something happened to them overnight. Now they're so big, and there are so many of them, I'll need help hauling them all away. Damned branches, it's like they grow on trees. Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  21. Hi Sliding, The "spinning rainbow" you mentioned sounds like the Apple spinning beachball, so I'll guess you're on a Mac. If you aren't, ignore what follows. This has happened to me in the past, and it's been the result of a corrupted settings file. Maybe that's the issue for you as well. Go to Finder, hold down the "Option" key and select "Library" from the "Go" menu. Open the "Application Support" folder. Open the "SecondLife" folder (or "Firestorm", etc). Open the folder for the avatar that's not working. Delete the "settings_per_account.xml" file. Relaunch the viewer. If that doesn't work: Open the "user_settings" folder, which is at the same level as the avatar folders. Delete the "settings.xml" folder. Relaunch the viewer. If that doesn't work, and you don't mind losing chat logs and saved usernames/passwords: Delete the entire user_settings folder and the folder for the malfunctioning avatar. Relaunch the viewer. If you do mind losing chat logs and usernames/passwords: Rename the user_settings and avatar folders (add _save to the end of the filename). Relaunch the viewer. If that works, drag the appropriate (you'll have to guess which they are, I don't recall) files from your renamed folders back to the user_settings and avatar folders that the viewer just created. If that doesn't work and you don't mind losing all saved chat logs and settings, try a clean install of the viewer. If that doesn't work, rant about the incompetence of Madelaine McMasters. That won't help you any more than the rest of my advice, but it may help you feel better. Good luck!
  22. I keep forgetting about local textures, which are a fantastic time and money saver.
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