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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Kurt Jiagu wrote: I`m almost tempted to ask what you do when you are logged in then and not tping anywhere ............but nooooooooo , thought better of it ) If Madelaine won't go to the mountains, the mountains must come to Madelaine... https://www.flickr.com/photos/58030004@N06/sets/72157626488154798/ ;-).
  2. Freya Mokusei wrote: MadelaineMcMasters wrote: I'm swaying that statistic. I can't even remember how to teleport. ;-). Admittedly I did too, though accidentally (and only technically, since I'd imagine a move between sims would be counted as a teleport in the recorded values). When I first joined in the heady days of September 2006, point-to-point teleporting had only just (so I'm told?) come within our grasp. For this reason (or my own noobness, I leave this an exercise for the reader) all I did was walk between sims. I first rezzed at Miramare, and walked until I found a place that came to hold many of my dearest Second Memories in Halfway (not far from the Iridium group of sims). Halfway was also the region where I owned my first 512m^2 plot of land, giving me a place to sit down and press buttons. That was - in perceptual, in-world terms - a little over 34,191,240 seconds ago. I haven't stopped pressing since. My first few days/weeks in SL were spent flying around and then falling out of the sky into crowds of green dots. Once I settled in, I preferred walking, or driving Arcadia's Metro Bus while wearing a huge poofy evening gown. I lived two sims away from Bogarts for a time and loved driving there, through the woods, with my date. I ran over an unsuspecting fella in a tux while trying to park the bus one evening. I love those unexpected bonuses. My RL is hectic these days, so it's harder to find blocks of time for uninterrupted escapades in SL. I can access the forums from my phone, so you're more likely to find me here. Is it really your perception that it's been only 34 million seconds ( (late 2014 - early 2006)*365*24*60*60/8 )? Although SL is virtual, my memories of it are on my RL timeline, and it feels like I've been here forever. ... presses "Post".
  3. Freya Mokusei wrote: The one-time statistic I've seen (source) is that 70% of account sessions (the time a user spends online, between logging in and out) don't involve a teleport event. I'm swaying that statistic. I can't even remember how to teleport. ;-).
  4. The founder of Firehouse Five + 2 is Ward Kimball (on trombone). He's one of Disney's "Nine Old Men" and the creator of Jiminy Cricket.
  5. It's double coupon day, Hippie. I'm off to market... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  6. Charli Infinity wrote: You're weird pamela. Charli, I don't think Pamela is any weirder than I am (so I might be agreeing with you). When I find myself in a place that's not as interesting as another place, I have two options: Go to the more interesting place. Make the place I'm at more interesting. At the moment, I don't spend much time in SL, but that's because RL has given me a lot to do lately. I was raised to understand that boredom is self-inflicted. I've always got something to do, or to think about. Pamela seems to be of a similar mind. Surely you've encountered other people like us. ;-).
  7. Randall Ahren wrote: The future is stupid. And you will spend the rest of your life mired in it.
  8. Vivienne Schell wrote: But no one will invest millions into a SL 2014 (or "the next generation LL thing" like project), because such conceptional wishiwashi can only end in a niche - if anywhere at all. I think that's an issue LL has to deal with. Google and Facebook are looking for disruption. That rarely comes from industry old timers.
  9. IvanBenjammin wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: IvanBenjammin wrote: I don't think anyone really knows how it will pan out, which is why money is being thrown around at all the possibilities. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure. I agree. I find it interesting, but not surprising, that huge money is flowing into start-ups with little history in the field. I expect it'll be like the late 90's 'dotcom' bubble - lots of money will be spent and most startups will fail, but a few will be winners. I don't think this is like dotcom. Both Google and Facebook have real revenues, and they're the ones investing. This is not wild speculation by breathless and clueless venture funds. Of course there is the possibility the investment will produce nothing. Google has numerous failures from its "see what sticks" development strategy.
  10. IvanBenjammin wrote: I don't think anyone really knows how it will pan out, which is why money is being thrown around at all the possibilities. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure. I agree. I find it interesting, but not surprising, that huge money is flowing into start-ups with little history in the field.
  11. Hi Annabelle, I don't think it's possible to synchronize video streams.Media On A Prim (MOAP) simply provides a link to your viewer so it can stream content directly from the video source, usually YouTube. There might be other video services that allow alignment of content delivered on multiple streams, but YouTube doesn't. I haven't watched video in SL since well before MOAP, but I recall having to type 3... 2... 1... Go! in chat to synchronize video viewing with my partner. Even so, we often fell out of alignment. Hopefully someone will pop in here to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and there is a way to synchronize streams.
  12. I've been saying for some time that I think the mainstream future for visual worlds is in augmentation, not virtualization. Google seems to be investing in that direction rather than Facebook's immersive Oculus VR... http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/21/7026889/magic-leap-google-leads-542-million-investment-in-augmented-reality-startup ETA: A quote from the article... "The eclectic mix of companies participating in this investment round speak to how broadly Magic Leap sees its potential. Its founder says that he wants the company to become "a creative hub for gamers, game designers, writers, coders, musicians, filmmakers, and artists." Legendary, which makes films including Godzilla and The Dark Knight, is interested in its potential for movies. Google likely sees far more ways to put it to use." This is reminiscent of SL, and Ebbe's goal of making The Thing After SL™ a platform on which creators will craft experiences. To put things in perspective, LL attracted a total of about $75 million in venture capital (that's what I recall from a little digging a few years ago). Minecraft just sold for $2.5 Billion, Oculus for $2 Billion. I don't know how much of Magic Leap that $542 million investment is buying, but I think it's safe to say the effective valuation is greater than the investment.
  13. Hi MZTIKAURI, Have you done a clean install? If a viewer settings file was corrupted, re-installing it won't fix that. Here are instructions for doing a clean install... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Read the note about preserving chat logs if those are important to you, and read my notes at the bottom of the page if you're on a Mac. If this doesn't fix your problem, come back to your question and add more information (edit via "Options" over there on the right). It would be helpful to know what kind of computer you are using, what's changed recently, etc. Good luck!
  14. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Or are we supposed to have multiple partners? I wish! Hahaha (I wouldn't have to tell people: "Have a partner already...take a number!" ; ) Hey, you never told me I could take a number! I hope the people ahead of me are flammable.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: What will the Business Model be? Will there even be Estates or will LL do it all? People are inferring that when Ebbe said "Creator Centric" that it means LL wants more of their Income from Merchant to User transactions. But that is not written in stone. My take on that "creator centric" statement is that Ebbe wants to co-opt creators to craft experiences, not just things. I expect the underpinnings of the next LL VR will be more friendly to the creation of games in-world, and allow better curation of environments by their creators. I am not at all game savvy, but I think it would be a mistake for a next generation world to ignore what appears to be an appreciation by the potential user base for guidance and goals. People love stories. I think Ebbe and the Lindens™ are hoping to make a better tool for their creation.
  16. Hi Omegix, If your log-in problems just started, it's likely because it's Tuesday. That's the day for routine SL grid maintenance, which you can track here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Try again later or elsewhere (a different sim).
  17. Hi campj, Here's what the colors mean... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At If the target is inside the avi's head, I think that means someone's looking at the face. That (for me) is the most interesting part of a body, whether SL or RL. Here's lookin' at you, Kid!
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: And yep, Poppy is seeking protection from predators. Lots of aniimals like spaces that are just big enough for themselves, with no extra room for the things that try to sneak up and eat them while they're sleeping. Well Maddy, looks like Poppy is wise according to what I saw over the weekend... There IS a predator indeed! (the picture is not very good, but it says it all!) Hugs you and happy Tuesday! Oooh, another cutie! It'll be interesting to see if the roles reverse now and then. Alex (our tomcat) wasn't afraid to tussle with big dogs.
  19. Hippie Bowman wrote: Awwwe! Poppy is so cute! She may like the closeness of the sink. A sense of security maybe! Good morning and hugs! What a cutie, Val! And yep, Poppy is seeking protection from predators. Lots of aniimals like spaces that are just big enough for themselves, with no extra room for the things that try to sneak up and eat them while they're sleeping. Awake time is another story, however. My childhood cat was a hell of a predator. When he was on the prowl, I was the one looking for shelter. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  20. SL = My World, My Imagination The day I get bored with my imagination, just shoot me! ;-).
  21. I visited Maggie in-world, and she was able to block the owner of one of the messages. It looks like there may be more than one spammer thing, or there's something rezzing them, as Maggie was getting messages from multiple objects, perhaps from multiple owners. Hopefully she can dispatch them all with just a few right-clicks, and then AR the owners. If anyone's got a faster way to deal with something like this, chime in!
  22. irihapeti wrote: like I am so gunna vexmore that person if they dont behave jejejejee (: That would make you vexy... like me! Watch out for the vexi though.
  23. Ya know, I've never really trusted the Area Search or Pathfinding->Linksets method of finding things. They've always been spotty for me. The reason I never mention it is that these things are no more or less spotty than just about anything in SL. I still log in to find my left pants cuff or the ceiling of my house missing, group chat hangs, I get brief periods of "dead", textures constantly cycle. Admittedly, I'm not in-world much these days, but if things ever start to work smoothly, I'm leaving. ;-).
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