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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi everyone! Any food in this thread? /me is famished! Peace! Is that an invitation for me to cook? Ah yeah sure! Umm, Yeah! Um, what you having Maddy? Peace! Hippie, I'll be serving the "Irish Jubilee" today. The bill of fare is below the clip and starts at 2:42... Well there was pigs heads, goldfish, mocking birds and ostriches Ice cream, cold cream, Vaseline and sandwiches Blue fish, green fish, fishhooks and partridges Fishballs, snowballs, cannonballs and cartridges We ate oatmeal till we could hardly stirabout Ketch-up and hurry-up, sweet-kraut and sauer-kraut Dressed beef and naked beef and beef with all its trousers on Soda crackers, fire crackers, Cheshire cheese with breeches on Beefsteaks and mistakes were down upon the bill of fare Roast ribs and spare ribs and ribs that we couldn't spare Reindeer, snowdeer and dear me and antelope The women ate so much melon ,the men said they cantaloupe Red herrings, smoked herrings, herrings from old Erin's Isle Bangor loaf and fruit cake and sausages a half a mile Hot corn, cold corn, and corn cake and honey-comb Red birds and red books, sea bass and sea foam Fried liver, baked liver, Carter's little liver pills And everyone was wondering who was going to pay the bill Well we ate everything that was on the bill of fare And then we looked on the back to see if any more was there Well for dessert we had ice picks, tooth picks and a piece of skipping rope And we washed them all down with a big piece of shaving soap The band played hornpipes, gaspipes and Irish reels And we danced to the music of "The wind that shakes the Barley fields" Then the piper played ould tunes and spittoons so very fine Then in came fiddler Pat and gave to him a glass of wine Arra a finer set of dancers you never set your eyes upon And anyone who couldn't dance was dancing with their slippers on Some danced jig steps door steps and highland flings And Murphy took his penknife out and tried to cut the "Pigeon's wings" When the dance was over Cassidy told us all to join hands and sing this good old chorus: Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, who ever you may be Lets think of the good ould times we had at the Irish Jubilee!
  2. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi everyone! Any food in this thread? /me is famished! Peace! Is that an invitation for me to cook?
  3. Matty Luminos wrote: When I first joined SL a little over 3 years ago, I wanted to make my avatar look as close to my RL self as possible. I soon discovered that wasn't going to be possible, because in RL I'm physically disabled (I lost part of an arm in an accident). I did briefly experiment with invisiprims and quickly rejected the idea after realising that it also made a big hole in me when viewed from the side which wasn't at all good. After an extended hiatus from SL I've come back to find some new developments, in particular, alpha layers which, combined with a realistic sculpted hand means that I can actually reproduce my RL disability quite accurately now. And yet avatars with noticeable disabilities are extremely rare. Is it weird that I've done this? Is it weirder that I've done it when the rest of my avatar doesn't look like me (I am not a neko in RL for instance)? Thoughts? Weird? Nah. You don't have a choice about your presentation in RL, the accident set you on a new course. Here you do have a choice. In a world where you can wear any skin you wish, being comfortable in your own is a sign of strength.
  4. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Woot day of records! 300 pages, 3,000 posts! Soon i strongly believe 500 pages!! @Cool tunes as usually all here... @ Hot: Welcome! You don't achieve something like this without perseverance... and friends. Thanks Hippie, thanks Everybody! /me grabs her walking stick and heads outside for a stroll...
  5. Happy Saturday, Kids! I'm still in the mood for blues... Hippie, I think your post did kick us into page 300. And what a lovely way to do it!
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Sweet Sylvia, I was waiting for you! I'm mad about this picture. Everything smells like spring in it: the flowers, the waterlillies, the vibrant colours and lights. It's so peaceful and fresh. And, you make a lovely Miss April! :smileyhappy: So peaceful and fresh? Are we talking about the same Sylvia, the Sylvia holding a shotgun? I guess I'll be January, bitter and cold... ... and ready to kill... ... with a snowball. ;-)
  7. Freecilla Kuhn wrote: I'm willing to allow that those of us who hang around in the forums are NOT representative of SL residents at large. It may be that the Lindens are seeing a bigger picture than we are, and that the cluelessness we see in them is partly our own. OK, I'm willing to allow that those of us who hang out in the forums ARE representative of SL residents at large as we care enough to be in the forums and hear from others and voice, question and rant to others. Many here have also mentioned they have had conversations about last names inworld with others. One voice in the forums is not really just one voice. As the old saying goes, when one person complains there are a hundred more that agree but can't be bothered. Lindens seeing the bigger picture? Maybe so but not in this case since two names offers much more variation than one which would be needed if the bigger picture included a much bigger user base. The idea as Phil put it, to paraphrase was, no other system has two user names.... that's it, the hole phil osophy right there. Freecilla, I think you're probably right, but I don't KNOW. There may be some reason that single names are better, though I can't imagine what it is. I also can't imagine why LL does a skillion other things the way they do. I can wonder if they're clueless, but I don't KNOW it. The business landscape for games and social networks is exceptionally dynamic right now, and although I don't see SL as fitting well in either market, that's where all the money is going. What if Phil's osophy isn't economically viable in the Facebook/Farmville, everything on a phone age?
  8. Hi Kerri, Firestorm allows you to search for nearby objects by name or owner. It will throw up a li'l red arrow in your view pointing to the object, which will vanish when you reach it,. It works just like the red map search arrows do. I don't remember exactly which menu it's in, but I used it this morning. It's very handy.
  9. Void Singer wrote: perhaps this?... Which is why I also look at market share, earnings, margins, inventory turns and other metrics and as well as their integrals and first derivatives. I then mix in my understanding of engineering (I am one) and manufacuturing (I make things) and the intangibles. From this I try to determine whether my personal experience with the quality of a thing is representative. So far so good, though I don't recommend this strategy to anybody. With only my own anecdotal life as evidence, I can't discount luck. ETA: if, for years, a lot of people say they like a thing better than another thing, then follow through by buying it, you begin to trust the correlation, if only a li'l.
  10. Chronometria wrote: Interestingly, what hurts the most, is when someone tells me i dont have a surname and that resident doesnt even exist. Most people i know have one and for some reason i`m not worth of it. "Resident" doesnt even have the strength of a fake surname and thats what makes me feel like a second class citizen sometimes. Then you have the people who *still* cant see display names and call us by our logins. *Edit* just noticed, look left, no surname even on the "official forum". Precisely, Chronometria (which is a nifty name, btw ;-) I think LL showed a remarkable lack of humanity in their decision to abolish surnames. I just hope it wasn't because they had metrics that indicated they could make more money by attracting customers who also show a lack of humanity.
  11. Maryanne Solo wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back. Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th. But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st. I have never been able to figure this out. Where did the missing day go? Because we get days first, technically, they are ours you see ^^ (finders keepers and all that...) Any days you might have used are on loan basically At exactly one second past midnight, every twenty four hours an official standing outside the Byron Bay lighthouse, (on the eastern side of course), uses a huge stamp to mark each day as "Made in Australia - worldwide patents apply" If you have a problem with this you are welcome to submit a ticket to support but of course we might take a day (or not) to answer *nods (that's where your day goes) Where do you think LL got the concept of lending you virtual land? The only difference being is that we dont charge you for the use of our days because, well... we are very nice people :matte-motes-smitten: I hearby nominate Maryanne Solo for the position of High Priestess of LL Customer Support.
  12. Deltango Vale wrote: Current thinking is that the company has a physiological defect that prevents it from understanding common sense. I believe a leading neurology journal will soon publish an article on 'Lindenitis'. Del, this particular defect is pretty well known and understood. It's the common failure of folks within a company to truly understand either their product or their customer. This is particularly true of engineering driven companies selling to non-technical markets. To be fair, I don't understand what SL is or what LL's customers want either. I only know what SL is for me, and what I want from LL. I'm willing to allow that those of us who hang around in the forums are NOT representative of SL residents at large. It may be that the Lindens are seeing a bigger picture than we are, and that the cluelessness we see in them is partly our own. SL seems to me to be an anomaly. It's not a classic console game, nor is it a social network like Facebook. So a good bit of the industry wisdom from those two markets simply doesn't apply here. And while it is a multiplayer environmnent, it's quite unlike things like WoW, there the scene and story crafting are largely done by company design teams who bring to bear both technological and psychological prowess in the crafting of compelling experiences. So here sits SL, with content of varying from junk to art, with no cohesive internal story, no centrally crafted pleasure center rewards for achieving goals and no ability to direct content creation to ease the rendering burden. It's the Wild Wild West of virtual worlds and it may have attracted all the cowboys and girls it ever will. I just don't know. I'm in general agreement with many folks here. The single name system completely ignores the cultural and personal value of names and makes me wonder if the heart of LL is entirely too geeky for SL to thrive or maybe even survive. Can't you just imagine some other company out there, currently using a single name system, getting excited about the prospect of putting a more human face on their product by allowing and encouraging a person friendly naming system? And didn't it occur to anyone at LL that, with such a steep learning curve, it would be important for all viewers to be sufficiently similar so that any two residents could communicate with each other about how to climb that curve? Instead we have fragmentation in viewers that places hurdles all the way up the hill. We all have our list of pet peeves, yet we're still here. And it may be precisely that loyalty (perhaps for lack of an alternative) that allows LL to remain so apparently clueless to us, and for us (or at least me) to perhaps remain clueless about SL.
  13. Quinn Morani wrote: I haven't had the opportunity to officially meet UncommonTruth yet since I've been mostly absent from the forum lately, so I think this is a fine time to introduce myself. Hi UncommonTruth! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, and I'm looking forward to more of your contributions around the forum! I can't say anything nice about Quinn without repeating myself, so I'll simply say that I thoroughly enjoy trying to kill her. Now I'll step over her corpse to say that I too have enjoyed seeing UncommonTruth here in the forums. I hope that maybe, just maybe, I'll someday have the pleasure of pushing her over a railing or poisoning her with my cooking.
  14. Marigold Devin wrote: life's too short to skin a grape, I'm going to bed Those two activities are not incompatible, Mari...
  15. Hippie Bowman wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Hippie is always positive, encouraging and generous. A true asset to the forums and SL, he is one of the first to say 'hi' to the newbies and offer lessons or help in-world. (((hugs))) from the opposite coast, Hippie!!! Awww! Thank you for your kind words Cinnamon! Cinnamon is a very nice lady, and I enjoy her friendship very much! Hugs to you Cinnamon from Florida! Peace! Oh sure, she's nice alright, but she's also insane! Stop glaring it me, it's in her signature, and her long intervals of sanity are getting shorter by the minute. Oh and Hippie? He's got absolutely the most pinchable tush in all of SL.
  16. Baloo Uriza wrote: Wulf Metaller wrote: Im so disappointed using SL on it. The temperature jumps up as soon as SL is switched on and I can hear the noise through my headphones. People in the next room ask me whats wrong with my computer. I'd be more disappointed that Apple neglected to include adequate cooling for how much you paid for it. This shouldn't be a problem, even with the demands SL is putting on the machine, Macs have roots so deep in graphic design and 3D modeling that having adequate cooling shouldn't have been a complete afterthought like your story suggests is the case. Baloo, why would you be disappointed in something that hasn't happened? One anecdote isn't sufficient to build a case and I've had proven success with a far less capable Mac (also an anecdote). I'd defer to Consumer Reports, JD Power and general market share growth to suggest that Apple hardware isn't disappointing many people.
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Awww! Carole is certainly the ONE who could make me cross the Channel by swim! She's an awesome poster and I have learnt so much from her. A brilliant mind and a beautiful heart. I'll say nice things about the two previous posters! Valerie is Paris in the Springtime to me. I've been there, it's lovely. She is too. As for Carole... Valerie, if you can get her to swim to your side of the channel, you could float enough troops back across on her to take England.
  18. Mari, you need a flight assistant that quietly brings you li'l bags of peanuts and fluffs your pillow. Oh, and if she has a sister, introduce me?
  19. Sy Beck wrote: Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Far out! Post you new threads here as you get them! Dig? Peace! :smileysurprised: Now Hippie, you ought to know that girls are funny about that sort of thing...gotta make the grand entrance on the given day :smileytongue: I look forward to seeing you all turn up on the day in the same outfit and glaring at each other. :smileyvery-happy: I might just turn up in the outfit we all have in common. ;-)
  20. Wildcat Furse wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: /me scoops Wildcat off the plate and tickles her tummy. Madelaine ..put me down immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELPPPPPPPPP ......:matte-motes-tongue: *meows* /me ignores your pleas for help and blows a huge raspberry on your fuzzy tummy while wiggling your tail.
  21. Wildcat Furse wrote: goodmorning Vietnnaammmmmmmmmmm .... I mean Everyonnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows* PS. /me jumps on the plate with 'petits fours' ... yummy :matte-motes-delicious: /me scoops Wildcat off the plate and tickles her tummy. It's Thurdsay, time for some Blues! Be careful out there, Everybody!
  22. Here's another important fact about 1969, at least for me. On Halloween of that year Mom and Dad finally found the right combination of... well who knows what it was a combination of. Anyway, here I am!
  23. Pamela Galli wrote: Would just like to add that creativity doesn't just mean creating content, but using the content creatively. My customers love to decorate and landscape, for example, and some of the avis and outfits people put together are works of art -- and photographers do amazing things documenting content. You don't really need creating skills to be creative. I agree wholeheartedly, Pamela. I've seen avi photography that's as good as any fashion art I've seen in RL. And there are people who create environments that can change your mood, sing songs or play music, too. SL is experiential and creativity comes in many forms.
  24. Wulf, I run SL on a 4.5 year old MacBook Pro (2.33GHz, Core2 Duo) with no problems. The only crashing I experienced was do due dust blocking/stalling the GPU fan. If your Mac is a recent machine, it should run SL just fine. Given a choice between the SL viewer and the Mac as your culprit, I'd be looking at the viewer. I've had little luck running LL viewers and much better luck running Firestorm.
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