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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Rolig Loon wrote: ConnieG Sorbet wrote: [ .... ] One side of the furniture is on the floor and the other side is up in the air.... and rotating doesn't do anything... It sounds as if you need to rotate around something more than just Z. :smileywink: Yep. Open the Edit window and look at the X/Y/Z rotations. X and Y are usually some multiple of 90 degrees. If they aren't, make them so. Your first attempts might flip the thing on its side or upside down. Keep noodling until it's right, or you're ready to delete it.
  2. Hi Leviathan, If you deleted your chat logs via Preferences (I think both local and IM logs are deleted), I don't think you can get them back, unless you've got your computer configured for automatic backups. In that case, restore to a time prior to when you deleted the chat logs. If the logs went missing without any action on your part, one of the viewer's settings file may have been corrupted. In Preferences->Network & Cache, there's a place to specify the chat log folder. I'm not sure ihow the viewer knows if that's been changed, but if the "Reset" button is enabled, you might click that. That should return the viewer to using the default chat log folder location. You can also click "Open" to open the chat log folder (try that before you "Reset"). Local chat is stored in "chat.txt" and maybe that file's been corrupted, but is still readable by an external editor. If none of that works, follow the instructions for a clean install of the viewer, paying particular attention to the note regarding preservation of chat logs. You'll find the instructions here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Good luck!
  3. Dillon Levenque wrote: Kelli May wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I'm only going by what the guides told us. I wasn't around at the time, of course. But 'sleep tight' was explained at the castle and then we visited a very large house (called a hall). In the hall were old beds and under the matress was rope (I asked and it was shown to me). The corner is where the knot is to tighten the rope. I'm happy to accept that as the source of the saying, especially as it accompabied by the bit about bugs. The 'upper crust' makes good sense as it was explained to us, and "Kutt the upper crust for your soverayne" appears to support it. It's easy to imagine that the nobility came to be known as the 'upper crust'. So all-in-all I'll accept the origins as they were told to us. After all, nobody can be certain. 'Sleep tight' may well have been a nautical term, but that doesn't mean that it's origin was nautical. I didn't want to have to post a storm of links to support my opinion on 'sleep tight', but here are a few... http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1570/whats-the-origin-of-the-expression-sleep-tight http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/what-is-the-origin-of-the-phrase-sleep-tight http://www.word-detective.com/2008/08/sleep-tight/ Neither did I say it was a nautical term (that was Drake). I was only pointing out the meaning of 'fast' as 'secure' to be a common nautical term (it's used eslewhere too) for my comparison of 'fast asleep' to 'sleep tight'. Folk etymologies get passed on in just this way, heard and repeated without anyone checking their facts. Tour guides are rarely historians or experts in language; many are just working from a script and throwing in colourful anecdotes they've picked up. Such definitions make make clever stories, but they are largely just stories. There are definitely rope-strung beds (I've slept in one and they can be very comfortable), but the origin of sleep tight has little or nothing to do with them. Interesting on the usage of 'fast'. Does 'fast asleep' have something to do with 'make it fast'? One expression I DO know came from old naval use is what my dad used to say when we were getting ready to go away from a visit to relatives or elsewhere: "It's time for us to shove off.". From hearing it so often I knew it meant 'leave' probably by the time I was old enough to parse words: one and a half, two? It was not until I read Patrick O'Brian's novels (in my forties) of Jack Aubrey and the Royal Navy in the 18th century that I discovered it was an actual nautical term. Shove off, meaning those in charge of rowing the boat should put the ends of their oars against the ship (or pier) and push, to move their boat out far enough so they could begin rowing away. Dad was in the Navy, and flew a Corsair, so I learned nautical and aeronautical lingo, including cast off, shove off, heave ho, one trough four sheets to the wind (from drinking torpedo juice), BFH, SNAFU, ping (what I do to judge melon ripeness while other people thump), kludge, clear!, tailspin, crabbing, buzzing, etc. On driving trips, directions might be of the form "turn starboard" or "ice-cream at 10 o'clock." I loved hearing the words used out of context like that. When I joined the sailing club in college, the "skipper" of my boat was a testosterone addled nutcase with an annoying fetish for nautical terminology. It was my nature to oppose him. So, I said rope instead of line, pole instead of mast, left, right, front, back... anything to peeve him. Within a half dozen outings, he was trying to toss me in the water. I'd be hanging straight out over the side of the boat, holding a rope fastened to the top of the pole, with my feet on the edge thingie (gunwale), trying to keep us upright (not much chance of that at 5'2" and 96 lbs) and he would tack... hard. The boat would come up and over I'd go backwards into the water with the boom rushing towards me. He thought that was hilarious. I did too.
  4. Pardon my curiosity, ZyklonBee, but could you explain the point you are trying to make by adopting the name of the poison gas used to exterminate Jews and other "undesireables" during WWII?
  5. Wiktionary says this... http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nimrod Bugs first issued the phrase in 1938 (I couldn't find that video, though I learned the phrase from a Bugs/Elmer cartoon, not the Bugs/Sam ciip I linked, which dates from 1951) and the Only Fools and Horses sitcom you mentioned first aired in 1981. The OED cites a 1933 use of Nimrod to mean fool (Hecht and Fowler's Great Magoo, which may have spawned the cartoon Mr. Magoo?), and it may have occured as early as 1831in "The Lion of the West" by James Paulding. We may both be wrong, but I'm wrong before you. So neener, neener, neener. ;-).
  6. "Nimrod" is a modern (and little used these days) American term for incompetence, even though Nimrod was a king, a skilled hunter, and project manager for the Tower of Babel. So, how'd Nimrod join the ranks of "Nice job, Einstein"? Bugs Bunny (@ 6:40) !... Eh, what's up Doc?
  7. Caspian Pexington wrote: Well that sucks. Thanks Florida! ppfftt. My guy is in Texas and we like to go to this gaming sim to play and hang out. Is there not a way for me to just go there and hang out but not play? Can they not set it up to where it doesn't entirely block me (others) from the sim, but just blocks us from playing the machine? Seems ridiculous to alienate entire states from gaming sims when they could let us hang out and just block us from playing the game or playing but our winnings go back into the pot. This is an interesting idea Caspian, to block payment when on a gaming sim if you're not qualified. I imagine it wouldn't be terribly difficult to apply the same logic that prevents the non-qualified from entering a sim to disabling the "Pay" function. But then everything is easy in my imagination.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: jwjaii wrote: Hi. How can I change my date of birth ? Thanks Get reincarnated. That's how I did it!
  9. Hi Amargein, I don't think there is a GT 705. There is a GT 750m, so I'll guess a typo? Here's a searchable table of benchmark results that allow you to compare performance of different graphics processors... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php The GT 750m scores 1525. The GTX 750 scores 3250. If you're looking at the GTX 750, that's a capable card and should run ultra settings. The GT 750m should give you good mid level performance. I've a two year old Mac with a GTX 680mx (score 4341) that does ultra at about 20fps. I think a Windows PC with the same card would do appreciably better. Happy hunting!
  10. Hi Kayruku, Charging a joining fee, then refunding it after a probationary period, is one way to curb griefing. That also curbs general membership. Balancing the pros and cons would be a job for the admins. They may not think the risk of curbing membership is worth the risk of curbing the griefer.
  11. Hiya anseim, In Firestorm: Preferences->User Interface->General Tab-> Uncheck "Hover Tips" Preferences->User Interface->Toasts-> Draw the sliders to zero to eliminate the popups you don't want to see (I think that gets rid of them entirely, but I might be wrong). I couldn't find equivalent settings in the LL viewer. Good luck!
  12. In my neighborhood: Picture 1 = Buggy Picture 2 = Stroller And this = a reason to have a baby...
  13. Sassy Romano wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Where people spell correctly. The word is 'tyre' - with a 'y' What's the name of the language again? Unfortunately Phil, while I know that was a tongue in cheek comment, it is often said that American spelling and pronunciation is more accurate to older English. Also, remember that after 1066, Latin was the language used for most official documents, or French, French was the most commonly spoken language amongst the upper class and along with other Germanic influences, English has stolen many words and phrases and continues to evolve.. What I don't understand though is that a simple word like "Centre" which would have crossed the Atlantic a couple of hundred years ago, with origins in Greek and then Latin, maintains "Central" but gets totally broken and turned into "Center" when it's CLEARLY Centre! How did that suddenly become forgotten as to the correct spelling? :matte-motes-wink-tongue: I think every language steals, or has dropped on it, many words and phrases. I was recently in Boston, and found myself in the checkout line behind a mother/daughter pair who were conversing in a mix of English and another language in a way I'd never heard before. I've overheard conversations in foreign languages were I can pick out the occasional English/American noun or name, but this was something new to me. Both women were switching languages mid-sentence, for complete phrases. It was fascinating. I interrupted the daughter to ask what language they were corrupting with English. She replied "African Portugese". I explained that I thought their mixed usage was fascinating and they both laughed. "We drive our friends nuts with the way we speak, and we don't even know we're doing it." I love language, and it's demonstrations of the adaptability of the human mind like this that make my day.
  14. Hi Jason, Make sure both of you are running the latest versions of whatever viewer you use. Mac users have been dealing with black screens for over a year, caused by Apple's deprecation of old code libraries that were still being called by both the viewer and the Adobe Flash plugin it calls to display video. There were some related issues for Windows machines, but I think those were quite rare. I'm not sure that the Mac issues have been resolved, but it's still a good idea to bring your viewers up-to-date. Here's the Firestorm bug report for Mac OS... http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-11057 Here's a link describing how to "clean install" your viewer, to make sure that everything about the viewer is updated. There's a note on the page about preserving chat logs and settings, make sure you read that if you don't want to lose that information... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 If you do find a resolution to this problem, post another "question" describing your solution. I'd like to know what fixed the problem for you both. Good luck!
  15. Parhelion Palou wrote: IMO, leaving out the spare is a terrible idea. Oh yeah?! You may be neglecting the cuteness of AAA tow truck drivers. ;-).
  16. Sassy Romano wrote: I've been looking at new cars, just window shopping but quite a few are leaving out the spare now and just offering a can of stuff instead. I've never had a flat tyre and with the roadside coverage, do you *really* need that spare or is it just a warm fuzzy feeling? (especially in a city then where recovery would be relatively simple). Spares were a necessity when tire (where'd you learn to spell, Sassy?) reliability was low, roads were rough, and help was potentially far away. I haven't had a flat since... (thinks a minute)... 199... (thinks some more) 1 or so, when my ex-hubby ran over a curb while feeling up my knee. I'd be thrilled to have the trunk space the spare tire takes in my Miata. I can't close the lid on a tank of propane.
  17. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: For someone who just does in town driving, having a full tank is foolish. The DOE estimates that every 100 pounds of additional carried weight decreases gas mileage by 1-2%. Each fill of my car is 10 gallons, or about 61 pounds. Three quarters of that is about 45 pounds. So, maybe I'm saving 0.5-1% by running on 1/4 tank or less. I can go 75 miles on a quarter tank (30mpg). One percent of that is three quarters of a mile. So, if I must go more than 3/8 of a mile out of my way to fill up, I'm losing ground. The gas stations within that range of my daily errand routes have gas prices about a dime a gallon higher than my favorite, which is a couple miles away (i get near it once a week) and has a dog that loves tummy rubs. That dime is more than 2.5% savings, swamping any economic benefit of driving on empty. The tummy rubs are a bonus, as is the security of having a full tank. And my time is worth something. So, my scientific analysis says, "fill 'er up." ;-).
  18. Caspian Pexington wrote: I don't know if this has been answered or not since there are 118 pages for this threat. So I thought I would ask.There are several states banned from being able to take part in gaming. According to wiki it says: " The determination of Prohibited Jurisdictions as set out in this Section 6 reflects a policy decision by Linden Lab and should not be regarded or relied upon by Second Life residents, Region Owners, Operators, Creators or third parties as a determination of the legality of any particular Skill Game or Skill Gaming Region in any particular jurisdiction (whether within or outside the United States). Residents who choose to participate in Skill Gaming are representing and warranting that their conduct is lawful in the jurisdiction in which they are located. Linden Lab reserves the right to amend the list of Prohibited Jurisdictions in its sole discretion and immediately at any time. Residents of the following states and countries may not participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life: Arizona Arkansas Delaware Florida Kentucky Louisiana Maryland South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee How was this decision made, what is the point of banning these particular states, and when will these states be allowed to participate in gaming? Hi Caspian, Skill gaming in SL is illegal in the excluded states. That's why they're excluded. The point of the policy is to protect LL from liability for hosting illegal activity. If a state is not excluded, that is not a guarantee by Linden Lab that skill gaming is legal there. That's why they say not to rely on their policy to ascertain legality. Those states won't be allowed to participate unless it becomes legal there. LL policy does not trump law.
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Thanks for reminding me what we're capable of when we don't know any better. Tell the kids that at least one middle aged SL(6+) and RL(44) resident is impressed. There's hope for us yet. ;-). I'd post a picture of the first outfit I ever made but I don't want to be responsible for destroying anyone's sanity. It's been claimed that my sanity is already gone. Send me a copy in-world? ;-).
  20. Thanks for reminding me what we're capable of when we don't know any better. Tell the kids that at least one middle aged SL(6+) and RL(44) resident is impressed. There's hope for us yet. ;-).
  21. Welcome to Second Life Cindirella, You didn't get conned. You "purchased" the demo version of the hair for L$0. Many products have demo versions that allow you to try/test the thing before deciding to purchase it. If you look at the bottom of the page you linked, you'll see three "fat packs" of the "Dreamy" hairstyle, each carrying a different palette of colors. They're L$250 per fat pack, which is a typical price for hair. I have thought I should try going some time wearing nothing but demo items, just to see if I can start a trend. But then I remember that I hate trends. ;-). ETA: I had very long hair in RL in my teens. I curled it around empty soup cans, French braided it, ponied and pig'd it, died it with Jell-O, but never tried the woven mini-buns in your chosen "Dreamy" hairstyle. That might have been fun. Alas, I now wear a boy cut, and I'm never going to trade the convenience of getting out of bed to answer the door before the UPS cutie dies of old age for a look I could never pull off. Have fun!
  22. Hi Bill, As Sven says, it's impossible to completely hide your online status, though you can make it less obvious. It's still possible to peer into your groups (which anyone can find in your profile) and check them to see if the member lists are showing. If they are, your online status will be revealed. Scripts can also determine if you are online, and there's no way to block that. Those scripts must know your avatar's UUID, which can (or once could) be obtained from your profile in some third party viewers, and can be obtained by scanning scripts when you are within range. So, if someone is hell bent on determining if you're online, they have ways. Good luck!
  23. Pamela Galli wrote: Sounds like it is not what you are looking for. I loved SL madly from the first terrifying moment and have never stopped. Do you miss the terror at all? I find I do sometimes.
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