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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Charli Infinity wrote: Leo, SL isn't even comparable to any puzzle adventure game out there. It has turned into a place where you go to places to buy stuff. Realistically I expected there would be some people out there that is bored of SL but I guess after making this post I realise the most of people that are bored of SL will not be the ones actively posting in the forum in the first place. You comparing SL to adventure/puzzle games really only shows you don't play much of anything outside of SL and it's clear by your passive agressiveness that you are hurt and you want to attack me 'back' for my opinion. It's probably true that people who were bored with SL have left it, and so won't be here to say they're bored with it. But I still think that boredom is more an internal than external thing. Boredom is something I've never experienced, anywhere, anytime. Leonardo's use of the word "game" is quite correct if you are looking through the eyes of the first person shooter, as he is in the statement you took issue with... "Kinda like how a first person shooter player would confront people who like exploration/puzzle adventures. They simply cannot fathom how anyone could like a game that doesn't involve reflexes and button mashing." As for divining Leonardo's emotional state from what he's typed here, I don't think you can do it.
  2. You haven't given us much to work with, Aaliyah. Big problems are often the result of a poor connection to SL. Nalates Urriah covers a lot of ground in her tutorial here... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ We might be of more help if you could return to edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to tell us how far you get in the log-in process, what error messages (if any) you see, etc.
  3. Frenchy25 wrote: Cannot upload an image from iMac to SL get kick out of network message say LLImageGL::createGLTexture failed to make texture any help will be apreciated frenchy25 You are probably using the Coverflow view in the file picker. Pick another view method to select your file to upload. (Icon, List, or Column)
  4. Sunvile wrote: i have a scriptю it has several actions. transparent, translucent, opaque. etc. How to do, that would i have only opaque and transparent at 25% ? float Alpha = 1.0; default { touch_start(integer dnum) { if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; if(Alpha > 0.2) Alpha = Alpha - 0.2; else Alpha = 1.0; llSetAlpha(Alpha,-1); } } float Alpha = 1.0; default { touch_start(integer dnum) { if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; if(Alpha > 0.25) Alpha = 0.25; else Alpha = 1.0; llSetAlpha(Alpha,-1); } } That should toggle back and forth between 25% opaque and 100% opaque.
  5. AidenTigra wrote: im on the latest version of Firestorm, in combination with Yosemite for Mac. I have a 1 year old Imac. Im experiecing a huge load of lag when i am inworld since i updated to Yosemite. Its not the internet, i checked it on my laptop, which is a media laptop ( Asus ) and all is fine there. Im lost for solutions at the moment, i never have lag issues. Only every once in a while but now after 10 minutes tpying starts to go slow.. its that bad that i am typing my messages into a text editor on my imac and then copy paste them into SL. ( for real lol ). Movement inworld is laggy to and its like the movement just pauses. Has anyone got any idea what this can be? I hope there is a hero out there who can help me I've had bouts of lag like that on my Macs since coming to SL over six years ago. I still have them, they're no better or worse than before. Though I'm not in SL much these days, I'd say that Yosemite is working fine. Overall, I really like Yosemite, and the closer integration with IOS 8. Handoff and Continuity are welcome and impressive additions.
  6. I'm lazy, so have a set of wind-up follower fangs I set loose in crowded areas. That way I don't have to listen to the incessant whining from people who don't like vampires. The only problem I have with them is that the don't have eyes, and so will bite anything they come in contact with, including me... and haggis. ;-).
  7. Hi Wheezy, What you're describing is often the result of "bake fail". Here are some pages that deal with that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Troubleshooting-avatar-appearance/ta-p/1256955 http://blog.nalates.net/2013/08/23/second-lifes-new-bake-fail/ Bake Fail is sometimes the result of connection issues. SL is terribly finicky about the quality and latency of the connection, but not so much about the speed. You may have a super zippy link, but if it's dropping packets, or there is excessive delay in getting those packets between you and the servers, problems will arise. Here's more about fixing connection problems... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  8. Hi IndyStar, As Rolig says, you don't get it back to the bottom of the screen. Linden Lab has apparently determined that new arrivals to SL find it easier to understand the viewer if the login is at the top of the window. There are other changes throughout the viewer that, while possibly temporarily annoying those of us familiar with things as they were, were measured to result in better retention of new users.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The sky has been falling since I got here in 2006. Claims to that effect have been around since 2006, often with predictions for nearly immediate doom. The reality is that SL has been sinking, not falling, since 2009. Falls (of the sky sort) generally evoke the idea of acceleration, and there's no evidence of that in the SL concurrency graph. It's interesting to ponder that graph's apparent insensitivity to all the things that were expected to either kill or save SL over the last five years. Maybe they hit Terminal Velocity. Or the retro rockets have been firing emough to slow the descent. Falling at terminal velocity is often... terminal. If Ebbe thought SL was seaworthy, would he be designing a new ark? We have lifeboats, LL doesn't. Well, they haven't cried "abandon ship." At least not yet. And they still are doing things to make her more sea worthy. Although I suspect the approval of some if not all projects is being based in whole or in part on their potential benefit to the extraterrestrial vehicle they are building. Nor am I crying "abandon ship". If you extrapolate the slow concurrency decline, you see we've got time to enjoy what we have while LL and others build new things to lure us away. And it would be pretty neat if whatever lured us away did so in the blink of an eye because it was that good. But... I do wonder if those of us who love SL are so atypical that a wildly successful new world will not lure us.
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The sky has been falling since I got here in 2006. Claims to that effect have been around since 2006, often with predictions for nearly immediate doom. The reality is that SL has been sinking, not falling, since 2009. Falls (of the sky sort) generally evoke the idea of acceleration, and there's no evidence of that in the SL concurrency graph. It's interesting to ponder that graph's apparent insensitivity to all the things that were expected to either kill or save SL over the last five years. Maybe they hit Terminal Velocity. Or the retro rockets have been firing emough to slow the descent. Falling at terminal velocity is often... terminal. If Ebbe thought SL was seaworthy, would he be designing a new ark? We have lifeboats, LL doesn't.
  11. Hi Norena, You (like many others) are entering the wrong password. That page appears to be asking you for your e-mail password. It's not. It really wants your SL password, the one you used to log into your dashboard in the first place. No website should ever ask you for your e-mail account password, except your mail provider's web site if you access your e-mail there. Good luck! ETA: I've filed a JIRA report for this... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7631 ETA2: Whirly FIzzle (love that name) mentioned in the JIRA that there are certain characters allowed in SL passwords that will be rejected by some SL web pages. So, I guess it's best to stick with letters and numbers. ETA3: Here's a complete explanation of passwords intricacies, by Whirly Fizzle... The password must be 6-16 characters in length and may not contain spaces. This is also another problem with the password creation and pasword change web page - both allow you to create longer passwords then 16 characters, but the extra characters are just silently discarded. The viewer also silently discards the extra characters. However, if you try to use the --login parameter, --login <firstname> <lastname> <password>, login fails because it does not recognise the password unless you trim it down to the 1st 16 characters only.
  12. LeonardoMyst wrote: teleporting randomly During my early days in SL, I teleported to places that had lots of green dots on the world map. I'd then use the mini-map to locate the swarms. I'd fly high over them, then "stop flying" and fall into their midst, where I'd apologize for dropping in. I made a few friends that way.
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The sky has been falling since I got here in 2006. Claims to that effect have been around since 2006, often with predictions for nearly immediate doom. The reality is that SL has been sinking, not falling, since 2009. Falls (of the sky sort) generally evoke the idea of acceleration, and there's no evidence of that in the SL concurrency graph. It's interesting to ponder that graph's apparent insensitivity to all the things that were expected to either kill or save SL over the last five years. I don't think it makes any more sense to ignore the signs that SL is not healthy than to think it's about to die. That said, there's not much to do but enjoy the band and ignore the water. It's not like we won't have rowboats.
  14. LL is hanging in there, it's the residents who've slowly been abandoning SL.
  15. Anya Ristow wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: But last of all, what makes us think that we are their target audience? Certainly they'd like our business. But really I think the Next Generation Platform is going to be targeted at the next generation of Users. We aren't the target audience. We scare people away. LL has seen how big a market there is of people like us and they are not satisfied. They will try something else. Don't be surprised if SL2 doesn't even appeal to us. That might be the plan. I will not be at all suprised if The Thing After SL™ doesn't appeal to me. I will also not be surprised if there is nothing after SL.
  16. Hippie? Put down the bacon and wish us all a good morning! Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  17. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Jill Rainfall wrote: I now have one question Why is it that some replies here have been removed as well as my replies to the replies that have been removed? Inappropriate replies that skirt the guidelines of the TOS can be removed by the forum moderators. This causes subordinate replies quoting them to also be removed in many cases. Even some appropriate replies skirt the guidelines! ;-).
  18. Randall Ahren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Randall Ahren wrote: The future is stupid. And you will spend the rest of your life mired in it. I'm mired in the future? How do I get back to the present? Too tense to parse tense?
  19. Olá Mirella, Aqui está um programa que ensina o seu computador como abrir SLurls ... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl_proxy Boa sorte! Question: I can not open the links here teleport site for the game. Does anyone know how to do this? I can not open the links no way to gain access to premium present here the site there sl pro. I click the teleport button, or to see the city, and nothing! I think Mirella is asking how to get her viewer to open SLURLs found on the SL website. So I posted a link to a tool on the Phoenix site that does all the magic stuff to make Windows open the correct viewer upon clicking a SLURL in a browser.
  20. Correct, /\ != \/ /\ + time = /\ \/ + time = _ _ And for those who are interested: /\ + distance = ^ _ _ + distance = --
  21. irihapeti wrote: Coby Foden wrote: whats really interesting about this is that it gets easier to read as you go by the end of the first sentence in the second paragraph my brain had adjusted and I never had to think about what the words spelled wrong meant pretty cool i think and azanmig (: whats the clever part about it is that is pretty much grammar perfect. i think What distinguishes the 45 from the 55, other than the (in)ability to read that paragraph? Cognitive pyschology fascinates me. The more I pay attention to the workings of my own brain, the more I'm convinced I'm not alone in there.
  22. Good morning, Hippie. I'm going to have my teeth cleaned today... I'll be super kissable when I return. Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  23. irihapeti wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: we should start using ... aside here is aside | and here is aotherside | here is aangle || bc it has 2 sides and obviously here is atriangle ||| and here is asquare |||| bc they have 3 and 4 sides each now this |||||||| might be considered aoctogon bc it has 8 sides. However is not. Is 2 squares. It has to be that way otherwise people might get confused |||||||| //////// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I should have used glue.
  24. Hi Prussia, I've seen that happen to people I know, but it's been temporary and they've returned. And it wasn't a matter of them vanishing, as I've been chatting with people who's names were showing as "unavailable". I can't explain it now, and I couldn't explain it a year ago... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/This-name-is-unavailable-profile-bug/qaq-p/2227527 And others couldn't explain it three years ago... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/What-happens-when-you-ve-been-removed-from-someone-s-friend-list/qaq-p/1153439 What would life (First or Second) be without mysteries? ;-).
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