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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi DivaDee, You can only recall the last 30 or so days of in-world transaction history, and you can do that here... https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history Good luck!
  2. Hi Jax, Sadly, despite my best efforts, I've never been able to kill anyone in SL. It is possible to file spurious abuse reports against innocent residents, but that will generally result in the expulsion of the reporter. If you have a chat log in which this threat is made against you or others, that would be evidence of a breach of the Second Life Terms of Service and/or Community Standards and you can file an Abuse Report. I think you can safely ignore the threat. And I recommend you ignore the person. Good luck!
  3. Good morning, Hippie. I hope you catch a big one! I bought a new canoe yesterday. I thought I might take a couple friends down the Milwaukee River... Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  4. Hi Kylie, Look wayyyyy over on the left edge of the black menu in the marketplace window. You'll see a li'l world map, the word "Sprache" (German for Language) and a drop down arrow. Click that and select English(US). Good luck!
  5. Hi Sundae, You've probably lost nothing. The local copy of your inventory list has likely been messed up somehow. Here's how to fix that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear When you log in after clearing cache and logging out, go to a quiet sim like Smith or Pooley and wait for your inventory list to reload. Do NOT TP anywhere until everything has loaded. You log directly into a sim by selecting <Type Region Name> from the "Start at:" dropdown, then typing in the sim's name. Good luck!
  6. Pandora Wrigglesworth's Curio Obscura store has a collection of marvelous teleportation devices (the Anywhere series) that would be perfect for moving between part of a skybox... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/21091?search%5Bcategory_id%5D=231 She's got an in-world store, where you can try out the Anywhere devices. It's a wonderful place to visit. The forum's lovely and talented Rolig Loon, who's not as dumb as she looks, also has teleportation doors... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Magic-Door-Teleporter/2749996
  7. Tex Monday wrote: KarisalynnXOXO wrote: Just free food, free drinks or whatever free they got! Anothe suggestion might to be check Hippie Bowman's feed.( https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman ). For a while, he was doing an "Eat your way across the grid" photo series. It was a time ago, so you might have to go through a bunch of stuff to find it, but it's another option. Why didn't I think of that? That's a fantastic suggestion, Tex! Karisalynn, I think I pointed you towards Hippie Bowman for building classes and the Breakfast Club recently. Now you've got another reason to contact him.
  8. KarisalynnXOXO wrote: Just free food, free drinks or whatever free they got! I haven't been out to eat in SL in quite some time, but I'm sure there are diners, cafes, bistros, etc that will give you food items if you click the right thing. My inventory is littered with burritos, hot dogs, root-beer floats... and mixed drinks I'll never touch. Many of those freebies have built in animations that test your patience with SL. I can't count how many times I've slammed a burito into my forehead. I've sent you a quart of Maddy and Dee's famous Chicken Juice that'll show you what I mean. Look through the Destination Guide, I'm sure you'll find eateries there. Then look for signs on objects that indicate they'll give you food items upon clicking. That'll take a little hunting, but hunting is fun! ETA: http://secondlife.com/destinations/music/cafes ;-).
  9. Coby Foden wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: As long as you don't make the ghastly mistake of setting your building physical, I once made that mistake (not knowing any better at that time). I decided to add some prims to a boat I had bought. Well, first of all I made the boat physical (no idea why). And then... I unlinked it. BOOM! :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileylol: All the prims were scattered all over the sea bottom. Some prims even went under the sea bottom itself. It took me about fifteen minutes to locate and delete every piece - 32 of them. The next time you're going to make that "mistake", invite me to watch.
  10. Hi Scooter, I'm not sure what you mean. Your web profile is at: https://my.secondlife.com/scooter.fallen If you are referring to your avatar's UUID, I think Firestorm once revealed that in the profile, but I don't see it there anymore. You can obtain the UUID of an avatar by opening their web profile and clicking the "Message" button. Then right-click on IM and select "Copy Link" (or whatever equivalent your computer provides). Then go up to your browser's address bar and paste the link. The text between "agent/" and "/im" is the avatar UUID. You can't send yourself an IM, so if you want to discover your own UUID, you'll have to ask a friend or log in as an alt. If this isn't what you wanted, come back and edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to further explain what you're looking for.
  11. I've worked with clients who were unable to fix problems with their products because the people who knew those products had left the building. Fixes that were obvious and easy for me were entirely beyond their grasp. It's quite possible that LL is in the same predicament all over the SL infrastructure. They've got Lithium issues, Marketplace issues, website issues, you name it. Over the last decade, 90% of the people who originated all this stuff could have vanished. That makes it terribly difficult to fix even the most obvious problems. And that also explains the "let's start from scratch" thinking we've heard from Ebbe. All of the people who will start the new thing are currently in the building.
  12. An avi at the help island could be wearing a scripted object that scans the area and calls llRequestAgentData for everyone else within range. That information can then be relayed to the club owner, who'll issue the TP request. In an area that allows rezzing, someone could drop off a scanner that will do the job unmanned until auto-return tosses it out. This reminds me of my honeymoon in Europe long ago. We arrived in Rome via train and were greeted at the platform by an uniformed fellow giving out helpful tourist information. He handed us a "When in Rome" brochure and asked if we'd be staying overnight. We were, so he recommended a hotel and wrote the name and address on the brochure. We walked to the hotel, taking in the sights along the way. When we arrived, the same man was standing behind the service desk, waiting to give us a room. ;-).
  13. Mikki Miles wrote: looking at a M rating at MP I found out that "pitches" (excuse me for writing this word here) is a no-no-word. I use it do distinguish musical notes as high, mid or low, and that's the only meaning I know of (I'm not a native english speaker) Can somebody please explain, why this word leads to a M rating? what did I miss? "Hey sailor, let me show you a good time." would be considered a pitch. Though if my experience is representative, it's not a very successful one. Here are some famous pitchpeople... http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/04/08/11-craziest-infomercial-pitchmen.html Pitches can also be these things... http://mentalfloss.com/article/19853/7-famous-baseball-pitches-and-some-physics-behind-them Just look at those terms: Fast Sinker Changeup Screw Cutter Slide Curves And of course, these kinds of pitches require balls, and that's just plain naughty. Clearly LL is on the ball, protecting us from annoying spam and prurient or outright dangerous ideas. I think we should right them a collective letter of thanks! ;-).
  14. Rolig Loon wrote: As long as you don't make the ghastly hilarious mistake of setting your building physical, it will stay right where you put it, resisting all attempts to move it and defying gravity. Rez your building on the ground, grab it, and lift it as high as you like -- up to 4000m -- and it will be happy. ;-).
  15. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I have to agree with everyone except Handario. Every possible string will either not start with "//" or not be all blank. Lines of all spaces don't start with "//". Lines that start with "//" aren't all spaces. So the condition presented eliminates or includes everyting... not show is whether the if includes or excludes items data == "// something" gives (FALSE OR TRUE) resulting in TRUE data == " " gives (TRUE OR FALSE) resulting in TRUE data == "non blank" gives (TRUE OR TRUE) resulting in TRUE Correct, which is why Rolig's && suggestion fixes the code... data == "// something" gives (FALSE AND TRUE) resulting in FALSE data == " " gives (TRUE AND FALSE) resulting in FALSE data == "non blank" gives (TRUE AND TRUE) resulting in TRUE
  16. Hi Luna, Here's how you find your home... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103#Section_.3a Good luck!
  17. Rolig Loon wrote: Placing extra brackets -- parentheses -- never hurts, and it can reduce ambiguity. If this were my script, I would have placed them as you did, if only to reduce my own chance of getting confused later. I became paranoid about precedence shortly after leaning to program in C. I moved programs from Dad's PDP-11 to his (my!) Mac, and they stopped working. I don't think the C language had become an ANSI standard yet, so there were some aspects of the language that were "open to interpretation". Nobody has (yet) complained about all the extra parenthesis and whitespace in my programs, and I think that's because I've left no room for interpretation. I don't code much these days, you you're all welcome to some parens I'm not using. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oh, have a few extra braces as well. The compilers seem more consistent about recognizing blocks, but I always seemed to have a problem. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} And now, because I'm nefarious. = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == ;-)
  18. Madelaine McMasters


    Hi Isabel, When you're getting error messages like that, you should always check here to see if they're changing the spark plugs on the grid... http://status.secondlifegrid.net As you'll see, they're banging on it at this very moment. Try again later. ;-).
  19. Hi jdepoy. I think this will solve your problem... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl_proxy You install that app, then tell it which viewer you want to launch when you click a SLURL. Good luck!
  20. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! Peace! Good morning, Rear Admiral Bowman. I see you... Happy peek of the weak, Kids!!!
  21. Lordy, you're a terror tonight. I love it. There are "prim" babies, which are something like those Tamagotchi Pets from years ago. You wear them or rezz them (again you need your own land or visit a place that allows rezzing) and their internal scripting will annoy the hell out of someone with non-stop chatting about the sort of baby things that I successfully avoided in my real life. You can also get pets that (again, needing land) roam around, or versions you wear, perhaps on your shoulder. There are also other residents who role play children, parents or pets in family settings. You might find like-minded people in the Lifestyles and Relationships forum or, once again "Making Friends". If you can imagine it, someone's probably doing it here.
  22. I'm sure there are still some promotional gimmicks around SL that dispense small amounts of money, but that's a tough way to make a living. Be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true. And be exceptionally wary of anything asking for passwords, that just sounds like trouble. I know you're excited, but I do advise patience. There's a lot of fun to be had for free. But feel free to ignore me. I'm 44 years old and wondering where the hell I left my own youthful exhuberance. ;-).
  23. The only way to add friends in SL is to select "Add Friend" when right clicking an avatar, or an avatar name in the People or Chat lists, or when viewing their profiles. Of course it's always a good idea to have struck up at least a rudimentary relationship with people before requesting friendship. Many of us, including me, are unlikely to accept friend requests out of the blue. Get out and about and participate in public chat, learning the vibe of a place so you can contribute something of interest to the old-timers there. It can be tough to break the ice, but you'll have to do it if you want a friendship request to be accepted. I can sympathize with having nobody to talk to during your early days in Second Life. We were all in that position when we started. But we persevered and we're still here. Again, head out into the Making Friends and General Discussion forums and say hello. Once you've got your first friend, adding more gets easier.
  24. Hi Pettycoat, This sounds almost like you've selected "Move to clicked point" for "Single click on land" or "Double click on land" in Preferences->Move & View. But that would cause you to always move to the thing you just clicked/double clicked. You've said you move randomly, so maybe that's not the problem. Unfortunately, I've no other solution to offer.
  25. When you click the "Chat" button, you'll see a list of people nearby and those with whom you're already chatting. You'll see a similar list when you click the "People" toolbar button. Right-clicking on an avatar name will pop up a menu from which you can "Offer teleport" to send a teleport invitation to their their screen. If they accept the invitation, they'll appear near you. You can also "Request teleport". If they accept that request, you'll be teleported to their location.
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