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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Beauty, We're all residents here, just like you. Lindens never visit the Answers forum. Here's the SL Wiki page for "Uploading Assets"... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Uploading-assets/ta-p/700165 In which you'll find this... Supported image formats Second Life supports TGA (32-bit supports alpha channel), PNG (24-bit supports alpha channel), and BMP. When you upload an image, the Viewer internally converts it to JPG2000 for optimized future transmission. For best quality, try to avoid uploading JPGs; their already-compressed quality degrades further because of the double conversion. I've no idea why the internal format of SL images is of importance to you. It is of importance to Linden Lab, as they provide the infrastructure upon which SL runs. If SL stored images as PNG, texture download times would be so long that nobody would tolerate it. Now, if what you're really complaining about is that you had alpha textures on your computer, and they did not upload as alpha, I suggest you make sure you saved your images as 32 bit PNG or TGA and enabled the alpha channel for output. Both of those image formats have 24 bit versions that contain no alpha channel and some image editors default to flushing the alpha channel to opaque when saving as 32 bit.
  2. Hi Cowboy, Someone else had this problem some time ago. The cause was traced to a conflict with Webroot anti-virus software. If you have Webroot, it may be causing the problem, and here's how someone fixed it... Open the Webroot console. Click the gear icon to the right of where it says "Identity Protection". Click the Application Protection Tab. Find the Firestorm viewer in the list. Set to allow. And here's a link to Webroot's website, there the problem is discussed... https://community.webroot.com/t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Complete/Copy-Paste-Stops-Working-in-some-applications/td-p/21588#.UvrRb3lBmZg Good luck!
  3. Hi PrisPain, This problem has come up before. Here are some related threads... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Troubles-With-Im-s-and-notices-to-email/qaq-p/2472541 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/can-t-receive-offline-IMs-via-email/qaq-p/697656 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Is-anyone-else-having-problems-receiving-IM-s-to-Email/qaq-p/2389873 I'll guess that your e-mail provider is tossing the forwarded messages. Good luck!
  4. Hi Relmulafken, We're residents, just like you. We have no control over the design of Linden Homes, and Lindens do not visit the Answers forums. I imagine there are accessory window treatments for Linden Homes available in the Marketplace.
  5. Hi Daaviiid, All Linden Homes are located in M regions. If you want to live on adult rated mainland (as opposed to private regions), you'll have to move to Zindra and erect your own house on a plot there. The house will count against the 117 prim limit for your default 512m2 allotment of Premium Member land. You can do adult rated things within the confines of a Linden Home, but all public activites must conform to the M maturity rating requirements.
  6. Hi raspberrycinnamon, I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Where is this "box where your user name is"? It is somewhere in the viewer (and which viewer are you using)? It is on the SL website somewhere. Without more useful information, I've no idea how to help. You can clarify your question by selecting "Edit" from "Options" over there on the right.
  7. Good morning, Hippie. The roofers are allowing me to drive their lift truck around my yard today, so I can trim trees. Wooo hooo! Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  8. Hallo Sandra, Hier ist ein Foren-Thread zu diesem Thema ... Linden Lab Uhren das Raster fur Camping-Bots. Wenn diese Uberwachung tatsächlich funktioniert, gibt es nichts fur Sie tun.
  9. Hi again Dwaina, I'm sorry I was unable to help. If you do find a solution to this problem, which has been reported by others, would you come back and post another question detailing how you were finally able to partner. I'd love to have a solution in hand if this happens again. Thanks!
  10. Nope, it's not possible. Doing so would be a violation of the Second Life Community Standards. Here's the applicable clause... Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. You may have obtained permission from your sub to monitor, but you have not obtained permission from the third parties s/he communicates with.
  11. Your certainly fed my smile today, Cheri! Thanks for the reminder that we can make a difference. Your group's effort, combined with Rolig's new in-world immersive call to arms against human trafficking, has me doubling up my support of our local shelter. Let those children in the image be a reminder to all of us that happiness comes from gratitude. Waking up grateful for what you have, whether a little or a lot, is the start of a day of happiness...
  12. Hi djkillerbee, Deletion is a two step process. When you delete, the item goes into the Trash folder. If you haven't emptied the trash, it's still there. If you have emptied the trash, your only recourse is to contact the merchant and explain your error. Don't expect much from that effort however, particularly if the item was Transfer. You can't blame them for being suspicious, but if you're sincere, they may resend the item. Good luck!
  13. Rolig has pointed you to an explanation of the ratings. What nobody can explain is how the algorithms actually determine a rating from the content they scan. There are endless complaints about marketplace ratings and event ratings being set to Adult because of words like XXS (a clothing size) which are apparently thought to be naughty. ETA: Rolig has pointed out that sim ratings are owner specified, so there's no wonky algorithms at work there. And sims on Zindra are, of course, adult by dint of being on Zindra.
  14. Rolig's pointed you to the new Skill Gaming Policy and announcement. Here's the huge forum thread on the subject... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/m-p/2771090#M187758 The reason for the policy change is legal. Linden Lab must make the policy change or risk liability for instances of illegal gambling in-world.
  15. If the dress came in sizes, it's standard mesh. The best way to determine fit is to put it on. Mesh clothing often comes with alpha layers that erase any bits of your avatar that might poke through the garment, so make sure you wear the alpha layer. Standard mesh clothing can't be resized, so if none of the sizes fit will, wear the best one and adjust your shape to suit. Because I'm obstinate, and refuse to change my shape for anyone, I don't buy mesh clothing. Fitted (some call it Liquid?) mesh should avoid the sizing problem. It adjusts to your avatar, but (I think) requires you to be wearing a mesh avatar. Don't depend on my knowledge about this, few people know less about getting dressed here than me.
  16. There's a toolbar button that looks like a camera and (If you have toolbar text enabled) says "Snapshot". Click that and the "Snapshot" window pops up. You'll see a thumbnail of the current snapshot and some choices for where to save it. Select "Save to My Computer". You'll probably want to keep the "Current Window" and "JPEG" settings, and make sure the Image Quality slider is all the way to the right (Very High Quality) unless disk space is tight on your computer. When you click "Save" you'll get your computer's standard file save dialog box, in which you'll select the name and destination for the snapshot. The thumbnail image will have a little refresh icon in the lower left corner. Clicking on that will update the snapshot to what's currently in your viewer window. Once you've set up and saved that first snapshot, you can quickly take subsequent snapshots by typing Ctrl+`. Each new snapshot will have the base name of the first one you saved, followed by a three digit sequence number. If you named your first snapshot Karisalynn, the actual file name would be Karisalynn_001. Typing Ctrl+` would take another snapshot and save it as Karisalynn_002. There are other options for saving snapshots available in that window. You can save images directly to your inventory for L$10 per snapshot. I don't recommend doing that because the image is automatically squished to one of the standard SL texture resolutions, generally 1024x512 or so. That's terrible resolution compared to the full screen resolution of most computers. Save to your PC and, if you want a copy in-world, upload it. That'll also cost you L$10, but leaves you with a high resolution copy on your computer. You can save your snapshots directly to your profile feed, at full resolution and for no cost. And finally, you can send the shapshot to someone using e-mail. The sender address will be Second Life, so it's possible that spam filters will toss any images you send that way. I'd recommend saving to your PC and e-mailing from there, as you would with any other attachment. Have fun!
  17. Coby Foden wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Who decided that boy buttons go on the right side and girl buttons on the left, but only for tops? For bottoms, it's anyone's guess where girl buttons and zippers go, but guys are always on the right, right? http://www.primermagazine.com/2010/field-manual/why-do-men%E2%80%99s-and-women%E2%80%99s-shirts-button-on-different-sides
  18. Hi Roxy, You must abandon any land you own before downgrading. Make sure you've gather up all of your possessions before abandoning your land, so that you're in control of how they return to your inventory. If you pull the plug before taking back all your furnishings and decorations, they'll be lumped into messy coalesced objects and dumped into your Lost and Found folder. Here's all you need to know about abandoning your land... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Abandoned-land/ta-p/846143 Good luck!
  19. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Frankly, I've never actually encountered this issue, myself. Interesting how prevelent it is on the forums, when so many of us have never seen it inworld... I've never seen it in-world either. But then I've not seen a lot of what's described here in the forums in-world. I think this is a function of the nature and purpose of forums. There is no place in-world that supports the kind of exchanges that occur here. When you TP to a spot, there's no history of the last four years of chat there, there's no categorization of simultaneous public chats by topic. You get the idea. I would not expect to encounter the fullness of forum variety in-world, unless I had a hell of a lot of time to go looking for it. Here it just gets dumped in your lap. That does not mean the variety is not there. I'd not expect to go to a bar in RL and see everybody's OK Cupid profiles floating above their heads. I think it's the tools, not the people, that make the difference.
  20. Hi Posey, Right click on your avatar and open your profile. Click on the "Picks" tab. Click on the Pick you want to remove. Click "Edit" over on the right. That brings up the Pick window, with your selected Pick shown. Click the back arrow to the left of "Edit Pick" at the top of the window to get a list of your Picks. Click the Picks header if you don't see the list. Click the Pick you want to delete. Click the trash can at the bottom of the window. See, that's as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8! Kinda makes you wonder about the competence, if not the sanity, of LL, doesn't it? ;-).
  21. Hi Dwaina, This probably is not the cause of your partnership requests failing, but someone once determined that the presence of those frilly looking Unicode characters in either the SL or RL biography section of a profile could break partnering. If your intended partner has fancy characters in his/her profile, delete them and try again.
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