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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Storm Clarence wrote: Your signature line really makes a statement about your post. ETA: It was wise of you to edit your signature. Now that you have done so, my post is negated. oooOOOooo and which of your 4035 posts might that be? repost it. bwahaha :matte-motes-yawn:
  2. Why Ima? what's up with it ^^ :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: and who are they anyways? this LWL he speaks of? :smileywink: My chagrin is at the pretense of masquerading as a contributor.
  3. Call it what you will Ima:smileyindifferent: A fair comment given the relentless negative behaviour. It is in fact a direct quote and is shrinking as time goes on, for I am far too busy making stuffs and having inworld fun to persist with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s.
  4. It cost about $5Aud per 400g here which is ok. I should warn you though Dillon, Vegemite has what could only be described as a cult following in this country boom tish! Like the feared and notorious puffer fish and certain inworld groups, It is extremely dangerous.
  5. I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraphs as well:() Eg: See *speshul post below. I see no reason to take the bait I am afraid, soweee.
  6. Vegemite on whole grain toast for brekkie... yummm.
  7. My last and hogging this page a bit but it took hours to find somethng like this. We can't leave out poor "Drowsy Maggie" Don't worry about the beautiful custom Mcilroy, this is a virtuoso rendition by Gabriele Possenti Like any guitar wizard, he is ever only milliseconds away from unleashing heaven and hell through his fingers. Like... whoah :matte-motes-agape: and because it is le fora, I have no association whatsoever with McIlroy Instruments enjoy..
  8. Boys for Pele is a superb album by Tori. Just fantastic! I have never seen that film clip. Thanks Void! Dresden do you mind if I chime in with yet another Eleanor Rigby? This is The Z00T, (WooT), with none other than Rick Springfield, (Jessies Girl) on rythym & lead.
  9. Hello I was going to put "totally" amateur in the title? I forgot to :-) (ooo just did, oh only in this one.. lol!). Thank you for your kind advice. As I say it's just a storyboard in this first draft. I need to hook up a joystick for smooth camera work too. So much to do yet. The only reason it even exists is because of the audio. That 1m14s was leftover from a project and has never been published in any format. It must be 7 years old? It is only 16bit 42khz, (from memory), resampled .wav and I would dearly love to hear it at todays uncompressed high bit/sample rates. Alas it is not to be. It is a good example of basic vid capture and windows live movie maker use. I hope other novices, (points finger at self), might gain some benefit from seeing such a raw storyboard 8^) Thank you everyone for your kind comments.
  10. 1st mashup. Raw fullscreen fraps capture. Windows live movie maker storyboard. Done to see if it feels right. It's ok for now :) 720p on youtube is nice. Pause it & go straight to 720 here too. OK ok I spelt amateur incorrectly :( I have been too busy 1/ dancing on top of cows, 2/ wearing red hats 3/ Singing songs about corn. (it's a cult thing don't mind me :-) Please enjoy: Dreams.....
  11. Nothing to do with LWL sorry. It's about knowing when to desist after the writing is on the wall = 3 zapped threads? of the same behaviour. Simple really. Why taint the thread with *humour... again. I fail to see the point of continually posting negativity in every single thread. Is the intention to get this zapped as well?
  12. awww. See Sig. Unfortunatley your obsession began long before we realised it. Those who assist you have a proven webwide history of similar behaviour. No one or mods cares for the disruption of civil threads and look! you're doing it yet again. There is so much to do inworld. You must try your hand at creativity! In the last few days I have uploaded tons of textures and made quite a few new outfits had time to spend with friends and try to help on the forums too Helping is good fun! I don't mean idle comment, banter or gamed kudos, actual constructive help. Is your friend in LWL aware of your more destructive comments? I doubt it. Funny how even those outside of LWL seem to doubt your integrity just a teeny bit. Chickens coming home to roost perhaps? "Terpsichorean oenophile" ooo now that rings a bell! I wonder how Pep is these days? Some do miss him He would of course claim the LWL as his own and probably be a little miffed if he couldn't comment in some way shape or form I suspect. There isn't a need to taint every thread with negativity, as a matter of fact there are these things called rules! They apply to all in the new fora funnily enough. Have a read sometime perhaps? This could save you a lot of future angst and despair when the moderators take action. It is their job you know *winx BTW: Great you are getting your own club! \o/ That might even pass for creativity in some quarters. Well done and Hugz from 1 creator member of the LWL! Lovely to see things take a positive turn for your new group. ♥¿♥ and nuuu I wont respond to your baiting in the next two posts. 2 in a row! 1/2 a kudos for creativity 8^) We will make a positive contributor of you yet Storm! The only one who ever counted you "out" was yourself Baiii
  13. Lanas Criss wrote: I'd say 'Enjoy Yourself' but clearly > I AM < doing that already. Lanas Fify What a supercool pose! *Waves to Wilhiam! \o/ Another proper forum personality returns! WooT!
  14. I will keep an eye out for your soul Relita lmaoooo. Mines gone forever too :matte-motes-impatient: roflz. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Can't you notify the game owner(s) and ask to be removed from the database? I did that and whined, complained, spammed, cursed and annoyed the owner. I doubt it made any difference to the database entries lol. From the wiki: Garlic plants are said to repel rabbits and moles. Huh no vampires? ^~ oh nuuuuuu! *hides her purse.
  15. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: In RL: Blue-black or jet black. The one hair color that is pretty rare where I live, other than red, is black hair. I mean really black. The highly reflective, shiny kind of black, not just dark brown or off-black. A true Raven is surely the rarest of birds. I know one in RL. Jet black hair, pale white complexion and big green eyes. She is amazingly beautiful.
  16. Le Meeeeeeewwwwww Le Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... =^.^= Insight Forest Cats eyes, (small, comes with big too), with sparkle, (can just see a teeny bit of it). From the Amacci plaza.
  17. Looks good to me! The trouble I had was I didn't know of the forums and knew none that could help. Therefore I don't know how my system compares to some of the Guru creators like Pinco J of Babelle for example. Someone like her must have gazillions of textures.
  18. Your characters name would become Cara Loft. Lara ceased being english some time ago, so Cara could be english. No?
  19. Lol Jojo! okies 2 more: Hunters classic, the words.. not the tune.... acoustic versions are way better.. and.. the original has been taken down but! You.... Better get a lawyer son.. ^~ \o/ WooT! *rock it!
  20. Hello! I have a complete section for my stuff. Similar to this: Folder/Company name Folder *Products Folder/Item 1 name --> folder/textures -->folder/items --> folder/Old Folder/Item 2 name --> folder/textures -->folder/items Folder/Socks --> folder/Baby Blue --> folder/textures -->folder/items --> folder/Old --> folder/Pretty Pink --> folder/textures -->folder/items --> folder/Old and so on. When updating I will add another folder called: Folder/old so nothing gets mixed up. An old folder is good because you can also use it to keep lesser quality items you can use to sell for a cheaper price or include with the latest version. Every single item has a company/ item description/colour name and version number. Even the textures have a version number. Eg: BestClothingCoBabyBlueSocks2.1 The texture has the same name because they are in different folders. The name should also indicate what layer the item is, I use U for underwear, S for shirt etc. Try to keep the name as short as possible but totally descriptive of the item. (not easy). OR? BCCBabyBlueSocks2.1 Someone unfamiliar with your items should be able to look at it and say "oh yes that's BestClothingCoBabyBlueSocks2.1, I know what they are" but many do it differently. Think of the end user and make it friendly/easy for them. An early name I tried and discarded was, (real product) "SLikRoyalBlueSouthernCrossOnepieceUTop1.0" :matte-motes-agape:USELESS! Now it is called "SLik1pRoyalBlueSthnXUTp1.0" or similar. Still descriptive still a mouthfull, but a lot neater. I also use yet another folder for items that have been boxed and ad images finished called *Products. This is also IN the Company name folder as well, right at the top of all the others and has a single named folder inside it for each product. Look at items you have in your inventory and you will see people use things like * before a folder name to keep them at the top. I hope that helps ^^? 8^) Ps: I don't make socks :-)
  21. Here is a wildcard for you I use... *trumpet fanfare> Macromedia Fireworks from 2002 Nuu don't laugh! That is Pre Adobe, pre bloatware. It does not handle .tga but that is what I use gimp for. Lightning fast on a 64bit big ram system, uncluttered, uncomplicated and user friendly. I timed an update to an item the other day which comprised of combining 4 split layers into 2, adding another layer and copying content from old to new, checking and adjusting the transparencies of 3 layers and saving as a new item: less than 2 minutes! Wooohoo! yes I has adobe stuff too.
  22. I have noticed a simple change in the V2 viewer code which is when you update the texture of a clothing item and increment its suffix, eg: LovelyTshirt1.0 to 1.1 and the code adds (new) to the name, the (new) now appears at the end of the items name. In early viewer versions the (new) would appear at the beginning of the item name. This is so simple and really helps with ploughing through updates to textures. A major enhancement to productivity for me. I use firestorm but surely this a V2 viewer coding issue. Thank you Linden Labs! well done. *looks for kudos button..
  23. \o/\o/\o/\o/ *crowd roars! \o/\o/\o/\o/ Some folk/acoustic musos are already enquiring hippie! Gypsy is handling the performers list from what I know, so I will refer them to him of course. Thank you!
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