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Solaria Goldshark

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  1. My girlfriends loved shopping so I escaped them and went Uber racing
  2. Well said...and the gap is growing. perhaps these two worlds would benefit from bringing their creative forces together.....on second thought no...Lets just keep things clear and simple: Manufacturer and Consumer.
  3. well take a look at this bunch of nothing. it's not about anything...your story is about everything ...harpy face emoji thingy
  4. ...and we have Facebookie "like" thingies.....I will not ever click on those...learn to like yourself :)) ...wait....did they add a defriend thingy in case someone's tender feelers gets offended?
  5. Forum apocalypse survivor checking in....ham radio batteries getting weaker by the day...send supplies....many wounded....clearing landing area for evacuation of casualties...coordinates encrypted...use recent number set to decode...caution, encryption data likely compromised... ...and hurry! For God's sake hurry!
  6. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: Ruminations on public discourse in the modern age. http://thefederalist.com/2014/01/17/the-death-of-expertise/ It seems to me that one of the marks of a true expert is having so much knowledge about a topic that they can state their position so clearly and provide so much evidence to support that it will be obvious that they're correct to an unbiased observer. If they can do that they shouldn't need to expect deference based only on their position as an "expert." I'm no sure anyone can be an unbiased observer. I'm not sure anyone can empty themselves so completely that they can be pure observation. The observer is required to make a judgments based on the evidence given, which requires the observer to wrestle with established biases of their own knowledge, experiences, feelings and beliefs, and then follow the evidence. However, I do have some evidence to support your position. Observe! Empty yourself! Expertise.
  7. Ruminations on public discourse in the modern age. http://thefederalist.com/2014/01/17/the-death-of-expertise/
  8. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: With all of the unrest and division in the U.S. right now, who has lost friends and family members to this nightmare? I'm absolutely blown away by some people that I've known pretty much my entire life, this has really brought out peoples true colors. :smileysad: I have not lost any friends or family to this "nightmare" . Returning home tonight from a weekly family dinner, having taken part in a lively discussion, with raised voices, and opinions brandished, there was no love lost among those seated at the table as wine flowed freely and the meal satisfied all. I count my blessings deep and meaningful as the evening came to an end, and smiles, and laughter, and hugs sent everyone on their way. No one at the table is usually ever in agreement with another, and in years past during these weekly gatherings feelings would often get hurt, even to the point where someone would walk out, get in their car and drive off. Me, even being the cause of someone leaving because of what I had said to them. And still we gather as a family and put disagreements aside. In years past, not as easy as today, but today more rewarding. More rewarding because we have learned to listen to each other more than ever. And that's the thing really. Listening. I decided to just shut up. To wait, and listen more. And what surprised me, after doing this for a while, was that when I had something to say others listened. Over time I saw the same courtesy extended from others to the group. It reminded me that "love your neighbor as yourself" makes a difference. And it's the hardest place to start.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: ChinRey wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Look at how much activity there is in the SL Discussion forum there, or how many say they rarely or never log in. Another reason for us to move on over and shake it up then. Oh well, we got a good non-answer from a Linden and I suspect that's all we can expect from there. Can't blame her for it either really. She's got a job that both requires and forbids her to answer and that's never easy. I have occasionally quoted great people in my posts here, I think it's time for one from Oz Linden (I found it in Prok's profile): "Sorry.... 'why' is not one of the questions we're usually allowed to answer" --------------------------------- Actually it doesn't matter that much whether there are other place(s) where SL is discussed, this is the one and only official SL forum. And it is worth any TLC LL is willing to throw its way. It just doesn't make sense that the forum is in the hands of those who don't display much interest in it. I agree with you Pam. Not only should this forum remain, but moderation should take place that allows the free exchange of ideas, without trolls and spam, with minimum rules to keep the discussion civil, even if the discussion in general or individual views conflict with those of LL. Rose colored glasses "off". The host of the party can shut you down if you choose to pee in the pool. A lot of people have no clue about the other forum either and it's certainly against the rules here to post a link to it. So there wouldn't be many newer people that inject fresh blood into discussions or pose new topics, which is vital to vibrant discussions IMO. The more views that are heard about SL the better it is for not only business owners but people who care about SL, and even LL too, although apparently they don't care. Not everyone with an opinion is valid. Opinions are not expertise, good advice, or often very helpful. In addition a lot of people read these forums but never post here. I am sure a lot of them come here not only to get answers to their problems, technical or not, but to keep abreast of issues in general the effect SL, other than those in the official blogs. You are one of the many that always jump to the aid of someone in need of an answer. I am in awe of your patience and grace. Lastly that other forum can eat up people for lunch if there is disagreement. Hardly conducive to get other's who may be a bit shy or thin skinned to join in a discussion. Everyone who hosts a pool party has their own rules...Swim at your own risk and use the bathroom before swimming As a side note, I agree about all the posts for Land or Employment should be moved to a side forum, like Forum Feedback, where those interested can go but the rest of us don't have to put up with the spam. The Land general discussion can remain but should be that, not a place to post rentals and questions that should be posted in Answers.
  10. ChinRey wrote: Does anybody happen to know what could cause a long and elaborate discussion.........? ....I believe they rarely ever get started around here anymore. More often than not the General "discussion" format gets hijacked by a multitude of complaints, help me's, and "what happened to my stuffs" threads..
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