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  1. Did you mean "anecdotally" or "actually"? Lol and are you British (wondering since you said "Uni")? I want to go to England some day; I'm thinking somewhere like Newcastle...
  2. Is there anyone else out there that's going to college to be an English teacher? Where I live in RL, there aren't many, so thought I would ask in SL. : )
  3. Thanks! You sound like a pro...been in SL very long? : )
  4. Thanks! I'll try that. Yeah I found a few that meet in SL and some others that have separate websites...Pretty cool stuff. : )
  5. Hey, everyone. I am a new member of SL and I am wanting to join some writing groups...but I am having trouble being able to find where I can join them. Any hints? Thanks. : )
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