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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. FIVE failed transaction attempts in a row, NO LIVE CHAT for premium account. (server down message for 2 days) Account says premium good, nothing outstanding. Please dont kill SL LL ^^.
  2. Hello Thank you. Insanya "leotard" (lol) Insanya Jane? top, Avi candy stockings and arm warmers, Lassitude & Ennui boots, Forge belt and bangles, my ink. I love it, Mina mask. (not available any more). Many colour options. #1 pre mesh, (2009). #2 All meshed up (system head 2017). <3 u SL 8^)
  3. Love it ty!. I am an official government "scribe" in RL. *adjusts toga and dips my quill... now where were we?
  4. You don't come to the forums anymore because you're too busy inworld?
  5. +50k inworld again for the second time I have noticed recently. :smileyhappy:
  6. Hair today, gone tomorrow. None of the hair I wear is availabe anymore. Ask the creator selling/wearing the clothes?
  7. All those who >insisted< they were famous have been banned lol. SL is good like that :-) They do keep returning though, except our legendary spanish friend, Mr W. Dont forget "Bat $hit crazy" either. :-) Great fun.
  8. ღ Whuups. :smileysurprised: Hearted in public. Sorry :smileysad:
  9. If media streaming fails you may have to go to the 13th moon unfortunately. 8-/
  10. Extremely informative Freya ty. I did read most of those links. I have watched two ASMR videos on youtube before reading this post. An American friend posted me links to the first, I watched the second to confirm the trend and now Im like... o.0 I think I will wait for yoyos to come back in myself.
  11. Great clip Maddy. i wish Jimi had done more 12 string tunes. (even if it was slightly out of tune). As for Firestorm Jess has always been available to answer any & all questions. I'll continue to use it despite the naysayers. Typo sorry.
  12. Cannot quite fathom the purpose of ASMR. In RL sure, but on video/youtube or in a game world? Are people really looking for "something" that much?
  13. Open the world map and throw a dart. TP there. o.0
  14. When I first came across SL I was like... yay! Im going to make clothes non stop! Then I came upon prims... and I thought, oh mai gawd, this must be apple sort of stuff or something o.0 and stuck to texture clothes for a looooong time. Now we've gone mesh and now I make mesh things for RL. Oh well. Clothes for Sansara maybe... *shrugs :smileyhappy: Theres only one little thing about mesh... you've got to get over it and jump in boots and all. \0/ <3
  15. Used to make stuff. Did ok. Then along came mesh. Made some mesh. Now I make mesh for real life. Thank you SL <3 Whuups - general relpy sorry Bree.
  16. An angel of Our Lord assists those in the real world walk the maze of cognitive dysfunction or unfortunate disadvantage. It doesnt work here in the forums 8^) God bless.
  17. Are there Bacon sandwiches in project Sansar? :matte-motes-inlove:
  18. Thats where the failed & shamed forum trolls go when they have been outed. See who responds to this, Theyll be related for sure :smileytongue:
  19. I will also leave the typo for you to relish.
  20. LlazarusLlong wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Roman Catholics dont have to apologise for anything What do meaningless penances following confession represent if not apologies? Now let us see, which iteration of extinguisehd troll might this be? My last reply to you may have been 3 years ago. Based upon the value of your posts what follows below is my next: Bring back the Waisted one, the true hero of Le fora. . KThxBai.
  21. It's quite ok for christians to apologise for stuffs because Roman Catholics dont have to apologise for anything And if you dont like it I'm going to huff & puff and blow your house down. I might go to midnight mass again one day. I used to love that.
  22. Shocked and confused because of beliefs stemming from nearly 1.5k years of consanguine relationships? I dont think so. Historical & scientific evidence abounds. If the evidence that exists doesnt convince you ask mother nature?. She has the answer.
  23. We owe so much to the people of France. From cuisine to freedom & liberty We <3 you Valerie.
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