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Chaser Zaks

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Everything posted by Chaser Zaks

  1. I use a gtx 960 which runs SL quite well, and from what I understand, the two you listed are more powerful. So those should work very well for you. Do note that SL is a polygonal mess. Even with really high end GPUs, expect slow FPS when in areas or around avatars that use models intended for 3D movie/photo renders, not real time rendering. Also you need to make sure your power supply can provide enough electricity to the GPU, and that it has the right connectors. I had the last issue and had to get an adapter.
  2. As someone who has messed with automated vehicles before and set one loose(and lost until it finally finished a glitchy route, I'll explain below), as long as you do the following, I am sure LL doesn't care: Go phantom or smart. There are drivers and pedestrians on the road or crossing roads, and in zindra, even traffic lights. While the traffic lights one isn't a requirement, you need to be very mindful of other residents on the road. Phantom will stop all collisions, while smart requires a lot of checking to make sure no one is in front of the vehicle, and people don't grief it by blocking its path(essentially, going around the obstacle if possible). Stay on the right side of the road, especially if not phantom! Not even scripts can detect fast head on collisions and handle them in time. Don't be noisy. Shouts are a absolute no-no, says can be ok, but whispers or llRegionSayTo are much much better. I wouldn't want a vehicle on a route that passes my house constantly saying stuff within chat range. If you are going to do sounds, keep them low volume and avoid looping motor sounds. Sounds in SL are weird and can be heard 1000m away. Don't create fleets. Stick to a small number and set up a website with a schedule that can be picked up by stations. A small number can vary from person to person, I scaled mine based off distance traveled, time taken, etc. Try to stay under 4 max per route. Fail safes are a must. Don't let your vehicles leave their route, ensure they stay on track or force them back on with llSetRegionPos. If all else fails, apologize to passengers(if any), report the issue to a remote server will all the info needed, the llDie. As for my vehicle when I lost it, take this as advice, have a remote kill ready and something to track it, even in testing phase. I lost a vehicle, turns out it got stuck trying to correct it's route at a sim border and kept crossing sims. Took some time to find it.
  3. Linden Lab does police this. While I could understand that it can appear that the Lindens do not police stuff where no visible actions are taken, unlike situations where they may have to send Governor Linden to return griefer stuff, I can assure you, the Lindens are hard at work going though the Abuse Reports, and are issuing suspensions and bans to those whom violate the ToS/CS. Any Abuse Report about such actions are well appreciated! If you see a child avatar participating in or within proximity of adult content(This includes Textures, Shared Media, Mesh and Mesh animations, Avatar animations, and even role play), you should file an Abuse Report. However, sometimes this is uncontrollable(EG: Doing something else while waiting for a login to go through and ending up at a adult safehub due to a downed sim, or arriving at a sim where this content is unknown to occur), and they should be given at least a chance to change their avatar in some situations. Basically what I am saying is, don't snipe report them the second they enter a sim because they often change their avatars a few seconds later, or leave as soon as they see it. If you see anything that violates the Terms of Service or Community Standards, please report that resident or the offending objects, as it helps keep the grid clean(of griefers) and safe!
  4. Whispering works too. I think that is a 5 or less meter radius.
  5. Oops, serves me right to attempting to even write code on a touch screen tablet keyboard that likes to crash when I switch tabs Corrected, thanks!
  6. Not every breedable is created equal. Lots of factors can take into whether or not a specific breedable causes lag: Does it move around? Does it have animated limbs(future question: is it animesh or prim limbs?)? How many scripts does it have? Is it overly chatty(lots of communication on a chat channel)? Does the script(s) in it do advanced algorithms to determine specific events? Did they program it so it goes into a "sleep mode" when no one is around it(stopping all animations if any)? Is it physical, and if so, does it utilize pathfinding? The best way to check the overall performance hit breedable take is to utilize the estate debug tools, in specific, script info and physics info. Open the debug tools up, compare the breedable to other objects in the region. If the breedables use the same CPU time(NOT script memory! I'll explain below) and physics time, then it's a good breedable(as long as thousands are not rezzes). If not, it might need to be sent off to live on the cornfield. It is important to note that script time and script memory usage are two different things when inspecting performance. Script time is what most people need to be concerned about when inside a region. Script time will constantly affect a sim's performance. Script memory mostly only impacts a sim during arrival/departure as the sim needs to serialise/deserialise the data to store in/load from the asset server. If you do not have access to the estate tools, you can use LSL functions(in specific, llGetObjectDetails to query OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME and OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY. There is unfortunately no way to get physics usage without estate tools, at least to my knowledge). I hope this answers your question!
  7. llRemoveInventory is what you are looking for: default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { // the key of the avatar touching key id = llDetectedKey(0); integer randomIndex = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); // random >> [0.0, max) randomIndex = (integer)llFrand(randomIndex); string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, randomIndex); llGiveInventory(id, itemName); llRemoveInventory(itemName); //Remove the item from inventory } } KEEP IN MIND: This permanently removes the item from the object's inventory! It does not go to your trash, or a trash folder in the object. The item will be gone for good!
  8. Second Life is not permitted on Twitch.tv due to the huge user generated content factor. This is a decision made on Twitch.tv's part, not Linden Lab's. This is why there are so few VODs and streams on Twitch.tv featuring Second Life. Due to the fact anyone can stream snipe and bring explicit content on screen, Twitch has decided to ban streaming of Second Life. While one may argue "Why not just stay in G rated regions?". While users can report users for explicit content in G rated regions, Linden Lab is unable to take immediate action against those who do bring explicit content to G rated region due to the sheer amount of reports they receive daily and the amount of investigation that goes into those reports. Even then, Twitch does not want any explicit content on stream period, even if it is for a second and the user derenders the content or blocks the offending user. While I disagree with this decision as users can have "Mature" rated streams, Twitch will not budge on this decision. This is likely due to brand protection by preventing the site from becoming a streaming hub for animated explicit content. Please refer to https://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/1992676-list-of-prohibited-games and https://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/983016#GamingContent for more information.
  9. I am not a expert at making models but even I can make proper LODs, I think the issue is people are just lazy, or cheap, or both. Although I am not completely innocent either, I cheat the LODs on stuff I upload once as a joke then never use again(I don't feel like paying L$152 to upload a really high resolution model of aesthetics vaperwave head guy(forgot his name and if i switch tabs on tablet this text will be lost)). But stuff I intend to use a lot I try to give a custom LOD set, or at least let the viewer generate okish LODs. On small stuff I do often just set the lowest lod to a polygon because no one will see it anyway. I do like making physics meshes though, those things are fun and I can break the physics engine with them! \o/
  10. Unfortunately, this user seems to be a known spammer. Spammers will refuse to remove you from lists, or tell you they did but not really. The best solution is to file an abuse report against the user: Often spammers will use a legitimate service known as HippoGroups. While this service is good for sending out update notifications to customers, it is often abused by nefarious people. (Think, email providers such as gmail are great, but spammers often abuse them) I am unsure if they use HippoGroups to send out these objects, you can always check by: Go to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dosojin/235/182/31 Face north and click the sign directly in front of you. It'll give you a username and password Log in with the given username/password at http://www.hippo-tech-sl.com/myhippogroups/ Under your username, click the "Block list", then click "Block anybody from adding me to a hippoGROUP" OR by blocking the specific owner. If you can send me a location in-world(As it would be against the rules of the forum to post the link publicly, as per the name and shame policy), I will investigate this further and figure out the exact removal instructions. To get the location, right click the object name, click "Copy URL to clipboard", then send it to me via an IM. You can do that by clicking here, clicking the Gear on my profile, and choosing "IM".
  11. Although there are some legitimate uses for post deletion, I don't think users should be given this ability as they will delete their questions after they get an answer. This is bad as many would benefit from the question asked. There is no shame in asking a question, all teachers learned at one point. By allowing users to delete posts, there will be a need for more duplicate questions to be answered.
  12. 1166 out of 1350 on a 3600m² plot. GRANTED I kind of went overboard with decorating, even with a underground theatre/cave system/train tunnel(IDK I WANTED IT BUT DONT NEED IT), fully furnished house with a bunch of random nicknacks laying about, bunch o' trees and plants, mesh terrain so I can hide undergroundness. Then I have a skybox with WIP stuff in it. my parcel is a mess.
  13. SLPlugin is responsible for running various parts of the viewer such as CEF(Chromium Embedded Framework, which runs the web browser and MOAP), parcel video stream playback, and parcel audio stream playback(I think?). When you launch the viewer, CEF is launched via SLPlugin to render the login page at http://phoenixviewer.com/app/loginV3/ Information submitted to this address is anonymous, it does submit information for statistical and "Update notice" purposes though. You can find a list of those params at this source line: http://hg.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl/file/30b299a1d56b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp#l764 A list of parameters that it sends: lang - User language firstlogin - TRUE if the user is logging in for the first time version - Version of the viewer in the format of: sortVersion (BUILD) channel - Channel of the viewer grid - Grid the viewer is currently trying to log into(EG: Aditi, Agni) os - The operating system the viewer is running on sourceid - Not entirely sure, possibly the build checksum login_content_version - Not sure, possibly the version of the login page the viewer is requesting An example of the request parameters may look like: ?channel=Firestorm-Releasex64&grid=PyProxy&lang=en&login_content_version=2&os=Linux%204.9&sourceid=&version=5.0.11%20(53634) The viewer also sends HTTP Requests to the FS website to receive MOTD and blocked viewer information at: http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/data.xml There is also a request to http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/agents.xml to get a list of those involved with the FS support team. This is so they can have the "FS Support badge": This is purely to protect residents by giving them additional trust that they are listening to a real developer/support member. It will also retrieve feature tables from the website, This is for the "Default graphics settings" for specific GPUs: http://viewer-settings.firestormviewer.org/featuretable_linux.5.0.11.txt LSL syntax highlightings are also requested from the server for OpenSim and other grids: http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/scriptlibrary_ossl.xml http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/scriptlibrary_aa.xml A request is made to http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/defaults.5.0.11.xml , I assume this is the default settings data and just hasn't been uploaded yet. There is a request made to get a list of grids that a user may choose to connect to at: http://phoenixviewer.com/app/fsdata/grids.xml Back before LL said no to identifying viewers, the viewer could use this file, but the code to use it is disabled on LL owned grids: http://phoenixviewer.com/app/client_tags/client_list_v2.xml Firestorm's source code is watched by me and several other people. If something malicious occurs(Although because various other people in the development group will see, this is very very VERY unlikely to occur as pull request will be denied), people will know. If you wish, you can watch the source change history at http://hg.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl/ As for code signing, code signing basically is like saying "Yes, this was indeed made by so and so and has not been modified in any way". This is only for Microsoft Windows, and costs quite a bit of money for something that can be done for free via the SHA1 keys posted with each download. The only downside is that the free method isn't fully automatic, you must have a program which can calculate the SHA1 key of the installer. As long as you always download the viewer from http://www.firestormviewer.org/, you will be safe. I hope this answers any questions. If not, you may contact the support group by copy/pasting this into chat and joining the support group: secondlife:///app/group/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd/about OR by clicking "Help > Join Firestorm Support" Group from the menu bar. DISCLAIMER: I am not a FS developer, I am just a viewer/grid aficionado. I like to learn everything about everything, including where specific things are in the viewer. I also like to help people. :3
  14. I have actually found myself on occasions thinking this if not something very similar when I just wake up and realising a few minutes later what I had thought, so I think it counts: Or I have woke up thinking SL applies to RL various times for some reason, even thinking I can change parcel settings on my family's house.
  15. Linden Lab has a article here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alt_account_policies A basic summary is, as long as you are not creating a army(No more than 5 and no more than one per 24 hours) and the alts are all in good standing, go for it!
  16. Scripted agent page states Accounts should be identified if they are primarily used as bots.
  17. Possibly a make shift hangout, or homeless bots. If they are bots, they are likely doing analysis since none of them seem to be involved with spamming. As long as they are not doing any harm and have at least marked their account as a bot(if they are a bot), I would just leave them be, or poke them. No harm in asking them.
  18. Yes, but it would require technical technicalities to do. If you have the UUID of the asset, it should be able to be downloaded from the sim and viewed in plain text. You will need to use something like libopenmetaverse, PyOGP, or Pyverse and make a client/bot which can dump asset download information. Alternatively, If you want, I can do this for you, just send me the clothes and I'll give you the UUIDs of the textures. I will delete them afterwards. However, not that I am saying I am doubting you, but I will verify that you did create it. (Saying this for my own safety, so LL will not whack me with a stick) EDIT: I just realised you might have said that you have the UUID to the textures themself, in which case, this will be a lot easier, shoot me an IM and I'll do the magics. I will still verify ownership via texture metadata though.
  19. Just putting this out there, Linden Lab is company based in The United States of America, where net neutrality is at risk. If Net Neutrality gets repealed, then it affects everyone who uses Second Life†. :v †Not that Second Life will be shut down, but ISPs may restrict access or slow down to Second Life's Servers unless you pay a premium for "Gaming" or "Social Media" packages.
  20. Also this only appears on the login screen, you can still log in. Also, This doesn't obstruct the login fields at the top of the viewer. Unless you use the destination guide to log in, there shouldn't be an issue. It is not spamming, Linden Lab is restricting it to their platform. I can spam my own site as much as I want and it doesn't count as spamming. What does this even have to do with North Korea, or nukes for that matter? It is about keeping the internet an open platform so people don't have to pay a premium to their ISP access specific sites.
  21. In Second Life, I have avatars of various genders, however regardless of gender my avatar currently is, I have been asked for "fun times" by both genders. I either just ignore them or try to creep them out at that point.
  22. The dialog is completely optional, and is only a way of spreading word to help save net neutrality. You do not have to sign it, you can close out of the dialog by pressing the X at the top right.
  23. Personally, I see zero reason for a child avatar to be on zindra. There are other mainland continents well more appropriate for them to be on. Pretty much every region zindra has, has some form of sexual content at ground level. Zindra was supposed to be a safe haven for adult content. It makes no sense for the only thing in the terms of service that cannot be sexualised, to be on a continent about sexual content. The fact child avatars can pop into into zindra willy nilly makes me scared to go to and enjoy zindra. But alas, current terms of service and community guidelines state they are allowed, so not much can be done about it. I am not against child avatars on adult private regions unless that region is primarily housing adult content. Reason for this is because sometimes people may do sfw family RP and do nsfw acts on rental property. As long as both things are done seperate, i would see no reason for them to waste money on a extra rental property that is general or moderate rated.
  24. A lot because without the person behind the avatar, then the avatar wouldn't exist. I couldn't care less about who their identity is. If they wish to offer it to in their first life tab, that's fine, but the way they behave and treat others is the main point of interest for me. Each person has their own personality and that's the most important part. If they give their avatar a different personality in role play scenarios, I don't really care how well or ill mannered their role play personality is, as long as they still have their real personality behind their avatar that knows when to intervene.
  25. If you read the KB article, it states This is because Linden Lab sees no reason to keep unused data, a deleted account is seen as unused data and it's related assets may be purged eventually. If an account is only inactive(unused, but not deleted/cancelled), it will never be purged, unless there is a database error, in which case they can recover it from historical database backups.
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