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Chaser Zaks

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Everything posted by Chaser Zaks

  1. It is basically saying white people shouldn't play Telltale's The Walking Dead because Lee Everett(main playable character) is black, or that humans shouldn't play as furries because animals. Do what you want, this is Second Life. The whole idea of it is that you get to be who you want. If you want a black avatar, so be it. I may not be black, but if a black person where to play a white person, I would not see any problem with it. As long as they are enjoying their time on Second Life, I'm happy with it. The way I see it, as long as you are respectful and honorable about culture, then there is nothing wrong with it. Now, if it where like black as in black with big red lips and all that old stereotypical stuff, then no, you shouldn't do that. The only place that has in modern day times is historical, archival, and teaching contexts.
  2. I have plenty of spooky avatars AND I FORGOT TO USE ONE ON HALLOWEEN. Oh well I've been using plenty during October.
  3. It is going to be funny when the FBI finds out who is behind it and arrests them, because no doubt LL has already contacted them. Then we will be the ones who get to point and laugh!
  4. I hate everyone equally. Except the guy who keeps DDoSing the grid, I hate him thrice as much. Joking aside(excluding the hate towards the guy doing the DDoSing), I never really gotten angry messages from people about being a furry except on a few rare occasions. A troll (doesn't count, I turned the tables on him) A new person who thought it was some sort of <word used for animal and human relations that the forum does not like> thing and said I was going to hell. Angry mainlander who thinks furries should not be on mainland despite him not even having a parcel within 256m (if he has one!) of where I was at, which was on my own parcel. Instant eject for wearing a furry avatar to a store, which is why I use a human alt to pre-read store rules now. Granted there are some places which are furry owned and are very angry about not wearing a sergal avatar and fake UN documents but yee, people can enforce what they want. Although sometimes if someone meets a furry for the first time, not all furries are good. I know white a few who are jerks and are on my list of ANGER. This being said, they may insult or otherwise mess with people whom are curious about the fandom, such as misguiding them or """jokingly""" say that they are <insert x thing here to make it seem like a bad thing>, or go and just insult them for asking. It could also be from a bad first experience such as a furry orbitting a new user, they may get distain for furries until they later find out that not all are like that and every fandom has it's jerks. Granted, at times I find myself disliking the fandom due to the drama that occurs inside it(all fandoms have drama but furry drama seems to be the biggest mess). In the end though I try to just shrug it off.
  5. Probably deliberate attack because someone got butt furious they got banned for doing stuff they shouldn't.
  6. For a fun time, do @setcam_textures:32dfd1c8-7ff6-5909-d983-6d4adfb4255d=n
  7. I tried finding that but I couldn't find it on Google, or a down page on way back archive!
  8. It is likely the data server which residents do not directly interact with. If the data server freezes, sims freeze waiting for synchronous requests, then people get disconnected due to the sim not sending the ping request to see if the agent is still alive, and then the client thinks the sim went down.
  9. Keeping a close eye on the grid stats, it seems to be slowly climbing back up normal Sunday online resident count again, but it did take a dip at 8:27 SLT. Not entirely sure if it is stable yet.
  10. Aditi is a completely separate grid. If the main grid is having issues, unless it is a network issue, Aditi will likely not be experiencing the same issues. It makes a great bunker in situations like these.
  11. When lots of people get logged out, they almost always all try to relog back in. When the login server gets a lot of people trying to log in, a line ends up forming. Imagine the login server like a movie lobby with about 100 ticket booths, it can only serve so many people at a time, and people get put into line. Sometimes the client gets tired of waiting in line and tells you it is having problems though, so keep trying!
  12. I just managed to log in, I wonder since it is 8:00 AM SLT, perhaps LL did a quick code patch and had to log people out to fix the server? (I presume data server? I know the grid gets very grumpy when the data server gets broken.)
  13. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Rest in peas the grid (AGAIN). I'm starting to wonder if it is even the grid, and instead isn't LL's ISP/someone digging and hitting a fiber optics/etc, because that did happen before. LL(At least the ones who work on Sunday, if they work on Sunday, not sure about LL's internal work hours) is probably just now getting into their office building, it's 8:00 AM their time.
  14. I'm just glad I don't have to BAN SOMEONE for crashing the sim I moderate. At first I thought someone was crashing it but nope, Grid is just being silly.
  15. Yee it seems to be back up now, but jesus christ that 12,047 dip is the lowest I've seen the logins in a while. Unsure if the grid fixed it's self or a Linden got up to fix it. If a Linden did, thank you very much for your early morning working! --EDIT-- I have been told people have been able to get in for a while, but get logged out after a while. This may or may not still be continuing.
  16. Depends on the issue. If something went really bad, it might have caused the fail safes to fail, in which case LL will not get a text. Normally if it is a "catchable" in a sense error, LL will get a text about the grid crying.
  17. Also I should clarify, it is 4:53 AM in San Francisco right now, on a sunday. Expecting the grid to be offline for 2 to 3 more hours unless a Linden gets a text message from the grid or a Linden gets up early and they go "BRING YOUR SUNDAY TO EARLY WORK DAY". For those whom are angry, pls do not blame the Lindens. The grid breaks from time to time, and back in the day it could end up going down for a whole week! Downtimes these days are nothing and they usually fix it within 6 hours of it going down.
  18. https://secondlife.softhyena.com/stats RIP SL, it's been a good run.
  19. Chaser Zaks

    Full-Perm Policy

    Full perm stuff that states you can do whatever you want with it, usually you can resell it, although it is a dick move(if you didn't make any changes to it). However, be aware not all full perm stuff states this, for example: I "sell"(give away) a full perm mesh cube set here, if you check the description, I state "It cannot be resold as-is". What "As-is" may vary from person to person. For me, it is "If you change the color, size, etc, it is considered modified", others may see it as "You have to have built something with it". Some items are listed under a license such as GPL or Creative Commons. GPL requires you to share the source material full perm, CC may depend. EG: CC-BY you just have to credit the original creator, CC-SA means you have to share it under full perm, CC-NC means you cannot sell it. These can be done in combinations. Some require specific conditions be met such as: You must make a custom texture for it, or you have to use it in a different build where the build isn't focused around the specific part. In general, a good rule of the thumb is don't resell free stuff or full perm stuff if you didn't do anything to it other than relisting it. When in doubt, ask the seller/creator!
  20. I'm a "no opinion"(my own "religion" which states I generally don't care either way), but I like Halloween and Christmas, Halloween because I like spooky stuff, and Christmas because my family celebrates it and it is my heritage, but because it is also fun. What is wrong with people celebrating what they enjoy? Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others shouldn't. As you stated "There are over 7 billion people who inhabit the earth", you do have to share it with other people.
  21. On that list: Minecraft, Roblox, World of Warcraft, Poptropica, Neopets are games, not social worlds. Club Penguin, WeeWorld, SmallWorlds, and Meez are closed/discontinued. Woozworld, Habbo, SmallWorlds, OurWorld, Fantage, Stardoll, Neopets, Poptropica, Moshi Monsters, WeeWorld, Webkinz, Meez, and Roblox are targeted towards children. That leaves.. Twinity and IMVU. I've never played either. IMVU can arguably be targeted towards children but I know adults play it to. All I know is competing virtual world users are quite hostile towards Second Life, despite Second Life having more creative freedom in my opinion(and also movement freedom in the case of IMVU). On other virtual worlds I know of that are not on the list and I have tried: Furcadia - Grew up on there, 2D isometric game targeted towards furries. Unfortunately it seems to have been starting to slowly die lately. Haven't been on there(regularly) in years. Google Lively(Dead) - Oh boy, this is basically Google trying to pull a Google+ but with virtual worlds. It died quickly, it was slow, sluggish, no one knew what they were doing, and worst of all, it was only accessible through the web browser. Whirled(Also dead) - Also grew up here, 2D game, flash based but worked pretty well. Want to fork the code one day and get a server running(if maven will behave) for nostalgic reasons. Miuchiz(Also dead) - Was a bit fun, not really exciting, it came with a handheld you would plug into the computer to sync your character. Ran the Active Worlds engine. Active Worlds - After messing with the files of Miuchiz, I found out about Active Worlds. It looks OLD Second Life but downgraded to oblivion. Physics are extra crusty, and "regions" cost quite a bit of money which you then have to host yourself. Digital Space Traveler - Stuck in the 90s in almost every way. I think it just stays alive due to people keeping web servers running and forgetting they have it. Worlds I would like to try: Sansar - LL pls giv linux. ? High Fidelity - Philip pls giv linux. ? Worlds I haven't tried and won't try: Worlds.com - 500x worse(graphically) than Active Worlds, they only exist to patent troll any online game. In the end, I am going to just stay loyal to Second Life / Linden Lab. SL has all I need and is actively developed.
  22. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/types/ is what I was referring to. Political parties are not a protected group, so you can call them "brain dead" as much as you want. Personally I am not a fan of left wing extremist, but keep in mind, there are people on the left wing who still believe in democracy and try to work with the right to keep things balanced. (Not going to reveal my political stance because I try to stay neutral in public and don't want people to get upset at me) However outright harassing them might get you in trouble. Perhaps maybe that is because it is a support group? Granted I don't know the context, but I know politics isn't a subject for the support group and the support team already works quite hard to keep stuff under control while still helping people. Adding fuel to a fire doesn't help and your friend probably got banned for "Not here for support / Ignoring mods / Refusal to drop it".
  23. The way I see it, do: Feel free to talk politics with close friends who are same party or alright with sharing views (which is a great way to get perspective of others!) Talk politics in political debate groups or meeting regions. I forget the name of it but I know it exists. Talk politics with those who welcome a debate, or share views. Dont: Talk politics in public areas such as stores, clubs, Hangouts, etc. Light politics may be fine in Hangouts but is best avoided as it usually leads to heated arguments. Talk politics with friends you are not quite sure where they stand. Careful hint dropping and picking up is important if you wish to discuss politics with friends. Talk politics with random people in IMs. This is a good way to get blocked. Talk politics on the forums. We are here for fun, learning, and sharing (and troll watching), not to get angry at each other. For the love of all things cube like, NEVER bring up politics in new resident starting areas. People on second life come from all parts of the world and politics can scare away new resident. Discussion of politics are not censored in Second Life, but outright hatred for protected groups may lead to LL suspending you if you are reported.
  24. I know that game! Jasdac Stockholm made it. I believe what happened is you unlinked a prim or linked something to it and it changed the link set IDs. If not, send him(or me) a copy of the broke version and either jasdac or I will take a look at it.
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