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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Heh, I'll have to demo this hair. Would look perfect on the Lel Prim head.
  2. ^ Call me a fangirl, but I dig Henri's fixes. Cool VL makes PBR quite usable for me with decent frame rates on my 5yo laptop, with a 1050 GPU. ETA: I can also turn off ALM with Henri's viewer. I can't do that with the other TPVs, or LL's viewer.
  3. I think the PetiteX would work for you. I've already tried it out and it can flatten nicely, it can work with some flat chested skins. As usual... no real update on FlatX's release... this is the blurb from a Maitreya rep in Discord, 4 days ago: "The next announced update about Flat will be: "It's out!"" ok lol... I guess my phone will blow a gasket once FlatX is released!
  4. Great video about dealing with gatekeepers and trash talkers online. It's about enjoying guitar gear, but change a few details and it could be about what all of us do in Second Life (or any other hobby). Some cussing (this is a true-blue metal player talking here), but very minimal, and handled eloquently. Well worth the 15 1/2 minutes to watch if you need some inspiration. I enjoy most of Mr Kyle Bull's gear videos.
  5. SL shot has the snowman. Tungsten.run AI didn't like him lol, why? He is cute!
  6. I just do it the old school way! My 5 year old gaming mouse has seen more action with SL lately, still works lol. It's not a wireless model. I tried one of the TP hammer mods but it felt like cheating to me so I removed it. I don't use any game cheats anymore (ok not true but I try to avoid them these days, sometimes grinding it out is better).
  7. Cool, I own a few of those outfits so hopefully I can have them redelivered with LaraX included. (3x win for me as all of the ones I have include Erika and Legacy sizes :D)
  8. I mostly agree with this. It may be necessary to use specific weapons for some games, especially ones with strong RP/story specific elements.
  9. If you can log on using your main account via web browser through secondlife.com, you can try opening a support ticket to explain your issue with LL. They might be able to figure out why your account is being blocked from entering in world.
  10. FS RAM can be regulated by changing the MaxHeapSize setting, under Debug settings. I use 16 GB, based on half of my PC's RAM at 32 GB. That still leaves me with 8-10 GB for a RAM drive (if I choose to use one), and the rest for letting me run one instance of Chrome, vlc for background music and the Discord app for chatting with some Residents. I could also choose to use Discord in Chrome instead, saving me some extra RAM. I rarely notice RAM usage spiking much once MaxHeap Size is set to half of the system RAM. For me it uses about 9-10 GB on average when RAM usage peaks.
  11. When I demoed the Lelutka Prim and inspected the body shape, I noticed it would work really well as a short, petite (or petite like without using PetiteX) body. That's what made me score the head on Black Friday. I was sold! I've shortened my Prim to 4.5 feet, the shortest I could take the shape. Still have a normal and relatively zaftig look for her, of course. 'taps Erika...'
  12. That's what I do. Recently I wanted to thank the Mighty Gingko via notecard about the Bladencat Hume anthro cat body. I didn't realize she left SL earlier this year due to some differences of opinion with some stuck up rando over LGBT issues. Sucked... I wanted to buy the body again to gift an alt with it.
  13. If everything runs OK, you can ignore those warnings. That occurs sometimes when the viewer is upgrading and checking requirements. I've seen it with other viewers as well when doing background checks (usually during auto upgrades). It's a momentary thing.
  14. OK... got V5 to work. Deleted my home directory's /.wine folder and started over, then reinstalled BD 5 without the runtimes or dxvk. It works as well as I can run it in my GTX 1050 laptop. Just need to tweak a few more settings in BD. Thanks (Linux distro used is Ubuntu Studio 22.04.3 LTS, with the latest Nvidia drivers.)
  15. This. Also possible to wear skins for both bodies that look less ripped, and more like a swimmer's... here's one skin (among many) for Jake that isn't chiseled. I'll have to poke my male alt to try this out. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Flesh-x-Belleza-Jake-Toned-Body-Mediums-Minipack/17467115
  16. My only concern at this point really is that autohide stuff for LaraX is in order. 'Cause... shh (but no, really, some days I just like to slip into designated Adult sims where I can drop stuff at will, and walk around in my best suit without messing with the body hud so I need autohide to work for me lol)
  17. Yes. The LL viewer is configured by default to download updates in the background.
  18. I'm trying to like it... still my choice for the odd angles, its PBR implementation is all right but not without issues. Anyway, I miss some of the more advanced color and lighting controls it once had. I still have 4.3.2 installed, that version has the advanced color and lighting controls built in. For the Linux/Wine fans, I can't get 5.0 to work for me. Not a huge deal personally, but... BD just won't run anymore, even if you have the proper Visual C++ libraries installed in Wine. Yup... we're stuck with 4.3.2 until it no longer works in SL if you must use BD. First shot is in 5.0, inside Rachel Breaker's office. No PP, straight from the viewer. Second shot is from 4.3.2. I'm guessing that's one of Rachel's "labs" I stumbled on to. Looks like a hill full of $%^& LOL! Turned up the green hues and added a bit of chromatic aberration. Also taken straight from BD, 4.3.2. I know a lot of you have more expertise in using BD as an artistic and videography tool, so I'd like your thoughts on the new viewer... I'll try to follow up here as much as I can. If you have managed to run any version of 5.0 in Linux/Wine, I'd love to hear from you as well.
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