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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Well played... *hiss* *swipes the bird instead*
  2. Ok... fine. Looks like no one is interested in resurrecting these wretched things. *searches for a Tweety avi instead, already has a Red Bird*
  3. The hoverboard gift from last summer's SL20 is fun. A bit noisy, but I haven't been told to stop using it lol
  4. Yup, Erika can pose the feet separately. That's not why I bought it for myself though... one of my alts has had Erika since v1.4 IIRC. Guess I was jealous lol but don't worry, no weird politics involved. I think Erika's a great body that deserves more support. OK, back to LaraX
  5. Is there anything close to the Sion chickens anymore? I might buy one or two for my alts lol... I WANT ONE! (Or a reasonable clone of it...)
  6. [alt mode] A robot zoo... Mainframe event is nearby.
  7. Sent an alt there... was asked why he was taking a look inside.
  8. Oh crap... based on some comments here, I probably would hate being on IMVU today then. Popups upon first login? Never got that from any other metaverse I've tried so far, not even VRChat. Never had an issue with the learning curve of SL. Mechanically, SL isn't much different from playing RPG's or flight simulators IMO. That's why I got that part quickly. It's the creative end of things that took longer for me to figure out... but that one never ends, really. That's what hooked me to SL (and a bit later with Open Sim, the weirdo hypergrid cousin), along with some of the social aspects it encourages in world.
  9. Yep... that's what one of my brothers IRL would say. That's why I chuckled
  10. As an Asian hailing from the Philippines IRL, I thank you for this response.
  11. @ZKbruhman: "High concept Avant-garde fusion. You guys add that extra bit of spicy randomness to our bland 4/4 lives"
  12. Oh well... this is why I tend to go to rock/metal clubs if I want to socialize. I'm just p&$sed there isn't a good animation for moshing, but that's another story. I will gladly dress up for formal clubs, but ya, if I'm required to be the Amazonian queen, I'll move elsewhere. If I owned a formal club, the only requirements I'd put up after formal wear is don't come in with a child avi, and don't disrespect the guests and staff. (Rant) Maybe this is why I love Open Sim. A lot of the formal clubs there aren't as restrictive. And no, I don't care if anyone says it's because any single hypergrid there isn't as heavily populated as SL is on any given day. Heck, the formal clubs there sometimes allow Dinkies and other creatures, as long as they come in formal wear. Just no child avis. (End rant)
  13. Anyone out there still able to run it? I want to mess with it a little. I know, I can use Kokua, FS, or even Cool VL Viewer if I don't want to play with PBR full time just yet. Is there something I can check to block update prompts so maybe it'll work? Registry hack, maybe?
  14. I do love both eras, but as someone who plays some bass and guitar (as well as being somewhat fanatical), the Roth era is a lot more fun to jam on!
  15. movie samples used in the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QChKXcpRZ9c
  16. Yup, lots of SL refugees exist in Open Sim. One of them runs a hypergrid that is actually bigger than SL. I talk to him quite a bit in Discord and sometimes in world.
  17. Neat! Would it be possible to demo the vehicle? That was a fun game.
  18. Those who wish to live out their fantasies. Those who want to live a second life, because something in their first life prevents them from achieving certain goals and ideals.
  19. Yeah, far cheaper to look like her in SL (or next to nothing in Open Sim lol) than to buy those tickets! I cam mimic being upscale more easily in SL than I can in RL, even as I own/rent nothing in world. I spend about $5-$10 USD on average in SL.
  20. Rye Cogtail. He is the lead developer for the Alchemy TPV. I need a drink, excuse me...
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